Chapter 14: A challenger

I've been thinking bout doing something like this for awhile, so I'm doin it know since it's 12 am, I mean who needs sleep when there is tea to keep you going? Right



"Ey, you may know me, uhuh my name? Well, it's just shows that you don't play me."

There was a inkling standing in a shadowed room, microphone in hand while another was running a DJ track.

"Some people they call me when you run like a fool, don't try and stand, just run and abandon me like everyone else cause' you'll loose."

He sighed and rubbed his nose

"I'ma tell you about somthin' that's painful somthin' that won't dull, somthin' that I ride on and somthin' I can't rule."

The inkling went silent as the track slowed a bit.

"It's called depression, ain't it cool? Little kids act upon for attention think that they'll become cool. But in reality for those who have it they can't control...can't control what they say or do."

He moved forward, showing off a little bit of himself as the crowd grew larger in the pub they seemed to be at.

"Worlds are the same like yours and mine but I have a pit that I won't climb cause' my mind won't let's telling me to die, telling me to do stuff I don't want to do all the time."

The inkling pulled his hood down, showing a mask with sharp horns, the bottom was covered up and went up to the nose bridge and crossed both sides, one eye had a large X and the other cracked.

"It's not a fools game, people act like they have it because they cry for three minutes....try loosing your family, your mind develops a shard of glass that cuts your mind and leaves you as ash...but I don't have it."

??? Walked back as the lights got brighter, showing a black hoodie and a long sicle on his back.

"So I cannot describe the world or the pain that drives to...well you know...'do it'

The inkling put the mic down.

"Some call me, tricks, tricks for the mind games i tell myself, tricks for the things I witheld myself to show if I could survive in world without myself. Slowly coming mentally unstable till the point I can't sleep kinda tricks..."

"$av3 m3"

The room went silent before erupting into appluse, and the inkling left the stage and went home, trying to bring themself together.

Timeskip brought to you by Pearls....just pearls...made by clammy sea creatures sand factory....?

Y/n woke up to the feeling of weight on his stomach.

Opening his eyes he saw Vanilla, the male almost laid back down untill he realised something.

'how did she get in-'

"Marina! He's awake!" Vanilla spoke rather enthusiastically.

"Why are you here-" y/n tried asking just to be cut off mid sentence by the popstar

"Good!" Marina cheered as she entered his room "me and vanilla here have been waiting a couple hours for you to get up, busy night I'm guessing?"

Y/n went silent and his mind was sent into a frenzy

'she can't possibly know- i KNOW she doesn't Know'

"Uh...yeah...long night of...showers yes long night of showers." Y/n replied rather unconvincing

Marina drew up a blank face and vanilla started shaking in laughter.

"Okay...anywho me and vanilla here wanted to hang out a little. You always pick the others before us so we're going to show you some octoling love."

Vanilla sat back up and wiped her eyes.

"Yea, octoling love. Anywho! Gaming time! I brought my switch."

She hopped off his bed and went downstairs.

"Well," y/n sighed, "ladies first,"


A couple hours passed, mainly y/n getting destroyed at smash, Mario kart 8, and other games that vanilla brought.

Through the entirety of it all, he was happy, mainly for the fact marina and vanilla were just cool to hang with. Two, he hadn't done it much.

Marina: so y/n what team are you picking?

He tilted his head, looking over at the dark octoling from the couch.

Y/n: isn't it clear? Team veggie even though my mind is saying team candy. (I hope that wasn't actual splatfest)

He smiled a bit and turned back to see vanilla asleep, resting against his side.

Marina: sweet! That's another member to add to my team!

Y/n stood, and slipped vanilla into his arms.

Y/n: yeah just don't tell pearl, she would kill me.

He sweat dropped and carried up the smaller octo to his spare room. Marina following close behind.

Once tucking the octo into bed, marina said her goodbyes and left

(Time skip)

In the same pub, the male stood once again, a crowd already forming before the beat even started flowing.

" I'm back for round two, don't even try to stop me cause I'ma be a dam fool. Try and escape me, these lyrics that made me, will tie emselves up and hang like nooses, slowly wrapping up and causing confusion."

Even though they couldn't see it, he was grinning behind the mask, and yet another person got on stage, wearing mostly blue, red bandana on face, and a blue hoodie that's hood had three black triangle's.

???: "Aha, hey, long time no see, but you better fall when talking to me cause my rymes? They make you're spit taste metallic, and the faith you loose may as well call it death. For the fact I'm the Knight of sun, and demon of day, better head back before I make you're mind go astray."

The man in blue tossed the mic back to the other, crossing both arms while waiting.

"Mattallic? Huh, ain't that just brand new. Bet you came up on it when I obliterated you. Try and step up, and I'll be done with you, cause my name is tricks, and I'm spinning you're mind in square rooms."

Tricks took a step forward.

"So, when I say my mind is gone, well it's true, but it seems yours is intact which means more prey for me ya tool."

The person in blue didn't blink, but started sweating when the mask tricks wore began to emit a dark green smoke.

It curled around mattallic and caused his vision to go blurry.

Then he began to see things,

Monsters, demons, memories that should always be forgotten.

Tricks then began to whisper into the mic..

"Remember blue, when fighting one better don't spit up in the flute...take notes, one two one two, and there, you're rythm and mind are mine, so all I have to say is bye, bye, bye..."

He placed the mic into it's holder, then snapped his thumb and forefinger, causing the smoke to evaporate. On the floor was a crying squid, who quickly ran off.


For once y/n had played in the turf war, just to have a devistating loss, team fruit had fallen , and candy had won,

Y/n: dang...the one time I try a event I end up loosing.

He sighed and walked around the square, past the shoal, even past Sean's truck, making his way down to the plaza across the city, just to go to his favorite coffee shop.

No one bothered him on his way, and eventually he made it.

All the original shops were gone, replaced to be exact.

Well the shops were still there, as well as the turf stages, but no more news. Jelenzo Sheldon Sean and the others weren't there, but replacements were.

But y/n didn't come here for that,

Quickly stepping across the plaza be made his way into turtle back cafe'.

Y/n took a seat by one of the windows, it was actually kinda busy today for the small coffee shop.

Scrolling through his squid phone he checked the news.

'new albercore hotel makes renovations.'

'squid sisters planning colab with off the hook again? Possibly?'

'sheldons new mobilized specials, come today!'

He sighed, rubbing the dark bags under his eyes. Y/n was so phased out that he didn't notice a hand snapping for his attention.

Callie: y/n.

He put his phone down and stared at the tables surface.

Callie: y/n?

The green inkling didn't respond as his eyes slowly shut.

Callie: Y/N!

Callie yelled grabbing his shoulders, most faces were turned to the two now.

This caused y/n's head to snap up and face Callie.

Y/n: oh hey there Cal..." He yawned softly, rubbing his face with one palm.

Callie sat across and watched him, seeming concerned.

Callie: dang you look like you've been hit with a truck, is it because order lost?

Y/n shook his head weakly,

Y/n: nah...somthin' else actually, but thanks for asking....and hey cal, once I'm done here want to play a turf match here? I always liked the stages here alot more than the square."

He asked, grinning,

Callie: wait they still run the stages? Sweet! Then sure!

Her smile was wide and so was his,

Y/n: good! Just let me wait for my tea and we can get going.

So the two sat, chatted, and hung out while waiting for y/n's green tea to take effect.

Eventually it did, and the two found themselves separated across black belly skate park.

Callie welding a krack'o splat roller that the current weapon holders let her use.

And y/n a splatted shot Jr.

Y/n: this feels kinda unfair...

He groaned to himself while waiting for the match to start.

Eventually it did.

Running off y/n covered his base and swiftly made his way to one of the few tower looking indents.

Using the view he followed the large magneta trail of pink.

Whilst doing so he also inked a bit more area to add up his points.

Though when he went around to find Callie, he couldn't, only finding large areas of pink that he'd turn green.

After awhile the time was running out, the music got more pumped, and y/n heard a noise he'd rather not hear

The sound


Callie's special.

Quickly turning y/n barely dodged the giant pink kraken coming his way, he shot at her but Callie simply disappeared around a corner.

Slowly he creeped around just to have ink chucked into his face.

Next this he nee he respawned to see every thing was PINK.

Y/n: oh that little!

The timer went off.

A yellow inkling with a clipboard rote something down and a large screen popped up.

Green: 17% - Pink: 83%

Pink wins!

Once going back to the plaza, y/n could feel Callie hugging the everlasting hell out of him

Callie: oh you should have seen the look on you're face! It was priceless! Aheh!

Y/n turned away pouting slightly.

Callie: aw come on, don't be a sore looser! Here as a make up gift I'll swing by tomorrow and we can have lunch at Sean's and then a rematch. Sound good?"

The inkling considered the idea and then nodded,

Y/n: sure that sounds good, I'll see you later Callie.

Callie: see you later y/n!

The two parted,

But while Callie passed a ally way, she didn't see a Octoling, nore the glasses that they possessed.


Whooo! Another chapter done!

Kinda dragged it out, sorry!

Anyway, I'm going to make y/n agent four so I'm going to have to get help from y'all since I don't have a way to watch Splatoon two campaign... QWQ, I only know of the octo samurai and the giant oven looking octo as well as face smasher megee.

But I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter, also 6K my best but certainly my favorite!

I do free art commisions


Team order was better (i watched multiple people play the final fest, not one did order, I'm hurt, qwq)

-ghostricks out!


Bobble hat
Bobble hat
Bobble hat
Bobble hat
Bobble hat
Bobble hat
hat Bobble
Bobble hat
Bobble hat
Bobble hat

What's y'all's favorite head gear in the games? If you haven't noticed....

Mines the bobble hat.

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