Chapter 13: An old Team

Another chapter worthy of fame-
Or a trash bin, depends on how it's taken.




Y/n had woken up early in anticipation quickly dressing himself in his normal attire, before rushing down to the square.

While waiting he decided to drink a cup of coffee to pass time.

=I'm going to do a different writing style since this chapter is longer=

As y/n waited, a song began to play in his mind, crashing against his skull as a way to forcefully remind himself of it's lyrics.

('this will be thoughts')

'dam, why can't I forget these type of things.' y/n thought as he wracked his knuckles against his head.

Y/n: I'd rather not be thinking of getting hit by a Riptide-

He was cut off by a arm wrapping around his neck and then a knuckle rubbing the top of his head forcefully.

Silver: c'mere you piece of cod!

He sounded pissed as y/n struggled

Y/n: ack! What did I do?!

He began to pull on the arm for a little bit of release

Silver: that thing about hangin' with marina! Headphones almost flipped! What were' you thinking!

Y/n: sorry! Sorry! Just let me go!

Silver pushed y/n forward, who in return, turned to face the octoling. Seeing a bruise on the males forehead.

Y/n: did she do that?

Silver; yes....don't mention it or else I won't carry the team.

Y/n went silent as he leaned against the tower wall, pulling his brush out of nowhere.

Silver: how the-

Y/n: don't ask...

He gave a cheeky smile, and in the distance he saw a yellow colored inkling and a blue one.

Y/n: ah, there's seahorse and dye-

The girl punched him in the face, leaving him to clutch his head and cry on the floor.

Y/n: ack- my beautiful face! Why!

Dye: that's for my sleep! And this!
She pulled him up,

Y/n: thank-

She kneed him in the stomach, making him double over and clutch his waist

Dye: is for making me get my tentacles dyed in a couple minutes, I've come to like yellow.

Y/n backed up to the wall, looking up at seahorse for support, who in return was trying not laugh.

One glance from dye made him silent.

Dye: what color are we going to be anyway?

Silver: since I'm leader- I was thinking purple.

Dye: well that's better than green or blue, c'mon you little squids we have some matches to win!


Real quick


Yellow inkling
Got the name dye when she used to change colors rapidly
Cloths: aloha shirt, visor, sandals,
Main Weapon: hero shot replica
Blue inkling
Got the name seahorse for his favorite animal, and the nickname sea for his color.
Cloths: camo jacket, sports cap, and black sneakers.
Main Weapon: Roller

(Also for the fact why I'm not using in game clothing- I never played number two so I don't know about that part, or most of the weapons, I've only played one.)

Purple Octoling
Got his name for his favorite color, highest rank out of his friends. S+
Cloths: black shirt, special operations beret, purple coat (he wishes it to be a trench coat) and aviators
Main Weapon: Aerospray

(Your age I guess?)
Green Inkling
Got their name from their parents, but is nicknamed tricks by seahorse, or painter by silver.
Cloths: orange shirt (best color) grey hoodie, simple sneakers, and glasses.
Main Weapon: inkbrush

The four stood on their spawn point, silver taking point

Silver: alright, me and seahorse will head up the middle, dye and y/n I want you two to get as much ground on the sides to let us have a getaway if needed, don't be heros.

Silver turned around and looked across the field to see a team of blue, the map? Starfish mainstage (I hope that's the correct name)

Dye: alright, atleast I won't have to carry the squirt behind me

Y/n: hey! He was annoyed and blushing a light purple,

Seahorse: can't we just get started! I'm ready to win this!

He picked up his roller and pushed it upwards

The other three had already left.

Silver: sighing this is why we never win... He facepalmed and started the attack.


Y/n was currently thrilled, he had took most of the right and was currently making his way over to the middle, since it was being hit the most, silvers Aerospray was doing it's work though as seahorse was able to completely cover the area.

Though dye was having trouble, she couldn't hit a shot since her weapon continuously jammed,

Seeing this the inkling turned into his squid form and swam over, quickly pulling her down right when a charger shot missed.

Y/n: what happened to carrying me!

Dye hit his forehead.

Y/n: hey-

Dye: it's jamming! You dolt!

Y/n grumbled and went into his kid form to retake the ground that the charger shot hit.

Y/n: use your bombs then!

Dye went silent and then smirked.

Dye: kinda forgot I had those! Now go back to your side-

She was splatted,

'oh cod-'

Y/n turned to see a female with a slosher bucket, and then he was back at spawn

Y/n: for the sake of inklings! And I was doing so well.

He swam over to the right to see the entire side covered in blue, dye was currently taking back her land and the middle stayed purple but wouldn't last long.

Y/n: if there was one thing silver taught, use echolocation to find your target!

???: Dolt, stop speaking so loud and maybe then you'll win.

Y/n looked up to see a male who was holding his dapple dualies, and then once again saw his spawn and in the distance, hid turf being taken.

Y/n: no! I'll get him-

Just as he swung his inkbrush to cover a bit more of their spawn, there was a whistle.

'shoot! The match his over-'

Judd: MeOw 57.36% (blue)

JuddJR: meow 43.64% (purple)

(Again haven't played Splatoon two, so if I just messed that up, tell me.)

Y/n: ah squid...

Soon the four went out if the tower and he faced the wrath of silver, while seahorse and dye sweatdropped

Silver: you little-

He grabbed y/n by the collar, who in return became a squid and slipped away a few feet

Y/n: stop! I did as asked!

Y/n frantically moved backwards as silver took a few steps forward

Silver: not good enough-

Seahorse eventually restrained the octoling and had dye and y/n change their color while the octo calmed down.

Soon enough the two returned and silver was sipping on his milkshake, still seeming pissed but more diplomatic.

Y/n: soooo- I'm guessing no more matches today for team zeemo?

Dye: since when was it team zeemo-

Y/n: since silver mis-pronouced veemo-

Silver stood up and pulled a pair  dualies from his coat

Silver: I'm going to splat you if you don't take that back!

Y/n quickly nodded, leaving silver to sit back down, smiling with satisfaction.

Seahorse: anywho, I gotta go home anyway.

Dye: same, my mom is packing up to move to the plaza, since it's quite there now.

She was scratching the back of her neck.

Y/n: I may as well head home, take care you three.

They all said their farewells, leaving y/n to walk back to his apartment with out entertainment.

Y/n: mmm...I wonder if pearl and marina are up to anything...nah they are popstars, of course they are.

He dug his hand into one pocket for his phone, and then the other for his earplugs.

Once the two were found he plugged them in and started listening to his playlist,

Y/n: you don't get to say goodbye~ erasing your pain inside~ eternal spite in my mind~ a jolt and then you'll die~

He was singing and humming jolt, by unlike pluto, before running into a midgets body

Y/n: carp, sorry- pearl!

He looked down to see the squid with a smirk on her face, she was infront if his apartment complex.

Pearl: aha- that would explain why you wouldn't open your door. Where were you yo?

Y/n took out his musical buds and placed his phone back into his pocket.

Y/n: just played a turf war with my old pals, team zeemo..sill on a loosing record.

Pearl tilted her head,

Pearl: zeemo?

She was trying not to laugh at it's stupidness.

Y/n: you know, just don't ask,

He walked past her and up the stairs to his home, she simply followed.

Once inside y/n jumped on the couch, and rested a bit, throwing his weapon off into somewhere in the room.

Y/n: so why are you really here? It'll ease my mind if I know.

The inkling turned to face pearl as she sat on the coffee table.

Pearl: what can't have a one on one time with my biggest fan?

She answered cockily, crossing her arms

Y/n: wellll, I wouldn't say biggest fan.

This made pearl frown a bit, and y/n just chuckled.

Y/n: calm down pearl, I am your biggest fan, to a degree.

Pearl: well you better make it up to me for saying that-

He picked her up, chuckling as the squid got flustered, very quickly.

Y/n: quite, he pecked her cheek, that's good compensation, yes?

She went dead silent, staring blankly at the wall, a dark blush taking form on her cheeks.

Y/n: um...pearl? You okay?

She grinned with a evil smirk,

Pearl: I didn't wait outside for a hour JUST for that!

Y/n: wait pearl-

She quickly latched onto his face and, well

He couldn't breath for a good bit.

{Smol time skip brought to you by: Pearls Ship Emporia and Inkfare Trade ™}

Y/n was rocking himself in his room, curled up as pearl sat there, recording it,

Y/n: p-pearl this isn't funny!

His face was a dark green from pearls antics, he never even noticed that she was live at the current moment.

Pearl: what, you trying to say I'm a bad kisser?

He turned over and shook his head no

Pearl: sooooo, I'm not a bad one-

Y/n: j-just don't bring this up pearl!

She was giggling at how flustered he was,

Pearl: fine fine, I'll stop, meanwhile don't get cooked stay off the hook-


She started to laugh uncontrollably as he tried to take her phone.

Pearl: aha, stop i already, she was shaking from laughter i-i already ended it big brain.

Y/n sighed and sat down on the floor,

Y/n: well there goes all my self respect for keeping things secret...may as well start holding your hands in public-

Pearl beamed at his sentence

Pearl: really yo? I gotta tell the others!

Y/n's eyes widened as he grasped for pearls phone,

Y/n: pearl! No!


The end of another chapter! Hope you enjoyed it, for I actually like this chapter and how it turned out. (Mostly)

And remember

Pearl is the best,

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