Second Skype Roleplay Thing

          Aarth took a deep breath, and looked between Amber and Ashton. He knew it would come to this eventually, but he had hoped it wouldn't be this soon. "Well, you see, it all started when Shadow-Of-The-Dark-Abyss, my sister, grew unhappy with her lot. I had my souls, my humans, the world at my fingertips. And she got the leftovers, the shadows, the darkness where demons go to hide from the sun."

     "Brother, this isn't fair!"  She came storming into his mansion one day, yelling. This happened often, but this was the first time she claimed fairness in an argument. "I'm sick and tired of you getting all that's good in this world, while you leave me nothing !"

     Aarth glanced up from his papers, focusing on his yelling sibling. "Melantha... What are you yelling about now?" He seemed distracted, which was understandable. There was trouble brewing in his realm, trouble, he later found out, was caused by none other than his sister. He was simply too busy to be fighting with his sister again.

     "You gave those pesky humans light, didn't you?" She said angrily. "Light to drive away my darkness, to comfort them in the night! You keep taking more and more away from me!" She was furious, nothing had gone right for her ever since the humans discovered fire.

     "You know they'd soon die without it, sister." Aarth said in his quiet way, scratching out a word and writing over it on the papers. "I understand your frustration, but can this wait? Something is upsetting the balance of the realm right now, and I need to solve this issue before I can handle yours."

     "Fool." She hissed, her eyes alright with malice. "Your realm is upset because of me! You choose to ignore me and mine own darkness, and we have grown stronger in the shadows, stealing the light from the humans and fast approaching thine own realm!  The shadows you see in the corner of your gaze, the whispers of the foul beasts in the night! They are no mere accident, for I doth bringth them here!"

     She finally had his attention, though she wouldn't like it. "...Why?" He asked in a flat tone. "I gave you half the cycle, the night is yours to command. You own the darkness, the underground and the places where light dare not go. Are you so unhappy that you felt that mine own realm had to be under attack as well before you were satisfied?" 

     She sneered at him, thunderclouds seeming to gather in her expression. "Your realm is weak! And so are you... The day will come when you come crawling to me to save you, begging me to stop the endless tide of death and corruption that will come for you and your precious creations." She gave him a final glare, then erupted into inky smoke that snuffed out all the light in the room.

     With a troubled look on his face, Aarth relit the lanterns with a wave of his hand, and glanced towards where his sister had stood moments ago. He had much to do... A war was coming, and it would take all his efforts to keep it contained.

     "You may think I went too far back." Aarth admitted, steepling his hands together. "But that was the start of this eons long war, which was needed for the next part of my story to make sense. See, Jared is one of the oldest souls, so he was around when my sister first cast the rays of darkness into my kingdom..."

     "Creator, you know I can take her!"  Jared said angrily, standing up from his seat and slamming his hands on the table. This drew the attention of the other 4 around the table, but it was Aarth who spoke.

     "No, you can't." He said flatly. "I know my sister, is she is as powerful as I am. Are you foolish enough to believe you could take me in a fight?" Jared glared, but sat back down. "I gathered us 5 to come up with a solution, not to cause more problems. Does anyone else have a possible solution?"

     Rose spoke up, which was rare. Then again, so was a human in a souls' war. "I believe we can make peace with her if we offer her tribute, a sort of peace offering to calm the flames of her anger." The woman's voice was soft, but her gaze was earnest. "She's upset because my people don't fear the darkness anymore, ever since you gave us Fire."

     Aarth looked thoughtful for a moment, and the 3 other souls around the table merely blinked, as if they couldn't believe a mere human had come up with that idea. After a few minutes, Stephan spoke up, looking directly at Rose. "Did you have a particular tribute in mind, Rose?" He asked calmly. "Your idea has merit, no doubt, but without a plan, all it can be is just that, an idea."

     Rose nodded, and pulled her bag off the floor, pulling out a large binder and opening it on the table. "A celebration, to honor the night, the dark, and all the things that lurk in the shadows. Where children go from house to house in search of the sweets to fill their bags, yet scurry along, fearful of the dark. And the humans wear costumes, to scare each other, and represent the creatures that lurk in the darkness."

     Aarth picked up the binder from across the table, and studied it for a moment. Jace, seated at Aarth's right, glanced at Rose. "Do you truly think this will work?  To appease rather than fight... Will the other humans see this as an option? You lot do like to fight..."

     Rose gave a small giggle. "My people will follow me no matter what path I take. Not all humans are in love with war, just as not all souls are in love with peace." Her soft voice held a note of teasing, and her eyes sparkled. "If Aarth says ok to this plan, it can be put in place almost at once, my men are awaiting my return from this meeting."

     "Then it shall be so." Aarth spoke, handing the book back to Rose. "Go and create this... tribute. Spread the word across the lands, so perhaps my sister will feel appeased and cease this senseless war." Jared swore loudly, and stormed off. The echo of a slamming door reached the 4, and Aarth sighed once before turning back to Rose. "Go, and quickly."

     "Jared wanted to fight my sister, which is quite abnormal for a soul." His voice caught on the last word, but it was the slightest of stutters. Someone looking for a lie would catch it. "He left the mansion that day, and that was the last we heard of him for many years... When he resurfaced, he had claimed a human. But... Something else had already claimed him."

     Jared  strode along the long hallway, his eyes glowing a dangerous silver. He stopped when he entered the stone room, his gaze drawn to the dark mass that floated above the worn throne. "You ssseek the ssspelll?" It hissed, swirling as if in a storm. "You ssseek to ssspeak to the dark onesss?" Jared nodded, scowling. "Why else would I be here? Give me the scroll so I can contact The Dark One." The mass let out a hissing laugh, but a scroll appeared in front of Jared before the darkness vanished. The soul smirked, and set off to finish what he'd started, his heart already dark.

     "The next time Jared showed up here, my sister had already taken him as one of her own... She stopped the war, but she refused to return Jared to us. Despite the objections of his two brothers, I was forced to accept he was collateral damage in the war." He explained, sorrow heavy in his voice. "To protect the world, I had to give him up." He was silent for a moment, blinking away tears before his normal tone returned.

     "As for Cassia.. I'm sure you've already figured out how she fit into all of this." Aarth said, looking between the two. "She, well, some part of her, has been with us since the beginning. There are few humans who can trace their line back so far, yet the signs are clear when you look at the girl. My sister already took Jared from me, we can't let her get Cassia as well."

A/N here's the second roleplay story I guess. Less words than before, but I guess posting some stories is better than nothing.

Again, enjoy my trash :)

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