Gnasty Gnorc arc Episode seven: Ember's Surprise
Spyro: The Hero of Dragons
Gnasty Gnorc arc Episode seven: Ember's Surprise
Rock music played and a male voice was heard singing the main theme of the story, Spyro, with Spyro and his friends shown one by one with each guitar string, and the guitar played harder with Spyro facing off against the dark figure. "Spyro! He's a kid and he wants to have fun, (Flame is shown scorching an egg thief and laughing at it as it runs off screaming) and when you need an awesome hero, he gets the job done. (Sparx is shown going lightning fast and making an enemy dizzy) Spyro! With power from his head to his tail, (Ember is shown trying to face a silhouetted enemy despite being scared) he'll be there and evil won't prevail."
A dark purple dragon was shown taking down a bunch of elite gnorcs in a desert with Spyro and the others noticing her skill as the song continued. "When evil's breaking pace, he gets right in it's face, Spyro. (Spyro is shown dodging Gnasty Gnorc's staff blasts in his dungeon) When trouble comes for shock, (Spyro flies up at Gnasty) it's time; let's rock, (Spyro punches Gnasty and makes the screen change to him and his friends standing with each other as Spyro: The Hero of Dragons is shown with Spyro standing confidentelly in front of it, Sparx laying right on top of him, Flame on the O at the end of Spyro, Ember standing next to Spyro with a smile, and the dark purple dragon flying in next to the word 'Hero' and ready for battle) Spyro!"
Ember was lying in her bed as she started wondering how she was ever going to start being able to fly. She looked back on the first day she met Spyro and laughed a bit at the memory, catching Cynder's attention and having her walk over to her. Ember noticed Cynder's presence and sat up as she explained why she was laughing. "Oh, I'm just looking back on the day me and Spyro met. (Takes out her bag) I think I have a picture of it." Ember looked through her bag for a bit and she found the picture after about ten seconds. "Yep. Here it is."
Ember handed Cynder a picture of her and Spyro doing peace signs in a selfie, looking younger and having Spyro shown to be covered in dirt. Cynder smiled as she looked at the photo, liking the friendship Spyro and Ember clearly had for one another. "If I had to take a guess, I'd say you two were...five years younger when this happened. Spyro five, and you four." Ember nodded her head yes with Cynder giggling at Spyro being covered in dirt. "Why's Spyro all dirty? Not that I'm surprised."
"Oh, he was practicing his own flying skills at the time and was doing some insane stunt. He fell right into my backyard." Ember laughed a little harder than before as she looked back on that day, remembering Spyro crash landing into her backyard from failing the stunt. "Good thing I waited until he crashed to head outside. If I didn't, I probably would've had a broken neck or something. And that would've been ugly."
"No doubt about that." Cynder handed Ember the photo back and Ember put it back into her bag as Cynder asked another question. "So you've been close to him right from the start. I'm guessing he got his hands on the phone you were using, since you have two peace signs in it."
"You bet." Ember put her bag next to her bed and thought about what convinient timing it was for her to meet Spyro. "We couldn't have met at a better time either. After my parents divorced three years later and my dad moved to the Beast Makers world, I found it hard to adapt to the huge change in my life. Spyro was there for me every step of the way and even gave me advice on how to cope with it. Some of it worked, and the rest, didn't." Ember giggled a bit and thought about Spyro fondly. "But that's Spyro for ya. Never the easiest to predict."
Cynder thought for a moment and caught onto something thaat could be affecting Ember's flying ability. "Ya know, I read a book on flying once, and one page said that one who's dealing with something deep in their life can be a cause at their lack of skill. Have you ever considered that your parents divorcing is what's tainting your flight ability?" Ember flinched at the thought of that and thought for a moment, finding it to possibly fit with her dilemma.
Spyro was walking around one of the points in the Magic Crafters world, having a good time exploring the place. He got a good view from a cliff and took a picture of it to show it to Ember later on. "Might as well add a slideshow to the fireworks to give Ember a decent sight to see. Even if she's not here for it." Spyro saw a dragon statue and ran up to it, poking it and backing up as he waited for the dragon to come out, and he even got a hope for what it could be. "Ooh, I hope it's a fire magician. We need someone to light the fireworks."
A yellow dragon wearing with a wand wore a purple belt with two scrolls, a purple scarf, a purple hat, blue and green feathered wings, and a beak mouth. Once he saw that he was free, he looked over at Spyro and welcomed him to the land. "Welcome to Wizard Peaks my young friend! I am Jarvis, and I humbly thank you for freeing me. This land needs my protection from the gnorcs, while all the others are being taken care of. You wouldn't mind lending a claw, would you?"
Spyro pointed behind himself with his thumb and showed all of the gnorcs he took care of, surprising Jarvis, and revealing it to be about five dozen. "Gnasty should really put more effort into his minions little game. Oh, and you mind helping me with something after we save all the dragons? I wanna do something nice for a friend of mine, and I think she's really like to see a firework show. Does that wand to any fire tricks? I'd light them myself, but I heard they explode if you're near them, and I don't wanna risk anything."
"Then you're a smart kid for sure..." Jarvis tried to think of what Spyro's name might be as the young purple dragon happily introduced himself.
"Spyro, thank you."
Ember was talking to Ember about what her dad was like, still being quite fond of him despite him moving out a long time ago. "It just happened so suddenly. They came into my room, sat me down, and my mom told me she and dad decided they needed to get a divorce. I didn't even know what it meant then, so I asked about it, and when they explained it to me, I was heartbroken." Cynder put a palm on Ember's, knowing this must've been hard on her. "I like that they were straight to the point with me, but any seven year old would find that hard to take."
"I feel ya." Cynder replied, knowing this would be hard for any child to take. "Still, it's a lot better than one of your parents dying on the spot. At least with the divorce you'll be fortunate enough to still have them in your life, if you plan it right. With death, they're completely removed from it, never to be seen again."
Ember grabbed her arm and clenched it, feeling immensely hurt from what happened as she expressed the sorrow she got from it as she spoke a little faster. "I never saw dad again after that. He made a great life in Beast Makers, and I'm proud of him for that, but he never calls or anything. (Looks at Cynder) I would've called him but I didn't wanna seem desperate, or make mom think I was picking favorites. I feel like I'd just speed up the inevitable and make them both hate me. It's like I'm in an endless vortex flying in a hurricane of parent hating sh-"
Cynder slapped Ember's to make her stop, but it wasn't as hard as it was the first time with Ember rubbing her cheek as Cynder hugged her. "Your parents will never hate you Ember. Even when they say they do, they don't know they don't mean it." Cynder rubbed Ember's head with a smile and gave her the words she needed to hear. "Life isn't perfect. Some people can take things the wrong way. But calling your dad won't end your relationship with your mom." Ember nodded and smiled as she took out her phone to call her father.
Spyro flew out of the Wizard Peaks portal and arrived back in the homeworld of Magic Crafters, feeling satisfied with how things were going. "That's one world down, and at least sixty gnorcs defeated in this world. Along with the ones I beat up back in that wizard's world. Whatever his name is." Spyro walked off and looked into the window of the room he and his friends got, noticing Ember and Cynder sitting together with Ember talking to someone on the phone. "Wonder who Ember's talking to. Maybe her guardian angel or something."
Spyro flew to the ground and walked into the hotel, heading up to the hotel room to see what was up. When he walked up to the door, he overheard Ember talking to someone that surprised him. "Really? Thanks daddy! I'll be there as soon as I can!" Spyro smiled, glad that Ember finally got the courage to call her father, and then heard Ember give off some words of proudness and hope. "He said yes Cynder! I'm gonna have my dad back in my life!"
Spyro opened the door to find Ember and Cynder hugging as he then decided to crack a little joke about the situation. "Daddy? Never thought of myself as a pimp." Spyro laughed a bit and hopped up to Ember's bed with Ember and Cynder rolling their eyes while smiling. "Just kidding. I overheard part of your talk to your dad and thought I'd add a little humor into the moment."
"It certainly sufficed at being called a joke." Ember replied as she put her phone away, glad that the call went down the way it did. "Dad said he and I could hang out for the entire first day we were in Beast Makers. Let's get there as fast as possible, both for that event, and to cure that spike thing."
Spyro poked the spike in his forehead again, still unsure of what it would do if time ran out, feeling it'd do more than just kill him. "Yeah, we should get moving for that. But we still have some dragons here to save. Plus something huge is gonna go down later tonight, so I wanna make sure we see that." Ember nodded, not wanting to dissapoint Spyro by any means. "Where's Flame?"
"Oh, he's at the restaurant." Cynder answered. "He got super hungry so I gave him some cash before he could throw a hissy fit."
"Smart move." Spyro responded with a laugh, and then he headed off to find him. "I'm gonna go find him right now. I need his help with something" Spyro ran off with Ember and Cynder giving each other competitive smiles.
Spyro arrived at the restaurant to find Flame eating a roast beef sandwhich, spilling mayo as he bit into it. He ignored the stain on his chest as Spyro hopped up to the seat next to him and decided to start the conversation. "Alright Flame. I'm sure we both know I want Ember's time here to be the best it can be. She expected huge sights to see, and since we barely went anywhere, I think it's only fair I give her a sight in my own little way. (Puts palms up in reassurance) And I don't mean my butt either. Anyone can see that."
Flame nodded in understanding and set his sandwhich down, wanting to hear what Spyro had in mind. "So what do you have in mind?" Spyro leaned over to Flame and whispered something into his ear, intriguing him as he listened further and got more context on Spyro's plans. He was all on board with this plan and gave Spyro a thumbs up as he continued eating. "Yeah, Ember's totally the type to like something like that. Just make sure there isn't anything insulting her."
"Don't worry, I'm gonna have everything go accordingly once I save the rest of the dragons here." Spyro assured Flame, confident that this plan would go right. "And besides, even if it backfires, Ember's one of the most, if not the most, understanding chick I've ever met. (A waitress comes along and Spyro makes his order) Get me a triple bacon cheeseburger with mushrooms, would ya please? (The waitress nods and walks off as Spyro continues talking about Ember) She's bound to understand if the whole thing goes haywire."
"Yeah, like the time you screwed up on her sixth birthday." Spyro and Flame flashbacked to that day with Ember waking up to find a giant pancake monster smashing Spyro into her room, leading to Spyro burning it alive and punching it when it puts it's head up. Spyro chuckled nervously to Ember as Flame entered the room, leading to Ember smiling and giggling as the flashback ended, leaving Flame to question how that went to question how that worked. "How did the pancake expand that big in size, let alone come to life?"
Spyro shrugged just as his order came along with a cherry soda also being set down. "Ooh, my favorite soda flavor to boot. (Takes out a dollar bill) Thank you my dear, you have more than proven your worth, (Hands the waitress the dollar bill) as well as your upmost kindness." The waitress giggled a bit and walked off as Spyro thought about Ember's sixth birthday, finding the situation quite bizzare. "I think we used some kind of magic flour or something when we finished flipping them."
Cynder was flying over to a ledge in one of the homeworlds of Magic Crafters as she spotted a dragon statue. When she tapped the statue, it broke and awakened a dragon who appeared somewhat big and had a green color to his skin, with a purple belly. He also wore a big purple hat and small wizard outfit. He held a tall staff and a candle holder, and he had candles on his horns and hat, all with blue flames. "Thanks for the save there kid. I'm Cyrus, guardian of the High Caves world. And speaking of that responsibility."
Cyrus blasted a gnorc that was behind Cynder, showing that his staff wasn't just for show. "This place is running with gnorcs nowadays. It's brave of you to have come up here knowing they were on the runs all over the Dragon Realms."
"A couple gnorcs don't scare me. I've faced hordes of those ogre rip offs before." Cynder replied, and then she looked over and saw the being perfectly still, making her satisfied with how the land was. "Looks like Spyro meant it when he said he took care of that Blowhard guy. (Looks at Cyrus) He knows how to get a job done when he puts his mind to it."
"Ah, Spyro. I heard that name before. Something about a destiny or something." Cyrus responded, and then he remembered he had to go do something and started to worry about being too late for it. "Oh no, I gotta go kid! Important business at the tip of the High Caves!" Cyrus ran off with Cynder nodding and looking over at the platforms, glad Spyro was able to bring the Magic Crafters world back to normal. "Even when it looks like he's gonna put himself through a deadly trial, Spyro knows how to come out of it."
Spyro was talking to Jarvis at the highest platform of the Magic Crafters world as he explained what he wanted him to do. "Okay. So you know how these things go off as soon as you breathe fire onto them, and the takeoff blows up right in your face?"
"Yes, I remember." Jarvis answered, and then he chuckled at a memory from his past. "I remember my father always did those for me when I was a kid. He was a brave dragon without a doubt."
"I bet he was." Spyro then got to the explination part so Jarvis could stay caught up. "Anyway, what I want you to do is to use your magic when everyone else has arrived and gotten into their seats, and making sure you're far enough away so you don't get blasted, and then set the fireworks off so they make the best firework show for my friend Ember. You think you can do that?"
Jarvis looked at the fireworks and felt the task wouldn't be too hard to pull off, having quite a bit of experience with magic at the moment. "It should be an easy enough task to pull off. My mother trained me exceptionally well with this wand, and now I can get it to perform a meteor shower if I like."
Spyro found that information to be awesome and couldn't wait to see it in action, but he knew he would have to wait. "Maybe you can show me after the show. It'd be awesome to see someone actually perform a meteor shower. (Gets an idea) Or better yet, just use that when the fireworks go off. That way it can be like a sight no one's ever seen before."
Jarvis took a liking to this idea and kneeled down, rubbing Spyro's head with approval. "Spyro, you're a pure genius in the making. (Stops rubbing Spyro's head) And I just might have enough magic power to pull it off. Assuming you don't want the biggest meteor shower ever."
"Just a casual one is fine as long as it can be added into Ember's show." Spyro assured Jarvis, and then he suddenly cracked a three second mushroom fart, hitting one of the firework ropes with flame gas and hurting his butt a bit (brrrrraaaaat). "Ah geez, my butt feels like it just caught on fire." Jarvis pulled Spyro away just before the firework went off with it then going off in the air and showing it to be a firework that made a pink 'anything'. "I'll try not to fart any more of those." Jarvis nodded and went off with Spyro to get a replacement firework.
Ember was thinking of all the stuff she and her father could do together once she arrived in the Beast Makers world with the others. She hadn't seen her father in a year and a half, so she had to learn about him and know what he liked, as well as let him know what she liked without coming off as a selfish brat or a needy girl stereotype. She wanted this to go as well as it could and she didn't know what to think, but she also knew she could plan ahead. So she took out her phone and started making a text to send to her father to see what he thought.
Ember finished typing up the text after about thirty seconds, and in between that time, she was sweating a bit and wiped her forehead. Then she felt a nervous feeling in her gut, but she knew it wasn't gas or anything, since she hadn't eaten yet, and she didn't feel like she had to burp or fart. She figured it must be because she was hungry, and she decided to send the text first. After she sent the text, she put her phone away and headed out to get some food in hopes her father would reply.
Ember headed down the stairs and out of the hotel, heading for the restaurant Flame went to earlier. She hoped to get a decent meal there, since she'd been there the other day, and they made great food that day. To her surprise, while she was walking over to the restaurant, her dad sent her a text that she was satisfied with when she checked her phone. She smiled and ran off to the restaurant, glad to now know she would be safe when talking with her father, as well as bonding with her after at least eighteen months of being apart.
Ember started to think about all the different things she and her father could do. Lots of ideas went through her mind as she looked up to the sky, having her hopes lifted higher on hand giving her positive thoughts on how the situation would go down. She also knew Spyro would love seeing her dad again, having great memories of how well the two of them got along. She couldn't wait to have the two of them meet up after this time, even though she wanted to meet up with him again the most.
Spyro was playing a video game on some kind of portable console as Cynder saw him lying down near a cliff. She smiled and walked up to him, lying down beside him, which he didn't mind as she then asked him what he was planning. "What's the surprise for Ember gonna be?"
Spyro laughed a bit, surprised by Cynder's sudden question, and he then made his reply as he paused his game. "If I told you then it wouldn't be much of a surprise now, would it." Cynder shrugged, unable to beat that as Spyro got back to his game. "How did you know what I was planning anyway?"
"I saw you talking with some dragon you refered to as Jarvis earlier and you said something about Ember being amazed by it." Cynder answered, and then she got an idea of what Spyro was planning, but decided to keep her response hidden for now as to not spoil anything. "The conversation was actually a lot more interesting than I would've thought without wanting to listen further. (Snickers) I still can't believe you farted right on one of the firework ropes."
Cynder laughed a little more with Spyro smiling proudly upon his recent flatulence as he then defended it. "Please, it's not like I knew my butt was pointed to one of them." Spyro saved his game and put it away, glad he was able to get as far in it as he did. "God I love Mysticmon. (Looks at Cynder) But yeah, that mushroom bacon cheeseburger did do a number on my stomach. It was so amazing."
"I bet it was." Cynder scooted a little closer to Spyro, who wrapped his arm around her, and blushed a bit when she looked at him. Cynder smiled and made Spyro smile back as the two of them enjoyed the moment while it was going to last. The two of them looked forward to the future as Cynder made a comment on the scenario. "I'm glad I decided to come with you guys." Sparx came out and winked to Spyro, making him blush and smile weakly as he saw, knowing why he was doing so.
Nighttime rolled around and Spyro had Ember blindfolded as he led her through the mountains to take her to the top. Ember was anticipating whatever Spyro had in store for her, unable to contain her excitement as she took a guess. "Alright Spyro, I'm just gonna guess. You're taking me to the best sight in all of the Magic Crafters homeworld."
"Oh, you could say that. I think you'll be beyond impressed with my decision." Spyro assured Ember, taking her up to the edge of the cliff and speaking with a smile on his face. "Alright Ember. Take your blindfold off." Ember took her blindfold off and was amazed at what she was seeing, finding the view to be gorgeous with all the other dragons there as well. "It took a while, but I finally rescued all the dragons here. Some on screen, some off screen."
"It's beautiful Spyro." Spyro patted Ember's back as the purple dragon winked over to Jarvis, who used his fire magic to set off all of the fireworks. Together they spelt out this. 'Ember. Believe. In. Yourself. And. You. Can. Do. Anything.' These words hit Ember hard in the gut and she smiled while crying tears of joy with a meteor shower happening right after. The sight was incredible to Ember, and she couldn't help but be as grateful as can be for Spyro's surprise to her. "Thank you so much Spyro. It's wonderful."
Spyro looked at the meteor showed and made his reply before the screen changed. "I knew you'd like it." The meteor shower went off with Spyro and Ember looking at it as soft music played, showing the two of them having a bonding moment together. As it passed on, Ember wrapped her arm Spyro and eventually hugged her with the shower still being shown. Spyro didn't midn this and wrapped his arm around Ember, who was more than proud of what Spyro had done for her, wanting to cherrish it for all eternity.
The screen went back to Spyro and Ember as Ember took her phone out, sitting down with Spyro looking in the direction she was, which was away from the meteor shower. Ember gave a big smile and put a peace sign over Spyro's head, making it look like he had demon the middle of his horns. Spyro also closed his eyes and stuck his tongue out at the screen when the picture was taken, so when Ember took it, it was a memory more than worth remembering.
Ember was sleeping in her bed, seeming to be having a good sleep as Spyro woke up and looked over at her. He was glad to have satisfied her last night, knowing she got what she wanted and that she was more than earning of it. Even though she stole Cynder's book in chapter four, but hey; she had good intentions, and that counts in Spyro's journal. When he walked up to her, he jumped onto her bed and blew some air into her ear, knowing how to suppress his fire, and tickling Ember without laying a drop of fire on her.
Ember giggled from having Spyro's breath in her ear and woke up, whining playfully as she looked up at Spyro. "Quit it Spyro. I don't need your morning breath in my head." Spyro shrugged and got off of Ember's bed, leaving her to yawn and stretch her arms as she spoke in a kind voice to him while rubbing one of her eyes. "I can't tell you how much I appriciate what you did for me last night. I know it was just a simple meteor shower and firework show, but it...spoke to me."
"I just wanted to see you happy." Spyro admitted, and then he looked over at Flame and Cynder, knowing the two of them would have to wake up soon. But he decided to leave them be with Ember walking over to Cynder and zapping her tail with a lightning ball, making her wake up as Spyro laughed upon it. "Oh, so YOU'RE the rebellious one now."
"Maybe so." Spyro shrugged upon Ember's words as Spyro went over to Flame, biting his tail and making him wake up with a scream. Ember giggled upon seeing this with Cynder smiling as she saw the two bonding. She normally didn't approve of waking up like this, but when it came to friendly bonding, she could stand it.
Spyro and the others were getting ready to take off with Zantor bidding the four dragons and dragonfly farewell. "Farewell my young dragon friends. Make us proud by stopping Gnasty Gnorc, and Spyro, I do hope you manage to find your father. He was a brave dragon."
Spyro was surprised that Zantor knew about his motivations to find Gnasty Gnorc, but nodded with a smile, knowing he had a mission to do, and that Zantor was a good dragon. "Thanks Zantor. But who'll rule this place now that Cosmos is dead? Someone's gotta take over."
"I'll rule over this place on my brother's behalf." Zantor answered, knowing the Magic Crafters world would be a great one to live onward in. "As his younger brother, I'm the most fit to rule, since I've studied everything it takes. When you return, you'll see a new Zantor. King of the Magic Crafters dragons, while still having his (Takes out an ace of hearts) tricks."
Zantor gave Spyro the ace of hearts and Spyro smiled as he and the others waved goodbye to the dragons as the balloon took off. "Goodbye! We'll see you again someday!" Spyro and the others looked at each other with smiles, preparing for what was going to come next.
Sawyer was watching Spyro and the others in some kind of crystal ball as Gnasty came into his room. Sawyer showed no emotions as he responded to Gnasty kicking his door down. "Knock please." Gnasty sighed and knocked on the door three times, pleasing Sawyer. "Thank you."
Gnasty walked up to Sawyer and got serious with him, knowing Spyro and the others were coming. "I'm sure you're well aware of the fact that Blowhard was beaten by that purple brat. You'd better not let him get by Beast Makers."
"They won't last long if they don't play it carefully there Gnasty." Sawyer promised Gnasty with a devlish grin on his face, turning to Gnasty as he explained what would happen. "Metalhead isn't like any other enemy they've faced yet. They'll have to use actual thinking to defeat him rather than flame breath or farts, or using his crutches to their advantage, or whatever lame tactics you have in store. This one will be quite 'hard' to take down without strategy, which they can't comprehend."
Sawyer looked back at his crystal ball with Gnasty giving him an order. "I don't care how you do it, just make sure Spyro and his friends die!"
Sawyer held his claw up and held Gnasty still, making him choke as he then slammed him into the floor and glared at him with a cold look and scowl showing his sadism perfectly well. "I'll take care of Spyro in any way I wish, and without your brash voice to ruin it."
Spyro and the others were awaiting the arrival in the Beast Makers world with Ember thinking about seeing her father again. Spyro could tell how excited she was and walked up to her to find out what she was thinking of doing with her father. "Still thinking about how you and your father will spend time together, huh? What'd you have in mind?"
"Honestly Spyro, I'm so excited that I could care less about what we do." Ember admitted, not wanting anything to ruin the day when it came and just loving every moment it came closer. "Of course, the one thing I wouldn't want to happen is for one of us to die. That would be torture."
"Agreed." Spyro hopped up onto a ledge of the basket that was holding onto the balloon as he thought about his own father. He'd never met his parents, and he never knew what to expect when he met either of them. He hoped that both of them were still alive, and he didn't want to ruin it when he first met them. "Hey Ember." Ember hopped onto the basket and Spyro helped her balance, seeming a bit conflicted about something. "Do you think, my parents will feel bad about the fact that they have to acknowledge my existance, knowing I wasn't in their lives?"
Ember flinched, not knowing how to answer that question. But after she thought for a moment, she felt there was no reason for Spyro's birth parents to hate him. He was too much fun to be around for that to ever be the case. So she put a palm on his shoulder and spoke what she truly thought. "I think they're gonna love you with all their hearts. Especially after they see who you are now." Spyro smiled and nodded, glad to see Ember was confident in how meeting his parents would go.
Spyro and the others were arriving in the Beast Makers world as they hopped out of the balloon and looked around. Ember wasn't particularly fond of the way the location looked, finding it to be quite damp and creepy. She could understand why her father moved here of all places in the Dragon Realms, but she didn't need to like it with all of her heart. She guessed she would just have to get used to it. "Not what I was expecting, but I can see why my dad would like it here. He was always into what the swamp had to offer."
"Then I guess he got to live his dream." Flame replied with a chuckle, and then he saw a dragon statue and nodded to the others as they ran over to it. "Maybe we should rescue the dragons here before we do anything insane."
Spyro nodded and touched the dragon statue, revealing a dragon who, although he was covered in moss and was somewhat obese, still looked quite proud with his accessories. He had green wristbands and wore a giant leave on his hat while also scoring a necklace with four single tooths, and he even had a small sack strapped to it. When he adjusted to the light, he saw Ember and instantly recognized her, becoming amazed by what he saw. "Ember?"
Ember looked at her father and cried tears of joy as she ran up to him, hugging him as he wrapped his arms around her. The two of them embraced each other with Spyro, Flame, and Cynder allowing them to have their moment. When Ember looked up at her father, he rubbed her head with a proud smile. "I knew you were coming, but I didn't know you'd grown to be so big." Ember wiped her eyes with Spyro handing her a tissue, which she accepted. "Ah, and here's the young dragon himself. Guess you finally found out the truth, huh?"
"You bet I did." Spyro replied with excitement, and then he looked at Ember, who was so happy to see her dad again. "It's great to see you again Cleetus. (Looks up at Cleetus) Ember's been looking forward to this moment for...a day. That's what I call quick buildup."
Cleetus laughed at Spyro's joke and sighed of relief, smiling as he looked down at his daughter. "It's been a while, hasn't it."
"Yes, it has." Ember admitted, and she spoke with genuine happiness as she looked up at her father again. "And now that I'm here, I just know we're going to have a great time here. Even if we'll have to beat up some baddies at the same time."
To be contiuned.
An instrumental version of the main theme played during the credits with Spyro's adventures being shown.
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