Chapter 11: Defend my island!
Republic gunships fly through the cloads approaching to thier location which was Angel Island as we see more and more Republic defenses set up around the island and they were ready for a Separatist attack that will come to take the Matser Emerald away from the island.
Republic clone troopers march around the island while engineers are seen repair some cannons while a small camp is set up as we see Y/n with his helmet on the holotable as Sally, Zack and Knuckles are seen as holograms after Y/n told them what happened.
Knuckles: (hologram) How dare they step onto my island and trying to steal the master Emerald!
Sally: (hologram) What are trandoshan's?
Zack: (hologram) They're hunters that love to hunt and they make deals with the Separatist.
Y/n: And now they're working with them to try to steal the master Emerald. Luckily my squad manage to take out their base before they could plan anything.
Sally: (hologram) That's good to hear. Listen, don't allow the Separatist to get their hands on the Master Emerald. Robotnik may have captured it several times but who knows what the Separatist may do with it.
Y/n: Possibly to make weapons that is more destructive then Ronotnik's.
Sally: (hologram) Maybe but I hope you'll do this alright without Sonic or Knuckles. Sorry we need them on a mission, we believe there is a Chaos Emerald and we need all the help we can get.
Y/n: (smile) That's alright. Besides we have Gemerl with us and he's pretty powerful to a robot that copies anyones attacks. Not to mention Rouge who seems like she knows what she is doing.
Sally: (hologram) Alright. Just keep an eyenon Gemerl, Cream doesn't want it to return badly damaged.
Y/n: (smile) Don't worry, we keep him safe for Cream.
Y/n: Knuckles were protecting a master Emerald. How are we suppose to protect it if we are far away from it.
Sally: (hologram) He's got a good point.
Knuckles: (hologram) Fine.
Zack: (hologram) We sent some backup as best we can. Till then, may the force be with you.
He nodes and the transmission ends. He exit out of the tent to see many Republic troops setting up defenses as he walks over to the temple where the master Emerald is at as his squad and Tangle were there as Tangle looks at the master Emerald.
Tangle: (smile) Whoa, Jewals will wanna take a look at that if we ever come back here.
Rusher: Knuckles may not allow that.
Y/n: What's the report?
Rusher: Nothing much. The defenses are settling up perfectly and it seems like we're ready for anything.
Y/n: Let's keep it that way. Where is Gemerl and Rouge?
Brains: They're away with some clone troopers to search for anymore camps set up by either Separatist forces or trandoshan's.
Tangle: Have you ever encounter those lizard like hunters before.
Brains: Well no, this was the first. But I do hear Delta squad encounter them a few months back. The trandoshan's have taking control of a Republic ship and Delta squad was sent to find out what happened.
Tangle: So how strong are they?
Cleaner: Very strong. Remember they were born to ight in order to survive and hunt so yeah. They are pretty strong in so many ways.
Tangle: Sounds dangerous......and kinda cool as well.
Y/n: So tell us about this Gemerl. I never know the Freedom fighters have another friendly robot on your side.
Tangle: What I heard is that he was build like every other robot many years ago. Then Sonic defeat him, they reprogrammed him and now he's apart of Creams Family as her protector.
Y/n: (smile) Seems nice to have a robot like Gemerl to protect her.
Gemerl: We have returned.
Then Rouge and Gemerl came back with a few Clone troopers as Y/n asked.
Y/n: Any enemy camps?
Gemerl: Negative.
Rouge: Seems like we got all of it. Now we just need to be ready for anything when those Separatist come.
Tangle: How long that will take?
Clone trooper: There they come!
They look over to see Separatist fighters along with driod shuttles making it's way towards Angel Island as the Clone cannot pilots get inside and control the cannons and aim it at the incoming fighters and open fire. Many cannons fire at them and took down most Separatist fighters while some dodges the shots and explosen and making it's way towards Angel island.
Y/n: Seems like they are here right now! Everyone battle stations! Rushergive us sniper cover.
Rusher: Right!
Y/n: Cleaner get ready those explosens when ever they get too close to the master Emerald.
Rusher: Right!
Y/n: Brains make sure all equipment and weapons are working fine. We don't want any of them to malfunction during battle.
Brains: Will do sir!
His squad split off to do their own thing while Y/n puts on his helmet and a Clone trooper tossed a DC-15A blaster rifle which he catches.
Tamgle: (smirk) Wanna try something new.
Y/n: You know it. Seems like you, Rouge and Gemerl are with me. Let's kick those clankers off of this island.
Tangle: (smirk) Right!
They rush off as the September shuttles make landing at the landing pad and they march out and open fire at the clone troopers as they get shot by yhe incoming droids as Y/n, Tangle, Rouge and Gemerl arrive and join the other clones as they open fire at the Separatist droids as they took them out.
More and more Separatist shuttles came out through the cloads as they were taking out by Republic cannons but Separatist fighters fired at the cannons and blow them up. The shuttles make their landing and more and more droids pour out with some super battle droids as they open fire and toom out a few Clone troopers.
Tangle: Hey you think this is too many?
Y/n: We just need to keep holding up the line and-
Suddenly he spotted something and sees a cloak figure and at first he must be thinking it must be his imagination but then he see two light saber hilts from both the cloak figures hands and active crimson red as her face is shown to him and the rest.
Y/n: It's Ventress! Take her out!
The Clones aim their blasters at her and open fire but she deflected their bolts and even deflected some back at the clones and take some out. She leaps over the army of droids and swings her light saber around and taking out qs many clones she sees and force pushing them away.
Tangle: Um who is that with no hair?
Y/n: That Ventress, a sith assassin! Eveyrone pull back, pull back!
They pull back as Ventress stab a few Clone troopers and looks up to see them falling back. A battle droid commander walks over to her.
Battle Droid commander: We have token control of the landing pad ma'am.
Ventress: Push forward and don't stop until you reach the temple. I'll call my master to tell him the news.
Battle Droid commander: Roger, Roger!
Y/n and the rest of what's left of the cline troopers made it out there alive as Cleaner approached them and ask.
Cleaner: What happened?
Tangle: Let's just say they overwhelmed us and they have a sith assassin along.
Cleaner: You mean Ventress. Crap.
Y/n: Still are the bombs set.
Cleaner: Yep and ready to blow.
Y/n: Good. We hold off here and wait for them to come.
Cleaner nodes while Y/n gets on come.
Y/n: Brains, what's the situation?
Brains: (coms) Just done with the defenses around the temple. Nothing it's not gonna get pass this.
Y/n: Good, I'll have Gemerl to come over and help. Gemerl will you head over and help Barins
Gemerl: Request complay.
Then he heads off just as they hear a army of battle droids marching towards them.
Y/n: Everyone find cover. Let's see we surprise them.
They find some cover and hide themselves as Y/n peaks over to see an army of battle droids marching through the dirt road with Cleaner have his finger on the trigger waiting for them to get through. After a while of waiting they step into the trap amd Cleaner pulls the trigger and there was an explosion that sent battle droids flying with battle droid parts flying as Republic troopers came out from their cover and open fire at them.
The remaining battle droids fire back but they were quickly taking out and once that they walk over to the destroyed battle droid as Tangle kicks one of their heads.
Tangle: (smirk) Not as smart now!
Y/n: Nice work everyone. Now we just need to hold off a second wave and we-
Brains: (coms) Y/n we have a situation!
Y/n: Say again Brains! What's your situation!
Barins: (coms) Those Separatist have found another way to get by your defenses and now they are already here along witn Ventress. Gemerl is fighting her right now but who knows how long!
Y/n: We're on our way back now! Everyone, double timing! Go go go!
They rush back to the temple and as they are getting close they can her blasters firing as they arrive and see Separatist forces arrive as Republic forces opening fire at the Separatist and taking them out. Most were on turrets but they were quickly taking out. We see Rusher on top of the temple and picking off Separatist droids while Barins is shooting them with hid blaster pistol as Y/n, Tangle and Cleaner along with other clones reach over to Batins.
Y/n: Where is Gemerl?
Barins: Fighting Ventress but it seems that he is winning!
Then Gemerl was slammed onto a wall and fell to the ground as they over and see Ventress as she rushes over to her.
Y/n: Open fire!
They open fire at her but Ventress deflected them and force push them to the ground. She leaps over and throw her second light saber at Rusher which he dodge just in time qs Ventress lands on the ground.
Then her lag was grabbed by Tangles tail as Ventress turns to her as Tangle smirked at her.
Tangle: (smirk) You won't go anywhere.
She swings her light saber which Tangle immediately let go just as Y/n rush at her and pinned her to the wall.
Tangle: (thought) That was close. Thought I will lose my tail if she cut it.
Y/n strike blows at her but she force pushed him which he slammed to the ground. He slowly try to get up but she reach out from the force and lift him up in the air and aims her light saber at him and pulled him towards the blade.
But Y/n reach out his arm and fired a shock wave that sent Ventress flying while at the same time he fell to the ground. He stood up and aim his blaster pistol at her while she slowly stand up.
Ventress: From all the clones I have met, your very different to tge rest of your brothers.
Y/n: We won't let you take the master Emerald.
Ventress: Take? (Chuckle) Foolish clone. My mission was to destroy it.
Tamgle: Wait why destroy it?
Ventress: You don't get it do you. This is a floating island and it's powered by the master Emerald. If the master Emerald left the islan, then the island will lose it's power and fell down to earths surface. Once that happens, it will create a large wave that will destroy any cities or any Republic bases.
Y/n: So you came here to destroy it so the Separatist can kill not just innocent of people but clones as well! Well that's not gonna happen.
Ventress: We'll see about that.
She then reach out amd forcechockes Tangle as she turns to Y/n.
Ventress: Lower your weapons or this one will die.
Y/n: (anger) Let her go!
Ventress: Not until you lower your weapon trooper. Or else.
He looks over Tangle and to Ventress. He then look over the temple and knows Rusher will take the shot so he pretended to lower his rifle very slowly as Ventress smirked. Then suddenly a blue bolt hits her hand which cost Tangle to drop to the ground while more blue bolts take down many battle droids.
Ventress was in rage by this as she active two light sabers and rushes towards Y/n but then an explosion knocks her back and she sees more Gunships arrive to help as they set down and Republic clone troopers lead by Shark charge and take out many Separatist forces.
Ventress was in rage by this and makes her escape as Clone troopers try to stop her but she disappeared into the forest and soon a shuttle flies off. Shark helps Tangle up while Y/n walks over to Shark.
Y/n: Thanks for the help Commander.
Shark: No problem. Glad you and the rest are safe and we arrive here just in time.
He nodes and Shark walks off while Y/n turns to Tangle.
Y/n: You okay?
Tangle: Yeah I'm fine. But that was awesome! I never thought I could be fighting an actual sith!......if I know what they are.
Y/n: (smile) Soon you'll find out. Just glad your safe.
She blushed but smiled as the rest of Noble Squad walks over as Y/n turn to Rusher.
Y/n: Gonna say your quick with your shots Rusher. Guess everything slow down for you.
Rusher: What? I didn't do that? My rifle was having some problems and before I could figure it out, the battle has won.
Cleaner: But we saw blue bolts and I don't think we don't have any Republic snipers with us.
Barins: Come to think about it, those bolts came from far away so if it wasn't us then.....who?
Tangle: (surprised) Maybe it's that legendary guardian angel.
Y/n: Guardian what now?
Tangle: She is this legend hero that works alone and what i heard she sounds so cool. She wipe out a Separatist base within one day and even took on an army of super battle droids.
Y/n: Has anyone not seen her?
Tangle: Well no but they were reports they see a mask on her face and they know who ever she is, she must be a great sniper.
Y/n: I see. Well if she is on our side, it's a good thing she is.
Rusher: Think we ever gonna see her again?
Barins: Who knows.
Shark: Got some good news.
Then Shark walks over to them and tells them.
Shark: They've gotten another Chaos Emerald so we have tow Chaos Emeralds now.
Y/n: Sounds great.
Tangle: (smile) More then great!
Shark: What's more, we believe there is a map that could lead us to another chaos Emerald. Unfortunately we can decode it but Nicole is working on it as we speak.
Y/n: Sounds good to hear.
Brains: Maybe we should head back and I can help Nicole with the coding.
Y/n: That's a good idea.
Shark: Well let's go, let's head back to base.
Noble Squad and Tangle follow Shark to the gunship and once inside they fly off while we see a masked figure watching them fly off as she watch them leave before she turn and walk off.
In robotropolis we see Robotnik speaking to Jelcho through hologram just as Ventress enters as the transmission ends and Robotnik turn his chair towards her.
Robotnik: Let me guess, mission failed.
Ventress: Indeed. We try our best but there were a lot of clones.
Robotnik: This is getting bad as I thought. If they get upper hands of this battle, I will lose my empire!
Ventress: And the factory along with everything else will be gone as well.
Robotnik: Don't you think I know that! Hhhmm there has to be a way to get an upper hand. If only I have my own clone army......wait a minute....that's it! I can't make my own clone army.
Ventress: And how are you going to do that?
Robotnik: If I find a perfect DNA of someone within the galaxy that is far more deadly and stronger then the Jango fett's clones, I just might have the upper hand! Ventress see you can find a perfect person to be cloned into my new army!
He laughs while Ventress bows and turns to make her leave. Onceshe left she pulls out a holopad and count Dooku appear on the holopad.
Ventress: Master it seems that Robotnik is planning of making a Separatist clone army to combat against the Republic on Mubuis. Shall I kill him?
Dooku: (hologram) No. He might be insane but he can create droids that is far more stronger then the Republic. Besides, i believe a Separatist clone army might drag the Republic forces off of Mubuis. Complay to his request and find a good DNA sample and report back to him once you are done.
Ventress: As you wish my master.
She ends the call and walks off while we cut back to Robotnik working on the armor for the Separatist clone troopers and after a while of typing he finally finish it and looks at the screen to look at the armor as he smirks and laughs while we see the design of a Separatist clone trooper armor.
To be continued..............................
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