Chapter 7: Woomy

It's time for the seventh part of a shitty story. Now for the one named Gabe the inkling, yes the one who comments a lot.

You'll be in this chapter exclusively, and yes you'll be drop kicked by someone but who? You'll figure out.

Y/n was currently asleep in his bed, drooling slightly. Downstairs was Callie and Marie, planning over their own small little event that they will have on the news all day.

And what I mean by plan, is how will they add y/n into the mix?

Callie: "why don't we just give him a Back Stage pass?"

Marie looked at Callie while shaking her head

Marie: "nah that's a bit too cliche- how about squidnap him-"

Callie put a hand up to sush the more calm part of their duo

Callie; "I know ya have a small sadist side marie- but no squidnapping. It won't turn out like your books."

Marie groaned in annoyance but nodded

Marie: "fine, I guess a free pass to the studio will be fine."

Callie laughed softly and clasped her hands together.

Callie: much better! Now that we have that done, let's figure out songs to do.

Marie grabbed a note-book that y/n gave her and began to write

Marie: how about we start off with a duo, like...Calamari inkantation? And then split off into singles, we don't need to show off all our music. And it'll lead up to our new album.

Callie was nodding, liking the idea.

Callie: alright, guess i can do bomb rush blush and you start off with the tide goes out, and split off from there. Now, for items fans can buy!

The two began to brain storm, all of it was girly though untill Marie had a bright idea.

Marie: How about we have Y/N help us for the male side of our fandom?

Callie agreed and stood up, heading to the stairs

Callie: I'll go and wake him.

The black inked (for most of her tentacles) Callie knocked on y/n's door, not waiting for a response to come in,

She found him sleeping, and found it the perfect time to play a 'prank' on the squid.

Callie went back down to retrieve Marie before returning back to his room.

Callie: it wouldn't hurt, would it?

Marie shook her head, going with the idea.

Marie: by all means, no, he may even like it.



y/n pulled back his sheets two see the squid sisters (cousins for those uneducated folks)

They were snuggled up to his sides, Marie had his arms wrapped around her and was facing his chest, and Callie had her arms and legs wrapped around him, facing his back.

Marie: mn, you don't have to be so loud, all we are doing is sleeping can't you see?

All he could do was sigh and fight his way out of bed.

Which was a loosing battle.

Eventually though y/n made it, took a shower, and went downstairs to eat when a blue haired inkling appeared in his back yard. His shirt was a dark yellow and he had a name tag that said 'hello I'm Gabe:


Callie came flying from the window and drop kicked him into the fence, where he flew off into Oblivion, y/n simply turned and sipped on some green tea while grabbing a novel in one hand, tea in the other.

Back in the living room Marie and y/n began discussing merchandise, coming up with jacket ideas, sketch books, and other small items.

Callie soon arrived back, coming though the front door.

Y/n: dang... You've certainly seen better days.

Callie was covered in blue ink, mostly her fist, which lead Marie to speculate, but not question it.

Y/n: anywho! Who wants to go do something? Maybe get a bite to eat, because I only have green tea here and with y'all two it's going to be hard to read.

Marie was the first to speak with a suggestion

Marie: well the new boat ride just opened on the docks and it also serves food. So that seems like the perfect place.

Y/n nodded and turned to Callie,

Y/N: "sounds like a plan, but your going to clean your fists. I don't want blue ink in my car."

She simply chuckled and wiped some on his wall

Callie: "like I'd ever do that!"

Y/n went outside and grabbed the unconscious blue inkling named Gabe and threw him onto Callie.

Sadly she doged and he splatted all over the wall, leaving it mostly blue


Callie and Marie bursted out into a laughing fit, leaving a seething green inkling.

Marie: "you kinda brought that upon yourself..."

(Smol time skip- •w•)

Y/n: "huh, smaller than I thought it would be. Oh wait a minute-"

The three were standing at the docks, infront of the three was a white ship that was fit for a king-

The only exception was the logo on the side.

It would have been a good trap if the tarp covering 'off the hook' had actually been covering the whole sentence.


Marie and Callie began to drag the poor male aboard,


Marie shot him with her low tide ink, effectively knocking em' out. Silver ran to the scene and met the same fate.

Eventually they dragged him aboard and set sail, far enough at least to stop y/n from wanting escape.

Y/n: "remind me again on why you couldn't had just Asked me to come?"

Callie: simple! She sat him on the couch, taking the cushion next to him. You would have said no. Since you don't seem to like us at all, how much it hurts me so~

Marie: oh it doesn't hurt your feelings at all Callie. Now where are the other two-

Marina came into the comfy room (don't really know what to call it) Smiling as she grabbed a sleek remote.

Marina: we're here, pearls just sleeping in the cots to, and I repeat her exact words. 'look good for my king'
Marie and Callie were clearly trying to hold in their laughter as their faces slowly reddened from lack of air.

Callie: I know she has a large ego but sweet mother of all carp and salmon-

Pearl busted into the room, her crown in one hand


Pearl began to chase Callie around, but due to being short she couldn't keep up,

Marie: anyway y/n, we are here for two reasons. One because we want to be here it's comfy.

Callie then threw herself across y/n's lap, Marie taking her cousins original seat.

Callie: And we are waiting for person to arrive! One very cool person!

Y/n began to wonder on who this mysterious person may be.

Well you'll find out in the next chapter! Ahahah!

A/N: For those who may ask, yes I'll make separate stories one for each character (all will have five chapters)
And for the Pearl story, I'm re-creating it because in all honesty, it's shit-

Vote, comment, and follow!
(Also if ya want to be added into the story just ask and I'll do it)


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