2:Prolouge 2(Sisters love, Naira's POV)

Naira was just 8 when her homeworld Krypton was dying she has no hope that she can live without her loving mother and father in a different world but yet she has to leave her parents and see her planet-destroying in front of her .Maybe that was the moment both sister decided this faith will not occur to anyone else . After 254 years of stasis in phantom zone when naira landed on palnet earth a whole new and different world it was so difficult that assumed for her as she had hoped that her sister will be with her wherever she is but that not the case.

Luckily her Pod got landed in front of King Naitiks car and she got adopted by a loving family which was royal too as a princess of king naitik and queen akshara royal Marwadi family of India. Still she mostly was sad .She learned their languages starting from english then Sankrit and Hindi in a week to properly communicate with her .But she was haunted by the nightmares of her planets destruction so queen will show her love at night luckily for her that yet her powers are not developed.In the next year
because of an accident Kings sister died and her daughter gayathri was also adopted by the king . Naira knows how the loss of parent feels so she got bonded with her adoptive sister gayu really quickly.

When Naira was 10 finally her bigger sister Kara found her. From then she was not alone in a newfound world, she has her sister,a guide a part of her world that feels like home. Kara trained her with her new powers to control them . Though She never wants to be superhero like her cousin Superman, yes she finds about him from Kara But knows that she is not here to take that much responsibility and will try to help earthlings by her Knowledge as she has decided her new world will not have the faith of her homeworld kryton.

Naira completed her high school early using homeschooling and By the time she was 18 she has completed 3 PhDs In Business Management and enviromental science subject though she has learned all the preliminary earth science she needs to learn don't want more focus on her than she is already gaining as a princess of the royal house and popular kid. In the next 2 years, she extended her father company of Singhania's group of companies and now a Ceo of Singhania Industy's which is tech company which is popular all over the world as although her sister didnot give her knowledge of Kryptonian tech she can make much by earth science and bright mind under her. Also she knows even though her kara di will not come in her company and work for science if any of her projects is going to fail before that kara will guide her mainly if the case was an environmental issue or medical so Singhania industry has done many breakthroughs in medical and environmental issues and other technologies.

According to Naira her di want to keep a low profile and be like normal humans for life and mend in so it was shocking for her when one night her di comes out to save a crashing plane on tv when she was doing some work in her office and her expression changed which her assistant noted.

Naira:- Ash please will you cancel tomorrows meetings for me

Ashnoor(assistant):- Are you taking leave first time in a month Princess

Naira:- I think so and you deserve a pa

Naira simply smile at her

N:-"No need for now ash. But oh this boring paperwork, "she said trying to be sassy

ash:- I thought you have a superspeed

N:- It's too boring to work for that to you know

ash:- I see what I and brainiac can do for you princess but you should get a time with your family too

N:- yeah ash you should get a raise

ash rolls her eyes at her smirking

ash:- You can't Naira as already my salary is what you give your self as a CEO of the company

N:- You deserve it you do most of my work

Ashnoor is a college friend and now a personal assistant of Naira and of the very few peoples knows about Naira's secret.

In the background, Tv report speaks out an "An angel comes to save a plane from crashing ".Naira uses a device on her wrist to open a teleportation portal to kara's apartment.


Kara:- why is it so hard for you to trust me alex

alex:- because you wanted to be normal all life and mend in as human

Kara :- But I am no human and I can't

Naira perks out from the portal. And takes a seat on the sofa as she knows the banter will go on.

Naira:- Hi guys, Naira said

Alex:- Hi, when you come

Naira:- "Just N... I was here the whole time listening don't you know I developed a new power anyone in the room ignores me when I want"

Alex just stares at her and Kara spokes

Kara :- Don't joke around this lame especially about powers sis

Naira:- So what should I do. You were saying me to blend in and I know you help people with that armor in stealth mode hidden what changed now why coming up like this.

Kara:- Alex was on the plane I can't think of anything else at that time and also I think if I can give people hopes and stand for good

Naira:-" What? ... Alex are you alright, "she said immediately checking it with her x-ray vision

Alex:- I am fine naira, (Alex and Naira bonded cause of Kara as Kara said to naira "No one can resist her face especially the pout" Later Naira and Alex do their Ph.D. in bioengineering. Naira understand with the time that Kara didn't show her intelligence to anyone so no one will feel much uncomfortable will her )

Naira:- Fine Kara di you want to be a symbol of hope so alex you can help her by your team of black ops the most secret agency DEO

kara:- wait. Do you know about DEO?

Naira:- obviously don't act like you didn't know anything about it di .symphaty card won't work It is not me who put your version of brainiac AI all over the internet

"DEO Department of extraterrestrial operations is a american government black ops agency. It's all info is classified but you can see that" Brainiac sound comes from the speaker from speakers.

to which alex narrowed her eyes at Kara

Kara:- Brainiac

"and yes Kara did not saw the files yet"Brainiac finally said

Kara :-" I just known about there is secret black ops agency alex don't know about details I respect her privacy. "Kara said looking at alex with her puppy eyes

Naira:- Sorry alex my curiousity does things to me and secondly I need to keep an eye on place which contains highest amount of kryptonite in world.

Kara:- alex just ignore her blabbering. We can't make a pretty much good team

Kara said with her famous pout that she knows will melt alex.

Alex:- Fine .But you need to follow some conditions you will work with DEO so they will not treat you as threat I will talk to Hank and second You will need to train with me.

Kara :- Yes for DEO but I don't need training I am kryptonian like superman and besides no one here can give me proper training without broken bones

Naira:-" Wrong because all your trying to blend in as human you're too glumpy and I have some thing for alex which can help her kick your ass"She said giving her a bracelet with a red stone which is immitating some radiation which Kara knows as radiation of red son.

Alex :- Is it that what I am thinking it is . I am guessing you actually know this day will come

Naira:- um..hum what can I say. It's actually Made by Kara di for me so peoples like media will actually think I am human .Because of this I actually got hurt in front of media so people think I am human now and I think I don't need it anymore to prove anyone.

Alex nods

Naira:- and seeing you guys train will actually gonna be fun.Naira says shrugging her shoulders grinning at kara

kara:- you're awful

Naira :- I know still you love me

Kara simply roles her eyes and alex smiles at her. that's when door bell goes off and kara attended the door to take deliveries of Naira's fav's veg pizza's ,Momos and potstickers for her.

Kara:-" Thanks Nairu I was hungry too" She said taking potstickers. Naira changes In a tee and shorts pairs of her In Kara's cupboard in a zoom and seat besides Kara on her couch.

N:- "you're welcome but I didn't give order "She said taking pizza slices and sitting besides Kara"Brainac".

"You're welcome Princess Naira and Kara as you come here for sisters night on friday I figured out you'll take your regular food also you haven't completed today's calories yet"Brainiac said formally

Kara:- thanks brianiac and keep look at my sis .she is like exploring bird which cant calm down at one place and don't take care of herself.

Alex:- you two are awfully cute .

K:- golly alex come along it sisters night and a certain princess is here after long time.(making pout)

alex:- Ok but no wizard of Oz this time I am not listening to your pout

Naira:- Ok I just found out a same type of movie is made by my favourite actors Mel and Sheenu are acting as sisters in them and I don't have time to watch that yet.

Kara :- Oh I know it's not surprising a ceo of trillion dollar company of Bharat is fangirling for them on twitter .I am surprised you didn't met them till now.#Mellissa #Shivangi

Naira:- Plz di(she said putting pillow on her face.

Kara:-Ok fine Brainiac play the movie nairu want to see .

They watch the movie sitting comfortably on kara's little couch Naira putting her head on kara's shoulders.Kara was already asleep snooring smoothly.

Alex :- Naira doesn't you feel the part of you left out and want to do anything like kara .Like ptting on cape.

Naira:- no nate naah if you're asking about puting over the cape and el mayarah crest naah I am not .I can't take that responsibility specially killing someone even for self defence is not me. No until the safety of universe is only in my hand.
Alex:- and kara literally means world to you
N:- oh you know me well alex so you have to take care of our glumpy sister, only part of home to me because i really don't know what will i do without her
Alex:- neither do I... (said emotionally looking at kara and kissing her cheek) hey you're talking like a bigger one now
Naira just nods as sleep taking over her and she takes kara in her room and sleeps besides her taking her in hug while alex takes a second bedroom. (Just imagine here kara'sloft is same but with bigger size).

A month later
@ princess_Naira18 :- Program for talk on environmental issues on earth and how to handle them with environmental scientists. Also #extraTerrestrialCommunity who have problem due to environmental issues and want to share their stories and/or have solution to share for our earth are welcome to register on link

@ Girl_of_steel(Supergirl):- great initiative. Will be their @princess_Naira18
@ ted_talk :- all members of science community should attendme@.. @--

This is not the first time naira was trying to act like a bridge between extraterrestrial and humans and talking about environment. But twitter goes nut over the news and it started trending in no time.

On the day of the program, there is actually a good response. Though kara doubted some of the people are just there to see her or naira but that is not
That bad after all they will listen. As the event is not in the national city DEO can't attend but Alex was their so only Alex and supergirl were there in case of an alien attack.
But naira arranged her royal guards to watch for, with drones for monitoring, every member has given a batch generating force field.

Supergirl was second last saying about reasons cause of lack of resources and more mining in core leads to exploding of her homeworld.

Princess naira:- as supergirl said about lack of resources it's a true thing and my scientist friends will agree on this. According to my calculations all fossils in mine all over the world also drinkable water will end in next 917 years if we can't found any technic to preserve we will have the same faith as supergirls home krypton. (She was actually trying not to show her facial expression )but that's when She heard a blast and suddenly a green gas spreading in the air and stage covered by the cover the last thing she sees is her sister coming to her and everything goes dark.

Kara's PoV.

I saw a blast happen which is mean for me shockingly as I thought there are not many people outside America wanna kill me but guess I was wrong I daugh the kryptonite weapon that was a mistake as it was a bomb spreading kryptonite molecules in the air near naira and I think Unprepared she inhaled some kryptonite. Oh, my baby sis. I saw towards alex and as always she ordered to get out of the place filled with kryptonite

"Go, Her condition is not good," she said seeing at naira's body which is fully pale green.

So I Use my transporting device to get to my fortress of solitude and take her under yellow sunlight and so do I sit there beside her exhausted because of kryptonite.

Kara:- Brainiac how's her condition give me report

Brainiac (A.I.):- Kara, princess Naira's condition is not good as her body is not adapted effect of a small amount of kryptonite too so exposing such a large amount at once and inhaling it caused her blood poisoning. If proper treatment is not done then.(But Kara cut him of in between)

Kara:- No nothing will happen to my sister . Prepare the antidote of kryptonite I made before for my sister

Brainiac:- But miss Zor-EL the antidote you made is not perfect. that serum changes a person at a cellular level and can change the DNA of a person. You checked the result on your blood.

Kara:- But it will save my sister from an uncertain death so I can take any risk. ( she says seeing at naira's unconscious body)

Kara gets the serum and injected it into Naira's body and set the solar light at supercharging level and started monitoring her.

Kara :- Brainiac Is there any report about naira in media yet and also give me a report of the Function Hall and Alex.

Brainiac:- No one noticed about Naira as before the effect of kryptonite Naira was already on backstage. Also, there are no many casualties, and the person who attacked is already captured by alex

Kara :- um..call alex then

Alex:- Danvers, who is this

Kara :- alex its me kara

Alex :- oh kara where are you? Here I am worried about you ? and how's naira?

Kara :- Naira Is fine now I will tell you about her when I meet. Who was the person with kryptonite and is everything fine there

Alex:- yes, there is only one person who is not opening his mouth but it's Cadmus again.

Kara:- Oh I should know that.

Alex:- Kara I know what are you thinking, but don't do anything stupid in anger.

Kara :- no she is not worthy of my anger Alex, But she will pay for it this time.

Alex:- We will see her Just come back fine

that's when Kara heard a voice from naira's side, she was waking up. Naira was coughing and then vomiting some green blood from her mouth to side and kara was caressing her back for some time.

Kara:- hey you ok

Naira:- Um just a little exhausted and so much hungry. My head is hurting so badly If the hangover feels so bad I am glad I don't drink.

Kara(rolling her eyes at her attempt at a joke):- you can't get a hangover. You're actually feeling alright na

Naira:- yep but are everyone in function are fine their

Kara:- yes everyone is fine he come just for me. But

Naira:- But ? you're hiding something .the crinkle

Kara:- "No I am not trying to hide anything. umm..you should take a seat" which naira follows "look I would not have done this If I have another option but your Blood was infected by kryptonite and I"

N:- what di?

Kara:- I need to inject an anti kryptonite serum which I was working on which changed your body at a cellular level

N:- Are you saying I am not a Kryptonian anymore

Brainiac:- According to my calculations, More of your part is still Kryptonian. The serum is worked fine with which help you to contain more solar radiation and not absorb other radiations perhaps the DNA is now not an exact match of the house of El it's still matched by 85%.

N:- What does this mean I am not a member of the house of El

Kara:- No you are my sister and always will be and I am head of the house of El.

N:- But father and mother sent us here to hold kryptons legacy.

Kara:- Krytons legacy is doing good in the world which you're already doing more than me and Kal-El be that. And about DNA I don't know how you'll feel about it but the development or at least progress of Kryptonians are never natural our evolution is a result of genetic engineering on humanoid

Brainiac:- This information is classified and should not have been shared

Naira has a shocked face as she processes the info in her mind.

Kara:- I can't say any more just know that I love you( Xaion in Dxin si sink Sheenu Nairu). please don't hate me (she said and pressed her lips on his forehead)

N:- I love you di (Xaion in dsin MElKara).I just need time to process all this (saying this she turn around to open the portal and kara sighs)

Kara:- One more thing Naira helps you to keep healthy and give you strength. But it is possible that any of your power will go temporalily or you get some other.

Naira nods and goes from the portal.

Precap:- Some Karamel and Kara naira scenes.

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