Sizzy's Sexy Music Number
Later that night at Simon's house, Simon was downstairs in his music room to trying to create a new song that will sound good, since he plans on not going to the Spring Formal Ball tonight, he thought it might be a great opportunity to finished the song he was creating for a few days.
Then as Simon was looking over his song and remember the lyrics, he started to get his microphone on, he started to turn on the music he have made on, then he started sing the first parts of the song.
Simon Lewis: Yeah
Then as Simon began the first opening parts of his song, he started to make some upbeat soundtrack to go along for his song, and raise the volume up a bit so he it would be loud enough to hear but not too loud for him to sing and then he started to sing the second part of his song.
Simon Lewis: Give me that love
You know that I'm on you
Take it off
I got something
I can show you
Cause baby
It's a warning
I can make you last long
Gimme that water
You know
I'm coming on strong
I've been struck by you
You struck me
I'm glad I found you
Tonight it's about you
You got me stuck like glue
Baby, I'm stuck on you
Make you feel good
Make you feel good
Make you feel good
I'm stuck on you
Make you feel good
Make you feel good
Make you feel good
I'm stuck on you
Make you feel good
Make you feel good
Make you feel good
I'm stuck on you
Make you feel good
Make you feel good
Make you feel good
I'm stuck on you
As Simon kept on singing, he started to play some other upbeat for the song to sound more interest and amazing, and then he continued to sing.
Simon Lewis: Stuck with it
I can't get up off it
I need it like
The morning coffee
This feeling
It don't come by often
But I got you now
Won't let you down
I've been struck by you
You struck me
I'm glad I found you
It's about you
About you
You got me stuck like glue
I'm stuck on you
Make you feel good
Make you feel good
Make you feel good
I'm stuck on you
Make you feel good
Make you feel good
I just wanna
Make you feel good
I'm stuck on you
Make you feel good
Make you feel good
Make you feel good
I'm stuck on you
Make you feel good
Make you feel good
Make you feel good
I'm stuck on you
Make you feel good
I just wanna
Make you feel good
Make you feel good
Then after when Simon finished singing his song, he turn of the music and the soundtracks, then he started to think about the song he have sing, and he started to have some second thoughts about it.
"It's okay I guess, but I feel like it's not right." Said Simon as he look over the lyrics." Seriously, what am I missing?"
Then as Simon was trying to think about what will go better for his song, he started to look at the tux that he was going to wear for the Spring Formal Ball and he started to feel upset that he's not at the dance with Izzy but then he started to realize that it wasn't Izzy's fault for ignoring him.
"I should be upset about not going to that dance, but then again, it's not like Izzy to hurt me like that, I mean I know she would never do that." Said Simon as he look at his song lyrics." I know that she's been through some tough paths ever since Robert Lightwood left her and her family for another women."
Simon knows that in high school, Izzy always worships her father Robert Lightwood like he was a hero to her, but when she learn about his affair with another women, she started to feel betray and felt like someone stab her by the back, and she never talk to her father since then.
Then as Simon look over his song lyrics, someone began to knock on his door which confused Simon a bit on who will ever come to his house at night, so he went upstairs to go see who it is. Then as he open the door, he was so shock to see who is in front of him.
Standing in front of the door is none other than Isabelle Lightwood, he was really shock to see his crush at his house.
"Isabelle, what are you doing here?" Asked Simon as he look shock.
"Can I talk to you please?" Asked Izzy as she looks at Simon.
"Sure, come on in." Said Simon as he moves aside.
Then Izzy started to come inside Simon's house and she was amazed at how the inside is, then she took of her shoes and then she looks at Simon as he close his door and looks at Izzy.
"So Izzy, what are you doing here?" Asked Simon as he look at Izzy and saw her dress a mess." And what happen to your dress, you look like you got into a good fight?"
"Well, let's just say that apparently Sebastian throws his drink at someone and then a food fight started." Said Izzy as she explains.
"Woah, now that's really harsh." Said Simon as he look at Izzy.
"Yeah, and apparently it got pretty ugly." Said Izzy as she look at Simon." Just be glad you didn't went there, or else it would've gotten really ugly."
"I see, but I want to know why are you here Isabelle." Said Simon as he look at Izzy.
"I wanted to apologize to you." Said Izzy as she look at Simon.
"Apologize. . . For what?" Asked Simon as he look surprise.
When Simon have said that when he was confused on why Izzy wanted to apologize to him, Izzy took out her secret admirers note and Simon was really shock that she still had the secret admirer note that he gave to her a few months ago.
"I now know that you're my secret admirer Simon Lewis." Said Izzy as she look at Simon.
"What, but I thought that. . ." Said Simon as he was about to talk.
"Please let me speak Simon." Said Izzy as she press her finger at Simon's lips.
At first Simon was going to say something, but he look at Izzy right at her eyes and saw that she really wants to say something, so he let Izzy continue to talk, then she lower her finger from his lips and begin to speak.
"You see, during the Spring Formal Ball, I went up to Meliorn and told him that I thought he was my secret admirers since high school, and wanted to get back together with me." Said Izzy as she explains." But he told me that he moved on from his breakup and doesn't want to get back together with me, and that he's not my secret admirer."
Then when Izzy have said that, it got Simon to feel really bad for Izzy because he knows that Izzy still loves Meliorn even though they have broken up since senior year of high school, and then Izzy took a deep breath and continued to speak.
"But then when I thought I might as well give up on trying to find my secret admirer, Reggie and Maia both explain to us that you are my secret admirer." Said Izzy as she explains." And I didn't know that you were my secret admirer and you were about to tell me till I ignore you, I'm really sorry Simon."
"It's okay Izzy." Said Simon as he look at Izzy.
"No it's not Simon, I ignored you when you were about to confess your feelings towards me, and I feel like I have ruined your perfect night." Said Izzy as she felt tears coming out of her eyes.
Then Simon saw how much Izzy is really sorry for what she have did to him, that he started to go to her and then he hug her which have cause Izzy to get really shock, and then Simon started to speak.
"It's okay Izzy, I know it's not your fault, you didn't mean to hurt me." Said Simon as he still hug Izzy.
"But Simon. . ." Said Izzy as she still look upset.
"It's okay Izzy, I know that you didn't mean to hurt me." Said Simon as he look at Izzy." I know that you were just having a hard time trying to find love again and be as good as you are ever since when your father left you and your family for another women."
"How do you know that?" Asked Izzy as she look at Simon.
"I remember back in high school, sophomore year, everyone heard that apparently your father has been having an affair behind your mothers back and that he should've left you all a long time ago." Said Simon as he look worried." I just have no idea how an amazing girl like you could ever have a father like that."
"You think I'm amazing Simon?" Asked Izzy as she blush a bit.
"Of course Izzy, I mean you are beautiful and smart, and most importantly, you care about your family, and that's what I really admire about you." Said Simon as he smiles.
"Really?" Asked Izzy as she look at Simon.
"Really." Said Simon as he smiles.
"That's the most sweetest thing anyone has ever said about me." Said Izzy as she smiles." I also brought something else."
It got Simon to get a bit confused on what Izzy brought besides the secret admirer note, then Izzy took out the corsage that Simon have bought for her, it got Simon to get really shock to see the corsage he bought and thought that he crushed it, and then Izzy talk.
"Maia also explain that during those times when you give me those secret admirer notes, you always ask me what my favorite flower is, and I never knew you actually care." Said Izzy as she look at Simon.
"Of course I do Izzy, I'm not like those other boys you use to go out with, I actually care about how you feel Izzy." Said Simon as he look at Izzy.
It got Izzy to smile and blush at what Simon said to her, she feels really happy and relax that she's now with her real secret admirer, then Simon grab her wrist gently and lifts it up, which got Izzy to get a bit confused, then Simon put the corsage in her wrist and it got Izzy to blush and look at Simon.
"You know, the flower colors really brings out your eyes." Said Simon as he smiles at Izzy.
"Thank you." Said Izzy as she blushes and smiles at Simon." So what are you doing right now and where are your mother and sister?"
"My mother and my sister both went to Los Angeles for a week to do an emergency surgery, and I have the house all to myself." Said Simon as he smiles." And I was doing a song I've been working on, if you want to hear it."
"Sure, I would like that." Said Izzy as she smiles.
Then Simon took Izzy's hand gently and lead her to the basement to hear his song, then as they both went downstairs, Izzy was really impress at how Simon's basement is neatly organized with his instruments and stereo's.
"Wow, you have a very nice organized basement Simon's, and your instruments are really cool." Said Izzy as she smiles.
"Thanks Izzy." Said Simon as he smiles at Izzy.
"So what's your song?" Asked Izzy as she smiles.
"Give me a minute." Said Simon as he smiles.
Then Simon started to turn on the music and play the recorded song he was doing a few minutes ago, as it plays Izzy was really amazed and inspired by how the rhythm of the song goes, but she was so attracted by how Simon sings the song.
"What do you think Izzy?" Asked Simon as he look at Izzy.
"This song is really amazing Simon." Said Izzy as she smiles.
"Yeah, but I'm going to be really honest, I like the beat of the song, but that's just about it." Said Simon as he look at Izzy.
"You know, I kinda agree with you, I mean I think it's hot, but it's just that the track is way too overproduced." Said Izzy as she goes to Simon." But what I'm really trying to figure out is what's up with these lyrics Simon."
"What do you mean?" Asked Simon as he looks at Izzy.
"I mean, you up here talking about wine, and dine, and some girl to play hours with you." Said Izzy as she looks at Simon." You don't know, but you want to play house."
"Ha, you're a whole comedian today aren't you?" Asked Simon as he smirks a bit.
"No, I'm sorry Simon, but what I mean is where's the passion, you know." Said Izzy as she look at Simon." Is this really what you want to say?"
When Izzy have mention that to Simon, it got him to think that maybe she's right, he needed to find a passion to make his song good, but apparently he couldn't be able to find that passion for his song, and he started to rub his head a bit.
"I don't know Izzy, it's like I haven't inspired lately, but since you have me you know special. . . I just don't know what to do." Said Simon as he look a bit lost.
"Maybe you were just trying to get some space." Said Izzy as she look at Simon.
"I know, but I just don't have any inspiration now." Said Simon as he still look lost and stand at another side of the basement.
Izzy saw how a bit lost Simon is right now, but then she started to see how very attractive Simon is right now when he is a bit upset, that it got her to blush a bit, and felt like she wanted to feel a bit of pleasure from him, and she started to walk towards Simon as she smiles a bit. Then as she got close to Simon, Simon have turn to face Izzy and he blush at how beautiful Izzy right now, and felt like he wanted to have pleasure with her right here and right now in his house.
Then Izzy started to wrap her arms around Simon's neck and goes closer to Simon, which cause him to moan a bit, then Simon slid his hand down her dress, the sight of her body made him shudder, then Izzy lift her hands to touch his torso under his shirt, and her finger went to the tips on his chest, making him groan.
"Well, you do look beautiful Izzy." Said Simon as he look at Izzy." But I thought that you might do something else tonight at the Spring Formal Ball."
When Simon have said that, it got Izzy to look at Simon with a little smile on her face when he said that, then when she turn to face him, she push Simon a bit away from her, and then she lifted her hands at the top of her zipper of her dress, and smirk at Simon.
"The only thing I have to do is you Simon Lewis." Said Izzy as she smirk at Simon.
Then Izzy have started to take off her dress off and she was now wearing a red strapless bra and red lace underwear on. Simon moan a bit at how beautiful Izzy is, that he turn her around and she press her back against him, as he wrap his arms around her waist and kiss her neck, and grabs one of her breast and squeezed it in his hand.
"Are you sure you really want this?" Asked Simon as he kept on kissing Izzy's neck.
Izzy kept on moaning at the way Simon is kissing her, then she turn to face him and then she started to take his shirt off, and then as he shirt is off, Izzy was really amazed at Simon's body, Simon has a bit of muscular body and has abs, which makes Izzy blush at the admiration of Simon. Then before Izzy could continue, Simon stop her a bit looking nervous.
"Simon, are you okay?" Asked Izzy as she look at Simon.
"Sorry. . . It's just that are you sure you want this Izzy?" Asked Simon looking a bit nervous.
"Don't worry Simon, I want you, I really want you tonight." Said Izzy as she smiles at Simon." Besides, I thought that maybe I can help you with your inspiration for you song."
Then Izzy started to push Simon down on the futon as she goes on top of Simon and then they started to kiss each other as Simon brings Izzy closer to him. As they kept on kissing each other, Simon tried to take off her bra but was having trouble trying to take it off.
Izzy saw how impatient Simon is as he tried to take off her bra, that she smirk and backs away from him a bit, then she started take off her bra herself, then as her bra fell on the floor, Simon started to see Izzy's breast and he blush at the sight of them as he felt like he wanted to kiss them. Then Izzy lean down at him and then both started to kiss again as their chest press together.
Then Simon lift Izzy up on his lap and kissed her hard, then Izzy kissed him back with everything she had, then Simon's tongue darted out and searched her mouth, he move down to lick and kiss her neck, then Izzy's eyes closed as she enjoy the feeling of Simon kissing her and she ran her hands through his hair and move her body closer to his.
Then Simon started to kiss her breasts as his hand caress her back, Izzy moan his name over and over softly, she wanted to pleasure him now, so she wrap her arms around his neck and kissed him, as she was on top of Simon as he lay on her back.
Then Izzy started to trail soft kisses on Simon's neck, Simon held her body tight as he pushes her breasts against his chest, Izzy lick his neck which make Simon groan her name. Then Izzy went down to his chest and then she gently nipped his nipple and suck it.
Simon's eyes began to shot open and he moan in pleasure as he brought Izzy closer to his body. Then after when Izzy finished sucking on Simon's nipple, he have quickly flipped her down as he was on top of her now, and then he hovered over her.
"Oh god, you make me go insane Isabelle Lightwood." Said Simon as he look at Izzy." I'm really glad I'm with you right now."
Then Simon started to lean down and kiss Izzy as she kissed him back and wrap her arms around his neck to pull him closer to her, and as they kiss Izzy took of Simon's pants and she took off her underwear as they were both completely naked and continued to have sex with each other.
"Oh god Simon, you're so good right now." Said Izzy as she moan in pleasure.
Then Simon started to kiss and sucking on Izzy neck, which got Izzy to moan in pleasure as she was holding onto Simon hair and push her body closer to his and they both kept on having sex with each other as they are both enjoying each other's company.
The moon outside of Simon's house was shining so bright at the night sky and the stars were shining so bright like diamonds, like when two people are together as one and are meant to be together. Meanwhile inside Simon's house, downstairs at the basement, Simon and Izzy were both still having sex with each other as they were both happy to be together.
Simon was still naked as he was snuggling close to Izzy, while Izzy cover parts of her body with a quilt she have found. Izzy was kissing and sucking on Simon's collarbone while Simon moan at the touch of Izzy's soft lips.
"Oh man. . . I wanted you for a long time Izzy." Said Simon as he smiles at Izzy.
"And I wanted you too Simon." Said Izzy as she smiles at Simon and massage his chest." This is really amazing being with you tonight, so how do you feel?"
"I feel like I'm in heaven right now, you know being with you right now." Said Simon as he smiles at Izzy.
"That's true, but you also can't make up your own mind about anything, like the fact that you couldn't be able to speak clearly and act like a different person." Said Izzy as she smiles at Simon.
"You think that makes me a bit of a weird person?" Asked Simon as he look at Izzy.
"No, are you kidding, I could use a little spice from a cute nerd like you." Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec." Not all of us are alike, don't you trust me?"
"Well, sorta Izzy, but sometimes I don't know if I could trust you." Said Simon as he look at Izzy.
"I love that you are being honest Simon." Said Izzy as she smiles." And I'm really glad we are doing this."
"Yeah, me too, I just never thought that you will come here tonight." Said Simon as he smiles.
"Well, I'm glad I did." Said Izzy as she smiles at Simon.
"You want some more?" Asked Simon as he smiles at Izzy and pulls her closer to him.
"You know I wanted to Simon. . . But you do have to finished this song first." Said Izzy as she cover her breasts with the quilt.
"You know what I've been thinking?" Said Simon as smiles at Izzy.
"What Simon Lewis?" Asked Izzy as she smiles at Simon.
"When I'm with you Izzy, it's like I'm stuck on you, but in a very great way." Said Simon as he smirks at Izzy.
"Oh really, that's romantic Simon." Said Izzy as she smiles.
"Yeah. . . Wait a minute. . ." Said Simon as he realized something.
"What is it?" Asked Izzy as she look at Simon.
"I finally know what to do for my song. . . I got it." Said Simon as he kiss Izzy by the lips and started to get up." Izzy, can you play the music for me?"
"Sure." Said Izzy as she smiles.
Then Izzy started to get up as she still hold the quilt around her body, then she press the record that has the music that Simon recorded, as she press play, the music began to play in a soft and loud upbeat, then Simon started to sing his song.
Simon Lewis: When I come home
You know what
I wanna do
Let me take it off
Just so I can
Put it on you
Cause baby
It's a warning
I can make you last long
Gimme that water
Drip it on me
You know we both grown
In here
As Simon re-record his song he was working on, Izzy was so moved and so tranced at Simon's singing voice, that she started to release her hands from the blanket she wrap around, and she was now naked and she smiles at Simon.
As Izzy listen to Simon's song, she started to sway her waist a bit, as she trance her hands down her naked body and breasts, which got Simon to smile a bit and blush at the sight of Izzy and he continued to sing.
Simon Lewis: All night
Touching you
Wanna touch you
I'll make you feel good
It's about you
You got me stuck like glue
When I make love to you
Make you feel good
Make you feel good
I'ma make you
Make you feel good
Scream if it's good to you
Make you feel good
Make you feel good
Let me know
Let me know
Make you feel good
Let me know
When I make love to you
Make you feel good
Make you feel good
Don't try to run
Make you feel good
Scream if it's good to you
Make you feel good
Make you feel good
Let me know
Let me know
Make you feel good
Let me know
When I make love to you
As Simon kept on singing his song, Izzy was so happy that she is finally with her secret admirer after a few years of trying to figure out and receiving many secret admirers notes from him.
Then Izzy move hair from one side of her face as she smiles at Simon, then she kept on swaying her hips a bit as she listen to Simon's song and trace her hands all over her chest and breast and Simon continued to sing as he smiles at Izzy.
Simon Lewis: Stuck with it
I can't get up off it
Beg for it so
I know you all in
This feeling
It don't come by often
When I take you down
I need you screaming loud
As Simon sings, he started to raise her arm towards Izzy, meaning that he wants her to be closer to him. It got Izzy to smile at Simon and then she started to walk towards him, she smiles at Simon as she always her hips a bit and trance her hands all over Simon's arms.
Simon moan a bit as Izzy was trancing her hands all over him, that he started to wrap his arm around Izzy's waist, pulling her closer to him as their naked bodies touch each other's. Then Izzy kept on tracing her hands all over Simon's arms as Simon continued singing.
Simon Lewis: All night
Touching you
I'm here
And touching you
I'll make you feel good
Inside, it's about you
You got me stuck like glue
When I make love to you
Make you feel good
Make you feel good
Make you feel good
Make you feel good
Scream if it's good to you
Make you feel good
Make you feel good
Cause I that you need it
Make you feel good
When I make love to you
Izzy went behind Simon as she kept on tracing her hands all over his body, then Simon raise his arms up, and then Izzy wrap her arms around his chest and stomach as her hands were massage against his chest and abs.
Then Izzy kiss Simon's neck while he was singing, it cause Simon to moan a bit when he felt Izzy's soft lips against his skin, and Izzy kept on tracing her hands all over his chest, as she goes in front of him, and push him a bit towards the couch as Simon kept on singing.
Simon Lewis: Make you feel good
Make you feel good
Cause I know that you need it
Make you feel good
Scream if it's good to you
Make you feel good
Made you feel good
Make you feel good
When I make love to you
Then Izzy pushes Simon towards the couch and he lay on his back, then Izzy went on top of Simon and she couldn't be more happy to be with him, and then Simon wrap his arm around her waist, which makes her smiles and blushes a bit.
Then Izzy started to kiss Simon's neck, then she kissed all the way to his collarbone and his chest, it got Simon to move his head a bit, as he tried his best not to moan while he was singing his song.
Simon Lewis: Yeah
Make you feel good
I just wanna
Make you feel good
Then after Simon have finished singing his song, the music he have recorded have stop and then Simon moan while Izzy is kissing all over his abs as her hands were tracing all over his chest and he was moaning really loud.
Then after a few minutes later, Simon pulled Izzy closet into his arms onto his chest, and he cover them with the quilts to their waists, Izzy cuddle up against Simon's chest and smile at him, and Simon rub Izzy's shoulder and smile at her that they have a wonderful sex with each other.
"Wow, that was really amazing." Asked Simon as he smiles at Izzy.
"It is amazing." Said Izzy as she smiles.
"Yeah, although what am I going to tell my mom and sister, they thought that tonight I went to the Spring Formal Ball tonight." Said Simon as he look at Izzy.
When Simon have mention that out loud, Izzy started to feel really guilty that she didn't listen to Simon and ignore him when he was going to confess his feelings to her. Then she look at Simon as she place her hands on his chest.
"I'm so sorry I ruin your night and ignore you Simon." Said Izzy as she look at Simon.
"It's okay Izzy." Said Simon as he rubs Izzy's shoulder gently.
"No it's not, all along you cared about what I really was on the inside, and you were the one that have been sending me those secret admirer notes." Said Izzy as she look at Simon." But instead of listening to you, I completely ignore you and I was so selfish about my own popularity that I made you feel invisible."
"It's not your fault Izzy, you just didn't know and thought it was your ex boyfriend Meliorn, I know it's not your fault." Said Simon as he look at Izzy.
"But I ignored you when you tried to confess your feelings towards me and make you feel like your invisible." Said Izzy in a upsetting voice." I never meant to hurt you Simon."
"Well, what's really matters to me is that I'm with you now, and I'm really happy." Said Simon as he smiles at Izzy.
"I'm happy to be with you too Simon." Said Izzy as she smiles.
"So Isabelle Lightwood, would you please be my girlfriend?" Asked Simon as he smiles at Izzy and it got her to smile.
"Yes, I would really love to be your girlfriend Simon Lewis." Said Izzy as she smiles at Simon.
That got Simon to smile at Izzy at what she said to him, then Simon held Izzy close to him and kiss her at her lips and Izzy kiss him back. Then after they kiss, Izzy started to snuggle at Simon's chest and went to sleep, and Simon smile at Izzy while she's sleeping.
'Izzy is so amazing, I can't believe I'm actually with her now.' Thought Simon as he look at Izzy as she sleeps.' This has been the greatest night of my life.'
Then Simon started to feel asleep as he pulls Izzy close to him, and as the two of them sleep, they both realize that this has turn out to be the best night of their life.
Shadowhunter: The Mortal Instrument belongs to Freeform
The song Simon have sing "Stuck On You (PG Version)" is from the TV Series "Empire"
The song Simon have sing "Stuck On You (R Rated Version)" is from the TV Series "Empire"
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