S3C Chapter 8: Fishy Business
(Y/N) was sitting on the couch in the middle of the hideout, reading a book while having a nice relaxing drink. That's right, he was actually finding some time to just casually not do anything intense and just relax.
And then three people entered the building.
Frye: Ugh, I'm beat from today.
She said as she flopped onto the couch face first, not caring that (Y/N) was already sitting there. To which he then moved out of her way and stood up.
(Y/N): Tough day?
Shiver: Not really. She just gets a bit stressed sometimes.
Frye: Can you blame me? I was stuck just sitting around all day. They kept telling me I was doing everything wrong!
Big Man: Ay. (You were coming up with a bunch of lies to tell.)
Frye: I was making the day interesting.
Shiver was grabbing herself a glass of orange juice from the fridge.
Shiver: I don't think they see it that way, sadly.
Big Man: Ay? Ay? (Are you still reading that book I lent you? How is it?)
(Y/N): Not bad.
Frye: Ugh, and now I have to listen to you two talk about a book? Teacher, may I be excused?
(Y/N): Don't you have some kind of stress reliever or way to work through... whatever this Frye is?
Just then it's as if a lightbulb went over her head and she immediately did a roll over the couch and flipped to land on her feet.
Frye: As a matter o' fact, I do!
Big Man and (Y/N) looked confused as Shiver held up a sign with "10" on it for Frye's flip.
Frye: Time for a work shift!
(Y/N): Work is how you relieve stress?
Frye: It is when it's a work shift of splatting salmonids!
(Y/N): That's right, I think I did see a Grizzco building in the city.
Shiver: Have you ever been on a shift before?
(Y/N): Yeah, I've done loads of shifts before. You might even call me a star employee!
He said with a smirk.
Shiver: Okay, now you're getting ahead of yourself. But hey, there are four of us, so we've got the perfect amount for a shift.
Frye: That's the spirit! Come on, Big Man, you in?
Big Man: Ayy... Ay. (Well, we could use the money... Alright!)
Frye clapped her hands together and did a fist pump.
Frye: Let's blow this popsicle stand!
Shiver: You better not play recklessly again though, Frye.
Frye: And you better remember the egg count we need, Shiver.
The two stared at each other while (Y/N) stared at the two.
(Y/N): [This is going to be a tough shift, isn't it...]
He placed his hand on Big Man's back.
(Y/N): I'm counting on you, Big Man.
Big Man: Ay? (Ay?)
They had all walked into the Grizzco building and headed over to the front desk to sign up for a shift before heading over to their lockers to get their Salmon Run suits on.
When (Y/N) walked up to the desk, they recognized his work from the other Grizzco branch and assigned him to his locker. When he got over to it, he saw his classic gloopsuit in it.
When he put it on the other three stopped for a moment to stare at him.
Shiver: What's with the getup?
He looked confused before noticing their outfits.
(Y/N): What are those suits you're wearing?
Frye: These are your standard slopsuits, duh. Well, besides the colors, we chose those ourselves. Isn't yellow just my color?
She said while giving a twirl.
(Y/N): Well, this is just the normal gloopsuit they've always given me.
Big Man: Ay? (Does it protect you?)
(Y/N): Wha- of course it protects me. I've done tons of shifts with it.
Shiver: Okay, but you better not use it as an excuse if you get splatted a lot.
(Y/N): It gets the job done, okay?
Shiver: Of course it does, yeah, just don't make us put on one.
She said as she finished putting on her blue helmet and leading the way over for the three to follow.
While following her, Big Man leaned over to (Y/N).
Big Man: Ayy? (You are going to be okay though, right?)
(Y/N) just sighed and followed them.
(Y/N) was hanging onto the handle of the helicopter.
Frye: You never been on a helicopter ride before?
She said with a chuckle and speaking up loud enough for him to hear over the helicopter.
(Y/N): Not for a salmon run shift, no. Usually, they just take us on a boat.
Frye: You scared of heights then?
(Y/N): No, of course not!
Frye: It's okay, you don't have to act so tough. I'm sure Shiver would hold your hand if you're really scared!
She said giving a snarky giggle at teasing him.
(Y/N): I've been on flying things before! I can handle it! I'm just not trying to fall into the middle of the ocean out here!
Frye: That's it, stay strong!
She said with a jokingly sarcastic tone, causing him to just roll his eyes and smile.
Just then the helicopter got a bit of turbulence causing (Y/N) to lose his balance a bit and fall over towards the door, causing Frye to jump up suddenly worried he was about to fall out.
He rebalanced himself and then got back up on his feet while staring at the worry on her face. He just smiled and gave a bit of a laugh.
(Y/N): No need to be scared!
She got a bit embarrassed by him now teasing her over the situation.
Frye: I wasn't scared!... I was just going to push you out myself!
(Y/N): And do the shift with only three people? I don't think so!
Shiver then walked over looking out the door.
Shiver: Okay, enough messing around you two, the stage is over there!
The two and Big Man in the back as well all looked over and saw them coming up on the place.
They prepared as the helicopter started to slow down and circle the stage letting them know they were good to head down. To which, they did.
Mr. Grizz: Great work. Now get back to the helicopter. Fuel isn't free.
Mr. Grizz spoke congratulating them on getting the egg count they needed as the four of them headed back to the helicopter for the ride out.
Frye: WOOHOO! KYAHA! That really gets the ink pumping, doesn't it?
(Y/N): I don't know if I'd say it's relaxing like you do, but I've gotta admit, it is still fun.
Shiver: Speak for yourselves. You two aren't the ones dealing with your teammates constantly calling for help every three seconds they're down.
Frye: I don't hear you complaining on the way to the basket!
Shiver: Yeah the eggs are nice, but you two should focus on the little salmonids.
(Y/N): It's not my fault. I swear Chums and Smallfries didn't use to be that strong. These ones just shove you around and will knock you down in only two hits. HOW IS THAT FAIR?
Frye: Skill issue!
(Y/N): You were down as much as I was!
Frye: Yeah, but I get style points for my sick throws with the eggs!
She said with a snarky smirk on her face.
Big Man: Ay. ( I didn't think it was that bad.)
Frye: I'm sure it ain't that hard when the salmonids tend to just walk right past you.
Big Man: Ay, ay! Ay... (All fear, the mighty Big Man! Hehe, just kidding, don't be afraid...)
Shiver: Maybe you two should just play it a bit safer next time.
Frye: If we stood in the back around you then where would you be able to find a spot far away from any of the action to mooch off from?
Shiver: Playing strategically isn't mooching!
(Y/N): Okay everyone just relax. We did it and that's all that matters. Besides, it'd be too boring if we didn't have unexpected hiccups during a match.
Frye: Now you're speaking my language!
She said while wrapping an arm around his neck cheerfully, which also caused a lot of the gross salmon water on her uniform to splash on him.
Frye: Oops, sorry, hehe.
Shiver: I guess it does feel fun to be the one holding all the cards.
(Y/N): And I'm glad Frye's out of her funk now too.
Frye: Mowing down a whole hoard of salmonids will do that to ya!
Big Man: Ayyy... (Now we can actually relax now that she got it out of her system too...)
He said with a calm smile.
Shiver: Not until after Grizzco coughs up the cash for this job.
Frye: Yessir! Mo' money for us!
The three had taken off their Salmon Run uniforms and left the Grizzco building.
Frye: You sure you can't come back to the hideout to continue this party, Big Man?
Big Man: Ayy. Ay! (No, I've got business I need to take care of back home tonight. I'll see all of you tomorrow though!)
Frye: I'll hold ya to that, Big Man!
Shiver: Frye, he has to see us tomorrow for work.
Frye: Oh, duh, right.
She said while sticking her tongue out with a smile as the three of them split up from Big Man to head back to the hideout.
(Y/N): So what now?
Frye then realized she didn't have any ideas.
Frye: Shiveeeeeer, what do we do when we get baaaaaack? Shiveeeeee-
(Y/N): Shiveeeeeeee-
The two were both now just dragging out Shiver's name causing her to groan.
Shiver: What about some tableturf?
Frye: OOH! YEAH, THAT! It's been ages since I freshened up on my sick skills!
(Y/N) was left confused.
(Y/N): What's tableturf?
The two looked at him with wide eyes before looking at each other then back at him... then back at each other and back at him.
Shiver: You haven't heard of Tableturf Battles?
(Y/N): Is it some popular thing?
Frye: Geez, ya dingbat, you been living under a rock?
(Y/N): I get asked that a lot.
Shiver: So basically, Tableturf Battle is a card game you can play against another player where you try and use the shapes each card offers to try and cover more spots on the board than your enemy.
(Y/N): So, just Turf Wars but as a card game.
Shiver: Hence the name, yes.
Shiver sighed.
Frye: You can also collect every card too!
(Y/N): Collect them for what?
Frye: To have them all!
(Y/N): Just to have every card?
Frye: Yeahaha, now you're getting it!
She pulled (Y/N) in close to her and held one of her arms out in front of them both.
Frye: Stick with me, kid, I'll teach you everything I know as the Tableturf Queen.
Shiver: Who nominated you as the Tableturf Queen?
Frye: The good folks of the Greenroom.
(Y/N): I'd really appreciate the help to learn it, thanks.
He said giving a smile to her helpful, albeit funnily delivered, offer.
Frye: Ain't no thang.
Shiver: And that'll be another win for me. Ahaha!
(Y/N): I'm still learning, you know.
Shiver: Yeah, but it's fun watching your face contort trying to figure out how to stop me.
She said while laying her head on the palms of her hands that she was propping up on the table.
Shiver: And then it's so cute when I stop your plan.
(Y/N): Then why are we even putting money on this when I'm still learning?
Shiver: It's only fun to play if something's on the line.
Shiver then turns over to Frye.
Shiver: Is this all your teaching skills can amount to?
Frye glared at her.
Frye: You can act smug for now but this will all turn around eventually once my teachings have really sunken into his thick head.
Frye then turned to (Y/N) and got close enough to whisper to him.
Frye: I think we should cheat.
(Y/N) was also now whispering to her.
(Y/N): No! I'm not gonna cheat.
Frye: Ugh, fine! Then we've gotta come up with a new plan since you want to do this the hard way.
(Y/N): I'm all ears for any ideas if you've got any.
Frye: Try to rush across the board to her side as quickly as you can. If you cut her off early enough, there's no room for her to even play any cards while you maximize your turf with all the big cards you've got in the open space with that starter deck I lent you. She'll be done for and we'll wipe that smug look off her face.
(Y/N): Okay, I'll try.
The two then broke up the huddle.
Shiver: You two done? Let's make this more interesting. Whoever wins (me obviously) gets to ask the loser to do something that they can't refuse.
Frye evil laughed.
Frye: Deal!
(Y/N): Wha-
She leaned in close to him again to whisper to him once more.
Frye: Just stick to the plan and it'll work. Then we can have her do something super embarrassing and revel in my victory against her!
(Y/N): You mean "our" victory, don't you?
Frye: Hm? Oh, yeah, of course, our victory.
He didn't seem convinced.
Frye: Look, you trust me, don't you?
He looked at her and she gave him a pleading stare which caused him to stir for a moment before giving in.
(Y/N): Yeah, I trust you.
Frye then bombastically dispersed from their huddle again.
Frye: Deal's on! Don't complain too much when your idea doesn't work the way you intended, Shiver.
Shiver just smiled and gave no response.
They started the match. He only had small cards at the start so he used his one shuffle and got the bigger cards he could use to spread to her side of the board as fast as possible.
She used her first move to get the area around her starting position, while (Y/N) arranged his big first piece to branch outward towards hers as far as possible.
With the second turn, he once again used the biggest piece he had to stretch as far as he could again. Shiver narrowed her eyes for a moment, suspecting she understood his goal, which caused her to use her third turn to spread out more from her base, just as (Y/N) also used his third turn to stretch out as far as possible once again.
He was now passed the middle of the board and was trying to create a blockade with his fourth turn so she couldn't go around his pieces. Luckily, his fourth piece was just up against her piece so he successfully blocked her pieces from being able to move out of her side of the map.
Shiver was irked by him managing to cut her off and lifted the corner of her mouth up in a bit of an annoyance as she looked for the next piece to play.
Meanwhile, (Y/N) was happy that it had worked and went looking to start filling in all the empty space with big cards before Frye chimed in.
Frye: Don't forget the empty corner pieces.
(Y/N): What?
Frye: She can still get passed it using diagonal spaces.
He then got a bit worried and looked to block off the few attempts she had to get across.
She did manage to get a bit across with her fifth turn due to his quick response, but luckily he figured she probably would and used a piece to make a separate wall to quarantine the small section she did manage to avoid, which left her trapped again.
With his sixth turn used it to block two other open diagonal spaces since she didn't have any means to get across with any of the cards she had this turn since her space wasn't against this corner piece.
After reviewing the board, he realized he had successfully blockaded her into the small part of the map.
Frye: Don't get too cocky now. Place your pieces carefully so you don't run out of space. She can use her small space to pack in a lot of spaces and still make up for the small area she's in.
He nodded as he listened to her advice.
Shiver was now sitting upward, not resting on her hands at all, now carefully choosing her cards.
(Y/N) spent the next couple of turns carefully filling in the large empty areas so that he could use the large areas he had efficiently, while Shiver packed in her base area as much as she could. Unfortunately for her, it wasn't making up for the big pieces he could use in the open areas of his side of the map.
Frye: I think this massacre has gone on long enough, you can give up now Shiver. There's no shame in it.
Frye said with a cocky grin and attitude about her. Clearly riding the joy of putting Shiver to shame after all of Shiver's gloating. Shiver just glared at her and then went back to her deck looking over it, still not saying anything.
(Y/N) didn't want to gloat but he did feel happy to have finally stumped Shiver.
But with the next move, she suddenly placed her space across his own turf.
(Y/N): Woah, what? You can't place across my turf!
Shiver smirked at him now pushing him back in the match.
(Y/N) shifted over to look at Frye.
Frye: Why didn't you watch out for her special attacks?
(Y/N): You did not teach me about special attacks!
Frye: I didn't?
(Y/N): NO!
Frye: Oh, uh... oops? Hehe...
(Y/N): OOPS?
Frye: Good luck...?
He nervously was shuffling to try and figure out how to deal with her now having access to more of the board and quickly overcoming more of the map as he struggled to figure out a way to counteract it.
Then by the time they made their final move, they quickly tallied up their points to see Shiver had beaten him by only three points.
Shiver: Didn't anyone ever tell you two that it ain't over until the fat lady sings?
Frye: Did you just call me fat?
(Y/N) was disappointed at how victory was snatched away from him at the last moment.
(Y/N): So what is it you want from me?
Shiver just tapped his head with her fan.
Shiver: What's the rush? Can't you allow a lady to savor her victory? Why would I use an open favor so willy-nilly?
(Y/N) just closed his eyes and was now worried about what devilish deed she could be saving for him to do for her.
Shiver: Don't worry, I'd be fine with giving you a personal lesson in Tableturf Battles sometime from a real master.
She said the end part while looking right over at Frye, causing Frye to huff and puff her grievances while grumbling to herself.
Shiver: I'm going to go head to bed now. I'll leave you two to soothe your disappointment.
She said with a wave as she left the room.
Frye glared at Shiver as she left the room after saying that.
Frye then made sure to give (Y/N) a thorough crash course so that next time they'd beat her.
After finishing her lesson, she just sighed and then relaxed.
Frye: I'm exhausted now...
She slumped into the couch on the spot next to him with her eyes closed before just leaning over onto him.
Frye: Find something good on TV for meeee...
He obliged and started scrolling until something piqued her interest and she jumped up slightly and pointed at the TV.
Frye: Go back! Right there, right there!
Then he listened to her request and she went back to just sprawling across the whole couch.
For a while, the two were just talking more while watching the TV until eventually (Y/N) heard snoring and noticed she had fallen asleep on him.
(Y/N) gave a little chuckle at how she finally tuckered herself out. He then shut the television off, picked up the book he had left there earlier, and continued reading where he left off quietly so as not to disturb the sleeping squid who was now using him as a pillow.
3143 Words
January 19, 2024 - 2:20 A.M.
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