Chapter 18!
Slowly pumping out more random stuff. Enjoy the graveyard!
Y/n rubbed his eyes, like usual when this story starts, as he walked down the cement path, occasionally rubbing the burn on his stomach where coffee was poured.
What did I do to deserve this- ow...
He shook his head. The sun's beams shining off his orange ink as the male turned down an ally. And that's where he saw 'it'
Though only there for a second, he saw the purple arm again. Moving swiftly with precision as it disappeared down a drain. He was more than creeped,
Okay- I'm not about to pull a white girl horror movie move- and I'm getting the h e l l out of here-
There was giggling, causing y/n to freeze. And from the dark shadows of the ally he saw a flash of green shades, merely for a moment. And he knew what it was.
W-wait! NO! I know what you are!
Turning, the male tried to run, but a hand grabbed him, and forced him back. Crashing into a dumpster and a few bags of trash. Standing above him was probably one of the cutest, and most threatening octolings he saw. And though she didn't speak, he knew this was NOT good.
H-hey- we can be friends-
A jet black boot crashed to his side. Narrowly missing his head.
I- I guess not...well I'm y/n-
A voice as smooth as silk, but as scary as a demons rolled from her lips. Sending shivers down his spine.
My boss....he wishes to have a talk with you.
Looking down the octoling pointed their gun at y/n, pressing it roughly against his head, which indeed pinched the main character.
Ow! Ow! Okay okay! I'll go see him, for salmons sake...
The pressure was released, barely, sleep well.
Wait sleep well?
Looking back up, with frantic eyes, y/n saw the barrel one last time before the warm blanket of darkness coaxed his mind and body. Giving a nice, warm numb embrace.
Two weeks have passed
The city ran on as normal. As if nothing had happened that night. But, in reality, it did.
The news was slower, as pearl and marina got more frantic as each day passed.
No new songs were released by either group, squid sisters or off the hook. Most speculated it was a collaboration.
But in reality, all four, and the agents, were searching for y/n.
Octo canyon had been combed over, atleast a hundred times. Three and four had gone back to every single stage, every single battle spot, to find their lost friend, their lost love. (K I l l m e)
But on the third week, an unconscious y/n appeared on the shore of inkopolis.
It wasn't long untill the news discovered the male, but the idols, being themselves, quickly squidnapped the poor cephalopod from grasps of the city, and soon had him back in their arms. Which could be worse I dunno I'm just writing this stuff. (S h u t the fuck up)
One eye snapped open, looking up to a dim room, and a heavy body on well, his body. Y/n would look down to see Octoling hair, and immediately began to freak out.
This snapped agent eight awake, who at the second, didn't know what was going on.
Y/n! Your up! Your up! Yes-
Roughly, y/n's rough hands pushed her off and onto the floor with a thud. His breathing being rapid when he slowly began to see who exactly it was.
W-wait...o-oh cod I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Slipping off the bed, he got down on his knees and began to sit eight up, who was rubbing her head gently.
Tsksksk it- it's fine, your f-fine. It'll be okay in a minute...but what's wrong?
With no self concern, the octoling grabbed our main character by the hands (what did you think? This is a Christian book-) and looked him in the eyes.
I- I...b-big octopus guy dude, with...a samurai helmet. Anyway...there are these...shark...sharkling things. H-here...
Shakily, y/n began to undo his shirt. Revealing a bunch of bites. Orange ink would occasionally drip from the wounds, as if blood. And despite being an inkling...they didn't look healed.
Wh-what the! H-how? Where? Who?
Shaking his head, y/n covered up and got off the floor, his body shaking lightly.
I- I don't want to know. This- I shouldn't even be involved with this! I- I should be at home! Eating kelp! Talking with my brother! Not getting fucking bit!
Tears welled up in his eyes as he curled over, quickly rushing in was agent three. Who of course was ease dropping. But she didn't seem angry, not mad, not even hot headed as she rushed to his side. Enveloping him in a hug.'s okay. Your fine now. We will kill those just rest, okay? Four will come up in a bit with her kiwitch and you can play some games, alright?
Barely being able to speak, y/n with the help of three got back into bed. And there he waited as eight and three left.
Down the hall the pair went, going to pearl and marina, aswell as four two and one (callie and Marie)
Pearl was the first to speak.
How is he? I heard a crash from you yo!
Pearl noticed the gloom on eight and three. Quickly loosing her charm of the dj, and taking up one of a concerned girlfriend or wife, Swiftly shuffling out the room to her beloved y/n (she is still my favorite ahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhahahaahha)
And so, eight turned to marie.
You won't like it....but he has these...bites.
Marie looked confused, as callie spoke up next.
How? Wouldn't they just have like...healed?
Eight shook her head, speaking in her normal soft tone
No...he said somthing about sharklings. I...have no clue what that is even...I'm...scared. not for us but him. They know him now, they know his looks, and I'm...I'm unsure...
Marina began to shake, much like y/n. As if she knew what they were talking about. And this sparked an intrest from marie.
Marina? Do you know what they are?
Her tone was concerned and curious as Marina began to calm down.
Yes...they....they are a new species. I...I was there when we found them. They- they can bite and it won't heal...well not for a long time. I...they are stealth based. I know where they are kept too. I's hazy. If we can send in three and four, they can try to get them and break them off from octavio. Or whoever is in charge now... It won't be easy...
Oooooooo hanger of cliff, haha. Thanks for the read!
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