
missing supressants pt2
3rd person

The hot omega woke up in his alphas bedroom smelling him but not able to see the man he loved so much, Lance's shoulder ached a little, the soft burning  of the new mark he had now recieved from shiros huge knot a meer three hours prior. Not being able to see or hear shiro panicked and distressed the omega. While in heat omegas were known to be more sensitive and  clingy, this is always increased for a few hours and the its max a few days. He slowly stood up and his legs caved in from being fucked so hard, it was like he could still feel shiros rock hard dick pulsing in his pussy, lance whines loudly as he  put on the shirt and panties that shiro had laid out when he tucked lance in to bed to rest.

It was now around mid-day and  shiro was making them both luch, he had made a simple sushi and  two small bowls of ramen. The smell of the beef and the miso broth filled the kitchen, Shiro knew that lance would want an easy meal to eat and a yummy one. Lances comfort meal of shiros was his sushi and  his ramen, hed normally have it when he was in heat or poorly.  Shiro had heard lance whine from the kitchen only because he had heard the thud from the floor above him. the hobs were turned off and then the 25yr old sprinted up the stairs to see if his vunerable boyfriend was ok after falling off the bed.

"Lance, are you ok ?" Shiro had a panicked tone.

A whiny, horny and really hot lance sat on the floor in the white lacey panties and  button up shirt of shiros. While it wasnt hot for shiro, however lance was really hot due to his heat,so the shirt stayed unbuttoned. The  slightly smaller male stood up shakily as he tried to leap into shiros arms causing him to fall over, luckily shiro had quick reflexes and caught his omega. "Lance are you ok?" the 25 year old repeated himself.

"N-no where were you?" Lance seemed very distraught. And this confuses Shiro.

"whats wrong baby?"

"Where the hell were you ?!" The 6ft man yelled at shiro a little, he didn't mean it though.

"Baby I was downstairs making lunch while you slept." His softer tone helped calmed Lance a little. "do you want me to carry you downstairs?"

"Yes please!" lance cheered a little. He hadn't noticed shiro had now marked him, all he felt was clingy and a new type of bond between them.

Shiro held his boyfriend close which was also when he saw the mark on his shoulder. It made him smile knowing that it would be clear to anyone when lance was shirtless. Lance clung to shiro like it was the only thing that kept him from being alone, it comforted the males for two different reasons:

The first reason was shiros reason, this action caused by his stressed out omega comforted him beacuse it showed lance wasnt upset or mad at him and only wanted attention from him.
The second reason is lances, this comforted him because he was close to his alpha and was protected, he knew shiro wouldnt leave and was happy to carry him places.

"Hey baby, i kinda marked you earlier when we were helping calm your heat... Please dont be upset" shiro spoke a little scared that lance was going to be upset.

Lance gave a soft giggle. "you did? thats great!" lance  seemed very happy that he was marked. "Whats for lunch?"

"Lunch is sushi and  ramen" he coes softly with a huge grin. 

"Yayyy" the omega cheered more than happily. "Can i eat it in bed cuddling you?" He asked polietly.

"yeah of course baby but that means i need to take you back upstairs  and come back down for the food, is that ok?"

"No~~" lance whined again.

"Why not baby?" he was polite as always.

"Because i want to cuddle and be close to you."

"Baby i know that now your marked youll be clingy and you don't want me to leave you alone but i have to leave you for a few minutes to bring our food up because you cant walk"

"Ugh finee" the omega started to pout and sulk. "you cant help with my nest then" This like all the other times lance wanted his way while in heat would use this to make shiro change his mind, most the time this would work on shiro, this time it didnt.

"lance baby listen , id love to carry you and the food but i cant do both so id have to make two trips to bring all our food up so we can snuggle up . "how about tonight  ill order takeout and if your not able to walk by then i can carry both you and take out?" shiro had proposed a comprimise to lance hoping itd work.

"ok fine, but can you carry the food up first, so then you can carry me and cuddle up close."

"hell yeah baby thats good, ill be quick" shiro gave lance a soft peck to the lips before he placed lance on the island in the centre of the kitchen and began to carry the food up the several  dozen stairs.

While shiro was gone lance went in the kitchen draw  near his left leg and pulled out some white thigh highs and put them on. He loved wearing the socks when he cuddled in bed with shiro. One of the many reasons he loved it was becasue when shiro got touchy hed tease lances thighs by carressing them with his thumb. The horny 19 year old sneakily took off the panties he had on as they got soaked in his bodies naturally forming lube  as well as the fact he wanted to tease shiro. In order to hide the fact he had took off the panties he previously had on Lance had to button the shirt up just enough to hide that he was naked underneath.

Shiro came down to see lance  in the socks and the shirt partly buttoned, the panties couldnt  be seen. "Your feet get cold baby?"

With  a quick nod of the head Lance was  lifted carefully off the counter and into his lovers arms. His soft giggle filled the kitchen and made Shiros cheeks flush with  a rosy red blush. The stronger of the pair pecked his cheek. The soft and silky smooth lips carress the tanned skin, leaving a slight taste of Lances moisturiser against shiros lips. Shiro slowly walked up the steep stairs. Omega clinging to his alpha while they went  to the bedroom after the initail comprimise was agreed upon.

Shiro placed his boyfriend down on the warm clearly remade bed while grabbing the stuff Lance would need and want for his nest, one of the several item was a huge blanket. This wasn't just any blanket it was one that looked like a taco but was the first gift shiro had given to lance. The soft ,fluffy blanket was laced with blues, reds and greens, all to make band names like 'slipknot' and a few bands that Lance and Shiro hadn't heard of. Lance got all excited to eat food in their shared bed while cuddling his alpha.

Soft giggles came from the omega while Shiro puts lances food next to him. This caused the older man to  look over and smile before he asked lance why he was giggling. From Shiros perspective lance was being stubborn but in reality lance didn't want to say as itd ruin the suprise that lance was completely naked.

As the pair ate lance cuddled close. He loved the way his partner cooked it made him feel loved but also drool over how good shiro cooked. It was habit for shiro to cook food from japan as he grew up eating that food. Lance could swear to the heavens that hed never stop eating the perfectly spiced and cooked beef and miso ramen. For the first time in  a while lance had been full of his food by the end of his ramen bowl.

Lance moved the empty bowl and the sushi away from them both as he sat in shiros lap. Shiro hadn't gotten dressed so only had on his boxers. They both ate and enjoyed the quality time they recived with each other, lance got warm holding onto his alpah and fell asleep. Both shiros sent and warmth made lance feel loved, he was really cosy and felt safe in his arms. And of course lance forgot to take his birthcontrol and they didnt buy the morning after pill.

After a few very busy weeks the pair finally sat down in bed together all cuddled and holding eachother close.He happily welcomed the cuddles off of his boyfriend lance had been missing them a lot. While lance and shiro were financially stable lance wondered how shiro wouldd react if lance got pregnant one day, itd been on his mind a lot especailly since hed gotten marked. Hed felt really sick and gross lately remebering that he hadnt took any tablets for him and shiro to not have a baby,he was a little flustered over the news hed found out.

When lances heat was over he still was very clingy due to the mark he now loved showing off. Today was another day at the office with shiro. shiro said he was needed at wok again so he was only going to be an hour max so off shiro went. lance was left to his own devices and told shiro he was going to go out for some stuff, hed went off on his own for half hour and bought a few things, he kept cash on him a lot of the time, Shiro trusted lance and he also knew that he had his mark on show due to his croptopp and his short shorts. While lance was out he bought shiro and himself food whuch cost about $7 their usual coffee order which was around £8 and lance bought some stuff from the pharmacy after explaining to shiro that hed lost his supressants, shiro often gave lance money weekly but it wasnt loads he knew itd et spent quickly but knew lance and hunk went out loads due to college. lance came back all happy.   when shiro came back he kisses his cheek and sit cuddled again.

"hey baby how was it?" shiro asked calmly not making a big deal out of his omega not being really clingy.

lance seemed nervous " i used the money you gave me to buy supressants food and coffee and got a dirty look" lance missed out one of the things hed bought,purposly.

Shiro listened as lace explained that it made him uncomfortable,he asked if it was o to go into the bag that lance hand on the bedroom floor, lance said  no but expalined that the bag had food in and the coffee sat of the side, he went to the bathroom and got the box of supressants. they were a little to high a dose for lance and often for alphas but would help for boosting fertility in omegas, lance didnt read the box he just grabbed one that looked like the one he normally took. He passed the box  to shiro and he giggled a little. "baby you bought one generally for alphas, want me to return them for your normal ones". he was polite and knew lance sometimes struggled with people,Lance nodded as shiro offered "yes please."

shiro asked for the recipet and lance blushed then remembered he bought things seperately. the order went suressants, food,something he was hiding from shiro and coffee so lance looked in the bag and got the correct recipt for shiro so he coukd return them. While shiro was out he checked on his little secret. he wasnt suprised but not hating it. when shiro got home he had a smile on his face and got the new supressants for his omega,he was happy that lance wasnt embarrssed by him knowing the pills he takes. shiro was absolutely clueless to the secret Lance was keeping. Lance had gave shiro the food hed bought. he looked like he was thinkig.

"what you thinking about?" he asked curously.

"I  know weve had the convosation before but what age would you want kids" lance blurted out.

"well im 25 so id be hppy like that but its up to you as its your body."

lance blushed as he looked at shiro "awww, im gonna go get a shower as im sweaty." he got uo,his scent a little sweeter then normal but shiro took that as him being happy.

After 20 minutes lance was out and in a towel, he was scared but felt a little reassured.he was in the bathroom crying. shiro heard the sniffles ad went to see if lance is ok, hed sliced himself with his razor and it hurt.lance hid soemthing when shiro walked into the bathroom ad patched lance up, hed messaged hunk with news and hunk seemed happy. "babe... we kinda need to talk" lance said calmly. shiro freaked out a little but stayed calm while alnce got on boxers and one of shiros smart shirts.

they both sat down on the bed lance shaking with fear of shiros reaction. "when i was out i also bought more then the supressants."

"thanks  ok lance, that money is yours. you dont need to tell me what you buy."

he stood up ad went to get his little secret and cuddled shiro again "it is also why im crying..well apart from my leg that also hurts"

"what is it baby"

lance looked up at him and smiled weakly. "my heat... we didnt have the morning after pill which isnt a biggie unless i forgot to take my birthcontrol, i forgot to for a few days, the mark made me really sleepy."

"so what about it baby"

"well you knotted me, i would have been ok.. well probably if you didnt knot me"

" baby what are you hinting at"

lance gave shiro a few tests. "there pregnancy tests"

shiro blushed that lance had even took them, he didnt know lance felt sick all the time, hed only been sick with shito once and blamed the food.Shiro held four pregnancy tests in his hand,lace went overboard he took two of two different typpes, one of that was clear blue that gave words and the other was a regular pregnancy test that had two lines for pregnancy. the clear blue both read pregnant,3 weeks while the other ones read pregnant and not pregnant.

"i took 4 as i belived i got a false negative"

shiro started to tear up "so your pregnant"

lance nodded. shiro seemed overjoyed "what do you want to do baby."

without a thought he replied "keep the baby" lance had thought about it as soon as he saw the three positives.

Shiro smiled and half lances belly genlty.he was really happy.lance smiled then giggled "sorry i told hunk first."

he told lance he didnt mind as hunk would always be there for lance and he found the special.

shiro held lance close and smiled he was so happy to be a dad.Shiro also had a suprise for lance.

"baby, thank you for making me a dad but i have a question"

"sure go ahead"

"will you marry me"

lance teared up and started crying he hadnt expected that at all he gave a sniffled nod and had his rig put on him, hunk found out minutes later and congratulated him, lance giggled "i guess i really do need to start taking those vitamins for our babies sake" he cuddled up to shiro was was asleep within ten minutes.


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