Missing suppressants.
Shuro top
Lance bottom.
Shiro being an alpha was overly cautious when it came to lance. The 19 year old bubbly out-going omega loved to party and wear revealing clothing, this was because he was confident and loved to show off. Shiro had warned lance when he'd go out often accompanying him anyways. Shiro was a tall, strong and powerful, muscled man with white hair and a robotic prosthetic. This 25 year old alpha was very protective over his 19 year old omega. Lance was shiros omega and it was well known that lance was a troublemaker and a flirt, even with lances bubbliness and sweet manor most guys would swoon and flirt with him. This made shiro incredibly jealous.
It was an early Thursday morning and shiro had ordered a treat for lance. He was ordering them breakfast. Shiro chose waffles with maple syrup for himself and he'd chosen lances usual (which he never finished) waffles, egg and bacon. Lance was still fast asleep and his alpha had came back from his morning run. The Cuban omega loved his sleep and wasn't a morning person, shiro knew that and knew not to wake lance at least until 8 am.
The alpha walked across the house barefoot and got a towel before walking to the bathroom to shower. He flicked the light switch on and turned the shower on. With a few flicks and fwshish the hot water started to pour out of the showerhead. The bathroom soon filled up with steam and shiros clothes were on the floor in a neat mess. The smell of. Lances strawberry scented shampoo filled the steamy bathroom. Shiro rubbed the shampoo out under the steady flow of water. He grabbed the body wash and lathered it over his body. His hands moved over his pecks then his abs, his hips his long dick, then balls followed by his legs and feet. Shiro cleaned himself thoroughly making sure that his body was covered in soap bubbles. Warm water washed him clean. He'd got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his hips as he walked into the bedroom where lance lay fast asleep snoring his head off.
The older male looked through his drawers and found a nice suit for the day. His boxers would be loose and his hair neat. While shiro didn't look like a perfectionist he loved having things in an order. Shiro didn't have enough time to get fully dressed so he answered the door in his boxers. Shiros muscled body looked perfect in the sunlight. His abs muscled pecks and big biceps were what made the delivery guy go red. As he stuttered out "y-your t-total I-is $20"
Shuro handed over a $20 and a $5 note to the man "the 5 is your tip. Have a nice day and thank you" shiro chuckled seeing the flustered delivery man walk away. He closed the door and lay the paper bag in the marbled counter top before walking back up to the bedroom to get dressed. Deodorant and cologne for his under arms and neck even a little behind his ear. Then his crisp white shirt.
Shiros black boxers were barely seen at the end of his shirt and this was a sight for the sleepy lance to see when he wakes. "good morning~" yawned lance.
Shuro turned slowly as he smiled "good morning baby." his tone was gentle.
"you look good."
"I'm just in my boxers baby. "
"did I stutter?" lance had a little sass to him. This made shiro chuckle. "you should take your shirt off for breakfast."
A quick nod was returned from shiro as he took his shirt off and folded it. "I ordered us breakfast. As a treat." shiro gave small smile before he went over and picked lance up.
The ordered food made lance grin and cheer, he held into shiro as he went down to the breakfast bar. The alpha plated up food as he took a few tablets to help his immune system and tried to get lance to take his as well, it hardly ever worked but since there was a yummy breakfast in front of him lance took them.
Shiro and lance would often eat in quiet for a few minutes to let lance wake up fully. Then the conversation would be cheery as lance would tell his boyfriend about the dream he had, today would be no different.
They ate food and cleaned up their dishes before racing each other to their huge bedroom to cuddle, kiss or simply just hold each other for a little while before getting dressed. On weekends their day would be different but still similar.
For them both today like the rest of the week lance would join shiro at work as they were expecting lances heat. It had been. Late for over a week. At first they didn't think anything of it but were more cautious as it got to Monday. Then lance stared going to work with shiro just incase his heat started. It wasn’t unusual for lances heat to be late as it always was.
Lance hadn't told shiro that he'd lost his suppressants at college so he hadn't been able to buy new ones. He blew his money on clothes and a movie night with hunk so he was scared to tell shiro that he didn't have any to help hide his heat till they wore off.
"baby you should get dressed. I'll pack your bag and our lunches. Make sure to grab your suppressants just incase." shiro spoke in an authoritive tone but not enough to scare lance.
"yeah OK shiro. I will." lance spoke and got dressed.
Lance had put on a really nice pair of shorts, no panties or boxers as it was going to be a hot day paired with a shirt of shiros and his own blazer. It was cute and classy.
Lance's thoughts raced 'oh no. Shit I don't have any suppressants and if my heat starts I can't hide it and shiro will know that I've lied to him.'. Shiro wouldn't have been mad or anything just a little upset that he hide the fact he lost his suppressants and didn't tell him, shiro would have happily went and. Bought him more.
Shiro packed their lunches that lance made the night before so that they could be early to work and have an extra half hour alone time. Lance was very needy about that. He always wanted to be with shiro.
By half eight in the morning lance and shiro had left for shiros work. They were both happy and enjoying the quieter roads. When they got to the office lance ran straight into shiros huge office and sat in the spinney chair while shiro signed in. Shiro was a powerful man and kind of owned a mafia. He was the he boss of course so he had a whole day of nothing.
Lance turned the fans on and opened the window so that the room would be cool for shiro.
When his alpha returned he had a lot of paperwork in his hands. He even had a pout on his. "looks like a busy day for me but I won't start yet. Not till everyone else gets here."
Lance gave a nod "ok baby legs cuddle" lance smiled as he spoke cheerfully.
Within seconds lance was sweeped of his feet and into shiros grip. Their cuddles were what often lead to the pair of them falling asleep. Shiros assistant would be the one to wake them up. Well to wake shiro. Today would be the exact same. Lance's warm body and tight grip were what made shiro sleepy. While for lance the soft faint smell of their laundry detergent and shiro a cologne is what makes lance start falling asleep. Lance leaned into shiro as a blanket was placed over them both ,minutes later lance had falling asleep clutching shiros shirt a little. Shiro like usual had taken a few photos of his boyfriend asleep and fell into a slumber as well. This idea of leaving and having half an hour to themselves was lances idea as he wants a family and having cuddle times can help boost fertility. Shiro was obviously down for that since he really wanted a family.
The half hour passed surprisingly quickly and shiros assistant (who was completely terrified of shiro) nervously walked into the office. He hayed having to wake up his boss as hed get annoyed if lance was awoke. Unfortunately kinkade would often wake lance, he wasn’t good at being quiet. Kinkade brought in two iced Frappuccino’s for shiro and lance. The usual venti caramel Frappuccino with coffee and whipped cream was for shiro, the other much smaller was a tall hot chocolate for lance. Since shiro had slept well he wasn’t as cranky when he got woken up, not long after shiro was woke lance nuzzled shiros chest which meant he was waking up.
“mmm I smell hot coco” lance mumbled as he gave out a quite yawn.
“yeah baby you can, its for you I think kinkade bought it for you since he thought you were unwell.” Shiro growled as he spoke. He knew that kinkade liked lance.
“aw that’s nice, I know you think he’s trying to make moves, can I still drink it?”
Shiro gave chuckle “ of course you don’t need to ask, I know you only have eyes for me.”
Lance gave quick nod and cuddled shiro a little longer while taking small sips of his drink, he loved feeling the hot liquid go down his throat and make him feel warm. It tasted so good as well, he really loved the hot chocolate.
“how’s your coffee baby?”
“Its really good like usual, want a sip?” shiro asked.
Lance refused “hot and cold drinks don’t mix. They make my tummy hurt”
Shiro gave a nod of understanding.
Shiro pushed though an hours work before wanting to go to the toilet and asked if lance needed it, he was nodding. Lance looked desperate. Lance wasn’t being treated badly he was just to shy to ask to go to the bathroom. With his huge muscles and his strength shiro picked lance up and carried him to the bathroom. Shiro put lance down and let him go to the bathroom before he went himself.
It was only when lance got into shiros office did he feel hot and a little bothered. He didn’t tell his alpha because he was very busy. Sometimes lance felt as if the work shiro did often was taking over their love life. Lance knew the truth but his racing thoughts were still there. When shiro came back he didn’t notice that lance was hot and bothered.
Lance began to cling to shiro a lot more then instead of sitting near him or on the floor that had a lovely carpet. Shiro noticed and was a little annoyed as clingy lance was hard to do any work with.
“Lance what’s wrong?” shiro reacted calmly knowing he wasn’t able to yell at him.
“Nothing, I just want to be near you~.” lance gave a soft whine
“I know something else is bothering you as well, what is it?”
“W-well its really hot in here~.” lance whined again. This time round his scent started to change making him smell a little sweeter.
“Come on baby, its no-... lance we should probably go home.”
Shiro picked lance up in his arms and grabbed his bag and left the work on his desk. And walked out of his office and told kinkade to do the work. He practically ran to the car knowing why he was hot and clingy, it all made sense when shiro smelt lance. The whole way to the car lance was whining about how he wanted shiro but shiro refused as they were in public which was when lance wiggled out of his shorts. Shiro had to cover him up till he got into the car, thankfully shiros windows were all tinted so no one could see in. lance was impatient due to his heat starting, he got onto shiros lap and started to take off his belt and undo his fly. He really wanted to be fucked by shiro.
“Lance, no. you cant have sex while driving.” Shiro snapped a little at him but then regretted it. Shiro pulls over and went on the glove compartment and pulled out a vibrating dildo. “If you are quiet, you can use this before we get home as it’s a long drive” shiro spoke in a much gentler tone.
Lance nodded and slowly pushed the 10’ dildo in his pussy, he was slow because it often took time for him to stretch to shiros size. “Did you forget to bring a smaller one?” lance questioned breathlessly.
Shiro smiled and nodded “yeah sorry baby” shiro started to drive again before he heard the faint sound of buzzing. Shiro hearing lance please himself right next to him made him a little horny. The 25-year-old looked over at lance who seemed to be in his own world.
Lance was trying not to moan as he felt the big toy vibrate though his wet pussy, his hand moved the dildo in and out slowly causing his head to tilt backwards. Soft moans and pants escaped his lips as the toy pulsed while lance fucked himself. The toy didn’t last to long in lances hands as shiro got a little restless watching lance, shiro drove into the woods close by and out of sight of people.
The toy was taken off of lance and turned off as shiro took off his pants and his boxers. Shiro was a little reckless most of the time when it came to lances heat, they rarely used condoms which meant lance would have to have a birth control. They both knew this would fuck up lances heats but were still happier with the birth control and the morning after pill. Lance gave a giggle as he knew what was going to happen. He went into the back seat of the car then lay on his back for shiro. With in seconds shiro was in the back seat with lance and kissing him gently. The omega in heat was needy so tried to hurry shiro up by whining about how much he wanted shiro to fuck him and mark him.
Shiro loved watching lance fall weak beneath him as his huge tip slid into lances wet and warm hole, stretching him out a little in the process. A gasp came from lances mouth as he felt all of shiro being pushed into his pussy, lance loved when he’d make shiro want sex especially after shiro said no to car sex. The kiss the pair shared was resumed once more as lance took shiro in, their mouth moving against each other wanting to feel the passion and the lust they both shared.
Loving kisses turned into sloppy heated make outs as shiro started to fuck lances pussy rough, he knew lance loved it like that. the omega underneath him didnt stop moaning and clawing at lances back as he screamed shiros name over and over. His roough quick thrusts were what lance loved, he felt a lot of pleasure from it. His alphas big dick thrustinf in and out filling his pussy up and stretchung him open. Lance was a freak th the sheets he loved the rough and kinky side but also loved when siro would have gentle sex with him. the windows to the car fogged as lance moans out , the rocking of the car would make it obvious to those who saw but they didnt care. shiro and lance didn't stop the kiss at all unless lance moaned aganst his lips. lances legs were spread wide open as shiro moved his hips back and forth,it felt so good to them both. lances scremas and clawing only drove shiro to go faster.
Lance gasped as shiro was pleasing him, his prosthetic fingers rubbed across the omegas clit and started to vibrate, lances gasp soon turmed into plesured moans. Shiro was very into fuckng him but slowed down to teasse lance. His thrusts became sloe and gentle. In and out. Lances moans were a lot quieter as the thrill died down. The sex didn't stop but it was where shiro pulls out of lance and taked thme both out of the car for more room. While lance whined at the loss of his alpah thrusting insude him shiro pulled out a blanket and lay it on the floor. Lance was pinning shiro to the ground and straddled him while letting the thick cock slide back into his warm letting out a loud gasp as he got filled again.
This time they didn't kiss but lance slowly lifted his hips up and down getting used to riding him. Shiros hands lay on his hips as lance soon picked up the pace making shiros dick slide in and out od him, it was much easier for him then being in the car. Lance was very good at fucking himself and shiro knew this from all the times hed walked in on lance using a dildo to fuck himself Lance got quicker as shiros gorans got louder, the both felt so good.
"I-im gonn cum!" Lance shouted.
"M-me to im gonna kno-" shiro groaned mid sentence.
Lance came heavily onto his and shiros chests while shiro came inside lance, knotting him in the process as well as marking his omega. shiro panted softly as he lay there with lance above him, shiro gave a soft smile at the marked omega.
"You did great baby, did i hurt you at all?" the older male asked curiously and hoping he didnt hurt lance.
Lance shook his head and smiled "no, not at all. I didn't get hurt. You felt so good~" lance sighs thinking about the sex they just had.
Shiro and lance talked while shiros knot died down enough to pull out and get dressed before getting in the car again. He helped lance get back into the car and gave him a clean blanket knowing hed be tired. When they got home shiro carried in a fast asleep lance and lay out some clothes so when lance woke up he could make a nest.
(3084 words)
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