Chapter 17
Ah, writing is going to take getting used to again, but here I am, using my phone's shitty keyboard, to hopefully make one of your days!
Let's just get started immediately!
Y/n groaned, his upper body weight holding down firmly against a pearl counter, both hands grasping at a box of cereal
"Too- hungry- to moove-"
Two, almost as pale hands, gently lifted the box and begun to poor it's continents into a bowel, before adding milk, and sliding it over to him.
"Thanks four, your a life saver...kinda."
Y/n, picked up a silver spoon and begun to eat, all while four blushed a soft blue and grinned.
"Anything for you,"
She got up and moved over to the couch, re-starting her game, while y/n finished up.
Soon, the inkling was sitting across from the agent,
"So, how's it been? We haven't really talked much have we?" Y/n asked, leaning slightly over the couch arm,
"I've been fine, better than usual ever since three started hanging out with me. She may not seem like it, but she is a big ol' softie."
Agent four chimed happily,
Out from the blue, a darker arm wrapped itself around her neck, and pulled, successful
"Don't," the arms grip became harsher "ever call me a 'softie' or else I will splat you, understand?"
Four nodded, before becoming a squid and slipping away, and back to y/n
"Could you both just calm down a bit? It's early and I'd rather not get killed during ten am."
Four giggled as three wacked her harshly,
"Anyway, what are your plans today y/n?" Three asked, taking a seat on the couch, away from the two other squids.
"I really don't know, I kind of want to hang out with the idols...but you two are just as great." Y/n commented, resting his head once again on the couch arm, sinking into the comfort
He didn't notice the glances the two agents shot at each other
"Well," chimed four, "maybe we can just relax all day, or play a couple turf matches? See how well you hold up."
"That sounds like a good plan, you in y/n?" Three agreed, picking at her teeth lightly.
A long sigh came from the male as he tilted his head up, "do I have to get up from this couch? It's godly."
Three slowly tilted her head, before giving off the most deadly look someone could give, "up, now,"
Shaking in fear, {and almost inking his sack} y/n shot up and bolted to the door
"I need to head to Sheldon's anyway!"
"See that's the spirit y/n!"
Four shouted after him before her and three got their belongings And followed.
Y/n was browsing the weapons in Sheldon's shop, before choosing the clash blaster, testing it's weight...
"Nah, to heavy,"
He looked over at the scopes
"Nah..let's people slip by me,"
He didn't even bother looking at the dualies, saying they were too cringy.
Finally, he purchased an octo-brush, swinging it in the square
"This'll do!"
Three, four, and a random came up to him,
"So you went with another brush weapon? You really are creative y/n," four spoke softly, holding a splattershot pro,
Three scoffed and turned towards the pad, a Dynamo roller swung across her side, and finally the unknown had a splosher {× kill me × }
Soon, they jumped into their match, and all hell broke loose.
The unknown and four kept goofing off, swinging in arcs around the stage,
Three, being three, was going way to competitive, slurring and lashing at the opposite team, while y/n played the objective
Collecting the clams
And after three minutes of that oh so long pain, they won,
"See, it's too eas- why am I not in first?"
Three grew a dark aura as she grabbed y/n by the collar
"M-maybe because I played the objective?"
With a grunt, three let go, dropping y/n and earning a small groan.
Getting up, and rubbing his now sore head, y/n thought what to do,
"Hey, do you two want to hit the shoal?"
"Nah," four replied, sitting on a nearby bench, "last time you were at the shoal, Callie had to drag you back to my place."
"Ah did she tell you the heroic tale of me playing for so long? How nice of her,"
The two agents nearly nodded and left the male to sweat drop a bit, before they spent the rest of their day together.
Soft moonlight filtered through the window, as a large dark void shuffled around a just as dark room.
Sometimes the light would hit the form but would simply reveal a pale skin, or sometimes a glimpse of orange.
Soft Thuds rounded the room as it creeped around, and then, a light struck, being as bright as the lightest sword to kill the darkness, and vanquish the enemy...oh hell
"Four! Turn that off! I can't see-"
Y/n almost screeched as he toppled over and head-butted the floor board, soft giggles coming from the light source.
Two light orange eyes slowly rolled, as the male studied the other, though most was hidden by the blanket of darkness, he could tell she was fully dressed.
"Might I ask where your even going? Especially at a time like this," y/n asked, pulling his body from the floor
"Yea, I'm heading out to octo-canyon for two, three should be there too, though I don't know why she wanted us." Four spoke, turning the flashlight off and slipping it onto one of her belts loops.
"Ah, alright, just don't die okay? I'm pretty sure you haven't put me in your will yet and that what-not." Y/n spoke softly, rolling over on the ground, pulling his body together as a soft yawn stretched itself from his lips
"I'll try my best, just try not to mess with anything, I'll be back by morning, later y/n!" Four spoke cheerfully as she left the room, as for y/n, his eyes closed and opened, but somthing weird happened.
He swore...he could see a large purple figure making its way to him, green lights and what seemed to have been a samurai helmet kept it hidden, but when he rubbed his eyes to check again, the sun was out, and a sleeping four was across his lap, drooling slightly, and still dressed in her hero suit.
"F-four...what the...I'm confused,"
The male rubbed his forehead and leaned back on the ground, it was oddly comforting, and eventually he slept again.
After a minute or so, three came into the room, a coffee in hand, almost immediately she gazed downwards to see a smirking sleeping four, and the protagonist himself, y/n,
Who she then promptly poured coffee on-
Oof, haven't done this for quite awhile! And yes, this story does now have a direction!
Also, please comment! It always fills me with joy when you do, and make sure to request on the one shot book, I have two I'm working on at the moment for it, but I'm still needing more!
Have a wonderful time in the ghostricks mansion!
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