The ship results are here! Thank you all for your patience. Remember that all reviews have been written in good nature and all the critique is meant to help you improve as a writer. Please be a good sport.
Judge: LAJoyner
By: LouTaekoo
TOTAL: 36/100
Title: 5/5
The title fits
Cover: 3/5
The title shows up well, the authors name is slightly visible but the other fonts are too thin and get lost in the background. Also I can not tell what exactly the background is and if it even pertains to the story. Jungkook's uniform is in error for a US Marine that he portrays in the story. A US Marine would not have another country's flag patch on his uniform. A little research there would have prevented the error.
Description: 9/10
The description is basically a copy and paste of the Chapter titled 'Introduction' with a few minor word substitutions. It does however present as a good blurb to the story, a good introduction to entice a reader, then the reader gets to read it again in the "Introduction" chapter.
Writing style: 0/20
It seems the story of Purple Hearts was being adhered to even having Jungkook in the US Marine Corps, yet on the cover forgetting and having his uniform be that of the South Korean military uniform with the country's flag on it. The writing style is pulled straight from the online story and reviews I read on the internet about Purple Hearts therefore I can not give the author of Unlawfully His credit.
Characters: 2/10
Other than being male/male leads they are the same as the male/female lead in Purple Hearts, even down to the same diagnosis of diabetes. The characters names in Purple Hearts have been changed to BTS members names in the story Unlawfully His. All the events and scenes in Purple Hearts are the same other than the male/male explicit sex scenes made to fit that theme. Purple Hearts was male/female.
Plot: 0/20
The plot is the same as Purple Hearts from Netflix. I can not credit the author of Unlawfully His with credit for the plot.
Development: 0/10
This story developed the same as Purple Hearts and therefore I can not credit the author of Unlawfully His with points for the development.
Pacing: 8/10
The pacing seemed to bogged down during the expansive sex scenes.
Final Impression: 1/10
The only difference between the Movie/Story Purple Hearts and Unlawfully His, is the name of characters being changed to BTS members names and the female/male lead being changed to male/male lead and sex scenes made to fit what occurs between two men vs between a female and a male. Other than that the story is Purple Hearts. Changing the storyline, plot and even changing the diagnosis to something different would have gone a long way to making this more your story than the creator of Purple Hearts.
By: MSniduu7
TOTAL: 45/100
(Note: this was written before the story was completed, when it was at 21 chapters)
Title: 3/5
I like it, it fits with the concept of the story but not really with the actual story, which I'll get more into later. But it's nice and intriguing.
Cover: 4/5
I really like the way the title is written out and the cover looks very high quality but it doesn't really fit with the story as they both look casual, whereas it would make more sense for Jungkook to be casual and Taehyung to look more professional as he's the idol and Jungkook is the fan.
Description: 6/10
Short but conveys enough information for me to be interested. Could add some more detail about the more in-depth plot points.
Writing style: 6/20
The story is massively told through an Instagram format, with the posts, comments, and private messages conveying information to the reader so there's not a lot of actual writing to score. There were a few written-out chapters that were decent, with good grammar and no spelling mistakes I could spot. One thing I do have to point out though is the fact that Jimin consistently calls Jungkook 'cockie' instead of 'cookie' or 'kookie.' Every time I read it, it honestly made me laugh out loud, so just change the spelling and then you're good!
Characters: 5/10
The characters were also decent. We don't really get into their thoughts and feelings about things as the story is mostly told through such a distant format, obviously, people aren't going to reveal their deepest thoughts in an insta post. I did like that we got to see what characters deleted when DMing each other, it felt like a smart way to show what they were feeling. But the characters aren't very fleshed out, especially Taehyung and Yoongi. I think that more written chapters would help with bringing the audience closer to the characters. There is a way to exclusively tell a story through insta posts but I imagine Jungkook and Taehyung are going to meet up eventually? So more written chapters with fewer posts or, a really interesting style choice could be to just have the posts, and tell the story like that. Overall the characters were alright but I feel like they have a lot of potential that is being stunted by the way the story is being told.
Plot: 7/20
The plot felt a bit rushed, with Jungkook going from just a random fan to a recognized and respected model—so much so that he attracts Taehyungs attention. This is why I previously said that the title doesn't exactly fit with the actual story as this change didn't feel deserved? If that's the right word? Like there's not even a mention of a time skip, he just becomes a model and then is DMing both Taehyung and Yoongi. But I really like the idea of the story, and I adore stories told in unconventional ways. The book isn't finished yet but I will probably still read on, hoping that the characters and plot will develop in the ways I've suggested.
Development: 4/10
Like I've said before, there is development but it feels rushed and without much thought put into it. The plot that was laid out established Jungkook as just a fanboy, so when the actual story moves and grows from this, it has to happen with intention and purpose, with adequate time passing in the actual world the story is set in. Otherwise, the description/summary is just incorrect and should be changed to better fit the dynamic of Jungkook being a famous model and Taehyung being a famous idol.
Pacing: 5/10
The pacing was average. However, more balance between the written chapters and the Instagram chapters would make it a smoother read in general.
Final impression: 5/10
This story was a fun and cute read, with a lot of potential to be an amazing story. I hope this author listens to this critique and applies it to the story, truly elevating it to the next level!
By: Lost_Youniverse
TOTAL: 51/100
Title: 4/5
The title is cute and fits really well with the story. I don't think I've seen another story with the same title so I like the originality.
Cover: 2/5
I like the font used but the rest of the cover could be better. The separate elements don't really flow together and the editing is sort of obvious.
Description: 6/10
This description really intrigued me! I like the idea of Jin being on another planet, I don't think I've ever seen anything like that before. It's a bit short and could say more about the actual plot but it sets up a few mysteries so I think it's pretty good.
Writing style: 11/20
The writing style was pretty decent. There were a few grammatical mistakes such as using the wrong tense or when making words plural but other than that it was easy to read. No major red flags but I would suggest running your work through a spellcheck software just to catch the little things I know sometimes slip through the cracks. The chapters were very short which can sometimes be a good thing, but even with the short chapters I honestly found myself a bit bored from time to time - I will get more into this when I talk about the plot. Easy to read but didn't impress me or anything.
Characters: 5/10
The characters were also decent. I kinda wish we got to know more about Jungkook before he fell through the wormhole but liked the focus on his eating disorder and the way it was treated in the story, as something serious but not unbeatable. Jin was also well-written, he was very sweet and likeable which is very true to how he is in real life. The supporting characters played their roles well, although I was a bit confused about the choice to make Namjoon the antagonist. He's literally the most supportive member and the way he acted felt extremely out of left field but I get that the story isn't meant to be based in reality and that someone's got to fill the role. I found it funny that Yoongi was the dad, but he serves his purpose for the story. Again, good but nothing mind-blowing.
Plot: 9/20
The plot was okay. I was hoping for more exploration of the fact that we're on a different planet. Like more history maybe some flashbacks to the war that they mention briefly. I was also hoping that since Jungkook is on an alien planet, there would be more differences between him and the others. But it's like they're just humans 2.0 with nothing changed about them. Plus we only really explore the castle and the garden, nowhere else on an entirely new planet. Maybe Jimin could've had his own storyline or maybe Hoseok could've had a bigger role more to do with the locals and the rest of the planet. I just think it's a cool idea and I'm sorta upset it wasn't very fleshed out. The story is unfinished so there are still a lot of loose ends like why the wormhole Jungkook went through wasn't closed, why the Queen wanted to kidnap Jungkook etc. I was interested in the plot but like I said before there were some points where I felt kinda bored. I think it is because characters' actions are explained in too much detail, as they think about something and then they'll say it instead of the story just showing us the thinking or saying, we'll see both so it can get a little repetitive and therefore boring. But apart from that the major plot points were intriguing and well executed, I think the story would've benefited from a few other side plots just to shake things up when it does feel boring.
Development: 5/10
There was actually quite a bit of development with the characters, especially with Jungkook and his eating disorder. Jin and Jungkook get a lot of development but the other characters don't receive enough attention to develop themselves. Although the story is unfinished so maybe that will still happen.
Pacing: 3/10
As previously mentioned some of the scenes can drag on. Although the chapters are very short. I would suggest cutting unnecessary dialogue like greetings and farewells and a good tip to remember when it comes to writing more realistic dialogue is that people rarely say what they actually mean. Most of the time, things like tone, body language, and subtext will say more about what a character actually means than their words ever will. Also adding more description of the scenery and environment would help flesh out chapters so they're not so short.
Final impression: 6/10
Overall I really liked this story, and I will totally continue reading whenever the author uploads another chapter! Hopefully, they can keep my critique in mind about the pacing and fleshing out of the really interesting ideas originally presented.
TOTAL: 70/100
Title: 5/5
Pretty, simple, effective. Fits perfectly with the story. Nothing to complain about here.
Cover: 4/5
Love the washed-out feeling and how I think it's meant to replicate a DVD cover? Very fun. Although they kind of look like they are blending into each other with the way it's cropped, maybe that's intentional but everything else is perfect.
Description: 5/10
Just two quotes so very short but they sum up the premise very well. I've heard a lot about Hanahaki but I'd never actually read anything with it so I was pretty excited. Since it is very simple I can't rate it too high but I do appreciate the stylistic choice.
Writing style: 10/20
There were quite a few spelling and grammar mistakes throughout the entire story, sometimes I was unable to understand what was originally meant. I suggest that this author uses a spellchecking software like Grammarly to fix these mistakes as there are a lot of them and it makes it difficult to read. The mistakes, however, do not take away from the story. It was really good.
Characters: 8/10
The characters were very well written. Yoongi was a character you could really sympathise with and so was Jimin. The story also does a good job with Taehyungs character, even though he's the reason Jimin and Yoongi aren't together you can't hate him at all, he's just in love. I really like the way we see Yoongi's thoughts through the video journal he's keeping, I've always loved stories told in unconventional ways. The other members could've been more fleshed out and I would have loved to see more of Yoongi and Jimins friends before Yoongi moved away but the characters were genuinely well done and I really like them.
Plot: 18/20
The plot was just... Heartbreaking. Even though I could easily predict where things were going it still hit hard. The last chapter especially was really sad and then the epilogue where Jimin and Taehyung are at Yoongi's grave. I adore stories that end in that particularly cruel way, especially when it wasn't confirmed if the character actually died or not. I do think the story would benefit from either more or longer chapters just to get more information about the characters' lives, that would make Yoongi's death hit harder and might have even made me cry lol. But what we got was very good and I'm happy that the story was still great even with all the spelling mistakes. I love the fact that it's not a typical love story where they get together at the end, it's realistic whilst still pulling on your heartstrings. There were a few cringey jokes that didn't really land but everything else was really nice.
Development: 6/10
The characters did develop but a lot of it was off-page with big-time skips like before Yoongi moves away and then 8 years after. I liked the fact that the story was short but I think it would have benefitted from smaller time skips so we could see the characters change and grow more in depth. And as I said before, the other members being more developed would be nice too, like seeing them before Yoongi moves away since they said they used to be a part of the same friend group.
Pacing: 6/10
The pacing was decent, it didn't feel extremely jarring or anything but the massive time skips did glaze over a lot of important moments that we just hear about later instead of actually seeing.
Final impression: 8/10
Overall I really really enjoyed this story and its bittersweet ending!! This is the only story this author has written but if they ever decide to write another one I will definitely give it a read. I hope that the author takes my critique to heart and fixes the spelling mistakes because without them I imagine this story being extremely amazing!!
Judge: LAJoyner
By: Book_lover9215
TOTAL: 92/100
5/5 the title works, letters being sent back and forth in envelops and love begins to envelop the two main leads.
Cover: 2/5
The title is readable but for clarity could benefit from a larger or bolder font to be easier to read, the authors name as well. A caption or subtitle could benefit tying the cover with the title and thus to the story. The graphic doesn't fit the story on its own so a caption under the title of some sort may help.
Description: 9/10
Very short. Some short descriptions work perfectly with a story that has a good title and cover to help sell it. This description could use a just a little more to prefect it.
Writing style: 19/20
The story is written in the Narrative style with little dialogue. It works very well in this story as a lot of the dialogue between Tae and JK is through letters not spoken dialogue. There are a few long paragraphs that could benefit being made into two. The paragraphs seem so close together and I think it looks that way because there is no dialogue to break things up. Vocabulary is good for the genre and age of the characters. No major grammatical errors noted.
Characters: 10/10
All the characters are written well.
Plot: 20/20
so far the plot is using the correct phases of dramatic story building, but since it is on-going 50 some chapters in, there are still phases to come before reaching closure (the end). Some of the phases seem a little drawn out which affects the stories pacing.
Development: 9/10
The story is still developing, the characters are still growing and changing with the story as things escalate.
Pacing: 9/10
The pacing of the story has a few slow spots but overall the pacing is smooth.
Final Impression: 9/10
You are taken on a journey with Jungkook as he faces up hill battles with his life. Lots of emotions being pulled from the reader by the author. The amount of pargraphs with no dialogue breaks made it a little eye straining to read. There were mostly paragraph after paragraphs after paragraphs, my eyes were happy for some dialogue to break it up. The heart of the story is touching.
Judge: LAJoyner
By: LavLoner
TOTAL: 96/100
Title: 5/5
Cover: 4/5
Looks like the firey pits of hell with Taehyung, but I'm guessing that is suppose to be Jin???? Even the character's pose is reminiscent of Taehyung.
Description: 10/10
The description is done well.
Writing style: 19/20
The grammar and vocabulary are good. The sentence and paragraph structures are good. The proper use of dialogue makers were nice to see. There's a few typos, example: died for dropped, angers for agents, taining for staining. A couple of sentences didn't make sense, Example: "This time holding a brick of his real devilish self." Another sentence was "Instead, it dwelled into the warm cherry test sipping inside his mouth."
At the part where Jin helps the girl on crutches it says "... helped the girl on his crutches." Instead of on her crutches.
Characters: 9/10
The characters are interesting and fleshed out well by the author, though I found the name substitutions confusing sometimes.
Plot: 20/20
a supernatural plot intertwined with romance, revenge and memories resurfacing.
Development: 10/10
The story and the characters develop excitingly through out. Little surprises popping up here and there in the story keeps the reader very engaged.
Pacing: 10/10
The pacing was smooth the flow for reading was easy.
Final Impression:
9/10 Other than some errors with grammar (but not punctuation) and some confusing sentences and confusing name swapping this story was very interesting. The author was well adapted at giving deep insight to the characters of Jin and Namjoon.
Judge: LAJoyner
By: Writeria29
TOTAL: 98/100
Title: 5/5
Cover: 5/5
Description: 10/10
short and straight to the point. A good hook to catch a reader
Writing style: 19/20
The writing style was easy to follow/read. The paragraphs and sentence structure were correctly done. Active dialogue was done correctly with quotations marks. The vocabulary was on par for the characters. There are few places where there is a extra space between words. FYI: ellipsis are ... or . . . when used as a pause and not .....
There is one sentence (chapter 1) walk out to the bleachers and and saw the man in question. (need to remove an and) Those are the only obvious faults I could find. Great job!
Characters: 10/10
The characers are describe well and fleshed out nicely. They are all developing with the story and are relatable.
Plot: 20/20
The plot keeps you on the edge of you seat wondering what is going to mess up next, how will this work out. It is a good hate to love genre romance story.
Development: 10/10
the story's development follows the phases of a good dramatic story. The characters are developing along with it. The story is still on-going
Pacing: 9/10
The pace moves along fine, there are a few chapters where it seemed to slow down. But picks back up
Final Impression: 10/10
It is a good story. You laugh, you cry, get your heart broken but in the end I believe love will win. Once the story is completed I hope to see love win. The shipping is cute, romantic and sweet, unlike some ship stories where the story seems to just be a background for male on male sex scenes. This is well done author. In all my judging of Ship stories I have only come across a few that are love, romance ship stories romantically or beautifully done and this one is in that category, well done.
Congratulations everyone! Rewards will be distributed soon, please be patient with us.
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