Chapter 4
Martha drops her phone on the ground in shock. She starts to shake and she can't control the tears that start coming out of her eyes. Richard gets up and grabs her phone, trying to figure out who sent her the message. He wants to call, but there is no number. He responds to the message.
Who is this?
The phone buzzes saying that it is unable to send the message.
"Who the fuck is this?" Richard is getting frustrated now.
"I don't know. Richard I am scared. What should I do?" Martha tried speaking through her tears.
Richard thinks for a minute, "You get a new phone with a new number. You say that you left your phone on top of your van and you drove away like that. We will destroy this phone in the meantime." Just like Martha, Richard didn't want anyone knowing about their secret. It would destroy both of them.
"But they said they can see me. What if someone is following me? What if it's that white truck I told you about? Richard, someone knows about us. What if they tell the school? What if they tell Jasper?" Martha starts pacing the room while she babbles. She can't figure out what to do with herself. She can't calm down.
"Did you get the license plate number? We can call the police," Richard is frustrated, but he is surprisingly calm towards Martha. She really needed a man like this in her life.
Could she really leave Jasper because Richard seemed more protective of her? There were so many questions going on in Martha's head. The main question was, what were they going to do?
"No," Martha starts to tear up some more. "I never thought to look. I am such an idiot. Why didn't I get the license plate? I should have called it in earlier when I had my first suspicion. My boys could be in danger. I could be in danger. My family, my life, my students! Carter said he saw that truck in his dreams. Was he seeing the future? Oh my god. What am I gonna do?" Martha kept babbling. She was panicking and she couldn't stop it. Five minutes ago she was in pure heaven and now her anxiety level was uncontrollable. Her breathing began to speed up.
"Martha, you need to calm down. Sit down and take some deep breaths. I am here. I am not going anywhere." Richard started rubbing Martha's back trying to keep her calm. His soothing touch made her breathing slow slightly.
Martha suddenly remembers that Richard is leaving on Monday to a conference and he won't be around. Should she tell Jasper about the message? Would he believe that something is wrong now? How would she explain it to him? The message said I CAN SEE YOU. He would want to know what Martha was doing when someone could see her. She could come up with a fake story. Maybe she could say that she was smoking on school property or something stupid like that.
Her mind started racing again and she thought her heart was going to beat out of her chest. She couldn't calm down. She was going to be completely alone to deal with this. Her emotions were taking a wild roller coaster ride.
"Martha, it could be a mistake. Technology these days. You just never know when something can glitch." Richard tried to sound like he was convincing himself as well as Martha. "It could be some teenagers that are pulling a prank."
"I think I need some water, or a stiff drink." Martha tried sitting down again, but she stood up almost instantly. She didn't know what to do with her fidgety body.
"You are at the grocery store remember? I will get you some water." Richard got up and went to the kitchen.
Richard was right. She needed to calm down. There could be plenty of explanations for this message. Maybe it was a glitch. Maybe some teenagers were being stupid. It could be someone playing a joke on her. But who? No one else knew about their affairs. At least Martha hasn't told anyone. Someone could be spying on them. Someone could have broken into Richard's house and installed hidden cameras.
Martha's mind kept thinking of ridiculous stories. It could be a neighbor watching through the winow. It could be some sick perverted kid who had nothing better to do with their life. It could be an ex lover of Richard's that had jealousy issues. Richard had never talked about his ex girlfriends. This could be the reason why.
Richard comes back with the water. Martha takes it instantly, almost spilling it on the floor. She takes a long needed drink, not caring about the cold giving her a brain freeze. The coolness going down her throat was invigorating. She didn't realize how thirsty she was until now. She drank the whole glass in less than a minute, but she then had the regret of a bloated feeling after. She lay back down until her heart slows. Her mind is still racing, but her body feels calm. Her hands still didn't know what to do.
"What should I do?" she ask Richard hoping that he will have an answer. She doesn't want to be alone. He is leaving, but he could leave her with some good advice as well. What if this continued while he was gone? But he would be gone, this person would have nothing to spy on. They could leave it alone and nothing would happen.
"I would say...just wait it out. You don't know what that message means. It could be a mistake. I am leaving soon so if it is real, they won't have anything to see for a week so maybe they will let it go. Or if it is a mistake then you would never hear from them again. Keep a close eye on your surroundings until I get back." It was like Richard had read Martha's mind.
Martha didn't know whether to agree with him or get frustrated. Once again, her emotions didn't know how to feel. He had a point, but she is still shaking in her mind. She gets up and starts pacing in his room. Her fidgety body coming back to her. She walks back and forth, glancing out the window every time she passes it. Now she felt like there were eyes all around her. She has to pull herself together. She has a family to take care of. She needs to be strong for them and act like nothing's wrong. For their sake, she has to be tough. She took some deep breaths and tried to calm her nerves.
"Ok, but can I text or call you if something happens? Jasper doesn't believe me about the white truck and I am sure he won't believe me about this. He thinks the white truck is nothing to worry about. But Carter saw it in his dream. What does that even mean?"
Richard looks at Martha with his strong eyes, "You told Jasper about the truck?"
"Of course I told him. He is still my husband. If this truck has anything to do with this message, then he might be in danger too. My whole family could be in danger."
"I am not saying that you shouldn't have. I am just saying that Jasper doesn't seem like the guy that cares about you or your worries. So I just don't know why you wasted your time telling him something like that. You knew you would get disappointed with his reaction." It was in Richard's nature to try and have Martha believe that Jasper was not the guy for her. Martha understood Jasper more that Richard did so most of the time she didn't agree with him, but she always left those thoughts to herself. Richard and Jasper were friends, but Richard always tried to one up Jasper.
Richard was right about one thing though. Jasper did seem to only care about himself lately. He did take time out of his day to be with the boys, but it hasn't been the same with them since the miscarriage. He just seemed like a different man all together. Martha never knew if Jasper knew how she really felt about the miscarriage. Men just didn't understand what it was like to have an actual human die inside of them.
"You are right. I won't tell him anything else. He won't care and I know that. I just have to trust you and your word," Martha was still pacing and still glancing out the window. She didn't really think that she wouldn't tell Jasper anything, but she wanted to keep Richard happy. He was making her happy so it was the right thing to do to return the favor.
"Will you sit with me for a little before you have to go?"
Martha took one more glance out the window and saw it. The white truck was pulling out of the driveway across the street. When it stopped at the end of the driveway to shift into drive, Martha swore that she saw the driver glance up into Richard's bedroom window.
She ducks down hoping the person didn't see her.
"The truck is right outside," Martha whispers to Richard as she agressively points to the window. She didn't want the person to hear her either, even though it was a ridiculous thought. They couldn't hear her from across the street even if they wanted to. Unless there were hidden cameras in the room.
Richard gets up to look, but the truck is too fast all he sees are the brake lights disappearing into the distance.
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