— 27. Unfair Treatment
In the aftermath of the Battle against King Brihtwulf and his army, Tova walked over to Torstein alongside Ragnar and Rollo. They sat down beside Torstein, who looked weak after being shot in the arm with an arrow during the previous battle.
"You are not eating," Ragnar told his friend in a calm tone.
"I know," Torstein replied, forcing a weak smile onto his face, "I'm not hungry."
"For the first time in your life," Ragnar commented, causing the whole group to chuckle.
"There's a first time or everything," Torstein remarked as he weakly smiled.
"Here," Rollo spoke up, holding out some mushrooms to Torstein, "These will help."
"Thank you," Torstein told him and Tova smiled, placing a hand on Torstein's shoulder.
"May Freya lie with you tonight, and take care of you, dear Torstein," Tova told him, a kind smile on her face.
"You are very kind, Tova," Torstein told her, smiling back at her.
"You have given no reason to be anything but," Tova reminded, smiling as she kissed him on the cheek before leaving.
She found herself walking over to Kwenthrith, who was sitting on the ground with a cup of alcohol in her hand. "I am so happy that my uncle is dead!" She exclaimed, practically slurring, "But I still don't believe it."
"You saw him killed," Tova complained, beginning to frown at the woman, "I did it myself."
"Yes, yes you did," Kwenthrith replied, stumbling as she stood up from the ground, "But now...Now, I want his head! I want his head, I need his head," She pleaded and Tova frowned at her in concern, "And then I will believe it."
"Oh, I can do that," Tova replied, nodding before she turned to Floki, "Floki..." She trailed off, beginning to speak in their native tongue, "Fetch the King's head."
"Yes, I'll bring it to you. His corpse is not yet in the earth," Floki replied, unsheathing his ax before he made his way toward where Brihwulf's body was.
After Floki walked off, Kwenthrith was on the verge of doing the same when Tova roughly grabbed the woman by the arm and pulled her back toward her. "Why do you hate your uncle so much?" She asked, eying the woman suspiciously.
Kwenthrith stared up at Tova, roughly prying herself out of the younger girl's grip. "Do you think that my older brother was the only member of my family who raped me when I was a child?" She asked her and Tova recalled the woman telling her and Ragnar of what the horrific childhood she had experienced, "It was my uncle who first brought him to me. Since I was six years old, he abused me. He violated my body and my soul. And he told me not to resist the attentions of the many men that he brought to me, saying that they all wanted the pleasure..." She trailed off, letting out a heartbroken gasp, "They all wanted the pleasure of sleeping with a child. And the last was my brother, who shared me with my uncle."
"I am sorry," Tova told the woman, her eyes softening at the thought.
"You're a young girl. Have you ever had such a thing done to you?" Kwenthrith suddenly asked Tova, who looked away.
She sighed, remaining still for a long moment before nodding. "I didn't know what meant as a little girl. It occurred at the monastery when I was seven, but I never spoke of it. I still haven't. It's in my past. I've forgotten about it."
"Well, not all are as lucky as you, Tova. I simply cannot forget it. Which is why I must see the head of my uncle. It isn't enough that that monster has died," Kwenthrith explained in a venomous tone.
They both turned, watching as Floki hacked off Brihtwulf's head from his body. Holding the head in his hands, Floki made his way over to Kwenthrith and Tova. "Here is Uncle Brihtwulf!" He announced to Tova, who sighed and nodded her head in response.
"Give this to me," Kwenthrith demanded and snatched the head from Floki's grasp.
Tova sighed as Kwenthrith placed the head of her uncle down on the ground before she knelt beside it. She picked up a knife and yelled out, beginning to stab the head repeatedly.
Tova sighed while Floki giggled at the sight. She flinched and unable to take it anymore, she walked away.
She was walking through the camp when she passed Bjorn and Porunn. She sighed and watched as Bjorn asked Porunn to marry him, which she ended up agreeing to.
Tova scoffed and unable to take it anymore, she walked away.
"Tova!" She heard a familiar voice call out to her just moments later, causing her to sigh and turn to face Bjorn.
"Hello, Bjorn," She answered softly before she continued to walk away with Bjorn following after her.
"There is something I wanted to tell you," He informed her with a smile on her face, "I have asked Porunn to marry me."
Tova sighed. She stopped walking and as her back faced him, she tried to contain her sadness. She forced a smile onto her face and turned to face him. "I am happy for you, Bjorn," She managed to get out and Bjorn frowned in concern.
"Are you crying?" He suddenly asked, causing Tova's eyes to widen in alarm. She quickly wiped her eyes, not even realizing that tears had formed. He walked closer to her in concern, quickly grabbing ahold of her hand, "What is wrong? Are you hurt?"
Bjorn stared at Tova in concern, beginning to search her body for any wounds.
She sighed and shook her head in response. "The wounds I bear would not be visible to you, Bjorn. For they are on the inside and unlike most, you are far too blind to realize the reason for these wounds," She explained and Bjorn stared at her in confusion, "But I cannot blame you. For I put you through the same thing not too long ago without even realizing it."
"I don't understand," Bjorn complained and Tova smiled up at him.
"Good," Tova replied, tears threatening to spill from her eyes, "It is better that way. Do not worry about me. I hope you are happy with Porunn. I hope the gods bless you with many children."
"Tova—" Bjorn began to say, only to be cut off as Tova walked away without another word said.
It didn't take long for them to travel to where Burgred's army resided. Tova rode on the same boat as Floki, Ragnar, and Bjorn, where Ragnar had hung the heads of the Mercia's they had killed from the boat.
Ragnar and Tova smiled in amusement, watching as the army ran for their lives, terrified by what they saw.
"Burgred! Beloved Brother!" Kwenthrith called out to her brother loudly, "Stay yourself!" She continued, only to watch as he walked away with his advisors, "Burgred, wait!"
Once dawn arrived, those who had sailed on boats to Burgred's army returned to camp. Holding a knife in her hand, Tova helped Rollo, Floki, and Bjorn cut the ropes that tied the heads of the Saxons to the boat.
Once she was finished with her side, she jumped off the boat and made her way toward where Æthelwulf and Ragnar were riding up to Kwenthrith together on horseback.
"Where would he have gone?" Ragnar asked Kwenthrith in a concerned tone.
"Ragnar, my brother is a prisoner of his advisors," She reminded Ragnar as she stared up at him.
"And where would they take him?" Tova questioned her curiously.
"To the town, to get reinforcements," She informed her, and Tova and Ragnar exchanged an aggravated look.
"That does not help us," Ragnar complained, causing both Tova and Kwenthrith to turn to glance at him.
Ragnar turned and rode closer to Æthelwulf, quick to give him orders. "Go and find the town," He insisted and Aethelwulf nodded before riding off.
"Why did you not go with them?" Kwenthrith asked but Ragnar did not answer as he walked off with Tova.
It wasn't long before Aethelwulf and the others returned to Ragnar's camp on horseback. The Northmen immediately stood up once it was revealed that they had returned, including Tova.
"We know where they are," Æthelwulf informed Kwenthrith, Tova, and Ragnar as he rode up to them.
"Where are they?" Kwenthrith asked him in concern.
Æthelwulf turned, pointing beyond the trees. "On top of that hill."
"They're drawing us away from our boats," Ragnar informed Bjorn and the rest of the group, "Assemble the men."
Tova nodded and with that, she wasted no time running off to do just that.
Preparing for their battle against Burgred and his soldiers, Tova sat near Ragnar and Rollo, sharpening her sword. Floki stood near them, looking down at Ragnar. "Why are we doing this, Ragnar?" Floki suddenly asked, causing Tova to sigh in frustration, "Why are we fighting for these Christians? Doing King Ecbert's dirty work for him."
"This is not about you, Floki," Ragnar replied with an attitude as he stared up at his friend, "It's about our children, and their children. It is about our people's future. And I do not want there to be endless conflict between us and the Christians."
"You're mad, Ragnar. Deluded," Floki complained as he bent down and placed a hand on Ragnar's back, "There can be no reconciliation between our gods, the true gods, and the god that they worship. One or the other must prevail. And the triumph of the Christ-God will mean the death and destruction of all of ours."
Unable to deal with Floki anymore, Ragnar sighed deeply in annoyance before he turned to Floki. "If you don't want to fight...then don't fight," He snapped at Floki before standing up.
"Both of you, just shut up already," Tova complained as she rolled her eyes, "We have a mountain to climb. We don't need the two of you bickering the whole way up."
"The girl has a point," Rollo spoke up, adding into the conversation, "Some of us will not see a dawn like this again. Not here on Midgard, at any rate. So let us try and speak well of each other. And remember how much we have been through together."
"Well said, brother," Ragnar replied and Floki shot him a glare before storming off.
Tova sighed, exchanging a look with Ragnar before she turned. She went to walk toward Bjorn, only to stop and roll her eyes at him and Porunn.
Bjorn dipped his fingers in the bowl of blood and turned to Porunn, who was smiling at him. He ran his thumb from her forehead, down to her left eye, and then to her cheek.
He did it again with his whole hand to both sides of her face. Porunn opened her eyes and smiled at him, shoving his hand away.
Bjorn smiled as well, only to watch as Tova suddenly crouched down in front of the duo, which caused his smile to fade.
She glanced between them, a disapproving look on her face. "Are you two done?" She asked them in an annoyed tone and Bjorn rolled his eyes at her, "We have a mountain to climb, or would you two rather stay here and fondle with each other while the rest of us fight in battle?"
Ragnar watched on with his arms crossed, an amused smile appearing on his face as Tova walked past him.
With that, she walked away, only to suddenly be stopped by Kwenthrith. "Please," She pleaded, placing a hand on Tova's chest, "Spare my brother."
"I can try," Tova replied softly, removing Kwenthrith's hand from being placed on her chest before she walked away.
As she was about to walk past Torstein, the man turned to her in his lying position, pale and dying. "Tova! Tova!" He called to her loudly, causing Tova to sigh and walk over to him.
"What is it, Torstein?" She asked, looking concerned as she knelt before his body, "You poor bastard. I'll see you later. If the gods allow it. Farewell, Torstein."
Tova stood up, on the verge of walking away when Torstein spoke up once more. "They will not allow it," He argued as he shook his head in disapproval, "Take me with you. I must fight."
"What?" Tova asked, frowning in concern as she stared down at him, "You cannot fight, Torstein. You are too weak."
"What are you talking about?" He asked her in a low tone as he removed his blanket and used all the strength he had to stand up, "As you can see, you little girl, I am perfectly able to fight. Never been better."
Tova stared at the man for a long moment, beginning to smile. She bent down, picking up Torstein's shield and ax. She held them alongside her own in her left hand before holding out her right arm to Torstein. "So be it," She stated in a calm tone, beginning to smile at Torstein, "What are you waiting for? Let us go and fight."
Torstein smiled and began to walk toward Tova. He stumbled, but Tova was quick to catch him before they began to walk alongside the others.
That day, they climbed up the mountain and soon arrived close to where the Mercians had set up camp. Tova was assisting Torstein up the mountain with the man's arms wrapped around her. She stopped when they were kneeling close to Ragnar and she watched Bjorn climb up the mountain further to get a better view.
"I can't see anyone," Bjorn told his father and Tova quietly as he sighed in frustration.
Ragnar raised his hand to tell them to stay in place and as if on cue, they heard horses, which meant the Mercians were close. "Oh, they're up there, alright," Tova stated in a calm tone, hearing the same noise that Ragnar did.
"Wait!" Torstein exclaimed as he grabbed Ragnar by the arm to stop him from going any further, "I will go first."
"Are you sure?" Tova asked, giving Torstein a concerned look. She knew if he went up there alone, he'd die.
"Yes, I'm sure," He assured her and Tova smiled sadly, wasting no time handing him his shield.
She watched Torstein pant for breath as he weakly stood up. He grabbed the shield she had held out to him. He smiled weakly, telling her thank you before he walked forward.
Moments had passed and Torstein was soon out of sight. Although it wasn't long before they witnessed Torstein die at the hands of the Mercians, but he didn't go down without fighting. Even while dying and missing an arm, it didn't stop him from killing a Mercian before he himself had fallen.
Alongside the others, Tova yelled out as she ran forward, attacking the Mercians at full force. An arrow came in her direction and Tova quickly raised her shield, blocking herself from being hit.
A Mercian soldier ran toward her and she swung at him with her sword, which caused him to be slashed across the chest. She slashed at two others and it wasn't long before they had fallen at her hands as well.
She cut another across the throat, blood splattering across her face as she did so. She whipped herself around and punched one of the Mercians in the face before she stabbed him in the stomach. She turned and hit another with her shield, just before driving her sword through his chest.
Just then, as she was fighting against the Mercians, Tova turned, frowning when she saw Porunn struggling with fighting one of the Mercians. He had punched her in the face, just before slashing her across the face.
Her eyes widened, watching as the man punched her several times with the handle of his sword before knocking her to the ground. "Bjorn!" She immediately called out and Bjorn turned to her, only to see her gesturing toward Porunn.
The only reason she didn't go to save the woman herself was because Bjorn was closer.
"Porunn!" Bjorn shouted out worriedly and immediately rushed toward Porunn.
The man who had stabbed her was yelling out, on the verge of finishing her off when Bjorn tackled him to the ground. He struck him in the face repeatedly with a helmet.
Too busy beating the man who had nearly killed Porunn to death, Bjorn hadn't noticed the other Mercians moving toward him to kill him.
Tova quickly rushed over, defending Bjorn against the men moving toward him. From the corner of her eyes, she watched Bjorn rush over to Porunn to find her unresponsive. "Porunn? Porunn!"
"I know this is hard, Bjorn, but you must keep fighting!" Tova shouted as she moved closer to him, placing a hand on his shoulder, "You must. Or you'll end up just like her."
Bjorn turned to her, a hesitant look on his face. He noticed how pleading she looked and sighed, nodding his head before she standing up.
The two of them turned, wasting no time continuing to fight. Tova rose up and slashed at the Mercian soldier coming her way. She fought her way through the men, making her way up the hill and toward where the remainder of the Mercians were gathered.
She stood alone for a long moment before Ragnar appeared beside her. They looked ahead at the Mercians, led by Burgred. What the Mercians hadn't noticed, however, were the Wessex soldiers surrounding them at the top of the hill, all of which carried bows.
It wasn't long before Aethelwulf gave the signal and Tova smiled slightly as she watched many of the soldiers being shot with the arrows.
She watched as the men immediately surrounded the prince and as much as she wanted him to die as well, Tova couldn't help but sigh as she remembered how Kwenthrith had begged her to spare him.
"Don't shoot the Prince!" Tova shouted at Aethelwulf as she gestured her sword in the direction of the prince, "Don't shoot the prince!"
Moments had passed before Aethelwulf repeated the order to his men. He turned to look back at Tova, the two of them exchanging a nod.
"It is ended!" Burgred suddenly shouted as he extended his arms outwards, "I will fight no more."
Tova frowned and watched as the remainder of their men walked to stand with her and Ragnar.
"I surrender!" Burgred announced and Tova's eyes widened as she watched the prince and countless others loyal to him drop their swords on the ground, "I beseech you, don't kill me."
Tova's lips gradually curled upwards and she turned, exchanging a victorious look with Ragnar.
At the camp, Ragnar was in the middle of arguing with Floki, who had complained about Torstein's demise. Just then, Tova walked over, an uneasy look on her face. "Ragnar," She called out and Ragnar turned to her, "You better come and see Bjorn."
Ragnar sighed and turned to her, knowing it must have been Bjorn wasn't taking Porunn's state well. After all, her face was left wounded from the battle. She was alive, but she was still unresponsive.
Ragnar followed Tova over to where Bjorn stood near Rollo, close to where Porunn was being treated by some women.
"Is she still alive?" Ragnar asked Bjorn softly. He looked down at Bjorn, who was kneeling before Porunn's body with a saddened look on his face.
"Yes," Bjorn replied quietly as he stared up at his father, looking hopeless, "But her face.."
Ragnar sighed, gesturing for Bjorn to follow him. He and Bjorn walked off to the side to speak privately, Rollo and Tova standing close to them.
"It is my fault," Bjorn confessed as he sighed deeply in defeat, "I didn't protect her."
"That is what her shield is for," Ragnar reminded him in a calm tone, giving Bjorn an assuring look, "We fight. That is how we win and that is how we die. Do you understand?"
"But she is with child!" Bjorn blurted out, causing Tova to sigh in frustration since she knew that was the last thing he should have told Ragnar.
Upon hearing Bjorn's words, all sympathy left Ragnar's expression and he began to glare at Bjorn. He sighed in frustration and shook his head, beginning to pace.
After a moment, he turned to Bjorn, an angry look on his face. "And you let her come?" He asked her and struck Bjorn's face, "Hmm?" He growled at him and Bjorn avoided eye contact with his father, clearly filled with shame, "She will probably die, with your child in her belly, and it will be your fault, because you have the strength of a man but the will of a little girl. I can't believe you're my son."
"I can't even look at you!" Ragnar shouted as he roughly shoved Bjorn back before walking away.
Rollo ended up leaving as well and Tova sighed, slowly making her way over to Bjorn as he looked to be on the verge of crying.
"Hey," Tova called out softly as she grabbed his arm and squeezed it affectionately, "If you want to know the truth, I don't believe she will die. Why would she? She has so much to live for. I can see that," She explained, smiling at him assuringly, "But if she hears you weeping, she will choose to die. Mark my words. You must be strong, Bjorn. Be a man. Coax her back from Valhalla. Before it's too late. But you must make it worth her while, for she is already at the gates."
Tova sighed, grabbing Bjorn's hand as she held it in comfort. "And do not listen to Ragnar. It is not your fault. It was her choice to come into battle pregnant. Not yours. She warned you against it," She explained with that, she began to walk away without another word said.
"It isn't fair," Bjorn suddenly spoke up, causing Tova to stop in place.
She frowned, immediately turning to face Bjorn. "What's not fair?"
"The way my father treats me and the way he treats you," Bjorn replied, causing Tova to immediately look concerned.
"I...I don't understand," She told him as she shook her head.
"Can't you see, Tova?" He asked, letting out a large scoff as he shook his head, "You can do no wrong in Ragnar's eyes! The man you love could try to kill me and you get away with it. You could sleep with the enemy's son and get away it. You can do anything you please and no matter what, my father will never be angry with you. He praises you and is proud of you for everything you do. He forgives you for your mistakes almost immediately after you make them. But me...I must work twice as hard and still, he finds fault in what I do."
"Don't go there," She snapped at him in an angry tone. She moved toward Bjorn and roughly pushed him, "I have no power over how he treats you and how he treats me. I have nothing to do with it. Perhaps if you weren't so reckless and impulsive all the time he wouldn't treat you any differently."
She stared up at Bjorn, scoffing as she shook her head in response. "It's been years, Bjorn. Years since your father brought me home when I was just a little girl and still, you find ways to compare us and our bond with Ragnar. Get over yourself and grow up already. Perhaps if you did, you wouldn't spend all your time with Porunn and actually take the time to allow Ragnar to teach you things as he does with me. After all, just because I'm in love with you, you don't see me pining after you. No, I suck it up and I take responsibility around here. I do my duty. I lead and I help Ragnar instead of making matters worse."
"You're in love with me?" Bjorn suddenly asked, shocked by Tova's words.
Tova's eyes widened, cursing under her breath for saying such a thing without realizing it. She sighed and shook her head at Bjorn. "Forget it. It is sad to think that through that whole lecture, that is all you got out of it," She snapped at him and began to walk away.
"Tova, wait!" Bjorn called out to Tova, who ignored him as she left.
If I had a dollar for every time Tova walked away from Bjorn in the middle of an argument, leaving him calling after her, I'd been a millionaire 😂 I mean, just in this single chapter it happened twice.
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