Postcard- Spock
For Forever_Trekkie -Here you go, my dear!
You tried not to let the scowl on your face show as the Vulcan next to you was getting ready to be beamed down. You told the captain that you were more than welcome to go to the surface to find the missing probe they lost. But had you known that he was going to have the pointy eared snot blood come too, you would have turned heel and ran the other way. Nothtat you were one to run from a problem, it's just you didn't want to be convicted of murder by the end of the mission.
You cleared your throat and nodded to the captain as he turned to you, a knowing smile on his face. "We will be sure to return as soon as possible."
Kirk smirked, shaking his head slightly. "Ah don't worry about it. Take your time. Go sight seeing. Maybe even take a picture or two together. Create memories."
Spock readjusted his holster before glancing at you and then turning to the captain. "I do not see the use of doing such things, Captain. We will need to use every moment we have on the surface to locate that which we lost."
You rolled your eyes. "Sure thing Captain. Just don't forget to beam us back up in a few hours. I don't think Count Vulcula here wants to be out in the sun down there as much as I do."
Spock turned to you, his hands clasped behind his back. "On the contrary. I am eager to observe the surface. Perhaps more so than yourself."
You scoffed. "Oh really? Well, then why don't we get you all set up with a house and you can send me a post card wishing I was there."
"Your mockery tone of the postcard shows that you do not, in fact, wish to leave me on an unknown planet, I hope."
"I had no idea you knew how to hope. Might as well add that to the growing list of human traits you have suddenly adopted."
"You have a list?"
"Of course! And I fear I will need to start another one, this one is getting too long."
"Perhaps you can file my postcard along with it."
"Oh so now you want to stay on the surface."
"Only in hopes of easing my ears from your constant unfeeling retorts."
You opened your mouth to do just that when Spock lifted his hand. "There is no reason for you to respond. We are here."
You blinked and looked around. Sure enough, the Enterprise was gone and instead of the sleek clean ship a dark, almost black dirk and large boulders of the surface greeted you.
You gave Spock a sideways glance before pulling out your probe locator and wandering off in the direction it indicated. You didn't care to make sure he was following you as you practically rushed off. He may be your superior but that doesn't mean you have to be his babysitter.
It would have been nice to have been told there was a storm on its way. The wind was picking up and the flying dirt made it hard to see anything. Spock walked along slowly next to you, your body very much aware of his closeness and his hand that would touch your back when a particularly rough gust of wind would take you by surprise.
There was very little in terms of shelter. The rocks were large but were tall and didn't loom over to the side, creating even a bit of shade. You held your hand up against the wind and the dirt, your hands and face suddenly feeling little drops of rain.
"Spock, we need to find shelter before the rain gets too bad. We aren't sure how dangerous these storms can be," you shouted over the wind and coming rain.
"I agree. I believe I saw an outcropping of rock formations. Perhaps there is an area there that might suffice as a shelter for the time being." He turned to look at you before pointing off in the distance to a big dark blob.
You shrugged your shoulders and nodded. "Sounds better than waiting out here. Just don't get any funny ideas."
Spock turned to you and in all seriousness dropped his hand from shielding his face. "I fail to see the humor in the prospect of us finding shelter from a storm that may harm us. Besides," he turned back to the black blob, reaching out to place his hand behind your back as another gust of wind hit you both, "I myself am not keen on being with you any longer than warranted."
You would have been offended if you weren't surprised at the fact you were offended. Why should you care that he didn't want to be around you? You didn't want to be around him, so why does it feel like he just hit the wind out of you?
The rain started to fall harder causing the both of you to start run. The beeping of the locator was telling you that you were getting farther away from the probe, meaning you would have to be down here for a bit longer. With him. Thankfully the sight of the outcropping of rocks he spoke of sure enough had a little cave like covering for the two of you to huddle under.
The both of you were dripping wet and starting to shiver. Spock didn't scoot away from you once under the rock face despite there being enough room for the two of you to have your own space. Due to his closeness, you noticed something as you looked up at his handsomely dripping face.
"Spock are you-" you reached out and poked his cheek, "are you sunburnt?"
Spock looked down at you and it took him a few beats for him to answer back as he tried not to stare at your slightly flushed wet face smirking back up at him as his cheek tingled at your touch.
"That is highly impossible. Vulcans have stronger skin layers than humans. We do not burn nor tan."
You snorted. "Alright. Whatever you say." Your teeth started to chatter as you rubbed your hands up and down your arms. "You are going to be in a world of hurt. You've never been burnt before now."
"Thankfully I will never know the pain. Ever." He answered as he looked around the little covering. There was enough space for the two of you to even lay down. Looking out side the rain continued to pelt the surface alarmingly hard. He turned to you and watched a moment as you tried to warm yourself up as you made a little-dripped pool around you. It would be best to get out of your wet clothes to not get sick and to rest while you waited for the rain to pass. Clearing his throat, Spock grabbed your attention.
"I will have you know I am not trying anything "funny" but I highly suggest taking off what wet clothes you can in hopes of preventing yourself from catching a cold."
You nearly smiled at the blush on his cheeks as he looked away to the back of the shelter.
"We can rest here until the rain passes. No use in wasting energy on watching the rain fall."
You wanted to argue but his plan was sound. You could already feel a headache coming on. "You better turn around and get yourself comfortable not looking at me."
Spock nodded once. "Of course."
You made sure his back was facing you before you peeled off your dress and leggings. Your boots sat next to Spock's along with your utility belt and equipment. You turned back to Spock to find him laying down, his back to you and his head resting on his bent arm. Next to him laid a white square of fabric in the form of a pillow. Wordlessly you crawled over and laid down all while doing your best not to think of the one man you disliked the most had just folded his own undershirt for your pillow and how good it smelled.
Several minutes ticked by and you both knew the other was still awake. You shifted, your back leaning against his but neither of you moved. You closed your eyes as you let out a breath.
"How much do you want to bet Kirk did this."
"I do not think you can give him credit for making it rain."
"But I'm sure he knew it was going to happen."
There was a breath of silence before he replied; you could hear a small smile in his words. "I would not put it past him to think stranding us together on an unknown planet would be entertaining."
You snorted. "Entertaining for whom?"
"Him. I suppose once we return either in each other's arms or exponentially more at odds with each other."
You laughed out loud at that. "Or maybe it will be your sunburn that will make him lose it."
Spock shifted, moving his head over to look up at the ceiling, avoiding looking at you but his voice carried better. "I believe the only person who has lost it is you. I am Vulcan I do not burn."
You moved your head over too, smirking. "Or so you say. Just don't come crying to me when you wake up with itchy and hot skin."
Spock moved back down and let out a breath. "I happen to feel that way already."
"Huh?" Your brows rose in hopes of a confession.
"Never mind what I said. Goodnight (Y/n)."
You were taken aback. He never called you by your name. You laid your head back down and closed your eyes. "Goodnight Spock."
With your now dry clothes back on, you tugged on your warm boots then ran a hand through your hair as you turned to wake up the sleeping Vulcan. You were surprised he slept at all, Vulcan's weren't known to sleep. Unless....
Spock made a noise as he got up. You nearly fell over as you started to laugh. Sure enough, you were facing a red faced Vulcan, his pointed ears the color of Scotty's shirt, his cheeks a stark pink. Slowly Spock got up but nearly slumped down again.
He looked up at you and let his shoulders sag. "Perhaps I had been wrong to assume I am immune to all planetary atmospheres." He moved over to grab his boots, keeping back a wince as he gave your body a once over. "How is it that you are not as I am?"
You folded your arms and leaned against the opening of the shelter, keeping out of the searing hot sun. "It's a little human invention called sunscreen. I always put some on before I go on a new planet. Just in case."
Spock nodded as he exited the covering, wincing opening against the hot sun. "As it may be, I should adopt your practice for future missions."
You shrugged your shoulders and smirked. "I don't know Spock, pink is quite becoming of you."
You spied a small smirk before the Vulcan turned away from you, looking down at his own probe locator. "I hope you slept well last night for I do not plan on staying here for much longer. Leaving you behind is becoming all the more appealing."
You snorted. "Wanna post card?"
"Preferably one with your own red face on the surface once your sunscreen has warned away."
"How flattering."
"I expect nothing less."
You smiled at that. Quickly and quietly the both of you moved in the direction of the probe. Sure enough, the tracking used for communicating with the ship was broken. It was half buried under ground but enough for the two of you to pull it out with each other's help.
You called for Scotty to beam you guys back up and while you waited you turned to Spock, taking in his red face and matted hair. He leaned against the probe his arm holding him up as he seemed to breathe a bit harder under the heat. He looked surprisingly attractive. So naturally, you had to tell him the opposite.
You squinted up at him. "You look horrible."
Spock turned, looking at you through his lashes. "Thank you. I was hoping to capture what my human side would appear under such circumstances."
You shook your head. "I don't look like I'm close to death."
"Perhaps that is due to the lack of reflective surfaces for you to gaze into and assess that for yourself." You stared at him, agape. But before you could answer he raised his hand just as before. "But I will admit, I find your mussed hair and slightly flushed cheeks most becoming of you. We have returned. Excuse me as I report to sickbay."
Sure enough, you were back on the ship. Kirk stood there, smiling up at you two but Spock was already leaving. So before he left the room came to stand next to Kirk and you called out.
"You look like a cooked lobster!"
Kirk chuckled next to you. "So I take it it went well."
You shook your head. "Should have gotten you a postcard." You tossed over your shoulder as you went after the Vulcan that had somehow softened your heart.
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