Chapter 1: A new planet

Travelling through Hyper space we see the ship called the Blue light as it travels through Hyper Space and to the coordinates the crew within have received by the Republic.

Within the Blue Lightbwe see someone in a room writing up a journey on his datapad. He was in the middle of his writing when someone knock at his door follow by the voice said through the other side.

???: Hey just wanna let you know, the general is gonna be calling us in 1 minute. Just wanna put the heads up.

He sees that he will continue this later and place down his datapad down and grab his Republic Clone Commando helmet and puts it on. Soon he exit out of the room and we see Y/n stepping out of the room of their ship. He turn to see his squad/Clone Brother named Brains as he was standing near his door and turn his head to see him.

Brains: So what were you doing in there?

Y/n: Just some work that's all. Are we close to the planet yet?

Brains: almost but why would the Republic sent us into a unknown area of Outer rim?

Y/n: We'll find out once the general contact us. What ever the Separatist are up to, we are gonna stop it.

Brains: Can't wait for that sir.

Y/n: (smile) Agree.

The two brothers enter the interior of the Blue light we're they see Rusher and Cleaner playing sabacc while R2-J8 watches them play and so dose Y/n and Brains.

Cleaner: I win.

Rusher: Oh come on!

Cleaner: (smirk) Better luck next time.

Rusher: Yeah Yeah.

Y/n: (smile) Hey if you want me to be your player two then I'm in.

Cleaner: (chuckle) No way, your just gonna cheat.

Y/n: (smile) True.

The brothers laugh and after that Brains realise it is time and said.

Brains: Guys the general is gonna contact us soon.

Y/n: Alright. Squad form up!

They all form up and R2-J8 was in front of them and shot out a hologram in the middle of the room and their Jedi General appear in the hologram as he face the four Clone Commandos.

Zack: (hologram) Noble Squad, report on your progress.

Y/n: We are close to the location sir. No problems what so far.

Zack: (hologram) Understood. Alright I think it's time to tell you four the mission.

Brains: (whisper) Finally, it seems like Jedi's always keep secrets.

Rusher: (whisper) I think so as well.

Zack: (hologram) Reports gone around about new types of battle droids and showing to be more stronger then anything else. Many clones were killed by these new kinds of Droids and we over heard one of the Separatist leaders call them "badniks."

Cleaner: Badniks? That's kinda weird name to call them?

Zack: (hologram) Yes but they are shown to be strong and managed to help the Separatist of taking over Republic worlds. We also have gotten word that someone who made these bots is called "Doctor Ivo Robotnik." We have been trying to track him for a while but no such luck until we received coordinates of a unknown person from a unknown Planet behind Separatist lines. This is where you four came in, your objective is to meet these person and find a way to break through the blockade so my fleet and myself will come and invade the planet. This mission might be dangerous and you will be on your own until you break that blockade. Is that Understood.

Y/n: We get it done sir.

Zack: (hologram) Good. Good luck and may the force be with you all.

Then the hologram of Zack disappear and the blue light exit out of Hyper space meaning they arrive at their coordinates. All four including R2-J8 reach the cockpit and look through the window to see the planet and it was surrounded by Separatist ships that is blockaded the planet from Republic forces.

Rusher: (surprised) Wow what is that?

Brains: Not to sure. It doesn't show anything in Republic files.

Cleaner: No wonder the Separatist take over that planet without the Republic noticed. Because we haven't know that existed.

Y/n: Still we need to head down there and find out what's on the planet. Brains, Cleaner, active the ships stealth mode and get us to that planet.

Brains: On it sir.

Cleaner: Copy.

They hop onto the pilot seats and press some buttons and soon the Blue Light suddenly turn invisible and they fly through the blockade without the Separatist droids within the ships knowing they were sneaking to the planet.

Once they have gotten through they enter the planets atmosphere and soon enter through some clouds and soon exit out or the clouds and they were shocked to see one of the most large factory they have ever seen as they fly over the factory without detection.

Brains: (shocked) Now that's one of the most largest factory I've ever seen.

Cleaner: (shocked) They might have build whole army of Separatist battle droids within days or possibly an hour.

Y/n: Still. We need to find a safe landing so let's just-

Suddenly one of the controls start to beep like crazy and Brains check on what is going on and said.

Brains: Sir, missiles are coming our way!

Rusher: (shocked) What?! How the heck can they see us?

Y/n: They must have census to detected Republic ships that are invisible! Try to dodge them!

Brains: I'll try!

Missiles came out from the large city like factory and it comes towards the Blue light. Brains and Cleaner try to dodge the missiles but they see the tow missiles have their lock on them and soon the missiles lands onto the Blue light that cost an explosion and sirens start to go off within the Blue Light.

Brains: We're hit!

Cleaner: We're going down!

Y/n: Quick, brace for impact!

The Blue light circles around and flies out of Separatist area and fly over the forest before the ship crashed somewhere within the forest. The explosion follow by a shake got an attention to something with green eyes as he looks up to see the smoke within the distance and he sped off to see what it was.


We see the Blue light made a rough impact to the ground and there was smoke coming out of the back of it follow by a few fire. The hatch above start to open a bit before it slams open and Y/n exit out and aim his DC-17 blaster rifle around to secure the area before he leaps out onto the top of the ship and he one by one help his brothers off the ship and R2-J8 as well.

They leap down onto the grass the aim their DC-17 around for any ambush but nothing.

Brains: So much for a nice landing.

Cleaner: Thought it was cool.

Y/n: We're at unknown territory brothers, let's stick together and find some shelter.

Rusher: No way we can't stay on the blue light if any of you three like smoke?

Brains: No thanks.

Cleaner: Same.

Rusher: So where to Y/n?

Y/n: J8, see if you can detect any life around here?

R2-J8 scans around the area and after a while he beeps for a yes and Y/n said to his squad.

Y/n: Alright, let's be careful. We don't know anything about this planet so let's stay alert.

They nod and Y/n take sprint while his squad and R2-J8 follow him as they enter the forest in order to find some shelter or somewhere they could be safe.

The forest was quite and kinda nice but they won't let their guards down just for a second. They scan the tree lines for any ambushes from either the Separatist battle droids or something else among the forest but there was nothing yet.

After a while of walking Y/n rias his fist in out that cist his squad to stop and he signals them to take cover and they did and so dose Y/n. Y/n peeks out to see a Separatist scout team scouting the area to find them and they were standing around before they move out.

Brains: (whisper) Looks like the Separatist maybe looking us.

Cleaner: (whisper) Really? What makes you say that?

Y/n: (whisper) We need to keep our guard up and-

Suddenly there was blaster fire in the distance and they turn and aim their blasters and believed they might be caught but no. The battle droids seems like shooting at something or someone before Suddenly there was silence.

They decided to check it out so they rush over to see what has happened and as soon they broke through the bushes they see destroyed battle droids laying on the ground with their chest have a large hole like something rush through them them.

Brains walks up to one and bend down to check they were attacked by Blaster rifle but see it wasn't.

Y/n: What happened here?

Brains: Not too sure sir. It looks like they were jumped by something or someone. I don't see any blaster burns or anything that shows they were shot by a blaster bolt.

Cleaner: That's odd.

Rusher: You think someone just take those battle droids up without a blaster pistol or rifle?

Brians: Looks like it.

Then Y/n noticed on one of the destroyed battle droid. He walks over, bend down and pulls outwhat looks like a blue quill. He stood up and shows it to his squad.

Y/n: What ever it was, it left this behind. J8, can you scan on what this thing is?

R2-J8 beeps for Yes and rolled over to him and he slide the quill inro J8 and he start to scan the quill and once that he beeps at them as he tells him it's unknown.

Y/n: (surprised) Unknown?

Rusher: So we might be facing a unknown creature within these woods?

Y/n: Maybe but let's keep moving before more Separatist or....what it was that dis this finds us.

They agree and they keep moving. After a while of walking through the forest they finally break out of it when they Stumbled upon a road and they stand at the middle of it and they look around to see no one.

Brains: Man how long is there until we find some shelter?!

Cleaner: More importantly, how large is the forest is?

Y/n: No clue but we out of the forest, at least that's good.

Suddenly there was an explosion that nearly hit them and they turn to their front to see a large Separatist tank rolling towards them and it fires it's cannons at them.

They nearly get hit by the explosions as they find some cover behind some fallen trees and open fire at the tank as it rolls towards them while fire it's cannon at them.

The blast his near their cover as they continue to fire at it. Y/n takes cover and he turns to Rusher and says.

Y/n: Rusher, get over there and take down that tank. We cover you.

Rusher: On it!

Rusher leaps over the fallen tree and sprint towards the tank. The cannon aims at Rusher and try to fire at him but he dodges the blast as he moves fast while he fire his blaster rifle at the tank. Y/n and the rest give him covering fire while Rusher leaps onto the tank and leaps onto the cannons hatchs and opens up to reveal a tank driver battle droid.

Battle droid: Hey!

Rusher pulls out a grenade and chucks it into the tank and shuts up the hatch before he leaps out of the tank as the tank exploded behind him. He rolled the ground and he stood up and turn around to see the tank is destroyed.

Rusher: And that's why they call me Rusher.

Y/n and the rest walks over to him ane once there Y/n said.

Y/n: Nice work Rusher.

Rusher: (smirk) Thanks you very much sir.

Y/n chuckles a little before it was cut shirt when two Separatist drop sip fly over them and float down behind them to deploy some battle droids and super battle droids.

The battle droids open fire at them ane they fire back back them ane managed to take a few down before a blast came out of nowhere from the sky and turn to see bug like droids shooting down at them and they see they were surrounded.

Brains: We're out numbered!

Y/n: Everyone into the forest now!

They all rush back into the forest including R2-J8 while the battle droids and bug like droids shoot at them. Soon they stop frieng and they look at where they went and one battle droid said.

Battle droid: Looks like they escape into the woods. I want buzz bumbers to take to the skies and find them.

The buzz bombers nods and fly over the forest to find Y/n and his team while the battle droids march into the forest to find them.


Y/n ans his team rush through the forest trying to escape from them and they can hear them marching towards them. Soon they reach a dead end when they see a large cliff that is blocking their way.

Brains: Crap! I forgot to bring some grables!

Rusher: What should we do?

Y/n try to think of an idea but realise there is no escape from the Separatist battle droids. He turn his his clone brothers and sighs and said.

Y/n: No use brothers. We can't escape from them.

They look down and realise their time have come but Y/n said.

Y/n: But......we're not gonna go down without a fight.

They agree on that and they turn and aim their blaster rifles at the forest and hear the battle droids coming towards them. They look up to see those some bug droids again and soon the battle droids break through the forest ane aim their blasters at them.

Battle droid: You are surrounded! Surrender now or we might spare you!

Y/n: Not a chance. We are gonna gondown without a fight. For our brothers, for the Republic!

The battle droids was about to fire at them while Y/n and his brothers are ready to accept their fates and die like soldiers. Then suddenly something fast destroyed the buzz bombers above the battle droids and fell onto the ground which surprised them.

???: Hey over here!

They all turn to see what looked like a blue hedgehog like creature with green eyes and red shoes as he stands on top of a small rock and looks at the battle droids with a smirk.

Battle droid: Oh no! It's him! The Blue blurr!

Y/n: (thought) The blue blurr?

The battle droids aim their blasters at the blue blurr while he yawns like he was waiting for them to fire at him. Soon they fire at him and the blaster bolts travels towards him but before one of them hits him, he suddenly disappeared and quickly takes down the battle droids within seconds.

Many battle droid parts were snet flying everywhere while the battle droids try to shoot at him but they either miss their shot or accidentally hit each other. Even the super battle droids have a tough time shooting at him and soon he takes them out as well.

Y/n and his squad watched in amazement to see this blue hedgehog saving their lives from the battle droids.

Brains: (surprised) Wow he's fast.

Rusher: Not as fast as me.

Cleaner: Who is he?

Y/n: No too sure but that blue quill is similar to the quill we found earlier.

Cleaner: Yeah your right.

The battle droids get destroyed by this blue hedgehog and soon he take out the last of the battle droids and lands on his feet. He stood up straight and dust off his hands and walks over to the four Clone Commandos and said.

???: (smirk) I bet you all didn't see that coming.

Y/n: Um yeah, thanks for the help. We thought we be done for.

???: (smirk) No problem. It's not everyday you be a hero of Mubius.

Brains: Mubius?

???: This planet. They planet you are standing on, unless your new here....are you?

Y/n: Actually we are. We are close Commandos of the greant army of the Republic. Names Y/n, teams leader, Brains is the hacker and Slicer, Rusher is the scout and sniper and Cleaner is the Demolition expert and bomb Defuser. And this is our droid assist named R2-J8.

Sonic: (smirk) Cool, guess I introduce myself as well then. Hey, my name is Sonic the Hedgehog, fastest thing alive and hero of Mubius. Nice to meet you.

Y/n: Nice to meet you Sonic. Now, can you tell us what's going on here and why are the Separatist are here?

Sonic: Sure but first, let's get out of here before more will show up. Follow me.

Sonic spirit off and they have no choice but to trust him so they catch up to him and see what has been happening here before they came.

(Short while later)

Sonic leads them squad through the forest while Y/n and his squad have their guards up for anyone ambush but Sonic see this and said.

Sonic: Don't worry about any ambushes or anything like that. This area is too deep for any badniks or those Separatist Droids to try to break through.

Rusher: Lucky us.

Y/n: So can you tell us what's been happening here and why is the Separatist are here?

Sonic: Well it's a long story but many years ago, this world used to rule by the acorn family. They ruled here for years until Dr Ivo Robotnik or Eggman trick everyone ane even the king and queen by working with them as scientists but in reality, he want to use the roboticizer to roboticized everyone across Mubius into robots.

Cleaner: (shocked) That's sick.

Sonic: Yeah and he got some help with these Separatist forces that help him to search for anyone to be roboticized and for exchanged, Eggman make more Badniks for them to help them win the war.

Y/n: Well that's one reason why we are here. We need to break through the blockade so Republic fleet can enter and take back the planet.

Sonic: That what we've been doing. Actually we heard of the Republic and try to get contact to them in order for them to help us but I see they sent you five here.

Y/n: That's right. Is there more fighting against the Separatist and this "Eggman" guy?

Sonic: (smile) Yep. We form a small group known as the Freedom Fighters. We try anything to stop Eggman from making more Badniks and battle droids anenit works....for a few weeks.

Y/n: I see.

Cleaner: Seems like you need our help to punch through their defences.

Sonic: (smile) Yep but glad you all are here. This is gonna be easy to face Eggman and the Separatist forces.

Y/n: Agree.

They continue on walking through the forest until Brains pulls Y/n over and asked.

Brains: (whisper) I know he saved us but can we fully trust him? We don't know about this planet and the people on it. Maybe he and his "Freedom Fighters" are Separatist spies.

Y/n: (whisper) I see what you mean but what choices do we have? We need someone that knows about this planet more then us or the Republic and the general said we need to find these group of people in order to help them in the fight against the Separatist and Eggman.

Brains: (whisper) Guess you have a point.

Y/n: (whisper) Don't worry brother, we be fine.

Brians agrees with a nod and soon they break through the bushes once more and Sonic and the rest stop as Sonic breahs in ane out and said.

Sonic: (smile) Here we are guys.......

Sonic: Welcome to Knothole, home to what remains of us and homed to the Freedom Fighters!

To be continued..............

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