Chap. 24 - Farewell

Mandalorian: - Are you listening to me? - He said with a defiant tone when he saw how the mysterious hooded man turned his back on him.

Icarus: - Oh. My apologies. It seems I'm still in a daze from everything that happened. -

Mandalorian: - That doesn't interest me. You will have to answer for all the damage you have done. -

Icarus: - You can keep all the belongings of those bastards. Also, I think this will be enough to make up for it. - He said as he threw a small bag of credits at him.

The Mandalorian took the bag mid-flight and checked it. Inside it was a generous amount of credits, more than necessary, in fact.

Mandalorian: - You have 24 hours to leave the planet. - He sentenced while keeping the bag in one of the compartments from his belt.

Icarus: - That's how it will be. -

The Mandalorian didn't say another word before turning on his jetpack and leaving the place the same way he arrived. Leaving Icarus somewhat worried, computing more questions than he had before. Who was this Ben and why did his core react to a Jedi? Why couldn't he sense the Jedi's presence now? How had he managed to disappear without his noticing? What was the important thing the Jedi mentioned that he should do? Lots of questions he couldn't answer but at the time, he had other priorities.

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Meanwhile, on the Kestrel Nova, little Tova was studying the common language on her datapad while the droids waited patiently. Tatooine's temperature was too extreme for the little Nelvaana, who was adapted to the low temperatures of her home planet.

Wag Too: - Hello. Hello. Can you hear me? - He was calling from his communicator to the command center of the Kestrel Nova.

Doom: - I receive you, commander. -

Wag Too: - We are outside with the supplies. Open the ramps. -

Doom: - Understood. -

With the ramp deployed, Wag Too and Alpha were able to access the interior while loaded several boxes of supplies. Inside, an impatient girl was waiting for them, curious for knowing what he had seen on his little "walk."

Wag Too: - That was crazy. - He said, collapsing on a chair in front of a ventilation shaft, trying to cool his body a bit while he hydrated.

The lurmen dropped his hood to the ground, soaked with sweat and sand. His body was very sweaty, and he had marks on his face from radiation.

Wag Too: - This planet is hell.  How can someone live here? -

Tova: - I want go out too. -

Wag Too: - Is this a joke? -

Doom: - I calculate that you would last ten minutes before giving you a heat stroke. Your species is not used to these temperatures. -

The girl could only pout in discontent, before some blows would listen from outside the ship. Wag Too reluctantly lifted him up, having to leave the conformity of the excluded of the air conditioning to see who it was. On the ramp of the ship was that woman, Peli Motto, with her droid pushing a cart with the parts that Icarus asked for.

Peli Motto: - Very well. Just how you asked. A generator and enough insulation. Like new. - Obviously, the last part was a lie.

The lurmen descended again into the burning sand of Tatooine and carefully inspected the pieces. They were somewhat worn but appeared to be in good shape. The woman began to speak of it was "difficult" to get those pieces, telling a story similar to the sagas of great adventures and challenges, a clear deception, knowing that she had her own contact with the Jawa and from there she got all these pieces. When a voice startled her behind her back.

Delta: - Sir. - He said in a gravelly voice, making Peli Motto jump in fright.

Peli Motto: - Damn! You almost killed me with a heart attack. - She yelled at the hooded who appeared behind his back.

Wag Too: - You are back. Where is Icarus? -

Delta: - The commander strayed. He ordered me to return to the ship. He should be back soon. -

Wag Too: - That curmudgeon Well, that will give us time to install all this. Wait inside with the rest. -

Delta: - Understood. - And the droid climbed the ship up the ramp.

Peli Motto: - "Commander?" - She said something curious. - Who are you? -

Wag Too: - Nobody important. - She said without paying much attention to it. - How are you doing with mechanics? -

Peli Motto: - Is it a joke? - He said haughtily. - You won't find a better mechanic in all of Mos Eisley. -

Wag Too: - Very good. Accompany me. -

The lurmen took the wagon and moved it across the sand until it reached the back of the Kestrel Nova.

Wag Too: - Doom. Open the cellar hatch. - He said through his communicator.

Doom: - Roger. Roger. -

A slight rumble shook the ship as the doors detached from the fuselage, and little by little, they began to descend towards the sands of Tatooine. Peli Motto was eager to complete the job and earn a good sum of money, but when she saw the interior of the ship, the happiness faded from her face, showing obvious fear and concern when she saw the battle droids inside from the cargo hold.

The two huge Vulture droids were the first thing he saw, resting on their four stabilizers slowly rotating towards the opening hatch, and then she could see the rest of the droids occupying the place. Peli Motto was very scared, and even her little droid compacted to hide behind her feet, but before she could even think turning around and running off, the little lurmen began to talk to the droids without concern.

Wag Too: - Very well, gentlemen. Move back a bit. We need space here. - And the droids did their best to group themselves in the bottom from the cargo hold without hitting the rest of the supplies.

Tova: - I want help. - Said the little girl as she entered the cargo hold and slipped away among the droids. - Hello. - She told Peli Motto.

Peli Motto: - Hello. - She answered involuntarily.

The woman didn't know what was more confusing, if all those droids following the little lurmen's orders, or the fact that a little girl of a species she had never seen before lived with them.

Wag Too: - I'm sorry, little one. But we are going to work with dangerous tools. You must wait at a safe distance. Isn't it true? - He said as he asked the woman.

Peli Motto: - Eh.. yes. Yes. It's true. - She said something stunned.

Little Tova pouted, but then she had to go back with the droids and wait patiently with the rest. Scene that Peli Motto couldn't quite understand.

Wag Too: - Very well. This is what we will do. We'll put the generator in that hole up there, and create a seal in this section to create a uniform field... Are you understanding? - She said while looking at the woman's worried face, but without knowing that what worried her was something else.

Peli Motto: - Eh. Yeah. I understand. But... How will we install the generator up there? I don't have any elevator at my disposal. -

Wag Too: - That is easy. Lance. Come and give us a hand. -

The Vulture droid approached, walking awkwardly on the metal platform before lowering its body as far as it would go to create a makeshift elevator.

Wag Too: - Can you help me? - He asked the woman while taking one end of the generator.

Peli Motto: - Are you sure about this? - She asked the lurmen, but before Wag Too could answer her, the Vulture droid emitted a series of sharp beeps. - Oh! Do you think you are too confident!? - She told the droid.

Wag Too: - Do you understand them? -

Peli Motto: - Of course. You must know binary if you want to be a good mechanic. -

Tova: - Being able to understand what they say? That will great. Can I do too? - She said excitedly from the bottom of the cellar.

Peli Motto: - Of course, little one. The binary is standard for all droids. -

Tova: - Listen that Fifi. Being able speak when learning. - She said as he hugged the droideka.

After the moving and strange scene, Peli Motto felt a little less uncomfortable with the presence of battle droids. With the help of the Vulture unit, they were able to lift and install the shield generator in the space that Wag Too had previously prepared and attached it with welding and a metal plate for protection. Then they had to install the insulation inside the cargo hold, to create a barrier that would allow the cargo hold doors to be opened without losing those exaggerated amounts of oxygen or having to seal it up so that the Vulture units could land or take off. 

The work would have taken a couple of days, but with the help of the commando droids they were able to weld all the parts together in just a couple of hours. And when the Tatooine sun is at its peak, the rebuilding works they had finished.

Peli Motto: - Very good. That should be it. - She said, drenched in sweat.

Wag Too: - Good. We're going to prove it. - He said exhausted. - Doom. Start the ship. -

Doom: - Understood. - He said over the communicator.

The Kestrel Nova's engines began to growl, through the turbines kept off so as not to take off from the ground. The lurmen used a datapad and began to press some controls.

Wag Too: - Very well. Now is the moment of truth. -

When the lurmen started to activate, a sharp sound was heard for a second, before a mysterious magnetic field began to spread from the generator to the insulated tapes that were installed on the fuselage of the cargo hold. It was beautiful, a light blue hue.

Peli Motto: - It works! - She exclaimed with joy.

Wag Too: - Were you doubting? - She asked mischievously, knowing that the pieces weren't new.

Peli Motto: - No. Of course, I knew. - She clears his throat. - It's just that it took me by surprise that we finished it so quickly. - She said to try to hide the truth.

Ícaro: - I see you did a good job. - He said as he approached the Kestrel Nova from outside the cargo hold.

Wag Too: - Yes. We are ready to go at any time. -

Icarus: - Very good. We will leave immediately.

Peli Motto: - I hope you don't forget about the deal. "Commander." - She said after clearing her throat to get the attention of the hooded who had just arrived.

Icarus: - I never do. - He told her as he gave her a large bag of credits that the woman saw with a glow in her eyes.

Peli Motto: - Ha ha. This is a very good deal. At last I will be able to buy a platform inside the city. A closed place where nobody bothers me. - But her joy was scattered a bit when Icarus removed his hood and allowed her to see what he really was.

Icarus: - Your skills would be very useful. It would be very helpful if you decided to come with us. -

The woman was shocked, struck by the droid's sudden proposal. She hadn't expected something like this, and she wasn't prepared to respond immediately. She looked closely at each of the crew, more closely at the Wag Too and at the little Tova, but then she turned around and saw the Tatooine sea of ​​dunes stretching out behind the Kestrel Nova.

Peli Motto: - I appreciate the offer, "commander." But my destiny is here. On this stinking, sandy planet. But it is my home. I don't think I can turn my back on that. - She said with a sincere smile as she turned around to look at them with some sadness.

Those present said nothing. They simply nodded in agreement before each went their own way. And from the burning sands of Tatooine, Peli Motto watched the Kestrel Nova take flight as she said goodbye to that peculiar group. Not knowing that a mysterious hooded man also saw them from the distant rocky mountains, thinking about the future and somewhat joyful, knowing that there were still some faint lights of hope in the Galaxy.

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