— 26. Queen Tova

  It wasn't long before they arrived in Wessex. When they did, King Ecbert wasted no time inviting them to his villa to negotiate.

The moment they got off their horses, they found Ecbert sitting down with Princess Judith standing on one side of him while Princess Kwenthrith stood on the other.

Ecbert soon stood up and walked forward, a large smile on his face. "Welcome, near! I bid you all welcome," He greeted them kindly as he walked over to Ragnar, "Earl Ragnar."

"He is King now," Tova spoke up in a calm tone, causing Ragnar and Ecbert to turn to her, "King Ragnar Lothbrok."

"What happened to King Horik?" Ecbert asked, a puzzled look on his face.

"He met with a...unfortunate accident," Ragnar informed him awkwardly and Tova scoffed.

"That's a nice way of putting it," She muttered under her breath, and knowing she must have been talking about whatever Ragnar had said about King Horik, Bjorn's lips curled upwards.

They turned to each other and shared a smile as Bjorn playfully nudged her, causing them both to quiet laugh.

"Then we are truly equal," Ecbert had told Ragnar after hearing of Horik's death. He smiled and immediately walked over to the girl. "Tova! How good it is to see you again! I am happy to see you have recovered."

Without hesitation, Ecbert had hugged Tova, who frowned and remained in place. "Indeed," She awkwardly answered and turned to give Ragnar an awkward look.


Moments later, the group sat with King Ecbert, Princess Kwenthrith of Mercia, Prince Æthelwulf, Princess Judith, and countless other Saxons at a table.

"It is my pleasure to feed you and prove the bounty of our Earth," Ecbert announced to the group in a calm tone, yet other than Athelstan, Ragnar and Tova were the only ones able to understand him.

"What has happened to our people who chose to fight for Mercia?" Ragnar asked King Ecbert curiously.

Ecbert remained silent and turned to Princess Kwenthrith for her to answer.

"Unfortunately, the forces of my uncle and younger brother have prevailed," She responded in a disappointed tone, "But if Ragnar Lothbrok, and you, Lagertha, would join with us, I am sure of victory."

"What does she say?" Lagertha asked, turning to Ragnar and Tova with a curious look on her face.

"She wants us to fight for her for the throne of Merica," Tova informed her in a calm tone as she leaned back in her seat.

"We came here to farm," Lagertha complained as she glanced between Ragnar and Tova, "She asks us to fight and to die, for a quarrel which is not ours."

"Um, King Ragnar," Ecbert called out after Athelstan had translated for him what Lagertha had said, "I have given you land. Let me tell you the truth, as God is my witness, some of my nobles do not agree with what I have done. They are afraid. But I am determined to honor our treaty. In return, some of you, at least, must fight for Princess Kwenthrith."

Ragnar sighed, leaning back in his seat. "That is not part of our original agreement," He complained as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "but...in good faith, and in hopes of creating a long and prosperous...friendship, I will fight."

"So will I," Tova spoke up before gesturing toward the others, "But Ragnar and I cannot speak for the others."

"I will fight," Prince Æthelwulf spoke up, causing Tova to turn to glance at him, "Alongside these pagans. For Mercia."

"What are you saying, brother?" Rollo asked as he turned to Ragnar, speaking in their native tongue.

"I have agreed to fight," Ragnar informed his brother in a calm tone, "Tova has as well."

"If my brother and Tova go, then so do I," Rollo decided, despite looking a bit hesitant.

"Bjorn?" Ragnar called out, turning to glance at his son.

"When the spring comes, and my blood heats up, I want nothing more than to raid and fight," Bjorn responded and Tova began to smile.

"I will fight too," Porunn spoke up and Bjorn sighed in defeat, clearly not wanting her to fight.

"Between the plow and the ax, I will always choose the ax," Torstein added in with a mouth filled with food, causing Ragnar and Tova to share a smile.

"Mercia is not our quarrel," Floki complained and Tova couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"It is part of something much bigger," Ragnar argued, giving Floki a pointed look.

"Not for us," Floki complained, causing Tova to sigh in frustration, "Maybe for him!"

'Will you come or not, Floki?" Tova asked Floki in an annoyed tone, "It is a simple yes or no question."

"Yes, I will come," Floki answered calmly, earning a smile from Tova, "The fly always follows the dead meat."

"Earl?" Ragnar called out to Lagertha as he gestured his hand to her, seeing as though she was the only one who still hadn't agreed.

"In order to establish the settlement here in Wessex, I need the help of one of your leaders," Ecbert suddenly spoke up in a calm tone as Athelstan walked over to Lagertha to translate, "A strong leader. Someone that my nobles will respect."

After Athelstan had finished translating for her, Lagertha turned to look directly at Ecbert. "I will help you," She announced in a calm tone, "My parents were farmers, Ragnar and I were farmers. I will help my people to plow and sow and harvest and make a place to live."

"She agrees to remain in Wessex," Athelstan spoke up, translating for Ecbert, "To establish the settlement and help farm the land."

"And you also must stay, Athelstan," Ecbert replied in a calm tone, "You can speak for all sides. We need you. I need you."

"Skol," Ecbert spoke up as he lifted his glass of wine, leading to everyone else doing the same.


Outside, Tova was in the middle of walking with Bjorn when they made their way over to Lagertha. Lagertha sighed as she stared up at them and wasted no time hugging them. "May the gods go with you and protect you both, my children."

She told them and Tova smiled, just before making her way over to Ragnar. He patted her on the back and the two of them stood together, watching their surrounding closely as they always did.

From afar, she locked eyes on Bjorn, who was in the middle of conversing with Porunn. Porunn ended up telling Bjorn something that made him laugh. They both smiled and kissed and Tova watched as Bjorn placed his hand on Porunn's belly. She was pregnant.

Tova scoffed loudly and balled her hand into a fist, trying to contain her jealousy.

"What troubles you?" Ragnar asked Tova curiously and she sighed in response.

"I don't wish to talk about it," Tova admitted in a whisper, a saddened look on her face, "I've just come to realize something that I've been blind to for quite a while."

"Is it your love for Bjorn?" Ragnar commented in a teasing tone, earning a glare from Tova. He sighed, watching as Tova looked down at the ground in shame, "If it makes you feel better, what Porunn and Bjorn have won't last. I can see it already."

Tova remained silent and nodded, only to watch as Ecbert rode off on a horse-drawn cart with Athelstan and Lagertha. Soon enough, the people joining them in Mercia began to ride off as well. She sighed and turned to Ragnar, a curious look on her face. "Are you happy about doing this, Ragnar?"

Ragnar began to laugh, causing Tova to give him a puzzled look. "Since when does this have anything to do with my happiness?" He asked her curiously, "This is for the future of our people. And theirs. Now, come. It's time we go."

Tova smiled and nodded. The two of them climbed onto their horses, just before riding off with the others.


On the ships to Mercia, Tova stood close to Ragnar near Princess Kwenthrith, who eyed them closely. After a moment, she looked away, causing Ragnar and Tova to exchange a look before they made their way over to Kwenthith.

"Tell me about your uncle," Ragnar told Kwenthrith as he and Tova sat down together in front of the Mercian Princess.

"My uncle's name is Brihtwulf. Though he calls himself King Brihtwulf now. He has no right to do so. He has usurped my crown," She explained and Tova leaned forward in her seat, a curious look on her face.

"And your younger brother?" Ragnar questioned the woman curiously.

"His name is Burgred. We were always close. And I love him," She confessed, tears beginning to form in her eyes.

"Then why does he fight against you?" Tova asked, a puzzled look on her face.

Kwenthrith was silent for a moment before she finally spoke up. "My uncle has poisoned his mind or used some magic against him," She explained, causing Ragnar and Tova to turn to exchange an incredulous look with each other.

"Magic!" Ragnar commented and shared a raised brow with Tova.

"Have no one ever used magic against you, Ragnar Lothbrok?" She asked, leaning closer to the duo, "Or perhaps you, Princess Tova?"

"Oh, I'm not a princess—" She began to say, only to be cut off by Kwenthrith.

"Think. A husband, a wife? A brother, a friend, a son, a daughter?" She asked, glancing between them.

"I have been deceived many times," Ragnar paused, leaning closer to Kwenthrith, "But magic was not the cause of it."

Kwenthrith smiled, tilting her head as she stared at the duo.


At where they had set up camp, Tova sat with Torstein and the others, watching as Kwenthrith danced from afar. "Ooh, that I could have her," Torstein commented, earning an eye roll from Tova, "I'd marry her tomorrow and we'd have lots of children and be true to each other. Forever!"

Floki laughed at Torstein's words and Tova turned to Torstein, giving him a puzzled look. "Didn't you just say that you have two women back home that are pregnant with your children?"

"Nevermind that," Torstein replied, waving Tova off before Floki spoke up.

"A creaking bow, a burning flame..." Floki trailed off and turned to Rollo.

"Tide on the ebb, new ice, a coiled snake," Rollo added in and Tova gave the men a weird look.

"The sons of a king, an ailing calf, a witch's flattery," Floki continued and Rollo smiled.

"No man should be such a fool as to trust these things," Rollo remarked and Tova glanced between them in confusion.

"No man should trust the word of a woman," Floki commented, causing Tova to frown as she looked almost offended, "The hearts of women were turned on a whirling wheel."

"To love a fickle woman is like setting out over ice with a two-year-old colt. Or sailing a ship without a rudder," Rollo explained and Bjorn smiled slightly as he listened in. He turned, glancing over at Tova.

"What?" Tova asked, causing Bjorn to immediately look away.

"I too loved someone in the same way once," Rollo confessed, a smile forming on his lips, "I sat among the reeds, waiting and waiting for my love. I prized that woman as much as my own life. Lot of good it did me."

"You're not the only one. I too have been there," Bjorn commented and Rollo smiled, patting his nephew on the back since he knew he meant Tova.

"And what do you get from sitting in the reeds, but a wet arse," Ragnar commented, causing the whole group to laugh.

"I would say, let no man mock another over what touches many men. Time and again the wise are fettered by beauty. They ache with love-longing. Lucky are the fools like you, Torstein, who remain unmoved and free!" Floki explained, causing Torstein to laugh loudly before he turned to Tova next, "Let me give you some advice, Young Tova. You are blessed with both wits and beauty. Never let yourself be tied down. You are still young. Be free. Live your life."

"Trust me, Floki, I already am," Tova assured him, a smile forming on her lips.

Just then, seeing a rider approach, Ragnar and Tova were the first to stand up and walk over. They walked over to Kwenthrith, who immediately turned to face them.

"He says that the armies of my unce and younger brother are already assembled upriver," Kwenthrith informed them in a calm tone, "They wait for us."

Ragnar sighed and turned to Tova, knowing it was officially time to fight.


On the boats, Tova stood near Ragnar, leaning against a post with her arms crossed across her chest. "We will soon be in Mercia and you must fight for me," Kwenthrith told them in a calm tone, "And if you are victorious, I promise I will give you something worth more than land or riches."

"Hmm. Tempting," Tova commented sarcastically. She turned, smirking at the way Kwenthrith gazed at Ragnar. She leaned closer to the man, trying to contain her laughter, "She wants to bed you."

"I can see that," Ragnar replied in a hushed tone. At once, they turned to find Kwenthrith still staring at Ragnar. Tova began to laugh in amusement while Ragnar groaned and dramatically leaned his head back.

Just then, their attention went elsewhere when an arrow glided through the air before it found its way into a man's shoulder, leading to him falling into the river.

"Shields!" Tova shouted out in a loud, powerful as she watched numerous men and women falling out of the boat after being shot, "Keep rowing!"

Just then, an arrow came in Kwenthrith's direction. The woman gasped in alarm, only to have Tova save her by using her own shield to protect the woman.

Tova smiled slightly and turned to Kwenthrith, who still looked horrified. "Was that your god or mine, Princess?" She commented, smiling before she moved away. She walked closer to the edge of the boat, making her way over to where Ragnar and Bjorn stood. She sighed and rolled her eyes, snapping the arrow that was embedded in her shield in half before tossing it into the water.

She squinted her eyes and spotted an army from afar. They were preparing to defend themselves from the Northmen's attack.

"Whose army is that?" Ragnar asked as he turned to give Kwenthrith a questioning look.

"My uncle Brihtwulf," She informed him in a disgusted tone.

"And that?" Ragnar questioned as he gestured toward the army to the left of them.

"My brother Burgred," She informed and Tova glanced between them intently, noticing how they were separated by the trees.

Bjorn turned to Tova, exchanging a look with her before turning to his father next. "That is a considerable force, Father."

"If you ought to change your mind, brother!" Rollo called out to Ragnar, "Now is the time."

"Do no such thing," Tova spoke up in a stern tone, causing Ragnar to give her a puzzled look, "Look."

She walked closer to Ragnar, placing one hand on his shoulder while she pointed the other at the army to the right. "The forces on the right bank are much smaller than those led by Kwenthrith's brother Burgred. And from what is in clear view to us, there is no bridge between them. There is no way for the two armies to easily join together to attack us at once," She explained and Ragnar smiled at her proudly.

"Good thinking," Ragnar complimented her before turning to Kwenthrith, "We attack your uncle. Now, stay out of our way."

"Sound the horn!" Tova shouted out in a loud tone, "Concentrate the full attack on the right bank!"

It wasn't long before they neared the shore, causing Tova to smile in satisfaction. Brihtwulf's archers moved closer to the shores, raising their bows.

"Shields!" Ragnar shouted out and Tova wasted no time raising her shield to protect herself as a volley of arrows descended down upon them.

As Brihtwulf's had to take the time to nock their arrows once more, the Northmen used that time to make their way off the boats.

The spearmen belonging to the Mercians moved closer to the shores and Tova took a deep breath, briefly clutching the amulet of Thor's hammer she wore around her neck. It had been a gift from Ragnar long ago.

When it was time, Tova was one of the first to jump off the boat. She raised her sword and yelled out, slashing at two Mercian warriors who came in her direction.

She used her shield to block another man's form of attack before she slashed him across the chest.

Another man tried to stab her with his spear, but she hit him in the face with her shield before she stabbed him in the chest.

She arched her back to avoid being hit by another before she stabbed him in the throat. She turned and went to slash at another, only to freeze for a moment when she realized it was Prince Aethelwulf. Not only was he King Ecbert's son, but she also knew him to be the man that almost caused her death the last time she was in Wessex.

She stepped away from the man before turning, tripping one of the Mercians before she stabbed him in the chest.

She continued to slash at numerous others, blood splashing onto her face as she did so. She turned and locked eyes with Bjorn, who had rushed over to Porunn to protect her. She sighed in frustration and continued to fight, looking annoyed by the fact that he needed to do such a thing.

Why fight on the battlefield if you needed to be protected by your boyfriend the entire time?

As she continued to fight, Tova suddenly stopped as her eyes locked on King Brihtwulf. He stared back at her and Tova smiled, extending her arm outwards tauntingly.

A Mercian soldier ran toward her and she bent down, just before slashing him across the legs. She continued to make her way through and King Brihwulf had been so preoccupied glancing around, he hadn't even noticed that the girl had made it over to him.

She roughly grabbed him by the arm and ripped him off his horse. He grunted as he hit the ground. He stared up at Tova, fearing for his life.

She smiled at him tauntingly, jokingly waving her fingers at him before she stabbed him in the throat with her sword.

She knelt down and picked up his crown. She eyed it closely, just before she laughed in amusement and placed it on her head.

She turned to look at the battle around her, satisfied to see that it had come to an end. She made her way over to Ragnar sat down beside him.

She looked ahead to see Kwenthrith's eyes on her, clearly satisfied that Tova had killed Brihtwulf. She nodded at Tova, who simply returned the favor before turning to glance at Ragnar.

"Nice crown, Queen Tova," Ragnar jokingly complimented her once he saw the crown on her head.

"Thank you, Ragnar. I thought it suited me," Tova commented in a sarcastic tone as she smiled, "I thought it really brought out my eyes."

Hearing her words, Ragnar laughed and shook his head at her. He wrapped an arm around her, allowing her to rest her head on his shoulder once she placed the crown down on her lap.

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