Dance the Night Away
A few days have went by since the whole Spring Formal Ball disaster, everyone was really upset that they never got the special night they were all hoping for, of course they all blame Sebastian and Kaelie for that and they were both expelled from the university, and of course everyone was happy about that.
But as for Alec, Jace, and Izzy they were actually happy that it had happen, because they were able to be with their secret admirers, who are Magnus, Clary, and Simon, and had a wonderful night each other. Izzy got to spend the night with Simon, Jace got to be with Clary, and Alec has finally got to be with Magnus.
When they all announced that they are now a couple, everyone is happy for them but they were all happy for Alec and Magnus being a couple, and they both became the most popular couple in the university, and everyone look up to them. Apparently since they were brave enough to admit their feelings, they were some people who are gay and confess their feelings.
Later that evening at Magnus's loft, inside Magnus's living room, Magnus, Alec, Clary, Jace, Simon, and Izzy are all in the living room together as they all relax after a long day from the university. Alec and Magnus are both laying on the couch as they cuddle with each other.
Alec is shirtless and has his pants on, and Magnus is wearing Alec's jersey shirt and has his sweatpants on, and Alec admit that he looks cute in his shirt, Magnus is laying on Alec's chest while he trace his fingers all over his boyfriends abs, while Alec has one arm behind his head and his other arm is wrap around Magnus.
Jace and Clary are sitting on the floor being close to each other, Jace is shirtless and his pants are on, while Clary is wearing his shirt and her jean shorts on, while she's leaning against his chest and has a drink on her hand, and Jace smiles at Clary.
And Simon and Izzy are at the side of the floor as they both were having some popcorn, Simon is shirtless and his pants are still on, while Izzy is leaning on his chest wearing his shirt has her underwear on, and feeding Simon some popcorn.
"This feels nice." Said Alec as he smiles at Magnus.
"Tell me about it, I really need to relax after a long day." Said Magnus as he trace his fingers over Alec's abs.
"Wow, today was completely exhausting." Said Clary as she sips her drink." I'm telling you, today in art class I have to make a big art portrait."
"Oh yeah, I saw your painting Clary, it's really amazing!" Said Izzy as she smiles and keeps feeding Simon some popcorn.
"Yeah babe, you're a true artist." Said Jace as he smiles at Clary.
"Thanks guys, but still it was exhausting." Said Clary as she smiles.
"Well, let's just relax now, but I'm telling you, I just can't believe that the six of us are now popular." Said Simon as he smiles at his girlfriend.
"Yeah, but I think we could all agree that Alec and Magnus here are the most popular couples in Alicante University." Said Clary as she smiles at Alec and Magnus.
"I agree with Clary, I can't believe that after me and Alec have told everyone about our relationship, we are now the most popular couple in the entire school." Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec.
"I know right, and apparently we also help other students come out and they have the courage to come out." Said Alec as he smiles.
"Yeah, even everyone kept on saying that we would've been the cutest couple at the Spring Formal Ball." Said Magnus as he smiles.
Then when Magnus have mention the Spring Formal Ball, it got Alec, Izzy, and Jace to get a bit upset about what had happen during the Spring Formal Ball, and then Magnus have rolled his eyes, along with Clary and Simon.
"Guys, we forgive you after what had happen." Said Simon as he smiles.
"And we are happy about that, and move pass it." Said Jace as he and Izzy
"I still haven't." Said Alec as he frown a bit.
"Alexander, for the last time, I forgive you after what happen." Said Magnus as he look at Alec,
"Yeah, but I ignore you when you were going to confess your feelings towards me and ask me to be your date, but I ignored you and made you miss your special." Said Alec as he look at Magnus.
"Well, to be really honest, Cheryl did say that it turn out to be a disaster." Said Magnus as he look at Alec.
"I agree with Magnus here." Said Izzy as she eats a popcorn.
"And Alexander, we are together now." Said Magnus as he look at Alec.
"I know that Magnus, but the thing is that. . ." Said Alec as he was about to continue.
Magnus rolled his eyes when Alec keeps remembering about how he ignored him when he was about to ask him to be his date, that Magnus lean toward Alec and kissed him right at the lips which cause Alec to stop.
"Oh god, Magnus do you have to do that?" Asked Alec as he looks at.
"What, I can't help myself, I need you to stop talking." Said Magnus as he look at Alec." So are you calm now?"
"Alright, I'm calm now, and I definitely needed that." Said Alec as he smiles.
"So, does anyone know what we can do now?" Asked Magnus as he look at his friends.
Then before anyone could even answer Magnus's question, Clary's phone began to ring, which got them to get a bit confused, then Clary grab her phone from the table next to her, and she saw that it was Cheryl calling her, so she answer the call.
Clary: Cheryl?
Cheryl: Hey there dear cousin, are you busy or are you just getting laid with Jace?
Clary: Cheryl, we are all just relaxing, it's not like we are doing anything wrong. . . And no Jace is not doing anything wrong with me.
Apparently that got Jace to blush really red when Clary have said that, and it got Magnus, Alec, Simon, and Izzy to giggle at his reaction and then Clary continues to speak to her cousin on the phone.
Clary: What is it that you need Cheryl?
Cheryl: Well, remember how i told you that Sebastian and Kaelie have nothing ruined the Spring Formal Ball?
Clary: Well, yeah you told me that a good fight started, why do you ask Cheryl?
Cheryl: Well, my dear cousin, on Saturday night is the real Spring Formal Ball!
Clary: Wait a minute, what do you mean?
Cheryl: Well, you see Clary, I knew that something like this will happen, so I'm hosting the real Spring Formal Ball at the Plaza Hotel!
Clary: Wait, really?!
Cheryl: Of course, you see apparently since I knew that this will happen, I thought that I'll be hosting the real Spring Formal Ball at that place.
Clary: That's really awesome Cheryl!
Cheryl: I know, it is awesome, tell your friends that the ball is on Saturday and it's at the Plaza Hotel.
Clary: Okay.
Then after Clary finished her phone call with Cheryl, she hung up her phone and puts it at the table, and looks at her friends.
"What was that all about Clary?" Asked Izzy as she looks at Clary.
"That was Cheryl, and guess what. . ." Said Clary as she smiles." The Spring Formal Ball is back on!"
"WAIT WHAT?!" Said Simon in shock and amazement.
"Really, what happen?" Asked Izzy as she looks at Clary.
"Well, apparently Cheryl said that she knew that the previous night of the Spring Formal Ball, she knew that something like that food fight will happen." Said Clary as she explains." So she is hosting the Spring Formal Ball again!"
"That's amazing, I'm actually going to the Spring Formal Ball with my boyfriend." Said Alec as he hugs Magnus.
"Finally, we are going to have the best night ever!" Said Izzy as she smiles." That's the great news ever!"
"That's not even the best part you guys, the best part is that the Spring Formal Ball is going to be held in the Plaza Hotel, one of the most greatest hotels ever." Said Clary as she smiles.
"OMG, that's so awesome!" Said Izzy as she smiles.
"That is cool, but what are me, Magnus, and Clary going to wear?" Asked Simon as he look at the others." I mean, if I have remember, our outfits were a bit ruined."
"Well, we can actually help you guys, besides, we have enough time." Said Jace as he smiles.
"Well you guys, looks like we have some planning for Saturday night!" Said Magnus as he and the others smiles.
Two days have went by, it was Saturday meaning that tonight is the night of the Spring Formal ball, everyone at Alicante University are all so excited for the big night and hope that this will go well than last time, and they all spent the entire day getting ready for the big night. All the girls are all getting their hairs and nails done and checking their dresses, while the guys get their tuxes and corsages ready for their dates. Some of the students even decided to order hotel suites for them and their dates, since they wanted it to make it so romantic.
Meanwhile at the Bohemian Soul Natural Hair Salon in Brooklyn, Clary is with Izzy, Maia, Cheryl, and Toni getting their hairs done for the big dance and then Cheryl looks at the other girls.
"Oh man, I can't wait for the ball tonight, it's going to be so magical." Said Clary as she smiles." Now that I'm with Jace, I know I'll have the best night ever."
"I know, I can't wait either, now that Simon and I are a couple, we will have the best night of our life." Said Izzy as she smiles." What color is your dress Clary?"
"It's a beautiful silver color with tiny diamonds and it's corseted, so it's really pretty, I also have silver heels to go with the dress, it makes it look more beautiful like a diamond." Said Clary as she smiles." What's your dresses color Izzy?"
"Its a gold color with sequins with glitter all over, so it's a little sexy." Said Izzy as she smiles.
"Oh, it sounds pretty Izzy." Said Clary as she smiles.
"If you want to talk about sexy, you should all see Cheryl's dress with that plunging neckline." Said Toni as she smirks at Cheryl." Apparently she wanted me to love it, but I still love you babe in it."
"Yeah, you're gonna love me even more out of babe." Said Cheryl as she smirks.
"Oh Cheryl, are you a romantic." Said Clary as she smirks.
"Jace made sure that we got the biggest limousine he could find." Said Izzy as she smiles at Clary." Apparently, he wanted our arrival to become so special."
"I just can't believe that you, Alec, and Jace all pay for a limo and three hotel rooms for us." Said Clary in shock.
"It's the Spring Formal Ball Clary." Said Izzy as she smiles." We are planning on getting laid."
"Yeah." Said Clary as she smirks." In your dreams maybe."
"All right, Clary." Said they Hairstyles as she gives Clary a hand mirror." Have a look."
Then Clary look at herself and saw that her hair has some curls at the bottom, and that she has a little bit of highlights at the top.
"Oh, it looks great, I love it!" Said Clary as she smiles." What time did Alec say to be pick up Magnus?"
"He said around 7:00." Said Izzy as she smiles.
"Oh, I'm so excited!" Said Clary as she smiles." This is going to be the greatest night ever!"
That got all the girls to get really excited for prom night as well. Meanwhile at clothing stores, that's twenty minutes away from the hair salon, Magnus is with Simon and Jace getting their tuxes ready for the Spring Formal Ball.
"Oh man, the Spring Formal Ball is going to be so amazing tonight, I can't wait to see Izzy in her beautiful dress." Said Simon as he smiles." I want to look good for her tonight."
"You will Simon, in fact we are all going to look good tonight." Said Jace as he smirks.
"I heard that apparently that some of the other boys tuxes are made by them, and they want to impress their dates." Said Fangs as he smiles.
"Man, I bet Clary will look beautiful in her dress, I can't wait to see her and have fun tonight." Said Simon as he smiles.
"I bet we will all have fun tonight, what about you Magnus, are you and Alec going to have fun tonight?" Asked Jace as he smiles.
"Of course I'm going to have fun tonight, Alec said that he is planning on making it the best night of my life, I don't know why, but he said he wanted our night to be so magical." Said Magnus as he smiles.
"Well, all I know is that tonight is going to be great!" Said Jace as he smiles.
Then a few hours later, it's around 5:30, meaning it's almost time to go to the big night to come, at Magnus's loft inside Magnus's bedroom, Magnus was in his bathroom all ready for his big night with his boyfriend. Magnus is now wearing a black long-sleeve button up collared shirt, has a dark red blazer coat on, has black dressed pants, and has black dressed shoes on.
Magnus also has silver glitter eyeshadow on, black eyeliner on, has two red tips on the front of his hair. He was now looking at himself at the mirror, then he open his cabinet and found his makeup bag and grabs it. Then as Magnus finishes putting the finishing touch of his makeup, then as he gets out of his bathroom, he went to his vanity and grab a beautiful silver purple gem star necklace.
The necklace that he's holding belong to his mother and thought that it would be the perfect night to wear it, so he puts the necklace around his neck, and look at his reflection at the mirror and touches his necklace.
"This is gonna be a great night." Said Magnus as he smiles.
Then Magnus hears the door open, and it got Magnus to get really excited, because he knew that Alec is here to pick him up for the Spring Formal Ball. When Magnus and Alec became a couple, Magnus got Alec a key for the loft, and can come whenever he wants to, and Magnus got really excited and nervous at the same time.
"Oh, my God!" Said Magnus in excitement." He's here, time to go now."
Magnus look at his reflection one last time and goes out to the living room. Meanwhile at the living room, Alec is waiting Magnus to go to the Spring Formal Ball. Alec is wearing a white long-sleeve button up dressed shirt, has a white blazer coat with a black collar, has a black bow tie around his neck, black dressed pants on, and has black dressed shoes. He also has a box with a corsage in it. Alec was completely nervous about going to the Spring Formal Ball with Magnus and tries to calm down.
"Okay Alec, this is your big night, you're going to show Magnus the time of his life and sweep him off his feet." Said Alec as he tries to stay calm." Just keep your cool, and whatever you do, don't look like a. . ."
"Alec?" Asked Magnus as he finished getting dressed.
"Oh hey Magnus, are you ready. . ." Said Alec as he turned to look at Magnus.
Then when Alec turn to see Magnus, his eyes have widen on the outfit that Magnus is wearing now, Magnus look so beautiful that Alec couldn't stop staring at him.
"Wow, Magnus you look so beautiful in that outfit." Said Alec as he smiles and blush a bit.
"Why thank you Alexander, and you look as handsome as always." Said Magnus as he smiles.
"Thank you." Said Alec as he smiles." I got you the corsage, and it matches with your outfit."
"It's so pretty." Said Magnus as smiles at the corsage.
"Yeah, it took me like fours hours with the flower lady." Said Alec as he smiles." Although it almost felt like six hours."
"Did you pick it out yourself?" Asked Magnus as he smiles.
"Kind of." Said Alec and Magnus raise his eyebrows." Okay, I had a little help with the flower lady."
Then as Alec got the corsage out of the box, he puts the box down at the table next to him, then as Alec holds Magnus's wrist up gently, he puts the corsage on his Magnus's right wrist.
Then Alec smile at his beautiful boyfriend for how how much he loves him, then Alec stand still for Magnus to put the boutonnière on his prom tux, then as Magnus almost puts his boutonnière, he move the boutonnière that cause Alec to flinch a bit.
"Ow!" Said Alec which got Magnus freak out a bit and Alec smiles." I'm kidding, I'm kidding Magnus."
"Oh, my God!" Said Magnus as he rolled his eyes." You totally scared me."
That got Alec to chuckle a bit and caused Magnus to roll his eyes, then Magnus have put the boutonnière on Alec's prom tux, and he smile at how Alec looks so handsome in his suit.
"Thanks, so are you ready?" Asked Alec as he smiles.
"Of course I am." Said Magnus as he smiles.
Then as Magnus grabs his makeup bag, he and Alec leave the loft and close the door behind them, then Magnus and Alec both went out of the loft and outside of the building, and Magnus saw a big limousine to drive them to the Spring Formal Ball.
"Wow, now that is a big car." Said Magnus as he smiles.
"Well, let's go in." Said Alec as he smiles.
Then Alec opens the door to the limousine, Magnus started to enter the car, then he saw Jace, Clary, Izzy, and Simon all inside the limousine in their prom outfits, looking really excited to get to prom.
Clary has a silver heart-shape necklace around her neck, silver eyeshadow on, silver lip gloss on, she wears a one-shoulder dress with sequin glitter at the top, has a white corsage on her left wrist, has a silver clutch purse, and silver heels on.
Izzy has her hair tied into a half ponytail with highlights, has gold eyeshadow on, red lipstick on, gold necklace around her neck, she is wearing a strapless gold dress on, has a white corsage on her left wrist, and gold heels on.
Jace is wearing a dark turquoise long-sleeve button up dressed shirt, has a black blazer coat with a black collar, has a black tie around his neck, has a white boutonnière on his blazer coat, black dressed pants on, and has black dressed shoes.
Simon is wearing a dark blue long-sleeve button up dressed shirt, has a black blazer coat with a black collar, has a black tie around his neck, has a white boutonnière on his tux, black dressed pants on, and has black dressed shoes.
"Hey guys!" Said Magnus as he and Alec enter the car.
"Hey Magnus!" Said Clary as she smiles." Wow, you look great!"
"Thanks, you guys look great as well!" Said Magnus as he smiles.
"I think we can all agree that we look awesome!" Said Izzy as she smiles.
"Oh man, I cannot wait to get there." Said Alec as he smiles.
"Let's get to the goddamn prom." Said Simon as he feels impatient.
Then as Alec and Magnus both sit down, the limousine started to drive the six friends to the prom. As the limo is still driving for a few minutes, Magnus, Alec, Clary, Jace, Simon, and Izzy are, they were all so excited to get to their prom.
They stuck out of the windows and saw other students from Alicante University driving to the Spring Formal Ball as well, and all look really excited. Then Izzy took some pictures of her and the others for remembering the magical night of their life.
"Wait, now guys get in." Said Izzy as she looks at Alec and Magnus.
Then Alec and Magnus both kissed each other as Izzy takes the picture of both of them. Then everyone have all started to cheer at how tonight is going to be great.
"Oh man, tonight is going to be great." Said Jace as he smiles.
"You know I heard that Cheryl and Toni is going all royal with her theme this year since she's the president of the prom committee." Said Simon as he look at his friends." I heard that she is making this a perfect might for everyone!"
"Wow!" Said Alec as he laugh.
"Stop it!" Said Clary as she laughs.
"I bet that it was really to pay for all of this!" Said Simon as he laughs as well.
"I wish that she was my cousin." Said Magnus as he smiles and everyone all laugh.
Then twenty minutes later, inside the limo Magnus, Alec, Clary, Jace, Simon, and Izzy are still taking pictures before they arrive at the Spring Formal Ball. Izzy took a picture of Clary being held by the waist by Jace, Simon took a picture of Izzy and Clary hugging each other, and Clary took a picture of Alec kissing Magnus's cheek which cause Magnus to get a bit surprise.
"Seriously Alexander?" Asked Magnus as he look at Alec.
"What, I can't help it Magnus, you are just so gorgeous in that outfit." Said Alec as he wrap his arms around Magnus.
"I wonder how long until we get to the ball, I wanna dance the night away with my girl." Said Jace as he look impatient." And I don't like being impatient."
Then when Jace have mention that, suddenly Magnus started to feel the car turning into another direction, and then he look out of the window to see that they have arrived at the hotel where the ball is being held.
"Oh my god, we're turning in!" Said Magnus in excitement." Guys, we're here!"
"We're here now?!" Asked Izzy in excitement." Yeah!"
"Holy crap!" Said Simon in excitement.
"We're here!" Said Clary as she squeals.
Then as the limousine stop right where the hotel entrance is at, Alec opens the door and got out of the limousine, then he held out his hand and help Magnus get out of the car, then Jace, Clary, Simon, and Izzy have all got out and we're so amazed at the sight of the hotel.
There were many lights flashing sideways and a big red carpet that goes to the entrance of the hotel, and many flower petals being tied to the air and fall down gently, and they were really amazed at the hotel is looking for prom night.
"Wow, talk about a royal theme!" Said Jace in amazement.
Then as they all started to walk inside the hotel, there were many people taking pictures of them like they were movie stars, and they all smile and wave like they were famous, and as they all enter, they were so amazed at how the inside of the hotel is.
The inside of the hotel has a beautiful diamond chandelier in the center of the main room, there are many students from Alicante University at the main room all going to where the prom is being held. All the boys wear tuxes and all the girls wear beautiful dresses.
"Wow, this is so amazing, I can't wait to dance the night away!" Said Magnus as he smiles.
"Okay, I'm gonna go get the keys right quick." Said Jace as he look at the others." I'll be back."
That got the others to nodded their heads and Jace goes to the main desk to pick up the keys for their hotel room, and then Magnus, Alec, Clary, Simon, and Izzy have started to go inside the ballroom to enjoy their night.
Then as they all enter the ballroom, they were all so surprised and amazed at how the prom is. Inside, there were many spotlights shiny above the ceiling, the dance floor has color lights with a disco ball at the top center of the dance floor, many confetti's falling to the ground, there were a lot of tables and chairs for every student to sit, and there was a DJ player playing some music.
"Alicante University, huh?" Said the DJ man in excitement." Come on, now, what's up everybody, and welcome to the dance of all dances!"
"OMG!" Said Izzy in excitement." Look at this place!"
"Hey, look at me on the big screen." Said Jace as he point at the big screen where it shows everyone coming in.
They were all so excited to have the best night of their life, as they all enter, they all started to go to the dance floor to dance a bit, and then the DJ player pick up the microphone and started to speak.
"Alicante University, make some noise!" Shouted the DJ man in excitement.
"Yeah!" Shouted everyone in excitement.
"My name is DJ Tyler, I'm gonna be hosting the events tonight, this has to be the greatest prom on Earth." Said DJ Tyler and everyone cheered loudly." Brought to you also by Cheryl Blossom and Toni Topaz, I see you over there, girls, yeah!"
The spotlight pointed at Cheryl and Toni as they both smirks and waves at people who were applauding for them, about making the best Spring Formal Ball night ever.
Cheryl has her hair tied into a ponytail, she is wearing a red v neck choker detail dress and has red strappy heels.
Toni has her hair into a half-ponytail, she wears a purple beaded Maxi prom dress, and purple heels on.
"Alright Alicante University, it's time to get the party started!" Said DJ Tyler in excitement." Get out there and get your party pumping!"
Everyone have all cheered once DJ Tyler have said that, and they all started to dance once the music started to play, everyone have all started to dance and are having a great time tonight.
"Now this is what I called a party!" Said Magnus as he smiles.
Then as the music plays, they all started to dance at the dance floor, Magnus and Alec were both dancing together, while Clary, Simon, and Izzy are dancing through the music. Meanwhile at the check in desk, Jace goes to the main desk, to pick up the room keys that he and his siblings got for them and their dates.
"Hi, can I get the three keys for suites 312, 314, and 316?" Asked Jace as he looks at the manager." I have it reserved under Jace Herondale."
"One moment." Said the manager as he goes to find the keys and comes back with three hotel key cards. "All right, there you are, Mr. Herondale."
"Thank you." Said Simon as he got the key cards and went back to the prom.
Meanwhile inside the ballroom, everyone was having really fun, and Magnus admit that Cheryl and Toni both did an amazing job for this years prom, that he and Alec go to the two girls to tell them that they did amazing the Spring Formal Ball.
"You really outdid yourself, girls." Said Magnus as he look at Cheryl and Toni." I mean, we really appreciate it.
"Thanks, I wanted it to look just like we are actually at a royal ball." Said Cheryl as she smirks." I mean, nobody can believe it, right?"
"Come on babe, let's dance the night away." Said Toni as she smiles.
Then Toni and Cheryl both went to, Magnus looks at Alec, and he waves his finger around at his head like those are so crazy about each other, and it got Alec to laugh a bit at his boyfriends expression. Then Jace came in the ballroom with the key cards.
"One for you." Said Jace as he gave one to Simon.
"Thank you." Said Simon as he smiles.
"One for you." Said Jace as he gave one to Alec.
"Thanks Jace." Said Alec as he smiles.
"And one for. . ." Said Jace as he look at Clary and she grab the key card.
"We all have our key cards, now let's all dance the night away!" Said Clary as she smiles.
Two hours have went by, everyone have all dance through the soft romantic music, and felt like dancing for as long as they can. At the middle of the dance floor of the crowd, Magnus is dancing with Alec as he wraps his arms around Alec's neck, and Alec wraps his arms around Magnus's waist.
"Thank you Alexander." Said Magnus as he look at Alec.
"For what?" Asked Alec as he look at Magnus.
"For tonight." Said Magnus as he smiles." It's really magical right now."
"Well, you're welcome, I am pretty awesome." Said Alec as he smiles.
"You always say that Alexander." Said Magnus as he kissed his cheek.
Then as Magnus and Alec kept on dancing, they both saw Simon and Izzy dancing together and Jace and Clary dancing together at the dance floor with the crowd, and got closer to them and then Clary started to speak as she smiles.
"Man, this is so amazing right now." Said Clary as she smiles.
"Tell me about, this Spring Formal Ball is like the greatest dance ever, and I'll bet we will never forget this special night." Said Izzy as she smiles.
That got Magnus to smile that he and his friends are surely going to have the best night of their life, then as the music stop and everyone clap for the DJ, then Magnus saw Cheryl and Toni going to him, Alec, Clary, Jace, Simon, and Izzy.
"Hey guys." Said Cheryl as she smiles at the others.
"Cheryl, Toni, you all look so incredible tonight." Said Clary as she smiles at her cousin.
"Why thank you dear cousin, I thought about what will happen, and it's a good thing I made a backup plan." Said Cheryl as she smiles.
"Either way, this is so amazing!" Said Izzy as she smiles.
"Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to make a big announcement!" Said Cheryl as she walks towards to the stage.
Alec, Magnus, Clary, Jace, and Izzy got a bit confused on what kind of announcement Cheryl is going to give, but apparently Simon and Toni both smirk knowing what Cheryl is going to say. Then as Cheryl goes up to the stage, she grab the microphone and getting everyone's attention.
"Hello everyone, I see that we are having a great night!" Said Cheryl in excitement.
Everyone have all cheer in excitement as they all celebrate the Spring Formal Ball, even Magnus, Alec, Clary, Jace, Simon, and Izzy have all cheered in excitement, and Cheryl continued to speak.
"And now, today we are going to make a special treat for tonight, cause tonight Simon Lewis will bring us something special." Said Cheryl as she smiles.
"Wait, Simon you put a request for Cheryl?" Asked Izzy in amazement at her boyfriend.
"That's so cool Simon!" Said Clary as she smiles.
"Yeah, speaking of which, Magnus I want you to come with me to the stage." Said Simon as he look at Magnus." I have a special surprise for you based on the song you and I made."
That got Magnus to get a bit surprise about what Simon's offer, but he decided to go with Simon, so he follows Simon to the stage, and it got the other to get really confused on what's going.
"So everyone, give it up for Simon Lewis!" Said Cheryl as she left the stage.
Then as soon as Simon and Magnus are on the stage, everyone have all clap for them then Simon have started to grab the microphone off the stage, then as he tap the microphone, Simon have started to speak through the microphone.
"Hello everybody, I like to say that tonight's dance is like the best dance we have ever have!" Shouted Simon in excitement and everyone cheered." Now, Cheryl said that I was going to sing tonight, but my throat is starting to act up, so I decided that tonight Magnus Bane will sing this song, so everyone, let's give it up for Magnus Bane!"
Then as soon as Simon have announced that Magnus is going to be singing, everyone have all started to clap for Magnus, then as soon as Simon have left the stage, Magnus have started appear to the stage.
"Hey everyone, so as you know, I'm going to be singing for you all of you, this song is for everyone." Said Magnus as he smiles." But this song goes for all my friends, and this song is about having freedom.
Then as soon as Magnus have said that, all of a sudden, music have began to play, and then Magnus have began to sing the song that he and Simon have been working on, and as the lights began to shine at him.
Magnus Bane: Too many guns
On the streets
And my heart can't
Take it no more
Like Stevie said
Love's in need
My heart cries
Out for Orlando
50 people gone
Too soon
Vocal Singers: Get Free
Magnus Bane: Tell me how this happen
Vocal Singers: Get Free
Magnus Bane: Where did we go wrong
Vocal Singers: Get Free
Magnus Bane: Say we stand together
Vocal Singers: Get Free
Magnus Bane: Yet we choose to walk alone
Vocal Singers: Get Free
Magnus Bane: Blood covers our streets
Vocal Singers: Get Free
Magnus Bane: Hatred fills our homes
Vocal Singers: Get Free
Magnus Bane: Gotta get this message out
Vocal Singers: Get Free
Magnus Bane: Before I'm dead and gone
Gotta make it better
Somethings gotta change
The world needs your voice
Just to make it through the rain
When I think of what's
Going on in this world
It hurts me to see
My sister not free
My sister
My brother
Here with me
Vocal Singers: Need freedom
Magnus Bane: The world is crying
No more sirens
From guns and violence
Vocal Singers: Need freedom
Magnus Bane: We can't keep dying
Way to quiet
No more silence
Vocal Singers: Need freedom
Magnus Bane: Stop this evil
Free my people
We're all equal
Vocal Singers: Need freedom
Magnus Bane: The world gets brighter
Keep on trying
Keep on fighting for freedom
As Magnus kept on singing, everyone clap on rhythm when Magnus was singing, and they all cheer for him, but Alec was the most impressed one from the crowd because he was so amazed at how his beautiful boyfriend is a very wonderful singer.
'Wow, Magnus has such a voice, and the way he moves really gets me, this is why I love him so much!' Thought Alec as he blushes and Magnus continues to sing.
Vocal Singers: Get Free
Magnus Bane: As I sit and think about
Vocal Singers: Get Free
Magnus Bane: All that's going on
Vocal Singers: Get Free
Magnus Bane: My soul cries out
Vocal Singers: Get Free
Magnus Bane: Can you tell me please
Vocal Singers: Get Free
Magnus Bane: Tell me who's the blame
Vocal Singers: Get Free
Magnus Bane: For causing all this pain
Vocal Singers: Get Free
Magnus Bane: The ones we call to help us
Vocal Singers: Get Free
Magnus Bane: Turn and kill us every day
Vocal Singers: Get Free
Magnus Bane: See war is not the answer
Vocal Singers: Get Free
Magnus Bane: Love is what we need
Vocal Singers: Get Free
Magnus Bane: Take the chains off
Vocal Singers: Get Free
Magnus Bane: Break the bondag
My people free
Gotta make it better
Somethings gotta change
The world needs your voice
Just to make it through the rain
When I think of what's
Going on in this world
It hurts me to see
My sister not free
My sister
My brother
Here with me
Vocal Singers: Need freedom
Magnus Bane: The world is crying
No more sirens
From guns and violence
Vocal Singers: Need freedom
Magnus Bane: We can't keep dying
Way to quiet
No more silence
Vocal Singers: Need freedom
Magnus Bane: Stop this evil
Free my people
We're all equal
Vocal Singers: Need freedom
Magnus Bane: The world gets brighter
Keep on trying
Keep on fighting for freedom
Vocal Singers: Need freedom
Magnus Bane: The world is crying
No more sirens
From guns and violence
Vocal Singers: Need freedom
Magnus Bane: We can't keep dying
Way to quiet
No more silence
Vocal Singers: Need freedom
Magnus Bane: Stop this evil
Free my people
We're all equal
Vocal Singers: Need freedom
Magnus Bane: The world gets brighter
Keep on trying
Keep on fighting for freedom
Then after when Magnus have finished singing his song, everyone have all started to clap and cheer for Magnus, and even Alec cheered for his beautiful boyfriend at how amazing he had sing for everyone.
"Thank you so much, and I love you all!" Said Magnus as he smiles.
Then after everyone clapped and cheer for Magnus, they all started to go back and have fun, Magnus have started to get down from the stage, Alec have started to go to him and then kisses him as he wrap his arms around him.
"Magnus that was so amazing!" Said Alec as he smiles at Magnus." I have never been more in love with you than ever!"
"Aw, why thank you Alexander, that was very sweet of you." Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec.
"Magnus, that was so amazing!" Said Clary as she smiles.
"Yeah, that is one heck of a voice!" Said Izzy as she smiles at Magnus.
"Why thank you." Said Magnus as he smiles and Cheryl goes up the stage.
"Alright everyone, now that we have heard Magnus's amazing singing, it is now time for the annual Spring Formal Ball King and Queen!" Said Cheryl in excitement.
Then everyone have began to cheer and got really excited to see who gets to become king and queen. Then Toni goes up to the stage next to Cheryl and she's gives her the envelop that says who's the king and queen of the Spring Formal Ball.
"Alright, now it's time to announce the king and queen, if we could have drum roll please." Said Cheryl as she smiles.
Then drum roll began to play and everyone have all got excited as they have waited for the big announcement, even Magnus, Alec, Clary, Jace, Simon, and Izzy are excited to hear it, and Cheryl have open the envelope to see the names.
"And the Spring Formal King and Queen are. . ." Said Cheryl as she smiles." Or should I say Spring Formal Kings are Alec Lightwood and Magnus Bane!"
Then everyone have all cheered loudly for Magnus and Alec that they are the Spring Formal King's, they were both shock at first, but now happy that they were voted. Even Clary, Jace, Simon, and Izzy clap and cheer for them.
So Alec and Magnus both went up to the stage and then Cheryl and Toni give Magnus and Alec their crowns. Alec has a gold crown with red jewels around while Magnus has a ruby red crystal elven circlet tiara crown celtic weave on his head, and they both smile.
"And now the king's are going to do their slow dance at the dance floor." Said Cheryl as she smiles.
So Alec takes Magnus's hand and leads him to the dance floor, then as Alec and Magnus went to the dance floor, everyone have gave them space for them to dance, then the DJ player plays "What a Wonderful World" from Joshua Radin.
Alec and Magnus both slow dance together at the dance floor as Alec wrap his arms around Magnus's waist, and Magnus lay his head on Alec's shoulder and smiles. Everyone all seem really happy for the two couple as they dance at the dance floor. Even Clary, Jace, Simon, and Izzy are all happy for them.
"I'm not stepping on your feet, am I?" Whisper Alec at Magnus's ear.
"How could you be, it's like I'm walking on air." Whisper Magnus as he smiles.
"I never seen Alec this happy." Said Izzy as she smiles.
"Yeah, I'm really happy for him and Magnus." Said Simon as he smiles.
"They are so cute together." Said Clary as she smiles.
"Yeah, but we could've been king and queen tonight." Said Jace as he smirks at Clary.
That got Clary to roll her eyes at her boyfriend, as she continues to see Alec and Magnus dancing together. Then as soon as the music have finished, everyone have all clapped and cheer for Alec and Magnus as they stop dancing, and then Magnus kissed Alec which Alec kissed him back and everyone have cheered loudly for them.
Then everyone have all continued to have fun as they all dance, talk with their friends, and have refreshments. Then as soon as it was past midnight, everyone have all started to leave, while some go to the hotel rooms the booked.
Magnus, Alec, Clary, Jace, Simon, and Izzy have all go to their hotel suites as they all had fun at the Spring Formal Ball.
"Wow, tonight was really amazing!" Said Simon as he smiles.
"I know, now let's go to our hotel suite!" Said Izzy as she smirks at Simon." I really want to get laid now."
"Okay Clary, let's go to our suite now." Said Jace as he smirks at Clary.
Then Simon and Izzy went to their hotel suite, while Jace and Clary went to their hotel suite, leaving Alec and Magnus alone in the hallways, and then as they both enter their hotel suite. As they enter their suite, they went to the bedroom and then Magnus looks at Alec and smiles at him.
"This night is so amazing." Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec.
"Yes it is, now that we are alone. . ." Said Alec as he puts his crown down at the table." I want you right now."
That got Magnus to smirk at Alec at what he said, then they both kissed each other, and then they both took off their clothes and have sex each other. Then after two hours later, having wonderful sex with each other, the two collapsed on the bed, sweat beading from the bodies. Alec looked up and wiped some hair away from his face as he and Magnus breath heavily.
"Well. . . That was. . . Amazing." Said Alec as he kept breathing heavily.
"Did you enjoy it?" Said Magnus as he pull the bed sheets to cover his and Alec's body except for their bare chests.
"I loved it, apparently I never felt this way I'm a long time." Said Alec as he puts his hands behind head." Well, that's not really true, but it was amazing."
Then Magnus move closer to Alec as he wrap a arm around his waist as he got close to his chest. Then as Magnus starts to cuddled Alec close to his chest as he lay his hand on his stomach, which made Alec moan in pleasure, he looks at Alec and smiles at him.
"You know that I'm all sweaty right?" Asked Alec as he pull off the filled condom and tossing it aside in the trash bin the bedroom corner.
"I don't really care Alec, I just want to be with you." Said Magnus as he snuggle into Alec's chest.
"Oh my god. . . You look so gorgeous with your makeup on you. . . Even the way we had sex together, or makes me feel my whole body melt." Said Alec as he wrap his arms around Magnus to pull him closer.
"Well, this is the greatest night I ever had." Said Magnus as he smiles at Alec.
"Yes it is." Said Alec as he kissed Magnus.
Then as Alec and Magnus kept cuddling each other, they both fall asleep on the bed, as Alec have turn off the lights and pull the bed sheets to cover him and Magnus except for their chests, and the moon from the window shine at Magnus and Alec, and the two of them have now know that this night was like the best night they have ever had.
The End
Shadowhunter's belong to Freeform
Riverdale belongs to CW
The song Magnus sing "Need Freedom" from the TV Series "Empire"
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