Tagging in the Rain

Tagged by MiddleEarth111 once again. Thanks 😊

1.) Full Name

2.) Nickname
Watson, vertically challenged, the list goes on...

3.) Recent Emojis

4.) Five friends

5.) Favorite Color
I love navy blue. Also forest green. And that really deep purple color. Yesss.

6.) Birthday
I know I've said this before, but you may want to brace yourselves---
It's the day I was born, guys. I'll give you a minute to digest that chunk of information.

7.) Favorite Subject
Ummm... I guess Literature. I love reading, have I mentioned that?

8.) Favorite Song
I can't pick one, y'all. But I really like
-Beethoven's 7th Symphony, 2nd mvt.
-Peter Hollens and Tim Foust's cover of "Greensleeves"
-"Something Just Like Liszt" by The Piano Guys. It's sooo catchy. I love it.
-Into the West by Annie Lennox

9.) Gender
I'm a female. Woman. Mujer. Mademoiselle.

10.) Age
Ah nah. I don't do personal information.

11.) Sexuality
Straight, as far as I know.

12.) Hobbies
Reading, writing, listening to/playing music, drawing/painting, being in a constant state of stress and anxiety about random things...

13.) Favorite Show
Okay, so here's the deal. I don't watch a ton of TV, but there are some I like-
-Fixer Upper (HGTV, anyone?
-Downton Abbey (though I never finished it😭)
-Sherlock (honey, you should see me in a crown) sorry I had to

14.) Favorite Place
Hmmm... Probably my house, although I used to go to Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp and that place is like heaven on earth for a musician. I cried sooo hard the last year I went. It was great.
I also love libraries and music stores.

15.) Favorite Band
Does The Piano Guys count? I'm just gonna say it does.

16.) Strange Phobia
I am absolutely terrified of getting locked in a bathroom stall. Also tornadoes. And needles. And having my identity stolen. And failure.

17.) Celebrity Crush
Orlando Bloom.

18.) Do you believe in ghosts or aliens?
I don't really believe in either. But I guess I'd be more likely to believe in ghosts.

19.) Do you believe in magic?
That's a solid no.

20.) Zodiac Sign
I don't follow horoscopes or any of that, but I'm a Leo.

21.) What was your last thought before going to bed last night?
Well, my last thought before getting in bed was probably something like "oh I'll just be on Wattpad for a few minutes" and the last thought before I went to sleep was probably something along the lines of "Why did I stay on Wattpad so long" and/or "shoot, I have to get up early tomorrow."

22.) Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?
Please. Don't even get me started on that 😂

23.) Do you play any instruments?
Yes. Piano and cello. And I attempted violin at a music store a few days ago.

24.) Who was your best friend when you were six?
Swoopinghawk. We've known each other a looong time.

25.) Comforting Sounds
Waves crashing, pages turning, fans, crickets and frogs, pens scribbling, soft classical music, baseball games playing in the background.

26.) How many times have you moved?

27.) Lock Screen

28.) Home Screen

29.) A band you hate
I really don't like Pink Floyd. No offense to anyone who does- my dad and siblings are huge fans.

30.) A band to describe you home life, school life, parents, friends and crush.
Let's just go with TPG (Piano Guys again). They have a big variety of music.

31.) Musical Crush

32.) If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?
The Vatican City, then London, then Germany, and then New Zealand.

33.) Do you speak another language?

34.) Would you rather spend a day with your favorite rockstar or fictional character?
Fictional character!!

35.) When was the last time you couldn't sleep, and what did you do?
Umm, maybe a week or two ago? I read until I got tired.

36.) A talent you would trade for another
I'd trade my talent of worrying a lot for having better time management skills.

37.) Spoiler and something your parents don't know about you
- There Shall Be Angst.
-My parents don't know that I have a Wattpad account. Nor do they know who I have a crush on. Not that exciting, really 😅

38.) Do you have a crush?
I feel like a broken record.

39.) Do they like you back?
If I knew that, I would tell you. But I don't. I know we're friends.

40.) Favorite Book
Aaah! I don't know! I like The Hiding Place, LotR, The Hobbit, The Odyssey, Julius Caesar, Frankenstein, Animal Farm, all those classics.

41.) NY or California?
I couldn't take the heat in California. I like me a good old snowy winter.

42.) Where do you want to travel?
See question 42.
I'm not going to officially tag people, but go ahead and do it if you feel so inclined 😁

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