Chapter 13: The boys in blue

We see the blue light fly through the sky heading to it's destination as we see Noble Squad, Sonic and Tails inside the Blue light as Brains pilots the Blue Light with Y/n as he check up on Brains and then head to see the rest. Tails work on some upgrades to R2-J8 while Sonic chats with Rusher and Cleaner as Y/n enters the room and Sonic see him and walks over to him.

Sonic: (smile) So are we close?

Y/n: Almost. We be arriving at Station Square in one minute.

Rusher: By then the 501st will be there and start the fun without us.

Cleaner: (smirk) That's what the 501st are bro.

Tails: I am curious about the 501st Legion. I over heard by some clones that they are the best clone Legion around.

Y/n: (smile) That's right. They're one of the toughest Legion within the grand army of the Republic. It's lead by Captain Rex along with General Skywalker of the Jedi order.

Sonic: Is his actual name Anakin Skywalker?

Y/n: That's right. What I heard General Skywalker is one of the most clever Generals around and rarely lost a fight. He's also the Chosen one that will bring balance to the force.

Sonic: (smirk) Chosen one huh? Sounds cool, I always wanted to be a Chosen one.

Rusher: (smirk) The Chosen one that eats Chili dogs for the rest of your life type of Chosen one?

Sonic: (smirk) That and be the fastest Hedgehog and handsome Hedgehog of all time.

Rusher: (smirk) Keep dreaming that.

Cleaner: I also heard he got a Padawan with him. I believe his Padawan arrived during the battle of Christophsis.

Y/n: Really? Huh. Well that's a fun fact.

Tails: (smile) Still can't wait.

Suddenly the blue light shake follow by some explosions coming from outside as Y/n race over to the cockpit and once there he looks out of the windows and see Station Square with some towers in flames while there is a Republic Venator hovering over the city while gunships fly out of the hanger.

Brains: Looks like they started their attack without us.

Y/n: Looks like it. Find us their base and set her down.

Brains: Already on it bro.

The Blue light flies through Station Square as the battle is seen below with the 501st Legion clone troopers battling against the Separatist.

Soon they reach the Republic outpost as they set down on the landing pad and once down they exit out of the Blue Light and look around to see many Clone trooper with blue markings on their armor as they march around while some stand around either talking to thei brothers or in guard duty.

They walk through the base looking for General Skywalker or Rex so they can get their mission while Sonic looks at the Blue markings on their armor.

Sonic: (smirk) Now I really wish these were my troops. Blue is totally my style.

Tails: (smile) It be cool if that were to happen.

Brains: Unfortunately that won't be possible. The only way to become General is being a jedi.

Sonic: That sucks. Oh well, can't win it all.

They arrive to alarge tent and they enter inside and see Captain Rex talking to several clone troopers as Rex explain their plan and after that they make their way out of the tent while they walk over to him.

Y/n: (smile) Nice to meet you Captain Rex.

Rex: (smile) Same to you Y/n. It's been a while since we last met. Especially your squad.

Y/n: Yeah same to you and your men. Oh this is Sonic and Tails, they're from the Freedom fighters of this planet and here to help. Hope you don't mind.

Rex: Not at all. Welcome to 501st you two.

Sonic: (smirk) Same here Captain.

Tails: So what is the mission?

Rex: We believe the Separatist have rounded up all civilians within this city and try to transport them off this city and to somewhere else within this planet.

Y/n: To be roboticized?

Rex: Maybe, they have been capturing many humans within the area.

Brains: That is weird.

Rex: Indeed. General Skywalker and his Padawan are away to rescue them bit we lost connect them when they enter down town. We believe they are in trouble.

Y/n: Sent us down there Rex. We can find them and help them out.

Rex: Thanks, I'll have a few clones to aid you. Be safe Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) No worries Rex. We can handle it.


We see Noble squad, Sonic, Tails and five Clone troopers from the 501st slowly making their way down town with blasters in hand and scanning around the area while making sure there is no ambushes gonna to attack them.

The streets were empty and destroyed with flipped vehicles and some buildings damaged as they look around while Brains walks over to Y/n and tell him.

Brains: Okay I've got more information about this city. It appears thus city is actually a human city. There are some Mobian's but mostly there used to be a lot of humans living here.

Y/n: Still why would the Separatist bother of kidnapping humans?

Tails: They must have plans for them. I mean Robotnik doesn't care what they are as long he gets the results.

Sonic: (smirk) Yeah Nd the only result we're getting for him is a beat down.

Tails: (smile) Yeah.

Behind them were two clones named Echo and Fives as they stare at Sonic and Tails while Echo whisper to Fives.

Echo: (whisper) So these are the Mobian's that Noble Squad found many months back?

Fives: (whisper) Yeah. At first I thought this planet was just filled with humans but guess they're not alone.

Echo: (whisper) Still they are interesting.

Fives: (whisper) Agree.

They make their way through the street while in the distance we see a commando droids within a building ad one of them aim down his sniper and zoom in on them and after a while of aiming he fire a shot which hits a Clone trooper in the head while Y/n calls out.

Y/n: Take cover!

They did as they split while more red bolts fly out while a commando droid nodes to another which he nodes back and gets in radio.

Commando droid: Captain you are start your attack.

Battle droid Captain: (radio) Roger Roger.

We see Y/n with Sonic Brains and three clone troopers while Tails, Rusher, Cleaner, Echo and Fives were at the other side as two get cover behind a destroyed car while Y/n try to peak over to spot the sniper bit a bolt hits the car near Y/n and gets down.

Y/n: Tall building in front of us. Fourth floor up. Sonic can you rush over and take them out?

Sonic: (smirk) Of course I can. They maybe good snipers but they can't catch me.

Then he dashes off, surprising the Clone troopers while tyey hear marching which they peak over and see an army of droids coming towards them.

Brains: That's bad.

Y/n: Don't worry we can handle them.

Then two droid fighters came down and once they were close to he ground they land with their four legs and make their way towards them.

Y/n: Well looks like this mission is getting interesting. Cleaner!

Cleaner: (smirk) Already on it bro.

Cleaner finish changing his rifle to a cannon and aims at one of the Separatist fighters and fire at one which exploded and fell to the ground. Another turn and was aboit to fire but Fives acts fast and pulls out a detonator and throw it at the Separatist fighter which blow up while Cleaner finish it off as it exploded and fell to thr ground.

Cleaner: Nice act thinking trooper.

Fives: Thank you sir.

Y/n: Sonic what's your situation?

Sonic: (radio) Snipers are taking care off and even more good news. Those Separatist droids are done for as well.

Y/n: (surprised) Huh I know your fast but save the fun for us will you?

Sonic: (radio) I didn't do it.

They peak over to see green and blue lights slashing at the droids within the smoke and while bolts fly out. After a while it stop and the the smoke clear up to see General Skywalker and his padawan standing over a pile of sliced up battle droids while they walk over to them.

Y/n and the rest leave their cover and walk over to them as Y/n and the rest salute to General Skywalker while Sonic race back.

Y/n: General Skywalker, good to see you alright.

Anakin: (smirk) I'm always alright Commander. I see you were sent here by your general.

Y/n: Indeed sir. Noble Squad ready for action along with the rest of the 501st Legion.

Sonic: (smirk) And the Freedom fighters as well! Hey, sonic the Hedgehog is the name and this is my good buddy named Tails. We're from the Freedom fighters here to help.

Anakin: (smile) So your the new species that the Jedi council were talking about. Well nice to meet you, names Anakin Skywalker and this is my padawan.

Ahoska: (smile) Nice to meet you two.

Y/n: Captain rex was feared that you two were endanger so he sent us to give you.

Anakin: Yeah we were ambushed while we were making our way to the captured civilians. We managed escape to the sewers which snips didn't like.

Ahoska: It was awful! Besides you hate the smell more then me!

Anakin: (smirk) Far point. Anyways we stumble to a group of survivors and they told us something that troubles us.

Y/n: What did they say sir?

Anakin: If I'm not mistaken, this Robotnik is trying to make his clone army for the Separatist and kidnapping many humans so he can see who will be a perfect person to be cloned.

Y/n: (surprised) That's impossible sir.

Brains: (surprised) I know Robotnik is a genius but cloning is impossible.

Sonic: Well not the first time he did the impossible. He did try to build a robot version of me and my friends. Still that is troubling, if he has a army of Separatist Clones.

Anakin: Then the war will turn to the Separatist favour.

Y/n: Then we need to stop them before it's too late.

Anakin: Agree. Luckily the survivors told us where they are. Let's move it men, times to save some lives.

They follow Anakin and Ahoska to where the captured human civilians are at in hopes to stop the Separatist from cloning any Separatist troopers.


They arrived to a Elementary school as they sneak through the forest and peak over to see Separatist droids with a rounded up human civilians while Separatist droids patrol the area as Ahoska whispered.

Ahoska: (whisper) There's so many of them. They rounded up near the whole cities civilians.

Sonic: (whisper) That's not cool. Let's rush in and stop them!

Y/n: Hold your legs Sonic. Let's wait for the General and his idea.

Anakin: (whisper) Actually commander let's go with Sonic's plan.

Y/n: (whisper) Yes sir. Follow your lead.

Ahoska: (whisper) Try to keep up.

The two jedi active their light sabers and they rush out thre as they take out ad many battle droids in the area while a few turn and open fire at them while Anakin deflected the bolts back at the battle droids while Sonic gose around and taking away their weapons out from the battle droids hand.

Battle droid: Hey that's not fair.

Anakin smirk while he slice them up and force push some back while the rest take them out while Tails gets everyone inside the building. Echo spotted a battle droid with a rocket launcher and fire a rocket at Tails and the civilians but Echo quickly fire at the rocket which blow up mide flight while he take out the battle droid.

Tails: (smile) Nice aim!

Echo: (smile) Thanks.

Noble Squad take care the rest of the battle droids while Anakin slice up some battle droids while Sonic leaps over Anakin and kicks one droid away while he spine dashes and take out the five other droids around Anakin while he lands behind him.

Anakin: (smirk) I'm impress. Been fighting them for a while?

Sonic: (smirk) They might be different but they are just like Robotniks creations.

Anakin: (smirk) Really? What is the difference between the Separatist and Robotniks?

Then there is a large thud follow by more thuds as they look over to see a large super Badnik burst out of the forest with a large hammer while Sonic points at it and said.

Sonic: That's the difference.

Anakin: (surprised) Wow!

Ahoska: I got this!

Ahoska rushes over while the Super Badnik spotted her and slam it's hammer onto the ground, making a earthquake that shakes the ground and make Ahoska fell on the ground while the Super Badnik was about to slam it's hammer once more but this tike at Ahoska.

Suddenly the super Badnik was hit by an explosion which they see three AT-TE walkers with Rex on top of one as he points at the super Badnik and yells.

Rex: Fire!

The cannons fire at the Super Badnik and the Super Badnik gets hit by the cannons and stumble back while Anakin rushes over and slice off the legs with his light saber and once that the super Badnik fell to thr ground while Sonic leaps up to the air and dose a spine dash downward and strike through at the Super Badnik and once that it blue up while Sonic lands on the ground.

He walks over and helps Ahoska up.

Sonic: (smile) Good thing you weren't pancaked and served as Robotniks breakfast.

Ahoska: (smile) I could have handle it.

Anakin: (smile) What ever you say snips. Still good job.

She smiled while Republic back up arrives as they take the civilians to safety while Anakin, Ahoska, Noble Squad, Sonic and Tails walks over to Rex as Rex salute to Anakin and Ahoska.

Rex: General Skywalker, glad to see you and your padawan unharmed. Hope we didn't miss too much.

Anakin: (smile) Not at all Rex. Nice timing back there as well.

Rex: Thank you sir. Have you gotten any information that might explain us why the Separatist were capturing human civilians?

Anakin: Yeah I need to report this to the Jedi Council at once.

Rex: Yes sir!

The two leave to talk to one of the council members while Ahoska turns to Noble Squad, Sonic and Tails.

Ahoska: Gonna say, this is the first time I ever met Republic Commandos. You guys are pretty cool.

Y/n: (smile) Well that's why we're the best.

Ahoska: (smile) I can see why and it's nice to meet your friends as well.

Sonic: (smile) Pleasure is all ours.

Ahoska: (smile) Hope we can work together even more in the future.

Tails: (smile) Same.

Then Rex and Anakin return back as Anakin and Y/n shake hands while Anakin tells him and the rest.

Anakin: (smile) Thanks for the help Noble Squad. I'll report your brave actions to the Chancellor so he might bring some rewards to you and your squad.

Y/n: (smile) That's alright sir. We're just do what is best for the Republic and to the galaxy.

Anakin: (smile) I respect that. Come on Ahoska, let's make our leave.

Ahoska: (smile) Of course master.

The trio make their leave while Noble Squad, Sonic and Tails make their leave as Sonic tells Y/n.

Sonic: (smile) Guess me and Anakin are similar, do you guys think?

Y/n: A little but I see you two bring a great team together.

Brains: Yeah since you two are very strong and powerful.

Sonic: (smile) True. You think we can see them again in the future?

Y/n: (smile) Only time will tell Sonic. Still let's return back to the Blue light and see what is our next mission.

There was a beep coming from Brains datapad so he pulls it out and looks at it.

Brains: No need. I've just gotten a new mission for us.

Y/n: (surprised) Really? What is it?

Brains: It doesn't say. It just said "Come to G.U.N HQ immediately." It appears I was sent by Abraham Tower.

Rusher: Wait isn't Shadow, Rouge and Omega apart of G.U.N?

Sonic: Yeah, they're like the militia group of Mubuis. When the Separatist invaded the planet, G.U.N go to defensive and try to defend their base as best they can.

Y/n: Now with the Republic bakcing them up, they are now striking back. Still wonder what they want for us?

Brains: No clue but it looks like this mission is just for Noble Squad.

Y/n: Guess just us then.

Sonic: (smirk) Well that's G.U.N for ya. For some reason they hate this Hedgehog but they're not like Robotnik.

Tails: Besides we should help out with any survivors within this city and see we can more information about this clone army that Robotnik is making.

Y/n: Well good luck yuo two and see you both once we are back at Knothole.

Sonic: (smile) Same to you guys. See ya.

Sonic and Tails race off yo help any survivors within Station Square while Noble Squad return back to the Blue light to head to G.U.N HQ and see what type of mission they want them to do.

Then we cut to a inside of a scope as we see someone watching Nobel Squad making their leave while we see the user herself as she lower her rifle and slowly gets up as we see she is wearing a mask on her face.

She stand there for a while before she turn and make her leave as she disappear from sight just as Republic Gunships flies over to help any survivors as the Republic won the battle of Station Square and now doing their best to find any survivors that maybe trapped in ruble.

To be continued..............

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