S3C Chapter 9: Secrets Revealed
I guess Nintendo is just going to drop the release date for Side Order out of nowhere in the early morning. I will be there on February 22nd, 2024 day one. I'm super excited about it, especially with the now basic confirmation that Agent 4 will finally return. It's going to be a long month.
(Y/N) was struggling a bit while carrying a hefty amount of metal which almost made it hard to see where he was going.
Shiver: Be careful not to drop any of that. Any you lose means we get less money from it.
(Y/N): There'd be less of a chance of any getting dropped if you helped carry any.
Shiver: Aw, but you three seem to have it under control so well.
She said giving a fake pout with her hand on her cheek.
Big Man: Ay... (Shiver...)
Shiver sighed, knowing Big Man would try and guilt her into it if she said no.
Shiver: Hand some over so this lady can show you how it's done.
Frye: I'm pretty sure I've already got that covered.
Frye spoke with her own pile of metal she was carrying, giving a jokey flex while doing so.
Shiver just smiled and rolled her eyes as she took one or two off, but one of the pieces of metal was heavier than she expected.
Shiver: Puh, why is this one so heavy despite how small it is?
(Y/N) who was now having an easier time with his share of the metal that the three had asked his help with carrying, answered her question.
(Y/N): It's because it's a weaker alloy, so it's heavy.
Frye: Weaker what now?
(Y/N) just shook his head.
(Y/N): It's a more basic kind of metal, so it's heavier and worth less.
Shiver: Huuuh? It's heavier yet we're getting less for it? That's dumb.
Frye: I thought they were just ripping us off before with how it felt random how much they'd pay us.
Big Man: Ayy. (I'm pretty sure it's because the lighter ones take more effort to make.)
(Y/N): A+ to Big Man.
Big Man: Ayyy! (Ayyy! :D )
Frye: Ugh, you're roasting my brain with your nerd talk... or maybe that's just the heat.
(Y/N): You mean I'm frying your brain?
Frye: NO! I've heard that joke enough!
(Y/N) just gave a cheeky smile and snicker while Shiver tried to hold in her laughter and smile behind the metal she was carrying.
(Y/N) accidentally bumped into someone while he wasn't paying attention.
He turned to the yellow-ink Inkling woman to apologize.
(Y/N): My bad, I can't see where I'm going too much with this.
Inkling Woman: No biggie.
She said as she turned to keep walking back out the way the four of them just came from. Then (Y/N) felt something scurry between his legs which nearly caused his metal hoard to nearly topple over him.
He quickly looked to find whatever it was to notice a Smallfry by the ground that had run between his legs and was running after the woman to catch up with her. When it did, it did a lap or two around her before walking with her.
(Y/N) turned back to continue following the other three.
(Y/N): Is it normal for someone to have a pet salmonid around here?
Shiver: It's not unheard of for someone to have a pet smallfry.
Frye: Yeah, they're kinda dopey but they're pretty cute!
Big Man: Ay, ay. (It's surprising to see one at first, but they're pretty harmless if they're tame.)
(Y/N) just shrugged his shoulders accepting that the Splatlands simply lived a different more chaotic way of life. Not that he minded that at all.
While following them, (Y/N) was admiring the metalworks building having never been to one before.
Frye: Told ya this place was rockin', huh?
(Y/N): It's definitely cool and I've never been to one before, but it also looks like it's made out of... trash.
Big Man: Ay! Ayy. (It is! It's made from scrap metal to scrap metal.)
(Y/N): Well I can't say that isn't resourceful of them. But why did they have to put it out here in the desert for us to lug all of this metal through?
Shiver: Actually, long ago, this desert used to be a sea, but it all washed away.
(Y/N): Is that why they've got the giant boats around here?
Shiver: I'm... not actually sure if those were from before or after...
He just gave a little giggle at her not knowing the answer to his question before they arrived at the place to drop the metal off.
Frye immediately just dropped all of it out of her hands onto the ground while Big Man set his pile on the ground. (Y/N) decided to follow the latter's example of setting it down, which proved to be the right move as Shiver called out Frye for being rough with the goods.
Shiver: Frye! How many times do I have to say to not rough up the metal?
Frye: Calm down. It's metal. It's not that flimsy.
She said with a carefree attitude while having her arms up and on the back of her head.
Shiver just looked down disappointedly at what she has to deal with.
Shiver was talking to the worker while (Y/N) was looking around the place. Including noticing how they had whole trucks just on top of spikes here and there.
(Y/N): Is that a-
Frye: -Truck on a spike? Sure is.
(Y/N) just had a confused look while staring at it before Frye looked over at him and gave a smirk.
Frye: Wanna hotwire it?
Big Man: Ay! (Frye!)
Frye: Cod, I'm just kidding, Big Man.
She then whispered to (Y/N).
Frye: But we totally could. Big Man's just a doubter.
(Y/N) laughed at her response which caused her to smile. He also noticed a familiar truck causing him to go and check it out.
Frye: Hey, be careful! We don't need you falling into one of these pits around here.
She said, following after him to make sure he'd be okay.
He stopped as he got close to the object of his focus, causing Frye to look at him and then back at it.
Frye: This truck mean something to you?
She asked out of curiosity about his fascination for the rundown abandoned truck.
(Y/N): This was the Crust Bucket.
He said while getting a look around it.
Frye: Come on now, I don't think it looks that bad.
(Y/N): No no, the Crust Bucket was the name of the truck. It was where everyone would grab a snack before heading out to a Turf battle.
Frye nodded her head trying to get a look at it and imagine it with him.
(Y/N): It wasn't some high-class meal, of course, just a little boost before a match, but there were always people lined up and eating at the tables around it.
Frye: Wow. Sounds really nostalgic.
(Y/N) hopped inside of the truck now looking around it, having never been able to before.
(Y/N): Yeah, I guess, but I'm more just surprised to see it here. I can't think of any reason why it would've closed down.
Frye was now leaning on the counter of the food truck.
Frye: Ya can't expect everything to just stay the same though. You gotta embrace change so life doesn't get all boring and stagnate.
(Y/N) was quiet for a moment thinking about what she said. He knew she was right, but change can be hard. Giving himself a moment, he took a second to breathe in and out and nodded his head before looking back at Frye with a lighthearted smile. One which she gladly returned with an even bigger smile.
Frye: Besides, embracing the chaos of change is how you make great new experiences. Like meeting us!
(Y/N): True. I can't really argue with that now, can I?
Frye: If you did, I'd have to hit you.
The two laughed, and then (Y/N) hopped out of the truck and walked over back to where Big Man and Shiver were. Right on time too since they had now been paid for all their scrap metal.
Shiver was reveling herself with her newly acquired funds while the four were walking out of the place. Shiver also made sure to hand over Frye her fair share of the money and even gave (Y/N) a bit for helping them.
Frye: Yas! Finally can afford to buy a few things I've been watching for.
She said as she flicked through the money.
(Y/N): Don't you three think you should maybe save up some money instead of just instantly spending it all?
Shiver: I for one have to spend some. I've gotta pay for repairs on some things here and there.
She said while giving a side eye to Frye, who just rubbed the back of her head and gave a little chuckle.
(Y/N): What kind of things?
Shiver: Some old technical mumbo jumbo we found and kept. Plus a television.
(Y/N): What's wrong with the television?
Shiver just looked over to Frye.
Frye: Quit it with the looks. It was an accident! That's not my fault.
Big Man: Ayyy... (The game did tell you to make sure to put the wrist strap on...)
(Y/N): I don't know about the television, but I can take a look at the other stuff and might be able to fix them for you.
The trio all looked at him, then to themselves, then back at him again.
Shiver: You can fix this techy stuff?
(Y/N): Why do you three all look so surprised?
Shiver: You just don't seem like the kind of person to...
Big Man: Ay... (Know much about technology problems...)
Frye: Or be trusted around electricity.
(Y/N): Well, at least I understand how I seem in your three's mind. But yes, I'll have you know, I know what I'm doing with this sort of stuff. At least a little bit.
The three looked questionable on his claims but decided it didn't hurt to let him have a go at it, so they'd let him try it when they got back.
(Y/N) brushed the sweat off his forehead while getting out from behind the old jukebox.
The other three were around doing other things, figuring he probably wouldn't be able to do it, but let him keep going at it for as long as he wanted to.
(Y/N) nervously went to push a button to see if this time it might work, or hope it would work this time. He'd never fixed a jukebox before, and he only had a basic idea of how it worked, but having seen similar working equipment before, he didn't want to let them down now after they gave him a chance.
After pushing the button, the lights (mostly) lit up, and it started playing a song. Much to the happiness of him and the shock of the other three.
The other three also then walked over to see up close how he had actually done it.
Shiver: I'll be honest, I didn't think you could do it, but color me impressed.
She said with an actual smile on her face.
Big Man: Ayy! (I love this song!)
Frye wrapped her arm around his neck and pulled him in.
Frye: Well lookie here at this little repairman we've got here!
(Y/N): I didn't entirely understand how it worked actually, but I took some shots in the dark that just luckily worked.
Frye: Sometimes you've just gotta leave it to chance and let 'er ride.
(Y/N): I'll take it you're not allowed to gamble?
He said with a laugh which caused her to respond with a playful shove.
Shiver: If you can help us with some other things too from time to time, this might actually be a big help. We can get more money for the things we turn in, and we can have more money to spend on other things.
(Y/N): You mean more money to not waste, right?
Shiver: Hm? Oh, yeah, whatever you just said.
She said as she was already on her phone checking out things she wanted to buy.
Shiver POV
Frye and Big Man were also now looking through the songs the machine could play when suddenly Shiver got a phone call.
It seemed like a normal phone call to the others, but that was just due to Shiver being good at staying calm at the good news she had just received.
After it was over, she hung up the phone and internally cheered.
Shiver: Frye! Big Man! Come with me for a bit.
(Y/N) was confused at what was going on but just shrugged as he continued to admire his handiwork and mess with the jukebox.
Frye: What is it, Shiver? I think I almost found the perfect song to play.
Shiver: I just got exciting neeews.
She said with a slightly giddy tone and with her hands clutched together.
Big Man: Ayy... ay? (Is it about... the thing?)
Shiver: Right you are, Big Man!
Frye: We got the go-ahead on hosting the Splatfest?
Shiver with a smile of pure joy on her face nodded.
Shiver: So as soon as we get the breaking news on the teams being decided, we'll be the ones hosting and performing the Splatfest!
Frye: We're definitely going big time now!
Big Man: Ay. (Only one issue.)
Frye was still letting out her excitement while Shiver looked confused at Big Man.
Big Man: Ay ayy. (I don't think you can hide us being famous idols from (Y/N) if we're doing something as big as a Splatfest.)
Shiver hadn't even thought of that. She was still super excited, and she knew they'd have to tell him eventually, but she hoped she had more time and was now worried about how she'd go about it.
Shiver: Just leave that to me, I'll figure something out.
Big Man nodded and Frye gave a thumbs-up.
The three's huddle broke up. Frye and Big Man went back over by (Y/N) and the jukebox to keep checking it out, while Shiver thought of how she was going to tell him without having him potentially get weird about the three of them being idols.
As much as Shiver might not want to admit it, she was getting used to (Y/N) hanging out with them and enjoyed the dynamic their group had and didn't want to suddenly throw a wrench into that and lose a friend over it.
(Y/N) was in his room, reading another book Big Man had lent him when Shiver knocked on his door.
He looked over.
(Y/N): What's up, Shiver?
Shiver: I need your help with something.
(Y/N): Sure, what is it?
Shiver: I need to go out and get something, but it's getting a bit late and I don't want to go out alone.
(Y/N): Why not?
Shiver: Can't a lady just want some protection from potentially dangerous ne'er-do-wells?
(Y/N): I'm pretty sure you're more dangerous than most if not all other people in the city.
Shiver huffed out angrily.
(Y/N): Kidding, I'm kidding. Yeah, I'll come with you.
He said as he put a place marker in his book and set it back down causing Shiver to be happy that he had agreed.
They left the hideout and were now walking around the city, Shiver making up excuses to pick up some small random items from shops while also speaking with him.
Shiver: I want you to know that I appreciate your help with the technical issues earlier today.
(Y/N): It's no problem. I'm happy to help you three out if you need it.
Shiver: I know, I'm just... letting you know that we... appreciate the help you offer to us.
(Y/N): I don't mind, but at the same time, it's not like I can refuse either, can I? Since you say you'll just count it as part of my tab?
He said with a chuckle, which made Shiver feel a little bad and embarrassed.
Shiver: Y'know, I think it's fair to say you've worked off your debt.
He looked over at her confused causing her to question his look with a bit of sass in her voice.
Shiver: Something wrong?
(Y/N): Nothing, I just figured you'd string me along forever. This isn't a trick, is it?
Shiver: No, just... you've been a big help and it's been fun having you around with us.
He smiled, clearly able to see how she was struggling to let these words out, which upset her.
Shiver: I'm still going to demand you help us out with things now and again.
She was with her head held high and her arms crossed.
(Y/N): Of course, what are friends for?
Shiver perked up at him saying that.
Shiver: We're friends..?
(Y/N): Aren't we?
She stood for a moment before continuing on ahead of him so he wouldn't see her smile.
Shiver: Yeah, I guess you can call us your friends.
(Y/N): If you don't want me to-
Shiver: -TOO LATE! No takebacks, you're stuck now.
The two both smiled.
Shiver: But you have to promise to not get weird if you ever find anything out about us three.
(Y/N): What do you mean?
Shiver: Say you found out a secret of ours or something. You wouldn't let it change the way you see and interact with us.
(Y/N): Of course I wouldn't, as long as it's not criminal in nature.
Shiver jokingly looked over at him like he was stupid.
Shiver: You do remember we're bandits, right?
(Y/N): Oh, that's right... yeah, then I guess there's nothing you three could do that could change how I see you three.
The two giggled as they neared the main part of the city, which Shiver had been leading him towards, hoping he would notice on his own the trio's secret with all the setup they would have going on.
(Y/N): Is there something going on around here? There's not usually all this stuff in the streets and stands being set up around the shops and lobby.
Shiver: They're actually preparing for a Splatfest.
(Y/N): No kidding? It's been years since the last Splatfest I participated in.
Shiver: Yeah, they've got to get the stages set up for the idols to be able to perform during it.
She said trying to lean his way of thinking into the direction that would get him to realize on his own.
(Y/N): That makes sense. You can't have a Splatfest without the stellar performances.
Shiver: Have you seen Splatsville's idols before?
(Y/N): I haven't seen them around here, no. I saw the Splatcast room going into the lobby before, but it was empty.
Shiver: Yeah, they perform just to the left of it. I don't think they'll be there right now.
(Y/N): Because of how late it is?
Shiver: I guess there's that, yeah.
Shiver was struggling to figure out what she could say or show him that would make it click in his dense brain what she was trying to get him to realize.
(Y/N): Are you trying to tell me something?
Shiver: Huh? No, I just... aren't you curious about the idols?
(Y/N): I'd love to see them, yeah.
He said with a smile, and Shiver was now trying to push herself.
Shiver: What about a private performance?
(Y/N): You can do that?
Shiver: Well, more like a look-in on a practice performance...
(Y/N): That would be awesome.
Shiver: That's great... I'll let Frye and Big Man know we've got to practice sometime before the Splatfest then.
She said it and she was unconsciously holding her breath now, everything feeling like it's gone quiet when she did this. On the outside, she stayed stiff and composed though, waiting on every millisecond for his response.
(Y/N): Sounds great. I'm interested to see what roles each of you three play in your songs.
Shiver just froze up for a moment. She didn't understand how he acted like she didn't just say something huge like that.
Shiver: Frye, Big Man, and I. We'll be performing in the Splatfest... We're the idols of Splatsville. Us. Deep Cut.
(Y/N): I know. I'm happy you finally told me yourself though.
Shiver's eyes fluttered for a moment and widened as he was so casual about it while he just kept staring forward with a big dumb smile on his face before finally looking over at her.
Shiver: What do you mean you knew?!
She was embarrassed at how he had been a step ahead of her this whole time, and she now had to stare at his big, dopey, dumb, adorable, idiot smile that just made her blush embarrassingly even more across her pale face.
(Y/N): I found out that day I was trying to follow you three on your way to work. When I lost you three, I went back to the hideout and saw you three on the news.
Shiver: Why didn't you say anything then?!
(Y/N): I'm not entirely sure why myself, but I could tell that you had your own reasons why you three wanted to keep it a secret, so I didn't want to overstep my boundaries.
She was lightly smacking his chest with her hand and with her fan repeatedly. Not to hurt him, but to vent out her frustrations at how he had gotten the better of her. He let her do this, and still had his smile on his face which just made her add in a couple more smacks.
(Y/N): You feeling better now?
Shiver: A little... I'm going to get you back for this later though, I hope you realize.
(Y/N): You're welcome to try, little shark.
He said with slight cockiness on the nickname he used for her at the end.
Shiver: If it's a shark you want, it's a shark you'll get.
She said with a lighthearted glare.
She was glad that, even to her own embarrassment of the situation, the end goal was what she had hoped for. She did, however, still keep the blush across her face plastered for a while, not able to fully live down the embarrassment he caused her, but she didn't care as long as she got what she wanted.
To that point, she let herself smile at it all as the two made their way back, continuing to talk the whole way.
3514 Words
January 24, 2024 - 2:51 P.M.
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