Black x Jevin x Tunner Pt.1

There's like erm suggestive scenes kinda so like beware :0

"Get home safe."

A small young boy waved goodbye at the other who stood by the door. The calmer one waved back as he watched the kid leave down the road.

Sky was dropped off to Jevin so he could take care of him. His parents didn't want him to be home alone so they have an idea for someone else to take care of him. With a price of course.

Though Jevin didn't mind taking care of the little one. He wasn't too experienced with kids, but he manages to keep them at bay for some time when he works.

Sky today said something VERY horrible to the point Jevin forced him to knock on the wooden door two times and force him to pray for forgiveness. It was a big bratty fight but it was done in the end. Who knew a child could speak like that...

The hooded man sighed. It was getting late, the sun was close to being gone. A mix of purple and pink in the sky was a beautiful sight to look at. It was always nice to appreciate life.

Jevin stopped daydreaming and walk back inside the church. It was empty as it should be. The light passes through the colorful glass windows in a specific direction where the sun was at.

It was already closing time. Jevin made sure the area was clean and spotless for the next day. There were a bit a few pieces of papers from Sky's drawings but it wasn't a big pain to clean up.

After done cleaning there was no more light to be shown so Jevin would have to light up two candles. He loves spending his time alone like this in the dark by himself. In his mind he enjoyed the peace he was at.

Like everyday he clasped his hands together and pray on the spot right there. He could never break his peaceful daily routine no matter what day it is. The horrible sinful thoughts were driven away like a flowing river in a forest.

He sometimes think about his past life a lot. All he ever wanted was a better childhood and better friends and family to be with. Thinking about his old life makes his body shiver.

Jevin wasn't proud of who he was before. It's not like he ever wants to talk about it anyway. No one even knows how different he was or what he did. Those dark times were pushed into the closet that will never be open. He could NEVER tell anyone about it.

....besides one person.

Two hard but soft knocks was enough to intrude Jevins thoughts.

"Jevin? You in there?"

Speaking of the angel. Jevin got up from his knees and wiped his clothes off a little before heading to the door.

Once the door was unlocked he opened it to see his best friend Tunner standing in front of him. He was in his usual outfit he wears whenever he goes out. The iconic hat of his was like his key element he couldn't let go off. And the poncho, it looked really comfy to wear.

Jevin looked up at his friend,"Tunner? It's rather late, why aren't you home?" He tilt his head. Tunner wasn't quick to respond and instead avoided eye contact a little in silence.

The hooded man wasn't sure why he was acting like this, but he didn't bother asking yet. "I was wondering if you wanted to hangout. If you want though— it's totally yer choice."

Well that was a request Jevin didn't expected. He knew that it meant him and Tunner going out in places to have fun together. A bit childish he might say.

Though it was true that the two weren't able to hang out as much as they use to. Sure they interact from time to time when they are free but they never have gotten to do any fun activities yet. It was mostly Jevin barely going out.

Jevin thought about it for a second. There was something he needed to deal with later tonight. It was immediate and required could he just ignore his friend's request like that?

Maybe the meetup can wait. This whole week has been stressful for him, and maybe he just needed to relax with his old friend again.

Jevin nodded,"Of course, I don't mind." He responded blankly. Even with his dull tone Jevin was excited to do something with Tunner.

The sheriff grinned but quickly try to force the smile down. He didn't want to look like a smiley fool in front of his friend. It was always a thing where Tunner wants to impress Jevin and act cool around him. Embarrassingly, he couldn't.

After Jevin close the church he and Tunner walk down the side walk. There wasn't much sprunkis around to be nearby so it was just the two walking together.

"So," Jevin broke the silence,"What are we doing?" It wasn't explained on what plan they were going to do so he obviously had to ask.

"I was thinking about going to the arcade. Like old times aye?" The suggestion made Jevin surprise a little, yet he still made a 'neutral' face.

With a nod he hummed,"That would be fun. Lead the way sheriff." Jevin stick beside Tunner as they walk.

Clearly Jevin is not into gaming or any fancy technologies like that. If anything he wasn't able to use any sort of device back in his childhood. He would always just read books or write in his diary he was stuck with. Until on this day he still does those hobbies.

When Tunner met Jevin, he would make him do some fun games with him. He knew Jevin couldn't do much back at home, so he would often sneak him out just to hangout together.

It was a very fun time for both of them. But later on, Jevin stopped going out. He didn't want to be with Tunner anymore or talk to anyone. He just completely stopped being his usual self.

Tunner always thought that it was his fault for making Jevin push himself away. But everytime he tries to recollect, he still couldn't figure out what happened.

But that's a story for another day. Right now, he's with his long time friend he could trust. They are finally going to bond without any interruptions or cancellations this time.

The walk didn't take too long as they finally reached to the place. Entering inside the colorful neon looking lights made Jevin stood there in revelation. There were some sprunkis around playing arcade machines with their friends and laughing loudly.

It was a bit obnoxious but Jevin didn't expresses it usually. He doesn't go to places like this so it was a bit new to him.

In a blink Tunner walk up to Jevin holding two cups with metal tokens inside,"Apparently I got a discount as the town sheriff. Again.." Tunner whispered with a sigh at the end.

Jevin hum at this,"Looks like someone is a little popular around here," he teased at him. Tunner rolled his eyes placefully,"Whatever. Here, what machine do you wanna do?"

Tunner gave the cup to Jevin and drag him along to the machines. As Jevin looked around searching for a game to play he noticed a gun looking machines by the corner.

He walk up to the device and pointed at it like a little kid pointing for a favorite toy. Tunner took a look and smiled,"Zombie shooting game eh? You're asking to be beaten." The sheriff gave a smirk before sitting down on the seat.

The other did the same and insert the coin,"We will see in the end," Jevin replied shortly before picking up the fake gun getting ready to play.

|Hours later..|

"You should've seen the look on your face!"

"Oh hush, it was my first time using that...VR, device thing or whatever."

The two were walking on grass at the park in the middle of the night. They have just left the arcade building and went to a different location.

Tunner was still laughing about the whole Jevin reaction to the VR he tried on. It was funny to see him act very clueless and panicked over a headset.

The laugh died down after the hooded man sat down under the tree. Tunner did the same as they both look up at the stary night. Star gazing was one of Jevins favorite secret activities he likes to do.

Looking at the sky drifts his mind away into something new. He didn't have to worry about stuff or situations he's in right now, he could only wonder the endless sky and not think about anything.

While stargazing, Tunner enjoyed the view at the stars, but he wanted to view something else. His eyes took off to the one next to him. He tried his best to not make it obvious that he's staring so he tilted his hat more down so it would be harder to see his eyes.

With that done he was enjoying watching Jevin observing innocently. He doesn't mean to be weird or anything, but he just can't help having feelings for his friend more and more.

Tunner feels incredibly bad for falling for his only best friend. He doesn't know why or how it happened ever since they started talking again a few years back.

Something about him was...unique in his own way. He wishes he could have stayed by his side more back then. He wanted to show him the love he never experienced. He NEEDED him all to himself.

There it is, the true smile Jevin wears on his face. It was always a rare sighting to see Jevin truely smile instead of a fake one. It's something that no one gets to see often. Tunners eyes were focused on his lips. They looked very kissable..

The thought of kissing made Tunners heart ache. Sure he sometimes imagine what it would like to kiss Jevin but now is not the good time for that. Especially that he's literally right in front of him.

Maybe..he should try to do the first move. But what if he messes up? Does Jevin have the same feelings as him? It's unknown to the poor overthinking sheriff, but he at least needed to find out.

He waited too long to get this close to his best friend. With determination he would most likely try to make the first plan he wanted to do.

Tunner scooted closer to his friend in a careful move. Jevin didn't noticed this, he was too busy day dreaming at the sky. It was nice seeing him calm but he wanted to catch his attention.

He cleared his throat,"Beautiful night eh?" Tunner started out.

Jevin blinked out of daze and turn to his buddy next to him. He took noticed he was much more closer time. Jevin wasn't a dumb fool, but he didn't comment on it,"It is. I wouldn't want to miss out on a night like this."

Before Tunner could respond Jevin caught up first,"I want to thank you for today. Being with you was...very nice." Jevin gave Tunner a soft warm smile at his direction.

A rush of enthusiasm was evident on Tunners face after hearing those words. The smile was getting him the most.

Brushing off the blush on his cheeks he did a nervous laugh,"Heh no problem, I had fun with you too. We should do this next time when we're not too busy."

Jevin nodded and look back up at the sky. Tunner quietly cursed himself for not leading the conversation more. He wasn't even sure how he's going to express his love for him if he just keeps messing up again.

Meanwhile Jevin decided to lay down on the grass. He got into a comfortable position and embraced the soft ground with an almost tired eyes. But he still remains awake.

Tunner took notice of this and almost immediately got an idea. It was a horrible idea, but he doesn't want to keep this relationship as friends for another year. He wanted Jevin first before anyone else could take him.

With a shaky breath he got on his knees and turn over to Jevin as he got on top of him. Jevin was in shock to see this. He couldn't see the stars anymore, he could only see Tunner in front of him.

He didn't think he would see Tunner pinning him down in the middle of the night under this tree.

The two stared at each other agonizingly for a long time. One of them wasn't even sure who would be the first to speak. Though clearly someone would have to speak up.

"Um..Tunner? What's this?" Jevin asked. Tunner was trying his best to keep the heat away from his face. His mind was telling him to give up and push away, but the other half was telling him to get over with it.

Tunners mind was all over the place. He doesn't know what to start with or what to say. Out of all the danger and threats he faces, he was a nervous wreck for Jevin.

Jevin noticed his struggle, so he raised his arm and rest his hand against Tunners cheek,"Come on, you can do it," he encourages with a smile. It was almost like if he was teasing him in order to get him to talk.

The sheriff's face immediately exploded with crimson. Not only that Jevin touched his face, but he also PRAISED him to speak his words out. Being praised from others with his work was always never much to him. The appreciations and gratitude were nice but he was use to it.

But with Jevin...a whole new world has opened for him. He never expected his only best friend to speak to him in a soft caring voice. Jevin never expresses that much affection to anyone before.

If Tunner had a tail, it would be an endless wagging. Jevin let out a small giggle at his reaction. It was funny for him to see Tunner act completely out of his character. Knowing that he only sees him at his 'tough' side.

Seeing Jevin make a giggle only makes Tunner feel more hungry for his lips. The urge to not give him kisses everywhere and tell him that he loves him.

That urge didn't last long.

In an instant, Tunner smashed his lips against Jevins. There was no more patience's left whatsoever for him. He needed to feel closer to him and express the feelings he's been holding on for life.

Jevin was stiff as a rock at this moment. He never thought he would just..suddenly kiss him. Questions started to form around his head; was he enjoying this? Does he want it to stop? Was it weird to kiss him? And most importantly, does he like him back?

The thoughts were too overwhelming to think about. Maybe he could see how it goes and figure out what he feels at the end.

Tunner was still kissing him in an almost awkward manner. His cheeks were puffed out like if he was holding his breath for a long time. The awkward kiss soon turn into a soft one as Jevin slowly kissed back.

He wrapped his arms around Tunners neck to bring him a bit more closer. Tunner was shocked at Jevins behavior but he didn't comment on it and only kissed him more. He waited so so long for this moment, he dreamed of this opportunity everyday.

The kiss was soft and tinder. It brings electricity to both partners and excitement as well. It gives a meaning of how much they both wanted to do this, mostly Tunner the most who wanted this.

Jevin felt fuzzy on the inside. He never knew Tunner felt like this way towards him before. He could've noticed this sooner, but maybe he didn't think about it as much. Or maybe he possibly just brushed it off.

Soon enough, the kiss deepens between the two. Tunner didn't mean to go a bit further down but it just so happens. Surprising enough Tunner didn't need to ask for entrance as his tongue explored every inch of his mouth.

He's been waiting to get any type of taste of him and here he is, making out with his best friend in public. It was a very naughty choice they did but they were too deep in the moment to care.

Their tongue danced in fast motions like there was no tomorrow. They hold onto each other more tighter as their bodies connected more. Jevin suppress any noises as much as he could so he won't feel embarrassed in front of Tunner.

Tunner couldn't care less. He wanted to hear those soft whimpers and sounds coming out of his mouth. He tries his best to get a little bit more than just grunts Jevin lets out.

Eventually though they both have to pull away for oxygen. As they did they both gaze lovingly at each other while panting a mess. Jevin was left a blushing mess since he was seen very submissive like this. He never wanted to look like this in front of anyone.

The other could only chuckle at this and lean down to give him a peck on the lips again. Happiness was only the emotion Tunner was feeling right now. He succeeded into pulling the first move! Even though he needed Jevins help with it.

A gloved hand soon cupped on Jevins cheek. It was a warm comforting feeling for the two as they lost into each other's eyes. The eye contact broke once Jevin close his eyes and lean into his touch.

Jevin didn't think this night would turn into a very odd session. He wasn't sure how to feel about him. Did he actually loved him all along?

The kiss was nice...maybe he could let this continue on. Not to mention his touch, it was warm and soft. That feels....very familiar.

"Do you enjoy this, Jevin?"

That voice.

Jevin flinched back. When he open his eyes he could see Tunner in front of him still. The worried sheriff frown at this,"Jevin? You okay?"

He doesn't know why Jevin leaned away from his hand all of a sudden, but he worries more if he was feeling alright. Tunner doesnt want to make him uncomfortable already.

Jevin on the other hand was breathing rather quick than normal. He could have SWORN he heard someone else...he thought he heard..

Soon realization hit Jevin like a nail to a hammer. He needed to go. He couldn't stay here any longer or else he would get more in trouble than he already is.

The hooded man slowly picked half of his body up causing Tunner to back away to give space. Once Jevin had some distance he got up from his feet and brush small grass off of his clothes,"Sorry but I have to go right now—"

He said and once he was done cleaning he walked away in a rush. Before leaving he stopped to give one last look at Tunner,"Goodbye Tunner, thank you for taking me out."

Those were the last words before Jevin walked away. Tunner was still on the ground with an agape mouth. He didn't bother moving in inch just to watch Jevin walk away.

Now that there was no sign of a blue hood Tunner punched the ground with his fist,"DAMNIT! Did I do something wrong..?"

His teeth were clenched in anger. He knew it was his fault for doing that stupid kiss. Now their friendship is ruined because of him. Thinking about this makes his heart sunk even more.

In the back of his mind, their kiss replayed in his head over and over.  He really enjoyed Jevins lips. How soft it felt, how warm it feels, it gives Tunner butterflies everywhere.

The sheriff had no choice but to go home alone. There was always a hoping chance he would end up going with Jevin. Sadly it was too good to be true.

A sound of keys jingled when Jevin finally made it back home. The door swing open and only darkness greeted him. His hand reached out to a wall and flip a switch, bringing light in the house.

His eyes averted around the living room, clearly looking for something he expected to see. It's a strange habit for someone to look around in their own house to see if someone was there. Not unless if they aren't ALONE.

After scanning he didn't spot anything particular. A small sigh of relief was expressed from Jevin. He locked the main door behind him and walk straight into his room. Without turning the lights on he just plopped his body onto the bed.

He felt very exhausted for some reason, usually he would tidy himself and get comfortable but his eyes were already hard to keep open.

Jevins eyes were trained on the ceiling. He couldn't help but think about Tunner. A small tiny stab hurtled him at the thought of leaving his friend like that. Jevin clearly didn't want to leave that way, but he had no choice. It would be best for him anyway.

"Maybe tomorrow I should talk to him.." muttered Jevin as his eyes begin to slowly close by itself. He embraced the dark and comfiness of the blankets. He knew he had to see Tunner soon.

"Who might be HIM?"


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