— 11. Severed Ties
That night, a feast was held and Tova sat across from Ragnar, beside Bjorn and Athelstan. It was awkward amongst the group and Tova watched as a small lamb climbed onto the table. After all, since it was winter, Ragnar and Lagertha had decided to keep all the livestock in the Great Hall with them.
Tova smiled, picking up the lamb before placing it in her lap. She smiled, affectionately stroking its head. She turned, noticing how awkward Ragnar looked as he sat between Lagertha and Aslaug. He raised his brows at her and Tova laughed, shaking her head at him.
"Bjorn told me that your mother was the shield-maiden, Brunhilde, of whom we've all heard?" Lagertha asked Aslaug curiously, deciding to finally make conversation.
"It's true. Although she died when I was very young," Aslaug informed her as she turned to look directly at Lagertha.
"And your father?" Lagertha questioned and Aslaug smiled proudly.
"My father was Sigurd," She responded, a proud look on her face.
"Sigurd...?" Lagertha asked curiously, "Just Sigurd?"
"No, I mean the Sigurd who, according to the sagas, killed the dragon Fafnir," She explained and Tova turned, exchanging an awkward look with Bjorn and Athelstan.
"Then your father is also a hero," Lagertha realized and Aslaug smiled.
"People talk about him, it's true. And I'm proud that he was my father...but I never knew him," She confessed and as she did so, she briefly turned to give Ragnar a hinting look.
Noticing, Tova groaned and rolled her eyes as she took a large sip of her ale.
"What about your parents?" Aslaug asked Lagertha curiously.
Lagertha hummed in response. "They were just farmers."
"Surely nobody is just a farmer," Aslaug commented, but Tova couldn't help but feel as though Aslaug was only saying that to make herself seem better than Lagertha.
"Believe me, princess, that is exactly what some people are, and are happy to be," Lagertha snapped at Aslaug in a low tone.
"Forgive me," Aslaug replied and Tova turned, exchanging a look with Siggy, "Do you remember me, Bjorn? Do you remember when we stood in front of the tree of life?"
"It wasn't Yggdrasil. It was just a tree," Bjorn replied with an attitude.
"You're right. We both know that." Aslaug replied as she smiled at Bjorn kindly, "It creates a bond between us."
"I don't think so. We don't have any bond. I don't want any bond with you," Bjorn snapped at her coldly and Tova let out a small giggle.
Ragnar turned, lightly kicking Tova underneath the table.
"Ow!" Tova exclaimed and turned to Ragnar, who was shooting her a warning look. She rolled her eyes, lifting her arms in mock surrender.
The following day, Tova sat with Bjorn and Ragnar outside as they watched Aslaug from afar as she bought items in the marketplace.
"Why don't you just tell her that she has to leave soon? She can't stay here," Bjorn complained to Ragnar as he shook his head in disapproval.
"She is carrying my child," Ragnar reminded Bjorn in a calm tone.
"She brings unhappiness and difficulty. Can't you see that? Are you blind?" Bjorn asked his father with an attitude.
"I don't think he's blind. I think he's just being an idiot," Tova commented as she shrugged her shoulders.
Ragnar smiled at the duo, glancing between them before he looked directly at Bjorn. "I know it is hard for you to accept, but unhappiness is more common than happiness," He pointed to Bjorn in a calm tone, "Who told you you should be happy? You've come to an age where you must grow up and be responsible about such things. Tova is younger than you and she has come to understand that. It is time for you to do the same."
Bjorn remained silent and turned to glance at Tova. He sighed, sick of his father always comparing them.
"When I was your age, I had many friends. All are dead," Ragnar informed them, causing Tova to frown in concern, "Their happiness is...neither here nor there."
Bjorn turned, exchanging a look with Tova, who sighed in defeat.
Later that day, inside the Great Hall, Tova walked up at Lagertha, an uneasy look on her face.
"I'm sorry," She spoke up in a soft tone, causing Lagertha to turn to her with tears in her eyes, "I did not know that she was with child."
"Nor I, it seems," Lagertha confessed in a whisper, "The woman is clearly different from us, a daughter of Brunhilde and Sigurd," She scoffed, quickly to wipe her tears, "How could I compare?"
"Aslaug is a spoiled princess who never had to work for anything she has in life. It was simply handed to her. She knows nothing of having to fight for things you want and need. You are a famous shieldmaiden. She cannot compare to you, Lagertha. You are stronger than she will ever be," Tova explained as she walked closer to Lagertha, beginning to speak in a whisper, "What are you going to do?"
"I don't know," Lagertha confessed softly, tears threatening to spill from her eyes, "I must do what is right for my son."
Tova remained silent and nodded her in understanding. "How do you move past such things?"
"Only the gods know," Lagertha replied and Tova tilted her head, a curious look appearing on her face.
It wasn't long after that day did Lagertha decide it was time. She had to leave Ragnar. It was morning time and Tova stood with Bjorn and Siggy, helping Lagertha pack.
Hearing footsteps, they turned, watching as Floki entered with Torstein. "You are leaving, then?" Floki asked, a concerned look on his face.
Lagertha smiled and walked over to Floki, leaning closer to him. "Of course, I'm leaving," She replied before turning away from him to continue packing.
"Are Bjorn and Tova going with you?" Torstein asked, beginning to frown in concern.
"That's up to them," Lagertha replied and with his back facing the adults, Bjorn looked to be on the verge of crying.
Torstein placed a hand on Bjorn's back, leading the boy to another part of the room. He bent down slightly, allowing him to speak to Bjorn in a hushed tone. "Bjorn, you have a big choice to make. I admire your mother, we all do, but you have to stay with your father as I know Tova will. If you don't do the same as her, you will regret it for the rest of your life. Remember, your father is Ragnar Lothbrok."
As she listened to their conversation, Tova frowned, realizing Torstein was manipulating him.
Once Torstein walked away, Bjorn sighed in defeat and walked over to Tova. "What do I do, Tova?" He asked her with a defeated expression on his face.
"I believe you should not listen to anyone but yourself in this matter. It is your choice who you stay with. Let no one change your decision," Tova explained, a kind smile on her face.
"Who will you choose?" He asked her curiously.
Tova smiled sadly, moving closer to Bjorn. "You know for a fact that I choose Ragnar. I love Lagertha, I do. She has been like a mother to me, but I will choose Ragnar and always will, even if I don't agree with what he did. My loyalties lie with him and always will," She explained, causing Bjorn to sigh in defeat, "But that does not mean you have to choose him as well."
Outside, Tova stood with Bjorn, watching as Lagertha packed her belongings away on the horse-drawn cart. Once Lagertha was finished, she turned and looked directly at the children. She sighed, already knowing that Tova would stay with Ragnar. However, she still didn't know what Bjorn's decision would be.
"Bjorn," She called out in a calm tone, and slowly, Bjorn made his way over to his mother, "You have to choose. Say it now."
Bjorn stared at his mother, looking to be on the verge of crying. "I...I chose my father," He admitted and Lagertha tried her hardest not to break down.
"Very well," She managed to get out, forcing herself not to cry as she hugged Bjorn tightly and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
Bjorn pulled away from his mother and walked over to Torstein, trying not to cry.
Tova walked to Lagertha, hugging her tightly as she whimpered softly.
Lagertha wrapped her arms around the girl, pressing a kiss to her cheek. She pulled away from the hug and cupped Tova's face in her hands. "I will miss you more than you could ever know, Tova. In the last year, you have become a daughter to me," She confessed, smiling sadly, "In the coming years, you will grow into a fine young woman, I just know it. I hope to hear tales of your triumphs and successes."
"I will miss you," Tova confessed, on the verge of crying.
Lagertha smiled and nodded, wiping the tears from the girl's face. "And I will miss you. More than you could know. Look after Bjorn while I'm gone, will you? And Ragnar too," She pleaded and Tova nodded her head assuringly.
"Always," Tova promised her and they both hugged before they finally pulled away from each other.
Tova stepped back and walked back over to Bjorn. They watched as Lagertha climbed onto the cart. She turned, locking eyes with them before riding away.
Unable to control himself any longer, Bjorn began to weep and Tova sighed as she wrapped an arm around him.
Just then, Ragnar rode over to them and Bjorn looked up at his father. "What?" He asked, no knowing what was going on.
"Mother's left," Bjorn snapped at his father before storming off.
Tova turned, exchanging a look with Ragnar before following after Bjorn. She soon made it to Bjorn to find him crying, causing her to sigh in defeat. "Are you sure you want to choose your father?"
"I...I don't know," He confessed, a defeated expression on his face as he shook his head, "But it is too late."
"It is not. You may go, Bjorn. If you run fast enough," Tova informed him and Bjorn's eyes lit up at the thought.
"I must go with my mother," He declared in a determined tone.
"I understand," Tova manages to get out, smiling sadly as she nodded her head in understanding, "Just don't forget about me."
"Never," He assured her and with that, the two children hugged each other tightly, not knowing if they'd ever see each other again.
"May we meet again," Tova whispered to Bjorn, pressing a kiss to his cheek before they pulled away from each other.
They stared at each other for a brief moment, just before Bjorn ran off without a word said.
Tova turned, watching Bjorn leave. She sighed, tears beginning to form in her eyes as she felt heartbroken by the sight.
It was evening time and Tova sighed, making her way over to Ragnar. He was sitting on the floor, tears welled in his eyes. He turned when he heard footsteps and sighed in relief when he saw it was Tova.
She sat down beside him and Ragnar placed a hand on her back. "Lagertha and Bjorn have gone. Everyone I truly love is gone. All but you," He admitted in a whisper and Tova nodded, "I hope you will not forsake me as well, Tova."
"Never," Tova assured her, smiling sadly as she turned to look him in the eyes, "I will miss them both dearly, though."
"As will I," Ragnar admitted in a whisper as he stared down at the ground in shame, "But we shall have each other."
"Indeed," Tova replied, sitting beside him before she rested her head on his shoulder.
The following day, Tova was in the market place, searching for some crops to buy. It was midday, meaning most of the good and fresh crops had already been bought. She walked past a trading post filled with apples. Only one was left, though, causing Tova's eyes to light up.
She walked forward to take it, only to have someone beat her to it. Her smile faded and turned, finding that the person who had grabbed the apple was only a few years older than she was, perhaps the same age as Bjorn.
"Hey!" She complained loudly, causing the boy to turn to look at her, "That's my apple."
"How so?" He asked her, an amused look on her face, "I didn't see it in your basket."
"But I was about to take it," Tova argued as she began to glare at him.
"Yet I took it first, which means..." He trailed off, smirking tauntingly as he leaned closer to her, "It's mine."
Tova stared up at the boy, beginning to glare at him. She watched as he held the apple out in front of her, clearly intending to tease her.
She lunged forward to take it, only to have him laugh as he stepped out of the way. She ended up stumbling and fell forward, straight to the ground.
The boy's smile faded, watching as her face planted in the mud. She turned to him, an angry look on her face. "Forgive me, let me help you—" He began to say as he held his hand out to her.
Instead of taking his hand, she slapped it out of the way and yanked his ankle, causing him to fall to the ground beside her.
He fell into the mud and before Tova could think about snatching the apple, it slipped from the boy's grasp and began to roll away.
They both lunged forward to grab it, only to watch as a horse that was resting nearby leaned downwards and took it into its mouth, eating it in one bite.
Tova groaned and turned to the boy, who smiled awkwardly. They stared at each other for a long moment, just before they both began to laugh in amusement.
"I'm Tova," She introduced herself to the boy as she held out her muddy hand to him.
"Finnr," He responded, shaking her hand before they both stood up from the ground, "Do you live around here? I can't say I've ever seen you before."
"I live in the Great Hall," She informed him, causing Finnr's eyes to widen in surprise.
"Is Ragnar Lothbrok your father?" He asked her, his eyes wide in disbelief.
"In a way," Tova answered as she shrugged her shoulders, "Come. I'll take you there. We're covered in mud. We should get cleaned up."
Finnr smiled and nodded his head. With that, the duo walked in the direction of the Great Hall together.
Here it is! The end of act one!
How did you like it?
Note: Tova was about two years younger than Bjorn in this act, it means while he is 18 in season 2 (act two) Tova will be 16.
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