Gnasty Gnorc arc Episode one: Spyro

Spyro: The Hero of Dragons

Gnasty Gnorc arc Episode one: Spyro


In the world of dragons...


A purple dragon egg was by some kind of statue as an elder dragon with a red coat walked up to it with hope in his eyes. He saw that his child would live the best life possible, whether it was easy for him or not. A blue dragon then entered the room and looked at the egg with her husband, glad that they were able to have a child together. "What do you think we should name him Ignitus?" The wife asked, feeling they should think of some good names for him.

"Well first he has to hatch." Ignitus chuckled. He was excited for his child to be born, and could barely wait for it. He knew his son would be bright and healthy, being that the purple dragons were a rare breed. "I don't know if it's because of our own colors or because of something special, but I have hope Lyna." Lyna hugged Ignitus, who wrapped his arms around her as the two of them embraced the moment. Just then, the ground started shaking with Ignitus and Lyna letting go of each other. "What's going on?"

A dark force suddenly appeared and stabbed Lyna in the back, making Ignitus horrified when he saw it. "Lyna!" Lyna fell to the ground with the dark force revealing himself to be a black dragon. Although he looked quite young, his presence was dark enough to make any amount of dragons fear him. Ignitus glared at him and lunged at him, only for the dark force to smack him aside. The dark force walked towards the egg, only for Ignitus to strike him in the back. "You stay away from my child you menace!"

The dark force placed his palm on the egg and sent something into it, looking at Ignitus with a menacing grin as he then vanished. Ignitus then ran over to his wife with fear in his eyes, picking her up by her head as she looked at him. She started crying silently, but didn't frown, trusting Ignitus would do what was best for their son. The two of them then kissed and hugged one another right after with Lyna dying on the spot. Ignitus shed a tear before he picked up his child's egg.

Ignitus put the egg on his head and it floated with him, flying out and placing it in the water for someone else to take him. "I'm sorry my child. I can't take care of you under these conditions. (Wipes his eye and holds back his tears) It's not fair to take the risk. Darkness needs peace to rest easier, and I know you'll find it." Ignitus sent the egg off into the stream and watched in remourse, wishing he could watch his child. He knew this was the right thing to do, and that he would meet his son again one fateful day.


The egg was still floating among the stream until it came to the edge of a town that looked quite moderate in size. A male dragon was walking by while reading a book as he saw the egg float by. This dragon had a rather, interesting attire to say the least. He had clocks on the vest, his wrists, his neck and goggles on his head. When he saw the egg, he picked it up and seemed rather confused as to what it was doing out there. "Now who would put an egg into a river? It'd freeze up and die if it was in there for too long. (Walks off) And if it'd hatch, the baby would drown."

The dragon put his book away and ran home, which thankfully wasn't too far from the entrance to the town, only about one minutes away. When he got inside, his wife, a pink dragon with scars on her body, was walking through the living room as he took their newborn off the shelf. "Oh, Lindar, good thing you're here. (Hands the red dragon baby to Lindar) The kids put Flame on the shelves again and (Sees the purple egg) hey, did you adopt a kid?"

"Not exactly. I found him in the river outside of town." Lindar set the egg down on a table next to the couch and sat down on it, feeling they should grant it a new home. "I know it's quite sudden Ivy, but I think we should let this child live here. What's one more kid gonna do?"

Ivy sat down on the couch next to Lindar as she thought this through. She clearly didn't see it as a good idea, but Lindar was right about stuff before. And who was she to judge his good nature? After all, it's what she saw the most in him, and she could look past his goofiness and found his intentins to be bold. So she smiled and nodded when she looked at him. "I'm not up for it, but we'll see how it goes."

Lindar smiled as the egg started moving, leading to Flame pointing to it and getting Lindar and Ivy's attention with it. When they saw the egg, it hatched and revealed a sleeping purple baby dragon. The first thing the baby saw was the face of Flame, since it looked in his direction and saw his face. He took a liking to him and then Lindar picked him up, finding the time he hatched to be quite convinient. "Well that was good timing. Guess we should name the kid."

Ivy had a good name in mind for another child, and since this one was clearly a boy, she knew just what to name him. "How about Spyro?"

"I like it." Lindar looked at Spyro with a smile as Spyro went back to sleep. "I have a feeling this dragon's gonna grow up to do great things."

"If he doesn't lose his mind first." Ivy snarked, and then Spyro was shown in all his glory as the screen changed to a different scene.


Ten years later.


Spyro's town was shown in all of it's glory from shot to shot, showing all the shops and places that were there. There were all kinds of places there from a butcher shop to an antique store, and there was even a stand playing music there. But the dragon we were focusing on was currently flying through the city while escaping some kind pack of green creatures who were on the roofs. As he looked down at them, he blew a raspberry towards them, showing that he was a little bratty at this time. He then flew forward some more and made an epic skid as he exclaimed his excitement.

The dark figures surrounded him and they were all shown to be gnorcs, all holding swords and shields as Spyro moved past them. A jukebox was close by, and when he grabbed a sword of a gnorc and threw it onto the roof of a building he punched the gnorc aside as he spoke. "This party's getting crazy. Let's rock!" Spyro pressed a button on the jukebox but it wouldn't turn on. He kept trying as a pink dragon was shown walking by and catching eye of the situation, giggling a bit when she saw Spyro.

Spyro heard the giggle and karate chopped the jukebox, much to the surprise of everyone around him as rock music started playing. Spyro tapped one of his front feet to the music as another gnorc tried to stab his face with a spear. Spyro grabbed the spear and turned around, laying a punch on the gnorc and then knocking him aside. Two gnorcs aimed sword slashes at Spyro, who rolled to dodge them and then stabbed them both with the spear. This led to anotehr gnorc aiming a dive attack at the young dragon, who dodged it in slow motion and set the gnorc's butt on fire.

The gnorc ran around frantically with the pink dragon hiding behind a wall, but still watching with high anticipation and excitement. She just loved it whenever Spyro did these things, even if he was all cocky about it. Spyro then backflipped and made another gnorc fall over as he then jumped on his back and slid off. He picked up another gnorc's sword and spun around with it as he exclaimed his excitement and slashed some of the gnorcs in half. Don't worry; he didn't hurt anyone else.

Spyro slid the gnorc off of some kind of outdoor pool table as he then slammed the gnorc onto it, leading to all the balls flying. He then stood up with a confident smile as he flicked the black ball and made the other ones fly into the gnorcs. He then sliced the pool table in half and knocked it into one of the gnorcs, frontflipping over the other half and hitting it into the others. More surrounded Spyro, but he just smiled proudly as he saw the battle was still going on as the music stopped. "The end? Heh. (Looks at the screen) Don't bet on it."

Spyro winked to the screen as he jumped through four gnorcs that attempted to strike him from above with a dive attack. He then spun around and hit them all with a tail strike with the pink dragon looking down at the gnorc that landed beside her. She found Spyro's skills more than impressive, and she even smiled as she talked about them. "That's Spyro for ya. (Looks at Spyro with the Gnorc) He's the top dragon in our class. (Spyro is shown sitting on another gnorc and pulling his arm) No one will wanna mess with him a second time."

Spyro relaxed as he cut a three second sausage fart on the gnorc he was sitting on, surrounding him with a green cloud (phhhhht). He then whiffed the fart, which led to this clever little quipp from him. "Don't worry. With those looks, it's pretty clear you're expired." Spyro kicked the gnorc aside with his tail as he then got back to the fight, grabbing the sword of one of the gnorcs and knocking him back. The pink dragon rolled her eyes over Spyro's childish antic, finding it quite amusing.

The pink dragon continued to watch as she then commented on something else about Spyro. "And he loves to fart on his opponents." The gnorc nodded and ran off with Spyro throwing the another gnorc into the air and placing the sword on the point. He then pulled out a sausage from the butcher shop and ate it as he hit the last gnorc with a back hand punch. The gnorcs them walked off with Spyro walking up to the pink dragon, who smiled as she came over to him. "I'm guessing Gnasty's minions attacked Stone Hill again." That's the town's name by the way.

"Yep. I told them they were as ugly at their job as they were in person and they got all offended." Spyro walked off with the pink dragon as he left some money for a new jukebox, which the dragon next to it appriciated. "You still up for our flying lesson later?"

"You bet!" Spyro headed off with the pink dragon and a grown gnorc was shown watching the whole thing on Tv. He was furious when he saw this and stood up to get himself something to eat. When he returned with a turkey leg, he sat down and gave a scowl as he thought about his next attack. He knew that as long as Spyro was there, he'd need something stronger. He had a last resort plan, but he decided to save it for now, until he knew the time would be right.


The pink dragon was flying up in the air but started to lose control with Spyro noticing as she crashed into a wall. Luckily she wasn't too high up, and Spyro walked over to her to help her up. Since Spyro was much better at flying, he was teaching his friend the ropes of flying since he mastered it, and was more than willing to point out when she screwed up. "I think you should try holding your wings out straight. (Walks back over to a ladder with the pink dragon) Your left wing seemed a little off when you started your flight."

The pink dragon nodded and climbed up the ladder again, hopping up onto the roof and making another attempt to fly off. This time her wings were straight, and Spyro was glad to see her starting to get the hang of it. That is, until this gust of wind came along, and it blew the pink dragon back and made her fall flat on her back. Spyro ran up to her and assisted her in getting up as he chuckled and said something else. "I'll teach you how to get past wind gusts in the next lesson. That's something those who mastered stage one get right easier."

The pink dragon started to wonder if she would ever be a good flyer, knowing it was mandatory for all dragons to learn eventually. Spyro saw her concern and patted her back with a smile on his face. "You'll get it eventually Ember. And it's not like anyone can just learn it like (Snaps fingers) that. It took me at least a year to master it and I'm still just fighting gnorc minions."

"Yeah, but you still got it better than I did." Ember looked back on the day she met Spyro and flashbacked to him starting out on his flying skills. She noticed him losing balance and starting to fly down, but the flashback ended before anything else happened. Ember was laughing from the flashback though, finding it quite funny. "Then again, you weren't exactly the King of flyers back then either." Ember then got a question in mind, never knowing what Spyro wanted to do with his life. "Why did you want to learn so early on?"

Spyro showed Ember some kind of flyer, which showed all kinds of fighter dragons on there going up against dark forces. "Oh yeah, the Darkness Breakers. (Looks at Spyro) I don't think I'd ever be able to keep up with these guys."

"They have positions other than fighting ya know." Ember giggled a bit as she nodded with a smile, knowing that the Darkness Breakers were popular for all kinds of subjects. Just then, Spyro's stomach growled and gave him excitement as he looked at Ember. "Looks like dinner's calling my name."


Spyro had just arrived home as he came into the house and greeted Ivy, who was just done cooking what looked like a great dinner. "Hi mom." Spyro could smell it from here. It smelt like cheese combined with some kind of mushroom and pepperoni mixture. He knew exactly what it was and hopped onto the counter to get a closer look. He just loved the look of it, and Ivy chuckled when she saw Spyro and rubbed his head.

"Hello to you too Spyro." Ivy put some kind of garlic mixture on the pizza, making Spyro even more excited to eat it up. Ivy knew he loved this stuff, and since the other kids were fine with it, she didn't have to worry about picky eaters. "So you're home late. More flying lessons with Ember?"

"Yeah, that, and I ended up finding more gnorcs breaking into the village. I of course, took care of them awesomely, and without struggle." Spyro bragged with Ivy rolling her eyes while smiling as Spyro then went into the living room. "You said you were out there on the battefield, right? What's it like battling those dark things?"

Ivy kneeled down to Spyro with a concerned look on his face, feeling he shouldn't go up against any Dark Forces. "You don't want to face the Dark Forces Spyro. Those things are even more heartless than the ones they're made from." Spyro wasn't exactly convinced, not seeing beings being heartless as an excuse not to fight them. "Look, they'll tear you to pieces, okay? I don't want you going into a battle you can't win."

"Ya never know. Maybe I could go up against one someday." Spyro concluded, with Ivy seeing his point as he then walked off. "I'm gonna watch some Tv, since I still can't find my Dbox in your room, no matter how hard I look." Ivy laughed a bit as she got back to making the pizza, knowing Spyro would keep on trying to rebel against his punishment. Spyro then went over to the couch and found no one on it as he sat down. "Seriously; it's like the Dragon Realms are calling my name more and more each day. I can't ignore that."

Just then, a red dragon about Spyro's age jumped down from the ceiling and right onto him, making the two of them roll on the floor. The two of them were laughing as Spyro pinned the other dragon down, leading to Spyro boasting about his victory. "Nice try Flame. But you can't beat the master."

Spyro got off of Flame and helped him up as Flame commented on how close he was. "Yeah, but I got closer." Spyro and Flame went over to the couch to watch some Tv with Flame saying something else. "So no sign of your console. Mom must've hid it really well."

"Yeah, she must've." Spyro picked up the remote, only for Flame to grab it as soon as it was in his sights. The two of them gave an eye dart to each other as they then began tugging for the remote. This caught the attention of a female dragon that seemed younger than both of them coming down the stairs. She giggled at the two of them fighting over the remote, catching their attention, only for Spyro to snatch it from Flame and keep his head down. "Thanks Nyra." He then blew a raspberry at Flame and turned the Tv on to surf throught he channels.

Spyro was surfing through the channels as Nyra, who's coat is cyan by the way, hopped up onto the couch arm next to Flame, who was bummed out that Spyro got the remote again, and Nyra was more than willing to show her love for calling him out on it. "See Flame, your problem is that you don't know when to NOT fight with Spyro, and when TO do it. When I'm your age, (Points to herself with her thumb) I'll be able to outsmart both of you at once."

"Tch. Good luck with that." Spyro snarked with a smile as he continued surfing through the channels. Flame then got an idea, only for Spyro to assure him it wouldn't work. "Tantrums only when adults are in the same room Flame." Flame crossed his arms and leaned back against the couch as Spyro continued to surf throught he channels. Just then, a football flew past everyone in the room with Nyra ducking as it flew right by her and it hit a vase, making it fall onto the floor. "Good thing that didn't hit anyone's skull."

A teenage looking dragon with a light blue coat, the same coat as Lindar's, stood on two legs as he walked into the room. Spyro found his precense quite annoying, since he wasn't exactly fond of the sport of football himself, or many sports at all in fact. This led to him having a bit of a complicated relationship with his eldest sibling, but he still loved him and tried to tolerate his anticts. "Someday Jogger, you're gonna get it through your head that the house isn't the field."

"You're just jealous because you can't play due to being a quadraped." Jogger taunted as he walked over to his football, picking it up and spinning it on his finger. "I bet you'd just love to kick this as far as you possibly could and amaze everyone in the crowd."

"Nah, I can do that without being stupid enough to risk a skull injury." Spyro shot, leading to Jogger growling and walking over to him to try and punch him. He would've done it too, if not for the coughing happening from someone in the other room. This was Ivy, who as Spyro mentioned, was on the field of battle before. She was much more skilled than Spyro, so Jogger knew not to mess with her. Spyro saw this as a good opportunity to have some fun with his eldest sibling and pointed out the vase. "He broke the vase too."

Jogger flinched and then saw the vase right underneath Nyra, who was nodding in agreement, since she saw what happened. "Oh she's just trying to cover it up!"

"I saw it from the kitchen Jogger. Don't try to deny it." Jogger groaned as Ivy pointed up to his room, glaring at Spyro, who stuck his tongue out at him as Flame put his index finger up and his thumb out, making Jogger even more mad as he stormed upstairs. Spyro, Flame, and Nyra all hi fived and went back to watching Tv.


Spyro was eating dinner with the rest of his family as he just ate what seemed to be a mushroom bacon pizza. Flame was watching as he waited to see when Spyro would stop eating, finding that he's already eaten at least fifty something slices. For any normal dragon, this would be far too much, at least as a young child. But Spyro was able to power through them without any effort at all. Flame was more than amazed whenever Spyro chowed down on his food like that. "You gotta tell me your secret Spyro. How do you eat so much."

"You just gotta have a huge appetite, that's all." Spyro then let out a loud burp and laughed at it as he continued eating. "As long as you're not full, you can keep eating. And if you're still full after eating seconds or thirds, you eat even more, and you keep going until you get full. Then you wait until it digests and you end up can clogging the toilet. It's just the way the system works."

A loud book closing was heard with a dragon with a pink coating with black stripes on it was shown, appearing to be the second oldest of the siblings. She was clearly the goth of the family, being more than fond of one system in particular. "You know about the system? (Looks at Spyro) What did they say about the Dark Forces? Are they associated with the demons of Hell?"

"Um...different system Marci." Spyro replied, and then Marci went back to reading her book with her aura seeming quite eary. This gave Spyro chills as he shuddered from it, going back to eating more pizza slices. Ivy grabbed his claw to make him stop however, making him whine in annoyance, since he was surprisingly still hungry after all that he'd eaten. "Mooooom."

"You've eaten fifty six slices Spyro, that's seven whole pizzas in total. You can't possibly be hungry after all that." Spyro got out of his chair, still annoyed at the lack of food. "Besides, you still want desert, don't you?"

Spyro then beamed with excitement and ran over to the freezer, opening it up with Ivy sighing, feeling she should've been more clear. Lindar got a chuckle from it though. "That cheered him up."


Spyro was in the bathroom when night rolled around, trying to brush his teeth and clean them after all the food he ate. He found that a downside to eating a lot is that it was harder to keep your teeth clean afterwards, especially if you just ate dozens have pizza slices. He managed though, and next to him, Flame was listening to music as he was also brushing his teeth. Spyro was just about finished and he went to his room, allowing Flame to finish himself. When Spyro went into his room, he saw that his console was still gone and closed the door.

Spyro walked over to his bed and sat down on it, looking at the spot where his console lied and felt it would be back soon. "Just three days Dbox. That's all we have to wait for." Spyro picked his covers up and went to sleep, enjoying himself as he patted his stomach. "It's not easy wolfing down a buffet all the time, but I make it work." Spyro went to sleep and got comfortable as some kind of shadow-like being was outside his window spying on him.

The shadow-like being had red glowing eyes and held out his claw, sensing for Spyro's energy to see if it was still intact. The dark energy the shadow-like being spotted seemed to be right and he rushed off, most likely to inform someone about this.


Spyro had just arrived at school the next day with the teacher, a female anthro green dragon, scolded him for his tardiness. "Well Spyro, it seems you still haven't learned how to get on time for class." Spyro ignored the teacher and sat down with Ember walking in and sitting next to him. "Oh, Ember's late as well. That's a first." The teacher then noticed Spyro gobbling down on a chocolate ice cream cone, having her catch onto what was going on. "Oh. That explains it. (Turns around) Anyway, back to the lesson."

Ember held a cherry cone in her claw as she looked at Spyro and wondered how he was so calm and casual about this whole thing. Spyro noticed this look and rubbed her head as she confirmed there was nothing to worry about. "No worries Ember. (Puts claw down) We got here on time, didn't we?"

"We're at least thirty minutes late to class." Ember deadpanned as she picked her book up. "I'd hardly call that on time."

"Oh. Well you're late, but this is when I usually get here."

"Fair enough."

Spyro and Ember got to where the teacher was talking about the lesson as Spyro then remembered what day it was. He was more than excited for it and tried to contain it, not wanting the teacher to get all naggy with him. Ember was looking at him from where she sat, which was right beside him, smiling as she put her face deep into her book. Although she could get annoyed by Spyro's habits of being lazy with schoolwork and his general cockiness, she saw one of the nicest dragons she'd ever meet when she looked at him. She just couldn't resist him.

Spyro however, mainly saw Ember as one of his close friends. Not that he'd mind it if she was into him or anything, nor could he blame her if that were the case. And if she said anything right now, it wouldn't even ruin what was about to come next. The speaker came on and a voice came from it. "May I have everyone come to the the Artisan home, please? I repeat, everyone in school come to the Artisam home, please." Spyro couldn't wait. When everyone in the class got up, he was the first to rush out of the door.


Spyro was waiting excitedly with a couple other students on the stage as a male dragon with a red coating was standing there proudly. He wore some kind of armor on his shoulders and one piece of it around his waist. Everyone seemed to think fondly of him, and he was the humle type for sure, but could be a bit overconfident in his own abilities. "You've all cast your votes. And the results are in." The dragon walked up to some kind of box as he opened it up and pulled out the winning vote. "This is the vote that decided the victor."

The dragon read the card and chuckled a bit as he read it. "Me, because I'm awesome; (Shows the card to Spyro and the others) I think I know who put that one in there." Spyro shrugged with a confident look as the dragon walked over to the curtains and pulled out a yellow dragonfly in a capsule of sorts. When Spyro saw this, he got super pumped for it, and the dragonfly saw him and got excited. "This is your dragonfly Spyro. Feel free to name it whatever you like."

The dragon opened up the capsule and allowed the dragonfly to dash on over to Spyro, who ended up stopping it with one of his claws, but in a gentle way. "Alright little dude, no need to go sugar happy." The dragonfly looked at Spyro with the purple dragon having the perfect name for him. "I'll think of a decent name for you. For now though, I think little dude fits best." The dragonfly nodded in agreement as he rested on one of Spyro's horns, just by the tip.

The other dragons that were by Spyro were jealous with the blue one whispering to the orange one. "I can't believe Nestor invited us here just to give a dragonfly to that cocky loser."

"Forget about that. It's an honor to even have him be here." The orange one whispered back. "I get what you mean though. I'm a million times better than that purple brat."

"That 'purple brat', can hear you." The dragons looked over at a smirking Spyro, who snapped his fingers and had the dragonfly circle around them. They got dizzy from it with Spyro laughing as he then complimented the dragonfly on his work. "Okay, that right there is knowing what to do on the first day."

Just then, a Tv was brought up by Lindar and an elderly light purple dragon coming up as Lindar brought it on up. "Okay, now that my kid's got his dragonfly, what do you say we get this show on the road Nestor?"

"Fine with me Lindar. Do as you wish." Lindar walked off the stage to allow Lindar and the light purple dragon to do their work with Spyro and the other dragons heading off as well. Flame snuck one of the sheep out so he and Spyro could play with it, worrying Ivy when she saw it with Nestor signaling her that it was okay.

The camera started recording with someone behind it as the light purple dragon began speaking. "It's been quite peaceful here in the dragon realms. (Spyro puts his sights on the dragon) Now we have five whole kingdoms, with twelve thousand treasures. (Spyro puts his tail up high and prepares a charge) Or is it fourteen thousand treasures?" Spyro rammed into the sheep and it landed right on stage with the dragon continuing his thought. "I forget."

"What about this, Gnasty Gnorc character?" Spyro jumped on stage to get his sheep as he got sight of the light purple dragon. "I heard he was planning on using some kind of spell to freeze all the dragons."

Spyro saw this as a chance to be on Tv and handed Flame the sheep when he walked up to them, noticing that the light purple dragon was struggling. "I'll take this one old timer." The light purple dragon smiled once Spyro started talking, seeing a great light in him. "Now I don't know much about this Gnasty Gnorc guy, but what I DO know, is that if he can get exiled like that, he's obviously no threat to us."

The grown gnorc, who was now known as Gnasty Gnorc, saw this on Tv while eating a giant turkey leg and flinched upon it. "No threat?"

"Besides. His army only consists of these small gnorcs, who I daily kick the butts of." Spyro flew up to the height of the camera and stood in front of it as he taunted Gnasty threw it. "If you're watching this Gnasty, next time, send a challenge."

Gnasty Gnorc picked up his staff with as he prepared to fulfill Spyro's wish, knowing just the creature to call upon. "I'll show you a challenge you cocky upstart."

Lindar was pulling Spyro away from the camera as he spoke to him with a concerned look but smiled anyway. "Okay Spyro, I think that's enough talking about Gnasty for one day."

"But I still have to call him the ugly buttling." Spyro whined with annoyance, and then a dark light filled the area and snapped him out of his mood. Everyone looked up with Spyro wondering what it could possibly be. He got excited and flew down from Lindar's arms as he commented on it. "If this is Gnasty's call then I'm glad he made a response."

Just then, some kind of dark force landed in the middle of the room, leading to Spyro preparing for a challenge from it. The dark force then knocked him back, having him sent across the room and he regained his balance as he faced the being. "What? No chit chat or monologue? (Sharpens claw) Just straight to the point, huh? I like that." The dark being attempted to charge at Spyro, only for Nestor to jump up and land a hammer strike on him. This landed a bruise on the dark being and made him turn around to face Nestor.

Nestor attempted to strike the dark being again, only for the dark being to knock his hammer into the air. Spyro caught a hold of the hammer and flew straight towards the dark thing, despite Nestor's signal not to do so. He dove up and then dove down, aiming some kind of diving spinning hammer attack at him. He almost hit him, but he dodged and made Spyro hit the stage with his hammer, leading to Nestor picking him up from his tail and smiling. "Good work, but could've used better timing."

Spyro chuckled nervously with a smile as a bunch of gnorcs and Dark Forces appeared out of nowhere, making Ivy and all the other fighter dragons get up and fight. Nestor set Spyro down and kneeled down to him with concern. "Leave now Spyro. This battle's too much for you."

"No way! This is what I live for!" Spyro declared as he charged at one of the gnorcs, ramming right into him after rolling to dodge his sword slice. Spyro then grabbed a battle axe from another gnorc with his tail and smashed the gnorc's head in, impressing Nestor with his skill. Nestor nodded with approval as he then blocked a Dark Force's attack from behind, holding him down as he called over to Spyro. Just then, all of the adult dragons got beaten down, stopping some in their tracks, and even stopping Ivy when she was about to finish a dark force.

Spyro scoffed as he wiped one of his horns and walked up to another gnorc. "I can already tell. (Walks towards the screen) This is gonna be one heck of a party!" Spyro punched as soon as he said party the screen, possibly punching the gnorc, and made it go to black, ending the chapter off.


Rock music played and a male voice was heard singing the main theme of the story, Spyro. "Spyro! He's a kid and he wants to have fun, and when you need an awesome hero, he gets the job done. Spyro! With power from his head to his tail, he'll be there and evil won't prevail. When evil's breaking pace, he gets right in it's face, Spyro. When trouble comes for shock, it's time; let's rock, Spyro!"

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