Mafia 1

Okay, it's been a while since I played this so bear with me. It may be slightly different than you're used to, sorry. I'm trying my best lol. Also sorry for the late update, I totally forgot.

*Chip, Jawa, Mike, Zoe, Ben, Erica*

Ben: Hey guys

Zoe: Hey Ben ;)

Erica: Hello Ben. And Zoe, calm tf down please

Zoe: I am calm tho

Mike: Lol hey guys

Chip: She seemed pretty calm to me

Mike: Yeah you want some peanut butter?

Erica: Huh? Why?

Mike: To go with all that jelly

Chip: PFTTT ahaha he got y-

Erica: Mafia. Now.

Ben: Since when are you a big game player?

Zoe: Since it gets her out of tel-


Zoe: Why? You're not gonna tell him so why shouldn't I?

Erica: Mafia now.

Jawa: You sure you're not just jealous?

Erica: I said mafia. Either we play here or in real life. And we all know I'll win if it's in real life.

Ben: Alright, she's clearly serious ig so let's just play

Zoe: I'm narrator

Mike: ok, let's play

*After roles randomly assigned*

Zoe: We're only gonna start using the townspeople voting when there are 3 people left so there will be more than one round. Mafia, choose who you want to kill

Mafia has chosen

Zoe: Doctor, choose who you want to save

Doctor has chosen

Zoe: Detective, choose who you want to arrest

Detective has chosen

Zoe: Good morning town! Poor Chip fell asleep while gaming last night. Someone snuck in and cut his throat. They added a few stabs to his torso for good measure. The detective was busy arresting Mike for a DUI. The doctor had a busy schedule at the hospital, so Chip bled out and died.

Chip: Aw come on!

Zoe: Okay, round two. Mafia, choose who you want to kill

Mafia has chosen

Zoe: Doctor, choose who you want to save

Doctor has chosen

Zoe: Detective, choose who you want to arrest

Detective has chosen

Zoe: Good morning town! Last night, we lost another. Mike went out for a drive. When he returned home, there was someone waiting. The killer snapped his neck and Mike collapsed, dead. The doctor couldn't do anything, seeing as he was dead when he got there. No one was arrested for this tragic murder.

Mike: Really? Why me?

Zoe: Round 3! Mafia, choose who you want to kill

Mafia has chosen

Zoe: Doctor, choose who you want to save

Doctor has chosen

Zoe: Detective, choose who you want to arrest

Detective has chosen

Zoe: Jawa was attacked last night. A sniper shot him through his window. The doctor managed to save him. There were no arrests made.

Ben: There's only Jawa, Erica, and I now so we vote right?

Zoe: Yep

Jawa: Erica

Ben: Erica

Erica: Yea okay. It's kinda obvious bc Jawa couldn't kill himself and no offense, but why would I save you over myself?

Jawa: Or Ben

Erica: Or Ben.

Chip: Yep ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Erica: Wait no. Not Ben.

Ben: Owch

Mike: Suuure Erica

Zoe: I mean you made us play that game specifically because you didn't want to talk about your f-

Erica: Keep talking I dare you

Zoe: -eelings f-

Erica: Zoe

Zoe: -or B-


Zoe: -e-

Chip: What happened to Zoe?

Mike: Yeah she just stopped

Jawa: Zoe? Hellooo? Where'd you go?

Ben: Oh no. Where's... Erica?

Erica: I'm here

Ben: And where's Zoe?

Erica: Unconscious

Ben: Erica what did you do?

Erica: Oh calm down it was just chloroform this time

Ben: This time?

Erica: Yeah

Ben: Oookay

Erica: Anyways, what were we doing?

Zoe: You were telling Ben y-

Erica: Woah you're conscious already? That's pretty impressive

Zoe: Thank you, now tell hi-

Erica: Private chat now!

*Zoe and Erica*


Zoe: Hey :)

Erica: Hey? That's all you have to say?

Zoe: No but I was trying to be polite

Erica: Great.

Zoe: You need to talk to him

Erica: Who?

Zoe: -_- You know who

Erica: Voldemort?

Zoe: No. The person who makes jokes like that all the time

Erica: ?

Zoe: Ben

Erica: No I don't

Zoe: Yes, you do

Erica: Uh uh

Zoe: Uh huh

Erica: Why on Earth would I need to talk to him?

Zoe: -_-

Erica: ?

Zoe: Because you like him

Erica: I do not!

Zoe: Do too

Erica: Do not

Zoe: Do too

Erica: Do not

Zoe: Yes you do Erica.

Erica: No I don't

Zoe: Erica why are you so persistent?

Erica: Because I don't like him

Zoe: You know it's okay to like him, right?

Erica: No it's not and I don't like him

Zoe: I'm just gonna ignore you repeatedly denying it

Zoe: It is okay to like him Erica

Erica: ...

Zoe: Dude it's normal to like a guy you spend a ton of time with

Erica: We don't spend that much time together

Zoe: You two always go on missions together

Erica: We haven't gone on that many missions

Zoe: How many then? Number now.

Erica: Well I... don't know. Ben is the math genius

Zoe: Uh huh, and you're the one in love with the math genius

Erica: I'm not in love

Zoe: Sure

Erica: I'm not!

Zoe: Point being, you guys spend a ton of time together and its totally normal and okay to like him

Erica: Since when am I normal?

Zoe: Fair, but you are still a teenage girl who has feelings, even if it's only occasionally

Erica: So I've been told.

Zoe: Point being, it isn't a big deal to like him

Erica: Why are you being so supportive? I thought you liked him

Zoe: Well yeah but he's my best friend and I want him to be happy. And he seems pretty set on you

Erica: So I've noticed.

Zoe: But, you need to tell him how you feel

Erica: Not gonna happen.

Zoe: Yeah it is

Erica: Nope.

Zoe: He needs to know how you feel Erica

Erica: Why?

Zoe: Seriously?

Erica: Well what if I don't want a relationship?

Zoe: No one said anything about relationships, but he needs to know

Erica: Why?

Zoe: Well common courtesy?

Erica: Why else?

Zoe: Because he deserves to know?

Erica: Nope, next.

Zoe: It will make things with him harder because you'll constantly be trying to hide your feelings?

Erica: Eh. Next.

Zoe: Because he might eventually move on to me?

Erica: Uh why would he do that?

Zoe: Because I've actually showed interest and been kind and affectionate to him, while you continuously avoid him and act colder than a block of solid ice. And I when I say block, I mean an iceberg.

Erica: Well then stop showing interest.

Zoe: That's not exactly how that works

Erica: Why not?

Zoe: Well even if I did that, there'll be other girls that will like him, and I like him

Erica: Well that's kind of annoying

Zoe: Yep. So, you should tell him

Erica: But I don't want to

Zoe: Well I can do it for you

Erica: But I just don't want him to know

Zoe: Ahaha you thought I was legitimately giving you a choice?

Erica: Huh?

Zoe: You tell him by Friday, or I do

Erica: What! No!

Zoe: Yep

Erica: That's in 2 days!

Zoe: Yes it is

Erica: Who says you get to make that decision?

Zoe: Fine, then you tell him by Friday or I ask him out.

Erica: What! No!

Zoe: See, you like him

Erica: Uh no

Zoe: Then I'll just ask him out now then

Erica: NO

Zoe: Then you tell him

Erica: I don't want to

Zoe: Well I don't want to help you get Ben but I am, aren't I?

Erica: Yeah but I'm not sure why

Zoe: Well he's the only on who can get you to be nice and I want him to be happy

Erica: Okay, but I'm not ready to tell him

Zoe: Why not?

Erica: I'm not sure

Zoe: He clearly likes you a lot so there's no fear of rejection

Erica: I know

Zoe: And he's super nice, so there's no fear of him not being understanding

Erica: I know

Zoe: And he again, really likes you so he'll be really happy

Erica: I know

Zoe: Then what's wrong?

Erica: I don't know how to tell him

Zoe: Well I can help with that

Erica: Why am I still here?

Zoe: Not sure. But anyways, just tell him

Erica: Real helpful, thanks

Zoe: It is. Just tell him. However you want, just say it. Don't think about wording, say how you feel

Erica: I'll try. But you better not tell him. I'll get there eventually. Please don't

Zoe: Alright :) you got this

Erica: Yeah... we'll see about that

Zoe: Come on! Be confident!

Erica: I'll try

Ben: Are you guys ever gonna come back to the group chat?


Ben: Like 5 seconds? Why? Ohhh, you were having girl talk

Zoe: Yep

Ben: Spill! :)

Zoe: Okay, so we were talking about a guy

Ben: Oooh who?

Erica: No one!

Ben: So it's someone Erica likes then

Erica: No it's not!

Ben: Then why are you so eager to deny it? Zoe seems totally fine with it, so it's obviously not someone she likes.

Zoe: Exactly

Erica: Not helping Zoe

Ben: Who is it?

Erica: No one

Ben: Owch

Erica: What?

Ben: Well I didn't know I was no one ;)


Ben: I didn't lol, until now, that is

Erica has left the chat

Zoe has added Erica back into the chat

Zoe: LMAO well, now you don't have to worry about figuring out how to tell him I guess

Erica: Fantastic

Ben: I knew you liked me

Erica: You did?

Ben: Yeah lol

Erica: And?

Ben: And what?

Erica: So you have no reaction to finding out at all?

Ben: Oh believe me, I'm ecstatic. But I can act cool over text.

Mike: Yeah he's going nuts

Zoe: When did you get here?

Mike: When you created the chat

Erica: Great. I assume you told Ben

Mike: Ahaha yea

Erica: Ben you said you didn't know what we were talking about

Ben: No, I said I'd been there for 5 seconds, that you were having girl talk, that it was about a guy you liked and not one Zoe did, and that I knew before. No where in there did I say I didn't know what you were talking about :)

Erica: Why didn't you say you knew then?

Ben: Because I wanted to let you tell me when you wanted to or when you decided it was time

Erica: Or when Zoe did

Ben: Well, yeah that too lol

Erica: Thanks though :)

Ben: Anytime :)

Mike: It's sailing full speed ahead Zo!

Erica: What?

Zoe: Indeed it is

Erica: Huh?

Mike: Isn't it beautiful?

Erica: What are you two talking about?

Zoe: Indeed it is

Erica: Ben what are they talking about?

Ben: *sigh* lol they're talking about Berica I bet

Erica: ... wait what?

Ben: Ben and Erica

Erica: Ohhh! But why are they talking about sailboats then?

Ben: Really? Seriously lol they're talking about the ship of Berica

Erica: We have a boat?

Ben: Ship is short for relationship

Erica: Ohhh! Wait what!?!

Ben: They are shipping us

Erica: Ohhh okay. Why tho?

Ben: No clue

Catherine: Because you two are absolutely adorable together

Erica: MOTHER? How did you get here!?!

Catherine: Hacked it darling

Erica: When?

Catherine: I've been here since you created it

Erica: How did you know we were in this chat?

Catherine: I already told you I hacked it

Erica: That doesn't answer my question

Ben: *sigh* It does

Erica: ?

Ben: I can explain it with one question. Catherine?

Catherine: Yes Benjamin?

Ben: What did you hack?

Catherine: Her phone ;)

Erica: You what now?

Ben: I noticed she said it both times instead if a specific what. Now that could be coincidence, but I doubted it because Catherine is usually pretty specific

Catherine: You're very smart you know

Ben: Thanks Mrs. Hale :)

Erica: But how did you know we were texting in it?

Ben: I presume she cloned your phone so she'd have access to and be able to see your stuff. As for how she knew, I presume she had a keyword search linked to the clone so whenever you mentioned those keywords, she'd get an alert

Catherine: Correct again :)

Erica: We're going to talk about this later mother

Catherine: Is that before of after we talk about your journal entries, texts, photos, cardboard cutout, and all that fun stuff? ;)


Jawa: You're kidding! Erica has a cutout of Ben? AHAHA

Erica: Great so you're here too?

Chip: Yeah but we've been here, fangirl

Erica: I'm gonna kill you. Where are you? Nvm I'll find you anyways. Dead. You're dead. I'm gonna kill you.

Catherine: Erica, that's unnecessary

Erica: The only reason it's not you is because I'm slightly conflicted about killing my own mother, but him, he's dead

Catherine: I'm a bit unsure whether to be hurt that it's only slightly or ecstatic you're at least a little conflicted about killing me


Erica: Fine. But next time I won't hesitate

Chip: Noted

Erica: So all that's missing now are my father and grandfather? -_- buuut at least those two aren't here

Alexander: Check again dear

Cyrus: You sure sweetie?

Erica: I- goodbye.

Erica has left the chat

Okay, hope you enjoyed :)

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