✮5~ Is anyone looking for me?✮ ✅✅
Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is a mystery
Today is a gift, that's why it's called the present.
~Master Ogway~
The room was quiet for a while; neither Thomas or me knew what to say. Even Shiver was silent, staring lazily out the window with her obsidian eyes glancing in Thomas's direction every now and then. I spent the silent moments trying to think of what I could say and, well, how to say it.
Eventually, I gather up my courage and asked Thomas the question I'd been dying to ask for a long time.
"Thomas, what was your friend Alice like?" I spoke quietly. Thomas smiled a little and pulled out the same dragon a pixie crystal ornament that he'd shown me mere hours ago.
"I first met Alice about three years ago now. She was only eight years old at the time. She was a very... broken down girl who'd run away from her home. She'd felt like her parents never wanted her, never shown any affection to her. Basically ignoring her existence." He paused momentarily.
"Both her parents were highly skilled scientists and had never wanted a child. They did take care of her, but they treated her more like a pet than a person. She wasn't allowed to leave her house, wasn't allowed to play outside. After eight years, she got sick of it and ran away with nothing but her small Scatterbug friend she called Wish. I'd found her a week after she ran and took her in.
"She was scared I was going to take her back at first. She didn't like anyone in our group, but slowly opened up to me. I was her first friend and she was the closest person to me. A few months after she'd opened up to me, she did so with Amy and so on with the rest of our group." Thomas ran his thumb lightly over the two Pokemon. My guess is that Alice gave it to him.
"Alice was special to me; I loved her more than anything. She hadn't left my side for three years. She followed me everywhere like an adorable little puppy who'd lost its way. The one time she went off by herself was to receive a special message and then she went missing." A small tear ran down his cheek and he quickly wiped it away. "After six months, everyone else assumed she was dead— everyone but me. I know she's out there; I know she's alive." I slowly nodded my head and looked at my hands.
"I wonder if... if anyone's looking for me..." My voice so soft, it was hardly there.
With a fine toothed comb, I raked my brain for a memory of anyone who might be worried about me. I searched for a face— a glimpse of someone who might be looking for me. I didn't find anything. I sighed and looked at my hands with disappointment in my pale blue eyes.
Thomas looked up at me, breaking his trance with the crystal dragon and pixie. He placed his slightly rough hand on my delicate one, wrapping his fingers over mine.
"Someone, somewhere is. I'm sure of it, and I'm going to help you remember who. I promise I'm going to help you regain your memories, even if Amy cuts my head off in the process," he said jokingly.
I smiled at him, but winced when my head started thumping. My eyes squeezed shut, trying to block out the brightness of the light that seemed to irritate my mind, slightly raising my fingers to the bump on my head.
Thomas sighed and removed my hand from the bruise. I open my eyes and look up at him, but he was too busy inspecting my bruise to notice. He shook his head, moving back to his seat with a soft sigh.
"Do you remember anything at all?" I bit my lip, debating whether I should tell Thomas what I saw when I first let out Shiver. I nodded, deciding to tell him.
"When I first woke up on the beach, I realised that I couldn't remember anything. I still knew what things were like Pokémon and what the stars were, but I couldn't remember my past or any species of Pokémon I'd known previously. I found three Pokéballs in my purse that was attached to my belt." I pointed to the one sitting next to my bed. "The one I opened had a Pokémon inside..." I looked towards my companion who was watching with interest. "The moment I saw what it was when I had a memory. There were two men wearing black and... they were doing... something to hurt me." The feeling of panic returned, making me squeeze my eyes shut as a blossom of pain bloomed in my chest. "I was calling out to my Pokémon. That's how I knew what Shiver's name was."
"Your Glaceon's name is Shiver?" Thomas asked in disbelief.
"She responds to it so I assume so." Giving him a weird as I nodded. "Why?"
"Alice also had a female Glaceon named Shiver." Thomas bit his lip. "What other Pokemon do you have?"
I looked over at my purse and shook my head, "I don't know..."
Biting his lip nervously, Thomas left the room in silence, leaving me alone with my Glaceon. I felt like I'd done something wrong. Like me being here was a bad thing, was it? I don't know. I feel like I don't know anything. Everything just seems blurry and gives me a headache when I think to hard about it... I felt on edge and nervous. Was I always like this or is this new? My gaze landed on my blue fox Pokémon and I relaxed a little, feeling comfort in the presence of my friend.
Shiver was watching the door, her obsidian black eyes not faltering for a second. She looked like she was staring at something that I couldn't see, like some unknown enemy would burst the door down at any second.
"Hey Shiver?"
She broke her gaze for a second, glancing over to me. The Glaceon blinked once before turning back to the door. ~Ceon?~
"You know how Thomas keeps on saying I look like Alice?"
Shiver nodded not looking at me.
"Do you know if I am, you know... Alice?" The question felt stupid, crazy even, but I needed to know.
Shiver was quiet. Her black eyes thoughtful for a moment before she shook her head, her diamond like dangles bouncing with her movement.
"Oh, I was just..." I drifted off quietly and looked down at my hands. Shiver smiled a little and walked up to me, curling into my lap. She looked up at me reassuringly.
I stroked her back gently and sighed. Who was I? The hope of me knowing Thomas seemed too farfetched to be true now. But if I wasn't once Alice, then who was I?
The door opened, making me jump as Amy walked in holding a tray with an assortment of food. My stomach growled in response and for the first time, I noticed how hollow I felt. The older girl smiled at me and set the tray down on the bed side table.
"Sorry if I seemed a little hard earlier. Things have been a little stressful around here." She sighed. "And most the people in our little group don't like newcomers. I'm surprised Thomas even brought you here. He especially doesn't like other people normally."
"Hey Amy! You here!?" A voice I hadn't heard before shouted. Amy swore under her breath.
"Not Nick of all people," she groaned.
"Who's Nick?" I asked.
~Glace?~ Shiver said looking up coolly with a yawn.
"Nick is apart of of the same group as Thomas and I. Give me a moment while I deal with him," Amy said, standing up and walking to the door. "And help yourself to lunch, I made it myself."
I looked over the assortment of food on the tray: a sandwich made from spongy white bread, an assortment of different coloured fruit and berries, a muffin that had some sort of fruit baked in it, and a bottle of water. I didn't know how I knew what each thing was, but when I looked at each thing the name just came to me.
Shiver jumped off my lap and onto the bedside table. She helped herself to a purple berry, flicking it up into the air with one of her icy dangles and catching it in her mouth. In one gulp, it was gone. She quivered in pleasure and helped herself to another one, this time grabbing it before jumping to the floor at the end of the bed. Something in me assumed that they were the ones she liked best.
I hesitated slightly before picking up the muffin and taking a small nibble of it. It was sweet and crumbled in my mouth. I took another bite, and another, and another until it was all gone. I started to feel a little better than before. Taking time to examine the different types of fruit, I picked out a medium sized red one about the size of my fist and taking a bite out of it. The crunchy red skin gives way to a white (slightly yellowy) flesh. The fruit was juicy and tasted sweat.
An apple. The thought came to me with the pleasant taste of the fruit.
The door creaked open and I looked up to see a yellow and brown four legged Pokémon. Its front half was amber kind of yellow with hazel coloured spots while the back was the invert of colours. It had a long neck and pink snout tipped, cloven hooves clicked slightly on the wooden floor while its ivory horns twitched slightly and it looked at me curiously in raven blue eyes.
Shiver jumped off the bed and walked over to the four legged Pokemon. ~Glace!~ She chirped enthusiastically.
The new Pokémon snorted in confusion.
~Glaceon glace.~ Shiver replied.
This went on for a while— Shiver spoke with parts of her name while the new Pokémon only made sounds or faces, never speaking a word. I couldn't make anything from it but they seemed to understand each other just fine.
Eventually, the taller Pokémon looked up at me with soft blue, pity filled eyes. After a moment, the two stopped talking and Shiver walked over to me with the new Pokémon close behind. She smiled at me and I slowly held out my hand out for her to sniff, almost on an instinct. She returned my gesture, sniffing my hand softly, her warm breath tingling my fingertips as she placed the white blaze of her head in my hand warping the world around me into another memory as she did.
The darkened forest was eerily quiet, light amounts of mist swirled close to the floor, limiting visibility. Shiver was standing on full alert by my side, obsidian glazed eyes constantly observing the surroundings. The moonless sky was filled with twinkling stars, signalling night had fallen.
Tall dark trees stretched their claw like branches to the heavens as if trying to reach the sky, to touch the stars that filled it. Somewhere nearby, a river bubbled. Its call echoed through the night as the only sound. The grass didn't even sway in the wind, nor did the trees. Nothing moved.
I was kneeling next to one of the long necked giraffe Pokémon. She was badly injured. Three long deep cuts ran along her left flank as if something had dug its claws across it. Blood was spilling out of them, mixing in with the crimson dirt at my knees. The Pokémon whimpered pitifully from pain, showing the fearfully whites of her eyes as she gasped for breath.
"Shh, it is going to be alright. Just hold still." My voice came out soothing and calm as I tended to the wound. I ran a white piece of fabric over one of the cuts, cleaning away most the blood with the cloth.
"Shiver, get me some water," I told my little Pokémon calmly. It didn't sound like my voice, it was to strong, too sure that I knew where I belonged and what I was doing.
~Glaceon.~ Shiver replied running to a nearby lake. I continued to clean the Pokemon's flank.
"It's going to be alright, trust me. You helped me, now I'm going to help you."
The Pokémon looked up at me, her deep pleading eyes staring deep into mine before closing and her head lowering onto the grass with a strained nickers of acknowledgement.
With a flash of blinding white light, the flashback ended and I swiftly pulled my hand back, staring at the Pokémon in shock.
What had happened to that Pokémon? Did she die? How long ago had that happened? Was she wild? Was she one of mine, or a friend's Pokémon? What had she helped me with? Was she one of the Pokémon I had owned? The questions raced through my head faster than I could answer.
She cocked her head to the side, a questioning look on her face. I shook my head, clearing the last of the vision from my head.
"It's alright, I'm good." I ran my hand down her neck and back when I hesitated. My whole body froze, my eyes locked on the spot right under my hand.
Down the Girafarig's left flank were three thin, pale scars. Three scars the exact same size, the same shapes, the same places as the ones from my visions cuts.
This was the same Pokémon.
Word count: 2275
Sorry it took so long to update. I spent the past few weeks at my dads and he doesn't have Internet and the only time I had Internet was when my brother let me use his hotspot but then he went camping with a friend. Anyway what do ya think? Any new suspicions? Theories? Thoughts?
Come on, I totally failed my mystery story assessment task. I need to figure out why. I think its cause it had to be about real life rather than having a fantasy eliminate I always incorporate when I write. Any way. It's New Year's Eve the day I wrote this do HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!
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