Teegan and Carter both look at their mom and shrug their shoulders.
“Maybe he’s sleeping,” Carter is so young and innocent. Even the slightest noise would wake Brick up. A buzzing fly in the other room would cause him to bark at nothing.
“Let’s go inside, mom. We look like idiots just standing out in the hallway,” Teegan is impatient and Martha has no choice but to open the door. Her heart pounding, she keeps her ears and eyes wide open for anything out of the ordinary.
Brick still hasn’t come to them. “Go back and get the rest of the stuff out of the van,” Martha tells her boys so she can look around without them getting scared. Still no sign of Brick. She walks down the hall and nothing seems different. She goes to the upper level of their apartment and notices the bathroom door closed. Her heart skips a beat because everyone always leaves the doors open when they leave so Brick has more room to roam. Plus, the bathroom is oddly his favorite place to sleep while they were gone.
She starts to hear scratching and whimpering behind the door and Martha immediately opens the door. Brick almost tackles her as she opens the door and starts kissing her all over her face. His mouth is foaming bad and it has an unusual odor too it. His breath normally does smell bad, but this time it had a different scent that Martha didn't like at all. She goes to his treat cupboard to get him a Dentastick. He definitely needed a mint.
Teegan walks back upstairs alone to confront his mother. "Mom, why did you have to check the building before we came in. I watch the news with you and I don't remember any story like that at all."
"Teegan, you are too smart for your age. Will you just trust me? I could have seen it on a YouTube video." Martha gave Teegan a motherly smile and he nodded.
Carter walked in with more groceries. "Teegan you are supposed to help me," he whined to his brother.
“It's OK Carter, he is coming. Did either of you boys close Brick in the bathroom before we left?” she asked them both, now they were both in earshot. Teegan and Carter look at each other in confusion. They know better than to shut Brick into any room before they left.
“No mom, he was at the door when we left. Don’t you remember?” Now Teegan is being the young and innocent one. It was true though. Brick did see us out the door. Martha looked closer and noticed that Brick had an accident in the bathroom as well. Brick has not had an accident since they have gotten him. Martha looks at Brick and he bows his head, knowing he did something wrong.
None of this made sense to Martha. Why was there a white truck everywhere they went today? Why wasn’t Jasper concerned about it? Why was Brick locked in the bathroom? And why would he have his first ever accident? He wasn’t anywhere near old enough to start having bladder control issues. She was starting to worry.
“What is happening, mom? Is Brick sick?” Teegan asks his mother. Martha wipes the worried look off her face so her boys wouldn’t start suspecting anything.
“Nothing. Brick just had an accident in the bathroom and I think he was hiding because he thought he’d get in trouble for it. But it’s ok boys. It was just an accident. You a good boy,” Martha starts talking baby talk to Brick and he runs towards her with a smile. “How much stuff is left in the van?”
“Probably about two more trips. Teegan and I can handle it if you want to clean this up. Then we will help put it away,” Carter was always the sweet one. He always loved to help his mother.
Martha grabs some towels and lysol wipes and cleans up while the boys bring in the rest of the groceries. Brick followed them up and down the hall wagging his tail. Martha thoughts started to wander again. She wondered if she should tell Richard about her day. She wasn’t suppose to text him unless it was school related, but he never rejected her occasional sexy pictures that she sent him. She has his number under a woman’s name in her phone anyway so if Jasper saw he would just think she was texting one of her yoga buddies.
Jasper would be home soon. She would tell him first and get his reaction. If she didn’t like it then she would text Richard. Her day just seemed too strange to be put aside. She had a feeling that something was off and she wanted reassurance from someone other than her innocent sons. Her life was pretty routine, and these two incidents were not part of it.
“Mom! Everything is inside!”
Martha finishes in the bathroom and heads downstairs to help put the groceries away. She has been getting lost in her thoughts a lot today.
“What do you think about sloppy joes for dinner?” she asks as she got to the last step.
“Sounds delicious, mom. Then can we go outside and practice some soccer with you?” Carter loves to play soccer, especially with his mother. It makes him feel better about his skills because Martha has none. He can make goals left and right when she is the goalie.
“Sure, Carter. You too Teegan?”
“Of course, mom!” Teegan's face lit up with excitement. He loved when his mom play. She would be someone other than his little brother. It gave him a little bit of competition.
Martha starts dinner right as Jasper walks in the door.
“Smells good in here! What’s for dinner dear?” he says from the front door.
She greets her husband with a peck on the cheek. “Sloppy joes!”
“Can’t wait. I am gonna go upstairs and shower.”
Martha thought it was always strange that Jasper just had to shower right away after coming home from work. She made it a point to try and smell him when he came home, just to see if he smelled differently to her. He never smelled off, but she was still concerned. She never showered right away after coming home from school.
“Before you go, dear, I wanted to talk to you about that truck again.” Martha walked toward Jasper, almost following him upstairs.
“Did you see it again?” Japser asked, but he didn't look concerned.
“Yes, I saw it on our street as we were coming home. And Brick was locked in the bathroom when we got home and he had an accident on the floor. Plus, his breath had a foul odor to it. Don’t you think it’s just a little unusual?”
“It does seem strange, but everything happens for a reason. I’m sure there is a logical explanation for this strange truck. Somebody could be visiting their relative down the street.”
“What about Brick?”
“He could have easily closed the door himself when he went in there to take his nap. He’s a pretty smart dog. Not very bright, but indeed smart. And his breath always stinks. I don't ever want a kiss from him,” Jasper walked away laughing at his own joke. It seemed like he had an excuse for everything.
Martha gave up. Jasper was never going to agree with her. He was already up the stairs and in the bathroom. Martha pulled out her phone and texted Richard, who was in her phone as Bonnie. She told him about her day and waited for a response as she finished dinner.
They all ate their dinner in silence. Teegan and Carter were worried about Brick and Martha just couldn’t say another word to Jasper knowing that he wouldn’t agree with her. Jasper seemed fine, just humming while he ate. It made Martha disgrace him even more.
Martha then loaded the dishwasher as her boys headed outside to do some soccer practice. Her phone buzzes and it’s a message from Bonnie aka Richard.
“I need to see you now.”
Martha got that butterfly feeling in her stomach again.
“I will leave right now.” She texts him back getting excited.
Martha heads outside with the van keys in her pocket. “Jasper, I forgot a few things at the store. I’ll be back in forty five minutes. Don’t practice too much. You can’t do a lot without a goalie.”
“Ok honey. Hurry back.” Jasper dropped the soccer ball he was holding and started kicking it around the yard, Teegan and Carter chasing after him.
She had no intention of hurrying this adventure. She turns out of the complex towards the store, but turns around when she knows Japser can’t see her and heads to Richard’s house.
She pulls up to his condo and she is nervous. She doesn’t know why, she’s been to his house plenty of times before. He opens the front door and he is wearing his casual jeans. She always sees him in his suit at school so she likes this refreshing sight. She loves seeing him outside of school. It’s too bad she can’t do it more often. He lets her inside without saying a word and he grabs her by the waste and kisses her. Every sense in her body freezes as she leans in and hopes this moment lasts forever.
“You never said anything about my day,” she pulls away from his kiss, kind of annoyed that he hasn’t said anything about the unusual truck. She was hoping he’d be the one to be on her side.
“I need something from you first before we talk,” he trails his hands down her back and grabs her by the ass. He lifts her up and she straddles her legs around him and Martha forgets about her annoyance. He carries her to his bedroom and their eyes are locked on each other the whole time. Richard throws her down on the bed and crawls over her taking her shirt off in the process. He leaves trails of kisses on her neck down to her exposed nipples. They harden as he nibbles on them gently. Martha starts to moan in satisfaction. There was time for playing at his house. She pulls Richard up by the ears so she can kiss him on the lips. She slides his shirt off of him so she can feel his sexy abs. She slides her hands down and feels his hard dick on her hands. She rubs him and he starts to pull her closer.
She realizes her pants are still on and starts peeling them off her now sweaty skin. Richard slides his hand down and touches her sex. She moans as he starts to shake his fingers inside her. Martha keeps rubbing his hard cock and he starts shaking in satisfaction. He pulls his pants off so he can slide inside her.
Their bodies start moving together in rhythm. It’s like they are perfectly dancing together to a song that was made especially for them. Richard keeps moving in and out of her and Martha can feel herself rising. It’s almost here and she can’t take it anymore. She let’s it out in satisfying screams and Richard responds by doing the same. He goes deeper as her body explodes in ecstasy.
Their breathing slows as they snuggle in Richard’s bed. Martha can’t believe she is laying here again. She’ll have to ask him to take home some canned goods so Jasper believes that she went to the store. Her phone buzzes and she gets out of his bed to look at it. Martha’s color escapes from her face.
“Who is it?” Richard asks with concern. He sits up in his bed to look at Martha and notices that she looks pale.
Martha can’t speak. Her mind has run away. Her body wants to do the same. She turns the phone towards Richard so he can see the message that got sent from an unknown number to Martha’s phone. Richard's face starts to match Martha's as he reads the message.
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