Gnasty Gnorc arc Episode two: Spyro's Beginning
Spyro: The Hero of Dragons
Gnasty Gnorc arc Episode two: Spyro's Beginning
Rock music played and a male voice was heard singing the main theme of the story, Spyro, with Spyro and his friends shown one by one with each guitar string, and the guitar played harder with Spyro facing off against the dark figure. "Spyro! He's a kid and he wants to have fun, (Flame is shown scorching an egg thief and laughing at it as it runs off screaming) and when you need an awesome hero, he gets the job done. (Sparx is shown going lightning fast and making an enemy dizzy) Spyro! With power from his head to his tail, (Ember is shown trying to face a silhouetted enemy despite being scared) he'll be there and evil won't prevail."
A dark purple dragon was shown taking down a bunch of elite gnorcs in a desert with Spyro and the others noticing her skill as the song continued. "When evil's breaking pace, he gets right in it's face, Spyro. (Spyro is shown dodging Gnasty Gnorc's staff blasts in his dungeon) When trouble comes for shock, (Spyro flies up at Gnasty) it's time; let's rock, (Spyro punches Gnasty and makes the screen change to him and his friends standing with each other as Spyro: The Hero of Dragons is shown with Spyro standing confidentelly in front of it, the dragonfly laying right on top of him, Flame on the O at the end of Spyro, Ember standing next to Spyro with a smile, and the dark purple dragon flying in next to the word 'Hero' and ready for battle) Spyro!"
Spyro was shown punching a gnorc right from where the previous chapter left off, sending the gnorc straight into the wall. The gnorc slid into the trash can with another gnorc jumping up and attempting to strike Spyro from above, only for Spyro to grab his battle axe and chop off his head with it. He then moved him aside and saw that the dragonfly was gone, only to then see it flying around another gnorc and making him dizzy. Another gnorc suddenly hit him from behind and knocked him out by making him crash straight into wall of the stage.
Spyro breathed fire on them and ran over to the dragonfly, checking if he was okay before commenting on it. "Dang. You guys totally messed up my dragonfly. And I haven't even picked out a name for him yet!" Spyro jumped off the stage and faced the gnorcs, getting ready for an epic throwdown. "Seeing as how you're teamed up with these Dark Forces though, I'm glad Gnasty took my advice. Maybe he'll keep it for when I go to face off against him myself."
Flame set a gnorc on fire and started laughing at it as it ran off screaming. "Serves ya right butthead! Next time you wanna stone everyone in town, think twice before forgetting about the kids!"
Spyro smiled as he then dodged a Dark Force's karate chop, grabbing it's foot with it's mouth and throwing it aside. He then breathed fire at it, only for the Dark Force to block it after regaining it's balance. Spyro seemed to take enjoyment from this, and got even more when two more came up. "Guess even evil can be fun." The Dark Forces dashed at Spyro, who jumped over them and smacked one aside, balancing on his tail as he breathed fire on the other, who blocked it with ease, only to start sweating after ten seconds. "Getting hot there buddy?"
Ember was shown trying to face off against a Dark Force, only for another one to appear behind her. She'd never seen these creatures before, so she didn't know how to react against them. She suddenly got grabbed by the one behind her and it swung her around until another one slammed into it and knocked it aside. Spyro was then shown helping Ember up after she fell, much to her appriciation. "Thanks Spyro. Guess I've still got some stuff to learn."
"You do, but we're getting there." Spyro saw that he and Ember were surrounded by a bunch of Gnorcs and Dark Forces, throwing Ember up into the air and jumping up as he looked down. When he had enough flame in him, he launched a giant fire breath at the ground, burning the gnorcs and making the Dark Forces vanish. He then caught Ember as she fell down, smirking as he made his comment. "Good thing you remembered to put on sunscreen."
Ember nodded and smiled with Spyro putting her down as Flame came up to them just as the area got darker. "Might have been a waste though. (Spyro, Flame, and Ember look up) Looks like nighttime's falling."
A giant gnorc suddenly came down and glared at Spyro, Flame, and Ember with Spyro scoffing and walking up to it. "Alright bucko, you might as well leave now if you don't wanna fight. (Points behind himself) Toilet's in the castle if you wanna use it." The giant gnorc raised his battle axe and then slammed it into the ground with Spyro barely dodging it in time. "Eh, why not. I can use a little sparring session." Spyro flew straight at the gnorc and headbutted it, making it fall back right before he low sweeped it with his tail.
The giant gnorc regained his balance and kicked Spyro aside with Spyro regaining his balance and sliding up a tree with his feet. Spyro saw that size didn't slow this big boy down, and he'd have to keep his ground. So he flew at him again and dodged another axe swing, breathing fire on the giant gnorc's feet and making him fall on his face. The giant gnorc then grabbed Spyro, only for Spyro to smirk. "I wouldn't wanna make my first kiss without the experience."
Spyro breathed fire on the gnorc and made him let go as he screamed in pain with Spyro finishing his words. "Especially with the likes of you." The giant gnorc suddenly vanished, making Spyro, Flame, and Ember confused when they saw it. The three of them then looked around to see all the adults completely frozen and nodded to each other, heading off in their own direction to free the dragons of the Artisans.
Gnasty Gnorc was watching Tv, furious at what he just saw as he got up and walked up to the dark figure from the first chapter. The dark figure was just looking over the balcony leaning on his back with his head on a pillar, making Gnasty furious that he wasn't fighting. "You said you could defeat Spyro you waste of time! You just left off screen and let the weaker minions do all the work, which they failed at! Why did I even bother letting you come to me if you weren't even going to use that power you said you had from the Dark Master!?"
"Defeating Spyro isn't necessary at the moment." The dark figure stated as he looked at Gnasty. "Spyro's much too lacking experience wise for me to bother wanting to kill him. As much as I would love to see his blood, I'd much rather have the battle be fair."
Gnasty got into the dark figure's face and started shouting at the top of his lungs not taking the dark figure's words all that well. "YOU DON'T GET TO DECIDE WHEN YOU TAKE CARE OF THAT PURPLE BRAT! I'M YOUR MASTER, AND YOU-"
The dark figure suddenly started choking Gnasty as he clenched his right claw and made him levitate into the air, making him gasp for air and lose his breath. The dark figure grinned sadistically at him as he waited for him to eventually pass out. He then lowered him to the ground and glared into his eyes, still grinning as he spoke. "Perhaps we haven't met yet. Greetings. I am Sawyer, and you are my slave." Gnasty passed out after those words, leaving Sawyer to casually smile as he dropped him and walk off.
Sawyer looked over the cliff as he awaited his first battle with Spyro, knowing he would be ready for it as soon as it came. He then grinned devilishly as he stroked his own chin, showing that he was more than hyped for seeing Spyro bleed at his claws.
Spyro, Flame, and Ember were freeing the dragons with Spyro freeing Nestor, knowing he would be one of the most important. As Nestor was freed, he wiped his chest to clear it up, and then looked down at Spyro nobly. "Thank you for releasing me Spyro." Spyro nodded proudly with Nestor seeing that he, Flame, and Ember took care of all the gnorcs and Dark Forces. This impressed him quite a bit, since he hadn't seen any of them in action yet, and he looked at Spyro again with a surprised look. "You defeated all of them on your own?"
"Pretty much, yeah. They almost WANTED us to win." The dragonfly flew back over to Spyro happily and made Spyro laugh as he spun around his head. "Ya know, I think Sparx is the best name for you little dude. You're practically MADE of lightning with how fast you go." Sparx cheered happily, indicating that he liked the name, and Spyro held out his claw and led Sparx land on it. "And the first chance we get, you and I are gonna kick Gnasty Gnorc's butt together."
Flame freed Lindar with Ember freeing Ivy right next to them, leading to all the dragons shown being freed. Spyro nodded to Nestor and flew down to Flame and Ember with a smile on his face. "Well that was fast. You two really know how to move."
"Well you only freed Nestor, so..." Flame then got back on track, wondering what was going on here with that giant gnorc. "So that giant gnorc vanished out of thin air, right? What's up with that."
Lindar and Ivy seemed worried about something with Ember noticing and hoping it wasn't anything too serious. "Are you two okay?"
"Yes, we're fine Ember." Lindar replied, and then he looked over to Spyro. "We just didn't expect the time to be coming now." Spyro raised an eyebrow, not quite getting at what Lindar was saying.
Spyro was sitting on the couch as Lindar was explaining to him what happened from him finding his egg in the stream to now. "And your dad is said to be a dragon named Ignitus. I found that information in the book of legends, which as you know, has all the dragons history in it. Strangly enough though, it doesn't say why he sent you off."
"So I'm famous then." Spyro concluded, liking where this was going. "Sounds like a fair trade to me. I gotta thank this Ignitus dude for making me a celebrity."
Lindar chuckled a bit ande then got back to the point, hoping Spyro didn't resent him now for hiding this from him for so long. "I hope this doesn't make you think any less of me. I was only thinking of your safety when I hid it until now."
"Nah, it's cool. If I raised a dragon for ten years after it was born, I'd be a little conflicted on telling it something like that too. Especially month after his birthday." Spyro walked off as he explained what he was gonna do next. "If you don't mind, I got some packing to do. I'd like to meet this Ignitus character." Spyro headed upstairs with Lindar looking at Ivy as she walked up to him, leaving both of them conflicted about Spyro's decision.
Spyro was packing up his things in his room with Ivy coming up there and entering with concern in her eyes, not wanting Spyro to do anything insane. She knew what she was capable of with the fact that he takes care of gnorcs daily, but she didn't want him to get too seriously hurt out there. When she walked into his room, she spoke as calmly as she could, not wanting to give him the wrong idea. "Spyro, I know how important it is for one to meet his real parents, but are you sure this is the best time to do so? You're still a child, strong or not."
"I'm not doing this because of revenge or anything like that mom." Spyro's words made Ivy flinch. She didn't know how to respond to what Spyro just said. Luckily for her though, Spyro then went into further detail. "My birth dad doesn't seem like the type to just abandon his kid for no reason. He's not the type I'd want to resent." Spyro looked at Ivy with a confident smile. "That's why I want to set out. (Clenches fist with determination) To find out why he did so to begin with."
Ivy smiled proudly at the nobility of her adopted son. She knew it wasn't from her or Lindar, but she also knew that his birth parents were good dragons for him to have this trait at all. She almost cried when Spyro hugged her suddenly, wrapping her arms around him with tears falling from her eyes. "And it's not like I'll be gone forever. (Pulls Ivy away and looks at her) Once I meet Ignitus I'll come back and live life as normal as I can. (Winks to Ivy) But if I make some more friends along the way, you may wanna expect me to ask about visiting them."
Ivy nodded with Spyro walking by her and smiling as he looked back at her. He then went downstairs to prepare some more with Ember shown under the staircase, getting the idea she should help Spyro. Although she couldn't contribute much, she knew she had to at least try to convince him, and she clenched her fist with hope that she would succeed. She knew how important this was to Spyro, and if he failed, she wouldn't know whether or not to blame herself.
Spyro was saying farewell to his family with Jogger speaking rather kindly to him, which was quite rare. "So...yeah. I guess we should've had more bonding time before this." Spyro chuckled a bit with Jogger scratching the back of his head, not really knowing what to say. "Ya know, even though you really annoy me, I think this is good for you in more ways than one. Family's important, even if you were brought here in an odd way."
Spyro held his fist out for a fist bump, which Jogger happily accepted, and Spyro then walked over to Marci, who handed him some kind of weird symbol. "It's something that can prevent the darkness from breaking into your mind. As a goth, I have the power to transfer the ability to use it over to you. Just make sure to return it when you're done."
Spyro nodded in understanding, fist bumping Marci before walking up to Nyra, since Flame wasn't out yet, with Nyra hugging him tight. "Make sure to come back safe Spyro. (Pulls Spyro away) And say hi to Ignitus for me. He deserves a thank you for giving me an awesome older brother like you."
Spyro nodded with Lindar looking down at him as he walked over to him, kneeling down to him as he said what he wanted to say. "Son, when I first found your egg, I didn't know what was going to come next. I thought you were going to be like any other dragon, but you turned out to be someone more than special. With all of this birth story behind you and now all of this, your destiny, and you going out to look for your parents, you always keep your head up. (Rubs Spyro's head) Make sure to always do that."
Spyro nodded and heard the door open with Flame walking out as Ember nodded to him as she walked over as well. Spyro saw Flame and was about to speak with Flame giving a grin as he interrupted him. "You can't seriously believe I'm gonna stay here, right?" Spyro didn't find much of a surprise to be found in Flame's words and smiled as Flame continued. "I'm not gonna just sit around and let you have all the fun. I've got the power, and I'm gonna show it."
Spyro nodded with Ember feeling a bit off herself. She didn't want to sound clingy, but she felt she needed to stick with Spyro to feel confident. Spyro noticed Ember's conflicted look and saw that she was trying to say something, much to his concern. "You okay Ember?" Ember kept struggling to say what she wanted to say, making Spyro worried. When he put his claw on Ember's shoulder, he made sure to speak calmly to her, knowing she was more sensitive than he was. "It's okay Ember. Just go ahead and say it."
Ember clenched her fists and exlaimed what she wanted to say with a determined look on her face. "I wanna come with you!" Spyro was quite surprised to hear this information. He never figured Ember would want to go on an adventure with him, especially with her timid nature. "This is gonna be huge for you, and I couldn't bare to see you fall into the hands of evil, or die at the hands of them. If you died out there I wouldn't know what to do. Even if I'm not as strong as you or Flame, I want to at least help out in any way I can."
Spyro didn't know what to say other than what he said when he smiled, knowing Ember would grow from this. "Even if you don't get into any battles, you'll at least have time for sparring lessons." Ember beamed with happiness and hugged Spyro, who wrapped his arms around him as he finished. "Just don't get into a battle you know you can't win, unless it's to protect someone." Ember nodded as she looked at Spyro with happiness in her eyes.
Spyro, Flame, and Ember were preparing to take off with the balloonist waiting by the dock. When they were all packed up, they walked over to him and Spyro greeted him. "Hey Marco. (Fist bumps Marco) I'm assuming dad told you about my little adventure plans."
"Yes, he did." Marco took out some kind of poster with Spyro reading it, not knowing why it was like that. It kind of irritated him with Marco taking it back and speaking with a chuckle. "Yeah, it can get annoying. But once you do this one task, you can certainly borrow it."
Spyro looked at the poster again and figured the challenge couldn't be all that bad. After all, he was always itching for a fight. "Heh. Why not? This is one of those boring video game tasks I can get along with." Ember smiled with admiration for Spyro as Flame scoffed with impatience as the trio walked off with Spyro giving a two finger salute to Marco. "Besides. I need some kind of threat. (Looks up to the sky with a smile) Right Gnasty!?" Spyro, Flame, and Ember walked off, knowing exactly where to go to find Toasty.
Spyro, Flame, and Ember arrived at Toasty's lair with Spyro and Flame focused on the main objective. Spyro was speaking as Ember was looking at a beautiful sight. "Alright guys. Kicking Toasty's butt and getting access to the next world to get closer to stopping Gnasty Gnorc is a go." Spyro wondered what Toasty would look like while keeping his name in mind. "I wonder what someone with a name like Toasty would look like. There isn't really a lot one can do with that."
Flame noticed that Ember was all focused on whatever and waved his claw in front of her face. "You alive there Ember?" Ember pointed to the sunset with Spyro noticing as well and the two of them looked where she was pointing. They all seemed to enjoy it and walked over with Ember finding it to be astonishing. "Cool." The sunset was shown with Spyro, Flame, and Ember sitting down as the area had a quiet moment happening. The sight was a beauty with around angles, and it showed a bright future for our three heroes.
Sparx woke up and saw the sunset as well, feeling himself beam with amazement and catching Spyro's attenting as he flew right next to him. Spyro smiled and held out his claw to do a mini fist bump with Sparx. Spyro closed his eyes and pictured himself meeting his father, wondering what he looked like and whether or not he'd do it as soon as possible. Sparx could sense his thoughts with Spyro getting back on track, taking out a phone and taking a picture of the view. "That ones a keeper."
Spyro and the others headed off with Sparx seeing some gems ahead, making Flame excited upon seeing them. "More of these and we'll be rich!" Flame dashed over to the gem and picked it up with Flame sliding up to a dog, which he scorched when it glared at him. He then rammed it over the cliff and the four laughed as they walked off. "At a cost of course."
Spyro and the others entered the tower with the four of them looking around to try and find something to do. Spyro saw a sleeping dog and went over to it to pet it, doing so and making sure not to wake up the dog. He liked how soft the dog's fur was, having not seen a lot of dogs in his life, and finding it quite relaxing to do. Ember found the dog to be adorable and whispered about it as she and Flame walked over to Spyro. "He's so cute. I wish I could have a dog."
"Maybe if you're lucky we'll be back by your next birthday and get you one." Spyro suggested with a wizard suddenly appearing and attempting to zap them with some kind of lightning bolt. Sparx noticed this and zipped in front of the lightning bolt, absorbing it and dashing into the wizard. This impressed Spyro as he allowed Sparx to rest on his head. "You've got a lot of power in you buddy."
The dog suddenly woke up and attempted to squash Spyro, only for Spyro to get onto his back and hold the dog up. He then threw the dog over at the wall and got back up onto his feet, walking off as he made a taunt towards the dog. "Next time you wanna make pancakes, just ask my mom." Spyro, Flame, and Ember walked off as they stepped out and saw Toasty's lair ahead. "Heh. Bring it on." Spyro suddenly released a three second sausage fart, releasing a green cloud behind him and whiffing it (pffffft). "I think I smell a barbaque."
"You sure it's not just your butt?" Flame snarked, and then the three of them headed off with Flame seeing some more gems. "Hey Spyro. I'm gonna head off and get some more treasure if that's okay." Spyro nodded and Flame headed off with Spyro and Ember heading for Toasty. "Maybe I can even get myself some bling. I heard there's lots of it in Gnasty's kingdom, and I'm thinking of making myself look like a rap star." Flame dashed off to see if he could find a decent amount of treasure around here.
A scarecrow was waiting by some kind of wall as Spyro and Ember wondered if that could possibly be Toasty. When the scarecrow turned around, he let out a roar as he demanded Spyro and Ember to leave. "What are you doing here dragons!? The likes of you are forbidden in this land!" Spyro flicked up the scarecrow hoodie and revealed Toasty to be a sheep of sorts. When Toasty lowered his hoodie, Spyro and Ember started laughing, infuriating him. "How dare you take me as a joke! Stop laughing right this minute!"
Spyro and Ember stopped laughing with Spyro walking around Toasty and pointing at him with a smirk on his face. "Well I must say, I've never walked into a rebellious sheep before. Ya know, if this were a Bo Peep sheep herd contest, you would deffinetely take first place."
Toasty became even more angry and shouted at Spyro at the top of his lungs. "YOU DARE TO MAKE A MOCKERY OF ME!?"
Toasty attempted to stomp Spyro with his leg, only for Spyro to roll out of the way and continue to taunt him. "Easy there Shawn. I think you could use a little time with your herd. (Signals Toasty to follow him) Cmon baby. Let's go."
Toasty was about to show that he was serious and let out a battle cry. "You won't underestimate the power of the sheep leader after this!"
Spyro scoffed as he got onto his tail and got ready for the first showdown of his adventure. "It's showtime." Spyro punched the air multiple times and then got on his legs, signaling Toasty to come towards him again as he said his next word. "Cmon."
Flame was shown picking up some gems as he saw a wizard that was mind controlling the dogs. He felt he should do something about it and snuck on up to the wizard, jumping right onto him and sitting on his face. He then shut off the device and grunted as he ripped a five second garlic fart, hitting the wizard with a green cloud (brrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuuuup). Flame sighed of relief as the dogs were then shown to be turning back to normal, leaving Flame satisfied with his victory. "Those hot dogs we had earlier were so worth it."
Spyro dodged a leg stomp from Toasty and breathed fire on him, burning his cloak and revealing his whole body. Toasty ran off in fear with Spyro flying up to him and breathing fire on his face, setting him on fire and making him fall off his legs. He then started running around like crazy and Spyro picked up one of his legs, getting up on his tail and preparing to strike. Once Toasty was up to him, Spyro shouted as he landed a solid strike on him. "Four!" Spyro hit Toasty over the fence and he fell into the water, declaring Spyro the winner.
Spyro got off of his tail as Ember walked up to him, hi fiving him as she commented on his victory. "That's one way to take care of a threat. Even if he isn't much of a threat at all."
Flame arrived back to the others and showed all of his gems to them, only for Sparx to suddenly zap towards all of them. This surprised the three of them and Flame found it so amazing that he had to compliment it. "I don't know what kind of thieving attack that is, but I loved it!"
Sparx showed some kind of bubble that revealed a place full of treasure that just now had the gems Flame got. This gave Ember an idea as to what Sparx was doing with them. "I think he's storing them for us. I read somewhere that dragonflies have the power to do that."
Spyro found this fact to be quite interesting, getting the idea he should learn more about Sparx. "Normally I wouldn't consider the library a good hangout spot, but I think we should learn some more about this little guy. Let's head out." Flame and Ember nodded, walking up to the platform that sent them up into the air and let them fly home. "I'm so glad Astor told us about these." Flame and Ember nodded in agreement as the trio flew on home.
Spyro and the others were in the library with Spyro trying his hardest to focus on the book he had on dragonfly culture. He wasn't exactly a reader himself, and if it weren't for Ember keeping him awake, he most likely would've fallen asleep completely by now. It was hard for him to find any kind of info interesting if it wasn't from a video game or someone just telling him, and Ember knew this for a fact. "It really is nice to see you doing this for Sparx."
Spyro rubbed one of his eyes and made a reply to Ember, trying to keep his lights on. "Yeah, and it's really hard work too, so I think that should give me a bonus." Spyro almost fell asleep again with Ember snapping his fingers and keeping him awake. "Here. Why don't (Hands Ember the book) you read, and then fill me in on the balloon ride to the Peace Keepers world. I don't think I can do it right if I'm just going into a near sleep the entire time."
"Sounds good to me." Ember started reading the book as Spyro saw Flame sleeping, walking over to him with Ember finding the information to be quite intriguing. "Right here it says dragonflies can help you with your durability. (Spyro walks up to Flame) If Sparx remains yellow he should be able to give us three extra hit points."
"That's cool." Spyro responded as he nudged Flame, who woke up and yawned as he saw Spyro and Sparx there. "Having trouble reading?" Flame nodded his head yes as he threw the book he was reading aside. "Same here. I thought Dark Hollow would be a good place to start off, but it looks like I can fall asleep in any library."
"Naturally." Flame stretched his legs as he got ready to head off, wanting to get to the Peace Keepers world as fast as possible. "Hopefully we can manage a decent flight to keep us all relaxed. And to have breakfast on of course."
Spyro saw Ember getting really into the book he gave her and smiled as he commented on how the situation could go around. "Let's let Ember finish her reading up first. She may end up wanting to rent the book." Flame shrugged and went back to his nap, already tired from waking up.
Spyro and the others were in Marco's balloon as he went on about warning them of the dangers that would lie ahead. "And make sure to avoid going too high up, or there can be serious consequences. I know someone in Magic Crafters who can help you get to a place up there though, and when you're there you should be able to continue your adventure."
Marco was tightening up the ropes that held the candle together, making sure it still allowed for safe flight; Spyro helped him as he flew up and replied to his words. "Thanks for the tips Marco. We'll be sure to return this whenever we can."
Marco nodded and hopped out, untying the rope and waving goodbye to the trio as they flew off. "Goodbye! Have a safe trip!"
Spyro and the others started relaxing with Ember pulling out some boxes from her bag, knowing Spyro and Flame would love them. "So. How do you two knuckleheads like your eggs cooked?" Spyro and Flame looked at each other and smiled, knowing this would be one heck of a trip.
Spyro and Flame were digging into their breakfast with Ember eating her's slowly as she giggled at their speed eating. "You guys may wanna slow down a bit. I didn't pack enough for a whole decade." Spyro finished his fifth box and let out a loud burp with Ember pulling out another box for him. "Well I made a lot, but not a whole lifetime supply of them."
"Maybe we can buy some more with the gems Flame found." Spyro suggested, feeling that Peace Keepers would have a shop for them to buy more food at. "After all he probably found a whole bunch of them. And it'd be stupid for the Peace Keepers to not have a shop like all the other worlds."
Flame finished his third box and wiped his mouth as he replied to Spyro's suggestion. "Just as long as we don't spend every last gem. I plan on getting myself some music making equipment and I can't just lose it all."
Spyro nodded and dug into his sixth box with Ember finishing her first, not being the gluttons that Spyro and Flame made themselves out to be. She felt she'd have quite the ride with those two, and not just because they'd be hard to sleep around. She also saw herself having the potential to do great things on this trip and hoped she could get the chance to do them. Whether it was physical or mental, she'd be ready for the call. "So who do you guys think we'll have to go up against next?"
"Probably someone with a big butt." Spyro responded, and then he started picturing what he'd look like. "I don't know why, but I see him being really really gross." Spyro ate his sixth box and set it down with Ember hiding the bag behind her to keep him from eating too much. She was quite aware of his appetite, but didn't want to risk losing all the food to him and Flame.
Spyro and the others arrived in the Peace Keepers world with Spyro jumping out and ready for any kind of showdown to come. "Alright Peace Keepers. Show me what you have in store for me." Spyro ran off and suddenly bumped into a statue of another dragon, looking up and finding him turned to stone. "Huh. Guess Gnasty's spell affected this world too. (Flame and Ember run up to Spyro) I wonder if all the worlds were affected by this."
The dragon in the statue started rumbling and Spyro backed up with the others as the dragon then awakened. This dragon had yellow skin, a purple mohawk, and stood tall with a battle-axe. He didn't seem all that violent though, and when he saw Spyro and the others, he spoke in a kind and friendly, as well as upbeat manner. "Ah, visitors." The dragon kneeled down to Spyro and the others as he introduced himself. "My name is Titan, leader of the Peace Keepers world. (Holds out his claw) Nice to meet you young ones. The pleasure's all mine."
Spyro shook Titan's claw as he replied, glad to see that he and the others can meet some friendly faces here. "No problem dude. (Lets go of Titan's claw) We're actually on a mission to stop Gnasty Gnorc, since he turned everyone to stone."
"Ah, stone you say." Titan saw that he was free from the spell, glad to be up and moving again. "So that's what happened to me. Thanks for freeing me then."
"Anytime." Spyro then got to the chase, feeling Titan would be able to help them. "Say, do you know where the balloonist here is? We need to get to Magic Crafters as soon as possible, so whoever you want us to defeat, send him right at us."
Titan thought about whether or not he should lead Spyro and the others to the balloonist. "I'll lead you to him later. Care to see the place first?"
"I could go for some sightseeing." Ember said excitedly, giving Spyro and the others the choice for them. Titan nodded and led the group as the screen faded to black, ending the episode off.
An instrumental version of the main theme played during the credits with Spyro's adventures being shown.
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