Heya! I'm just telling ya that they are all in high school! Enjoy lè oneshot!
Kyle's POV:
I feel tears stinging my eyelids as I watch Stan and Wendy walk past me. Why Stan? Why do you make me feel like this?

Stan glances over at me and waves lightly. I wave back half-heartedly. He gives me an odd look, but then he turns his attention back to his

I sigh, shut my locker, and walk slowly to my next class.

In class Kenny pokes my shoulder. "*muffled* Hiya Kyle! *muffled*" He says.

I look at him. "Hey.." I say monotone.

Kenny tilts his head. "*muffled* You okay? *muffled*" He asks.

I nod, trying to get him to believe me. I guess it works because as soon as I say it he turns his attention to his play boy hidden behind a textbook.

I sigh and I put my head in my arms, not really caring about today's lessons. "Kyle!" Someone yells.

I snap my head up and I see the teacher staring at me. "Class is over, you can go to lunch." Mr. Garrison says.

I sigh and I stand up. Jeez somebody could've told me that class was over. "Yeah okay." I say.

"Kyle?" He asks.

I turn to him. "Yes Mr. Garrison?" I say.

"Are you feeling alright? You have been really quiet lately." Mr. Garrison says.

I nod. "Yeah..just I have a lot of things on my mind.." I say.

Mr. Garrison nods. "Okay. Feel free to talk to me anytime." He says.

I shrug and I walk out of the room. I walk down the hallway to the lunchroom.

"Yo Kyle!" Stan calls to me.

I turn and walk to our table. I put on a fake smile. "H-Hey Stan." I greet.

Stan grins. "Dude we were just talking about the new Jurassic Park movie." He says.

I nod. "Oh, I heard its supposed to be better than the others." I say.

Stan nods excitedly. "Yup! So I was thinking when it came out, do you all want to see it when it comes to theaters?" He asks.

I nod. "Sure. Sounds fun." I reply.

Stan goes back to talking to the others about how great its going to be.

I sigh and sit down. A few minutes pass and I find myself fantasizing about Stan. Of course someone has to snap me out of my daydream.

"Kyle. Kyle? Kyle?!" Stan yells poking my cheek.

"Ack! What?!" I shout from shock.

Stan chuckles. "You were daydreaming." He says.

I blink. "Oh..oops..." I say sheepishly.

Stan laughs. "C'mon time to go." He says.

I nod and stand up with Stan as we head out of the lunchroom.

"Hey are you okay?" Stan asks.

I nod. "Y-Yeah.." I reply.

Stan rolls his eyes. "Uh-huh. I believe ya alright." He says sarcastically.

I felt my veins go to ice. "I-I'm telling the t-truth." I stutter.

Stan smacks my back. "Yeah yeah." He teases.

I gulp. "Sh-Shut up.." I mumble.

Stan laughs and walks ahead of me. "Well lets get going to class, we'll be late." He informs.

I shrug and follow him to class.

After school I walk to the bus silently. Why does Stan have to torture me like this? It hurts so much..

I get on the bus and close my eyes. Dammit can't have him...he's dating Wendy..

"*muffled* Kyle? *muffled*" Kenny asks.

I look up and see Kenny. "Yeah.." I ask,

"*muffled* Whats going on with you? *muffled*" He asks.

I sigh and I look up at him with tearful eyes. "I-I'm in love with m-my best fr-friend.." I whisper.

Kenny sighs and sits next to me. "I already knew that." He says.

I snap my head up in shock. "Y-You knew?" I ask incredibly shocked.

Kenny nods and smiles at me. "*muffled* You're very obvious *muffled*." He says.

I blush and look at my lap. "I-I...he can't return my f-feelings..." I stammer.

Kenny pats my back. "*muffled* It'll be okay, dude. I'm sure he will come around. *muffled*" He says reassuring me.

I take a deep shaky breath and wipe my tears, just as Stan gets on the bus. He glances at me and I know he knows that I was crying.

Kenny looks back at Stan, but Stan was too busy talking with Wendy. I sigh and sink lower into my seat. "See...he can't love me.." I whisper softly.

Kenny sighs and pats my back again. "*muffled* It'll be okay.. *muffled*" He says.

I nod. After a little bit the bus pulls into the bus stop. I get off the bus and I barely get far when Stan calls for me. "Kyle!" Stan calls.

I turn to him my face over flowing with tears. "L-Leave me alone!" I choke out.

Stan gasps as I run to my house. "WAIT KYLE!!!" He yells after me.

I ignore him and I slam my door shut, much to my mothers disapproval. I run upstairs and I lock my door. I jump onto my bed and I cry my eyes out.

*Bzt* Stan: Kyle? Please tell me whats wrong.

I growl and I message him back.

Kyle: Stop hurting me more!

Stan: What do you mean?

Kyle: Figure it out since you're so smart! Leave. Me. ALONE!

Stan: Please don't do this Kyle.

Kyle: You started it...if you want to know try convincing Kenny to tell you..

Stan: Kyle...

Kyle: Bye.

I shut off my phone and I turn to my side and I fall asleep.

Around midnight I got two messages. I check Kenny's message first.

Kenny: Hey..uh..Stan knows...sorry...

I scoff. I type back quickly.

Kyle: I know. I told him to ask you..I'm too ashamed to even look at him any more..

Kenny: Its fine. You might want to clear this all up with him.

Kyle: Yeah.. I'll try..

I sigh and I check my other message. Of course it was Stan.

Stan: Kyle...come to Starks Lake.

Kyle: ...

Stan: Please. I want to talk to you..I don't hate you if thats what you're wondering.

Kyle: ...k

Stan: Kyle please.

I don't answer him back. I get up off my bed and I change my clothes. I put on my green jeans, green t-shirt, orange jacket, green gloves, and slid on my brown snow boots.

I walk to Starks Lake and I saw Stan sitting on a log with his head in his hands.

I walk up to him and I curtain my bangs so he doesn't see my eyes. "..."

Stan hears my breathing and he turns to look at me. He hugs me. "Kyle.." He says softly.

I don't hug back. I don't say a thing. "Please Kyle..please talk to me.." He begs.

I keep my head down. "...why..?" I squeak out.

Stan lifts my chin to meet his eyes. My watery green eyes staring into warm blue eyes.

"Kyle..I want to know what you're feeling.." Stan says.

I feel my cheeks burn and my knees feel weak. "I-I...I..." I stammer.

Stan gets closer to me and I feel weaker. My blush becomes more apparent. "Kyle. Tell me how are you feeling." Stan orders this time.

I gulp and I want to look away but I can't. "I feel...hurt....jealous.....w-warm...a-and..and..." I stutter.

Stan brings his face closer. "And?" He asks.

I close my eyes. "I-I don't kn-know...I f-feel....happy..." I whisper.

Stan smirks and places his lips onto mine. I gasp and my eyes widen. Stan pulls away. He leans into my ear. "I love you way too much to have you feel hurt..or jealous..." He whispers.

I feel tears or joy spill from my eyes. I step back and I rub my eyes. "Y-You c-can' h-have Wendy.." I say.

All of a sudden I hear, "HIEE!!!" From a familiar voice.

I turn my head so fast I think my neck will snap. I turn and see...Wendy?! She is holding a camera?!

My face has never felt so hot than it has now. "W-W-Wendy?!?!" I ask REALLY shocked.

Wendy winks at me. "Aheehee! I already knew~!" She says giggling.

I cover my face with my hands. "B-But...what about you and Stan?" I ask.

Wendy walks down to Stan and I. "Stan told me before we started dating." She says.

I look at Stan who is blushing furiously. "I-I...shaddup..." He mumbles.

Wendy pokes his cheek. "Th-Then why were you d-dating..?" I ask softly.

Stan turns. "" He says, scratching his head.

Wendy scoffs. "Hehe. He dated me because he was too shy to tell you his feelings so he dated me to try to get you to confess first." She explains with a teasing tone.

I blush and look at Stan who has his back turned. "Meneheye.." He mocks.

I crack a smile and I laugh. I hug Wendy tightly. "Thank you." I whisper in her ear.

Wendy giggles. "No problem. Farewell Kyle." She says, leaving the lake.

I turn to see Stan grinning madly. "Whelp, I guess we're a couple now?" He says.

I laugh. "You know what to do." I tell him.

Stan walks over to me until he is millimeters from my face. "Will you be my boyfriend..?" He asks.

I nod. "Uh-huh..." I say.

Stan grins and kisses me passionately. I wrap my arms around his neck. He places his hands on my hips.

I pull away for a moment. "I love you." I breathe.

Stan grins. "I love you more.." He says softly.

He then kisses me again. I kiss back.

I finally got my happily ever after.

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