Chapter 2
A few days later after two-night shifts, Aceso had noticed a slight change in Rock Lee while at home. He had grown more nervous around her, especially last night after getting home from a mission.
Aceso was sitting at the table in the living room, she had her hair down as she was making some medicine, and reading up on some medical files. She was wearing purple plaid night shorts and a black tank top. The door opened and closed, she looked up after hearing the sound of footsteps coming to a stop.
In the doorway stood Lee, and he was blushing hard. "Re-Red rose, wo-would." He became even redder and swallowed. "You should come to bed, I-I-I-I would like to cuddle."
"Okay," Aceso agreed with a smile, Lee flew back unconscious.
Present-day, Aceso was walking through the village with Sakura Haruno, the pink-haired girl was telling Aceso all about her training session with Lady Tsunade.
"What pretty flowers," Sakura noted as they passed a shop.
"More should be blooming with the season," Aceso added as she looked.
Suddenly, Rock Lee appeared in front of them, in a joyous state. "Hi, Red Rose!" He grew red again. "How would you like to go on a date with me?"
Aceso lit up as Lee blew her a kiss, and Sakura punched the heart away. "I'm sorry. It's just that I...Aceso shouldn't go on a date with a guy who has thick eyebrows."
"Ahhhh!" Lee cried as he grew cold. He walked away with his head down, he looked like a road kill.
"I was ready to say yes, Sakura," Aceso said. "Why did you jump in?"
"Lee's a weirdo," Sakura said. "And those eyebrows!"
Lee was now holding onto a crunch in front of Lee and Tenten. "Why, oh why!? Yet again, Red Rose had turned me down and broken my heart!"
"Get a grip, Lee!" Tenten scolded. "In all technicality, Sakura's the one that declined your request to go on a date with Lady Aceso. You don't have to act so beaten up about it."
"I am not beaten up!" Lee denied. "It is just that my heart is vulnerable, and she has landed a critical hit..." He landed on the ground.
"Too bad that it wasn't actually fatal..."Neji sighed.
Tenten became gloomy. "If you ask me, this just proves guys don't have anything even close to a clue how women think. Sakura was right to deny your attempt for Aceso. Who in their right mind would fall for someone who just jumped in front of them and blew them a kiss?"
"Oh?!" Lee popped back on his feet. "Then how can I get Sakura's approval to win, Red Rose's heart!"
Neji put his hands up. "Don't try so hard. Let's see now, maybe you could play it cool?"
"Play it cool?" Lee asked as he tilted his head. "Of course!" Suddenly, he was in Elvis's outfit with peacock feathers.
Tenten lowered her head. "You sure do have a messed up idea of what cool is...
"So how should I act?" Lee asked.
"Well, that's not so easy to explain," Tenten admitted.
"Very well then," Lee grunted. "I will set up a situation to learn a women's feelings.
Team 3 was now in a red outfit, all with skirts. Neji wore a blue bow, Lee a green bow, and Tenten a pink bow.
Neji was a bit embarrassed. "Why did I agree to this?"
"This day is all about me!" Lee announced. "Uh, I mean the truth! I must learn what women like about men!" He turned to his friend. "What do you like, Nejimi?"
"Well, they say girls like tall, dark, and handsome men..." Neji began to explain.
"Thanks so much!" Lee chimed. "That is very helpful pretty lady. And who is your type, Tenko?"
Tenten started to daydream as she thought about her answer. "Well, I don't think it's enough for a boy just to look good."
"Wait, what do you mean?" Lee asked.
"He's gotta be naturally kind, too!" Tenten dreamed. lee started to take notes. "And always give me lots of presents to keep me happy! Oh, and be open and honest about his feelings. But still, take charge every now and again. A guy like that would be the absolute perfect man for me!"
The skit ended.
"Okay!" Lee clenched his fist. "It was worth catching that genjutsu!"
Tenten was annoyed. "What are you talking about? That was just a skit!"
Lee read his notes. "Be naturally kind, keep her happy with presents, remain open and honest with my feelings, and take charge every now and again. That is what a really cool guy does?"
Tenten sweated a little as Neji didn't dare make eye contact. "Uh...I guess so. Pretty much..."
Flames rose in Lee's eyes. "Understood! With your teachings, I will become the coolest guy ever!" He dashed off in the opposite direction. "Now I will launch another romantic attack in Red Rose!"
"Hope he'd be okay," Tenten wished.
Naruto ran up to them. "Hey!"
"What's wrong?" Neji asked.
"I'm supposed to warn everyone about the rogue ninja that are hiding on the outskirts of the village!" Naruto explained. They gasped. "Hey, wait. Where's Bushy Brow running off to?"
"A journey of love..."Tenten answered as she looked at Lee.
"What's that mean?" Naruto asked as he looked at her, with his hands behind his head.
Tenten looked back at him. "Hey, Naruto, what do you think it is that makes a guy cool?
"Ha!" Naruto lit up. "That's easy! Treating people to ramen of course!
"Serves me right for asking," Tenten gloomed.
"Well, I don't really know, but people who protect those who are important to them, I guess," Naruto gave more of an answer.
Aceso was now walking down the street, she was reading a novel that her cousin Gaara had given her.
"Oh, Aceso!" a voice shouted, she looked up to see Sakura walking up to her. "Let's sit for a bit, and take a little break together!"
"Alright" Aceso smiled as she closed her book. "Where are you coming from?"
"Just doing some errands for Lady Tsunade," Sakura answered as they went to go sit down.
"Hello, Sakura!" Lee greeted as he jumped in front of them. "Red Rose!"
"Lee," Aceso smiled at him.
"Lee!?" Sakura exclaimed.
Lee pulled out an handkerchief. "One moment! Let me clean that filthy bench!"
"Uh," Aceso breathed, Lee started to slowly clean the bench, then he quickly sped up.
"Wow, you really love cleaning," Sakura said in despair.
"No, no," Aceso said as she put a hand on Sakura's shoulder. "He probably turned it into a form of training."
"All set," Lee bowed a little before taking off.
"He went through all that work," Aceso said as she tilted her head. "Might as well sit." They took a seat on the bench.
Lee walked up to them with his hands behind his back, he was blushing. "Here, Red Rose, for you." He held out a bouquet of red flowers.
"How thoughtful," Aceso smiled at him. "Thank you." Bees flew out and started to surround Aceso and Sakura. Aceso held out a finger, a few bees landed on it.
Sakura on the other hand was freaking out. "Ah! Bees! I like the flowers, but I could do without the bees!"
"Do not worry!" Lee assured. "I will pummel them with precision punches!" He managed to punch Sakura as he got rid of the bees around Sakura. "Ah! Yah! Yi! Yah! Yi! Yi! Yah!" Aceso lifted her finger those bees flew away.
"What's wrong with you, Lee?!" Sakura demanded angrily.
"Ahh!" Lee started to panic with tears in his eyes. "I am sorry! I was not trying to hit you, Sakura! I swear!" He seemed to be deep in thought.
"Uh...Red Rose," Lee said as he started to blush more. "I wanted to talk to you!"
"Oh, what about?" Aceso asked.
Lee became even redder. "This is uh, hard to put into words, but..."
"Just say what is on your mind," Aceso encouraged. She then watched a bee land on his finger and sting him.
"Ahh!" Lee cried in pain. "You ugly beast!" He ended up smacking Sakura across the face.
"Ugly..."Sakura repeated, Lee looked at her. "That's what you wanted to tell me!"
"Wait, Sakura!" Aceso called out, but her voice got drowned out by the sounds of Sakura beating up Lee.
"Ahhh!" Lee cried, he lay on the floor twitching, and bees buzzed around him.
"Sakura," Aceso sighed as she went over to Lee.
"Aceso, a guy that calls you ugly is not ever worth your time," Sakura said as she looked over, Aceso grabbed Lee's hand. Lee looked over at Aceso undid the wrappings and applied ointment to where the bee stung him.
Lee got on his knees facing Aceso, his face was puffed up from bee stings, with a complimentary black eye. "Red Rose."
"Ahhh!" Sakura cried out. "Chaaa!"
"Ahhh!" Lee cried after another punch.
Sakura took Aceso's hand and fled the scene. "Lee, you're a jerk! Just stay away from us!" They were now walking on the outskirts of town. "Boy, what do you think could have gotten into Lee?"
"You misunderstand," Aceso said, Sakura looked at her. "Lee got stung by a bee before he was able to tell me what he wanted to say."
Sakura became a bit down. "He was still acting a bit strange as you think about it." She looked over at the flowers that Aceso was holding. "Why do you still have those?"
"Lee, gave them to me," Aceso blushed a little. "I'll put them in a vase at the hospital."
"Maybe I was a little too harsh on him..." Sakura became even more down. Suddenly, a group of ninja appeared all around them.
Tenten was now trying to comfort Lee as he sat in a state of gloom. "Uh, you don't have to be so upset, Lee. Sure, it didn't go well, but don't be such a sad sack!" Lee still faced the other way. "Look, just take another whack at it!" He fell into an even more of a gloom, Tenten started to wave her arms frantically. "Come on! Cheer up would, ya?! The Lee I know would bounce back!" Tears welled up in Lee's eyes.
"There you are!" Neji said as he walked up.
"Neji!" Tenten greeted,
"Did you forget?" Neji asked. "You know what Naruto said." Lee looked back as Neji reminded her about the rogue ninja.
"Oh yeah!" Tenten exclaimed. "That's right! I forgot!"
Neji pointed down the road. "They were spotted somewhere in that area over there."
Lee jumped to the other end of the bench. "But, that way...Is where...Red Rose! Sakura!" Flames formed in his eyes. "They are in for a surprise!" His shirt and one pant leg tore off.
"Keep your shirt on!" Tenten ordered as she covered him with a blocker. Lee ran off. "No, Lee! Come back here!"
Back at the water, Aceso and Sakura were standing back to back.
"Bad luck for you two," a guy said. "We can't let you live now that you've seen us." The others started to laugh.
"We can take them," Acecso said as she got into a fighting position.
"We are outnumbered," Sakura reminded her.
"Now, die!" the leader shouted as he charged at Sakura, Aceso whipped out a kunai, she spun around and got ready to go head to head with the guy.
Suddenly, Lee appeared in front of Aceso, he slammed two feet into the leader, and he spun rapidly. "Hornet Stinger!"
"Huh?" Sakura asked as she sat on the ground. "It's Lee!"
"Uhhh...Give me a second..." Lee said as he wobbled.
"You made yourself dizzy!" Sakura scolded.
"Who's this guy?!" "And where'd he come from!"
"Who cares? Get him!?" the ginger demanded.
"Lee! No!" Sakura called out.
"It is okay!" Lee assured as he looked back, and he gave a thumbs up. "Sit tight and watch!" They watched as Lee spun around, taking out all of the enemies. He put his hands on his hips, Lee had made himself dizzy again.
"But Lee..." Sakura breathed as she got to her feet. "Why did...After I said those means things to you."
"But none of that matters," Lee stated. He looked back, he was still clearly dizzy. "I do not need a reason to protect the people dear to me!" Sakura looked at Lee in awe. "Let us go home, Red Rose." He reached his hand out, he fell forward; his hand landing on Aceso's chest.
"Lee," Aceso blushed heavily.
"Oh no, you didn't!" Sakura shouted as she pulled an arm back, pulling Aceso away. "Chaaa!"
"Ahhh!" Lee cried out.
Narrator: The journey of love isn't finished in a day. Remember, everyone, sometimes it's best to play it cool!
Later that night, Aceso was sitting on the couch, she had fallen asleep with the book in her lap. Lee finally came home, he went into the kitchen; on the table he saw a note.
'Made some curry, please eat'
Lee looked over at Aceso, a small smile forming on his face as he walked over to Aceso.
"Red Rose?" He put a hand on her shoulder, she opened her eyes and looked at him. "Come to bed?"
"Did you eat?" Aceso asked.
"I'll take it tomorrow for my mission," Lee answered. "I look forward to it." Aceso closed her eyes and gave a small smile.
"What did you want to tell me earlier?" Aceso asked she opened her eyes earlier, Lee started to blush. She put the book down and patted the spot next to her. After getting out of his suit, Lee was now in his boxers, he had his head in Aceso's lap.
"What makes a guy cool?" Lee asked with wonder.
Aceso blinked as she looked down at him. "Well...someone that protects the ones he loves...someone strong, but gentle...someone that's not afraid to be themselves..."
"Do you like it when guys give you gifts?" Lee asked. "Or if he takes charge every now and then."
Aceso started to run her fingers through his hair, and a small blush formed on Lee's face. "When it comes to shouldn't always matter...sure it's a nice gesture...but I prefer just being around them...or sticky notes...though the flowers you gave me earlier were quite beautiful, thank you." She stopped moving her hand. "What was up with you today, anyway?"
Lee diverted his eyes away. "I wanted to get Sakura's approval, so I can take you on a date. I wanted to prove that I was good enough for you."
"Sakura's approval shouldn't matter," Aceso said. "It's mine." Lee looked at her reluctantly. "You are more than good enough, and you always will be." She leaned down and kissed his forehead, Lee couldn't help but smile.
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