Chapter 8: New person!



Welcome to another chapter! Not much to say other than a small clarification. This story takes place right before two and due to it being Fanfiction the four popstars already know each other.

But later on Callie will go missing and all of that good shiz-

Rolllllll the story!!!!

After being told that someone would be joining his suffering y/n decided to listen to music. Putting his list on shuffle, and the first to play was Shark bytes (god please tell me i spelt that correctly,) which was a off the hook song that was really good. It was new too (now I know what I said- but songs won't apply)

He never even noticed when a orange inkling came up to the boat. Y/n was too fixed to his music currently blasting in both ears.

???: So that's the guy you told me about Callie?

The voice was feminine, and she looked over towards the popstar.

Callie: "yea! You can talk to him if you'd like three. Just give me a minute."

Callie snuck up behind y/n, which wasn't hard since he was already didn't pay attention to the others.

With a sickening smile she took the headphones off his head.

Y/n: hey! What was that- oh hello?

He finally noticed the new addition to the group, with a small wave if I might add.

Y/n: "well I'm y-"

She sat down and talked over him,

'three': "yes, I know your name. Callie won't shut up about you whenever we talked. First it was about saving the zap-fish and now it's you"

He was confused, and tilted his head.

Y/N: "save the...zap-fish? Since when was it endangered?"

Three facepalmed, sighing out in frustration

Three: "long story, anyway! Call me Amy. Or three,whatever helps you sleep at night."

Y/n sweat dropped, but nodded, seeing that she could easily mangle him to death if she chose to.

Y/N: "right...well glad to meet you anyway, so what's your reasoning for actually coming?"

Marie gave a dark smirk that would put a lot of villians to shame

Marie: "to make your life even better of course. Because why be surrounded by four when you could be surrounded by five!"

He put both hands together and inhaled deeply-

Y/n: "I'm not sure if I should hate or love you all-"

Three scoffed slightly

Three: "pft, I don't see why they find you special. You seem weak."

Y/n's ears got red but he never replied, choosing that his life was on the line.

Callie: anyway! Goodnight y/n!

He turned quickly to face her, not seeing Marina behind him who in turn, knocked him out with a syringe

Pearl: heh, never gets old yo,

Marie turned to her, snapping her book shut.

Marie: and Callie says I'm the sadistic one.

While this happened three watched In confusion.

Three: why did we need to knock him out?

Marina was the one to speak up

Marina: simple, he wouldn't probably get dressed into what we want him to for the news cast so-------- were forcefully doing it.

Three nodded in understanding and went out onto the deck.

{Four hours later-}

Y/n: NoT aGaIn Callie! Why am I dressed in a pink squid sisters shirt! Black off the hook pants! And a copy of pearls crown! I look like an idiot!

Y/n was currently tied into a chair, next to him on the left was Marie and callie. On the other side was Pearl and Marina with three who all were talking.

Pearl: where in the studio yo! Gotta annouce this week's concerts!"

He sighed as the camera began blinking, which meant they we're about to go live-

Callie; "good morning inkopolis!"

He looked at a clock reading 9:00


Marie put her hands over his mouth, successfully shutting him up

Marie: today's weather seems nice and crisp, and to top it off we have four guests today!

Callie clapped her hands pretty quickly and twirled slightly

Callie: I'm sure you all remember y/n! Who's are biggest fan, and off the hook too, who as well are here!

Pearl and Marina joined them and stood next to each other.

Marie: then we also have a very close friend who you can't see nor' can I mention but that's not important! She's just watching us behind the camera.

She moved her hand away, and y/n was breathing pretty hard, finally getting out of the ropes, but three pulled out an aerospray (probably spelt wrong) making him freeze

Callie: today's battle spots will be the ever much present urchin underpass, and if your wanting fun so is wahoo world, and go and pet Judd, he's been lonely recently since I accidentally got ink all over him-

Marie shushed her cousin

Marie: that's a story for later, which you can finish tomorrow.

Marina cocked her head and spoke up.

Marina: you shot Judd Callie?

Callie blushed in embarrassment and nodded.

Callie: well I got a bit mad after I lost a thing lead to another-

Pearl, who was watching, continued to laugh, using Marina as support so that she wouldn't fall.

Y/n: that's just plain cruel-

Callie rounded on him, and kissed him to shut him up, which worked like a charm.

Callie: shut up y/n your lines aren't up-



Three slatted the camera guy, effectively shutting the station off for viewers. (like you, thank you)

Pearl: yo- think of all the extra fans were about to get swarmed with-

There was a battle conch from outside.

The group went to the window to see hundreds of guys, and a few girls (cough-, lesbian's, cough-).

     (I don't have a problem I'm just stating that for who wouldn't get it)

Near the front of a group stood gabe- who tried to make a statement but was knocked down by a red inked squid who held the shell that emitted the loud noise.

???: "We have come to deal wit' the male who have stoleith our Stars! Attac-"

Gabe splatted him, and disappeared through a building pipe (see I can be nice you little blue squirt- crap I'm still writing.)

Y/N: huh...I almost didn't remember that man- oh crap they probably know where I live! Where am I gonna go!

The four pop Stars grinned darkly, while three ate popcorn, watching.

All four of em, -three: You already know the answer~

Y/N: God help me please-

Ghostricks: I'm not god, but no-


Well I hope y'all all like this smaller ish chapter. Been quite busy since school is almost done, just a small month away before freedom! But with freedom comes the lack of a way of continuing my story. So I hope to make another chapter before I can't publish no more for three months

But untill then, enjoy what ya have!



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