" 'Come with me, It'll be fun!' he said. I should remind myself to punch him in the face the next time he says those words again." You angrily mimicked.
Your best friend had begged you all week to go with him to "The Greatest Party of All Time" and now that you were actually there, he completely wonders off without you. To top it all off some drunk guy tried to hook up with you, but in the end just barfed all over the place. Let's just say that it wasn't nearly close to being "The Greatest Party of All Time"for you that is.
You pushed through a crowd of inebriated teens, trying to find the nearest restroom to clean yourself off, when you suddenly heard loud cheering.
"Fight! Fight! Fight!"
More people started to gather around as the cheering continued. You walked closer to where the fight was taking place, hoping to the stars above that it wasn't the person who you thought it was.
"Relax Cupcake it was only a joke!"
You cringed and let out a small groan. You hurriedly marched towards, pushing and pulling people out of the way so that you can do something about it. Once you were through, you saw that your friend was pinned on top of a table, and the other man was ready to throw him another punch. You quickly jumped in, closing your eyes and spreading your arms apart to "defend" him.
"What the- Get out of the way!"
As soon as you realized you weren't hit, you roughly grabbed the man by his collar, pushing him against the nearest wall.
"Listen, I have had bad nights before, but none of them seems to be worse than tonight! I came here to have a good time, but so far, I'm not! Do you know why?!"
He looked at you startled and a bit confused.
"My best friend ditched me, left me completely alone! I've searched for him all night only to FIND HIM FIGHTING WITH SOME STUPID PUNK!!!"
You gave the man a menacing look and gripped his shirt tighter.
"Good." A sarcastic smile formed on your lips as you slowly let go of his shirt.
"Don't try anything funny, I'm watching you."
He straightened himself up and started walking away with his head facing down, embarrassed by what just happened. The people from the crowd soon dispersed, and went back to whatever they were doing before the fight broke out.
"Thanks (Y/N), but you know, I could've taken him down myself." Kirk said as he wiped the blood off his knuckles. His right eye was swollen, as well as his lips, and his face bloodied and bruised.
You simply ignored him and started heading towards the exist. He tried to catch up with you, but with all the people in the way, he lost sight of you.
"Stupid Kirk always getting into trouble." You mumbled to yourself.
It was dark outside, darker than usual, the streetlights were the only source of light that you had at the moment. As you were lost in your own thoughts, you didn't notice the shadowy figure creeping up behind you. It snatched you from behind and covered your mouth with one hand, muffling your scream.
"Looks like I found myself a pretty one tonight."
the man said with a perverse chuckle.
You tried to free yourself, wriggling and jerking around as hard and fast as you could. But it was no good, his grip was just too strong.
You looked up to see the disgusting grin on his lips, as he watched you cry and tremble in fear.
"Shhh, it's alright now. I won't hurt yo-"
A fist suddenly swinge right past you, colliding with the stranger's face and knocking him down on the ground.
"You son of a bitch!"
You backed away from the man and turned around to see who your hero was. Tears began to form in your eyes, and your heart pounded with happiness and relief, as you immediately recognized who he was. He continued to beat the man to the point where it looked like he wasn't breathing anymore. Once he got up from his position, you walked towards him and punched him on the arm.
Before he could finish his sentence, you wrapped your arms around him and buried your face on his chest.
"I'm sorry for walking away like that, Kirk. Thank you."
He didn't say anything, just simply gave you a warm smile. He placed a hand on your cheek and wiped away the tears that still remained with his thumb. You smiled back at him and intertwined your fingers with his.
"Let's go home and patch you up."
A/N: I still feel kind of guilty for leaving you guys hanging, so here's another chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this. Let me know what you thought about it because I honestly have mix emotions about this one. I am working on another one, something different than what I usually do, and for everyone. Hopefully, I'll be done with it this weekend(?) Anyway, Thank you all once again! <3 <3
Also, let me know if you see some kind of spelling error. I'll make sure to fix it.
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