S3C Chapter 57: Just For Us

Let me first say: Happy (early) Valentine's Day. I had a bit of trouble writing this chapter, mixed with my self-imposed two week deadline for a chapter, and that led to me spending basically all afternoon until all the way until the morning to get this chapter finished. I'm sure there are mistakes I've made here and I'll fix them, but I literally hit publish on this chapter and immediately got off my computer to pass out. I hope you all enjoy it nonetheless. Thank you for reading.

Veronica POV

Veronica's eyes were staring straight forward, eyeing down the focus of her attention.

Her focus was broken by the sound of a quacking sound from the alarm she had set.

Veronica smiled as she stopped crouching down and stood up straight, opening the oven to take out the tray using the oven mitts she already had on.

She carefully set down the hot tray so she could let it all cool down.

She smiled at how the cookies she had carefully baked this morning, though before she could truly be satisfied, she needed to taste them to see if they tasted as well as they looked.

Veronica picked up one of the cookies, careful not to burn herself before taking a bite of it, fanning her mouth at the heat still given off by the cookie before her eyes lit up.

Veronica: Perfect!

She said as she pleasantly held one hand to her cheek while holding the rest of the cookie with her other hand.

(Y/N): Thank you, I try my best.

Veronica turned her head to see (Y/N) walking up while rubbing his eyes with a tired look.

Veronica giggled at his statement.

Veronica: Not you, but I am glad to see you are finally awake.

(Y/N): Tell me about it. I didn't expect to sleep in this late. Better yet, I'm surprised no one interrupted my sleep to wake me up for once.

Veronica: That is probably why you slept so long. Your body is trying to make up for all of that lost sleep.

She said with a smile as he raised an eyebrow.

(Y/N): Last I checked, you do your fair share of waking me up as well.

Veronica: Maybe, but I at least try to only do it when you sleep too late.

(Y/N): Which makes today quite the exception. You actually let me sleep in so it took whatever you're making in here to wake me up with that delicious smell.

Veronica shook her head with a smile.

Veronica: Well, you are just in time since what you could smell in my sleep was actually this tray of cookies. I spent all morning making sure it would be perfect.

(Y/N) walked up closer to see the cookies, causing his expression to grow hungrier.

(Y/N): They do look perfect.

Veronica: Give them a taste!

(Y/N): Don't mind if I do!

He said as he took one and nearly devoured it, but still savoring the flavor.

(Y/N): And the taste matches.

He said as he finished the cookie.

(Y/N): But why did you get up so early to do this today?

Veronica blushed a bit as he asked that.

Veronica: I just wanted it to be a surprise for you is all. I wanted to be the first one to wish you a happy Valentine's Day, and I wanted to do it with homemade treats I made thanks to you teaching me how to cook better.

(Y/N) chuckled as he grabbed a few more cookies.

(Y/N): I really appreciate it a lot- wait, Valentine's Day?

Veronica nodded.

Veronica: Yes, that is today!

(Y/N) snapped his focus onto the front door, staring at it for a few moments before Veronica questionably looked to the door, then back to him.

Veronica: Is something wrong?

(Y/N): No, everything's all right. Usually, that's just when someone would burst through the door and ruin the moment.

Veronica: Oh, I see. Are we expecting company today?

(Y/N): Not that I know, so we can enjoy these cookies by ourselves.

Veronica: Am I able to guess that that means you have no plans for Valentine's Day today then?

(Y/N) turns to her.

(Y/N): You can, but you'd be wrong. I actually do have plans for today, but not until later, so we can just relax for now and enjoy these delicious cookies you made.

Veronica: I don't mind, but do you really have plans today?

She said, surprised by that answer.

(Y/N): Why do you sound so surprised?

Veronica: Nothing, it is just... Who do you have plans with?

(Y/N): Well, actually I-

He was cut off by the sound of the front door bursting open nearby.

(Y/N): -There it is. Took longer than I expected.

From the doorway stepped in Shiver, followed by Frye.

Shiver: Pardon the late introduction, we were enjoying the morning at a cafe before we came here.

Shiver said while scanning the room for (Y/N) before laying eyes on him.

Upon seeing him, Shiver pointed her fan toward (Y/N), signaling for Frye to go over and throw him over Frye's shoulder.

Shiver: I hope you don't mind, but we'll be taking him.

Veronica: That is fine, I was just surprised you did not take any of the cookies I made with you.

Shiver: Of course not. You clearly made those with love, and we are not such rude animals to do something so cruel and unusual.

Shiver said casually before turning back toward the door as Frye walked out ahead of her with (Y/N) on her shoulder.

Shiver: If he kicks too much, Frye, tie him up until we get there.

Frye: Will do!

Shiver stepped out the door and leaned in through the doorway as she held the doorknob to shut the door behind her.

Shiver: Ta ta!

She gave a goodbye before shutting the door behind her.

Veronica just blinked a few times, realizing how quick Deep Cut's sudden appearances tended to be, though Veronica still enjoyed it.

Veronica: I will put the rest of these cookies up for him. He will want these when he gets back.

She said to herself with a happy smile as she started gathering the cookies.

She was cut off in the process though as the front door burst open yet again.

Veronica: (I am glad our door has not broken yet.)

She thought to herself as the figure charged in with a melodic tune to her voice and a graceful stride into their home.

Callie: (Y/N)~! I've come for your hand! You're not hiding again, are you? You can't get away from me on Valentine's Day~.

Callie couldn't see (Y/N) but did notice Veronica standing there.

Callie: Veronica!

Callie exclaimed joyfully.

Veronica: Callie!

Veronica exclaimed just as joyfully back.

Callie: Where's (Y/N) at? I've come seeking what belongs to me.

Veronica: You are actually too late. Shiver and Frye showed up just a few minutes ago and already carried him off.

Callie: What?!

Veronica: Yes, just shortly ago.

Callie sighed as she slumped over a bit upon hearing the news before immediately regaining her confidence.

Callie: Did they say where they were going?

Veronica: No, they showed up and then were just gone. (Y/N) did say he had plans for today though, so it is probably a date for Valentine's Day.

Callie looked shocked as if she had taken damage.

Callie: What?! Impossible! Then, I guess there is only one thing for me to do.

Veronica: Hang out with me?

Callie giggled.

Callie: Okay, maybe two things, save that one for later- but no! If they're on a date, then I'll check all of the best date spots out in the city until I find them.

Veronica: You are not planning on ruining their date, are you?

Callie: What? No! If he wants to go on a date with someone else for Valentine's Day, who am I to stop it...

She grumbled the last part.

Callie: I just want to at least get a bit of time with him myself so I can give him a gift for today. It's no fun if you don't do it on the day.

Veronica nodded.

Veronica: I know what you mean. I wish you luck, Callie.

Callie smiled.

Callie: I appreciate the support, but I don't need it. Not when I have love guiding me!

Callie said full of confidence, to which Veronica reacted brightly in response to it.

Callie: I'll be off then.

Veronica: Okay. And can you try not to burst the door open so forcefully next time you come over?

Callie: No promises!

Callie happily responded as she left, shutting the door behind her.


Shiver POV

(Y/N): I have a couple of questions.

Frye: Shoot.

(Y/N): First, why am I riding on your back like this?

He asked from his position where he had his arms around her chest and she was holding his legs around her sides.

Frye: You said you didn't want to be thrown over my shoulder.

Shiver: And we didn't want you getting snatched away or running.

(Y/N): Is there a reason I would try running away?

Shiver: I'm not sure why, but for some reason, I get the impression you don't always trust our judgement.

(Y/N): Whaaat? Of course not.

(Y/N) feigned ignorance.

(Y/N): Second, I'm surprised. I would've expected that you two would've jumped me first thing in the morning.

Shiver: Sorry to tell you this, but you weren't our first priority for the day.

(Y/N) pouted jokingly.

Frye: Shiver, Big Man, and me were enjoying ourselves at a cafe, givin' each other some chocolate like we usually do every year, but of course, some fangirls mobbed Big Man.

Shiver: So, we left him to that and decided to come bug you instead.

(Y/N): How lovely to hear how much you wanted to see me.

Frye: Hey, we did.

Shiver: Yeah, like she said. We've been planning something fun, don't you know what it is?

(Y/N): How legal is it?

Shiver: Morally dubious.

(Y/N): I appreciate your honesty. And given that I suspect I don't have much of a choice, sure.

Frye: That's the spirit! It'll be fun, trust us! Besides, you do what we say, and there might be a reward in it for you~.

Shiver: We're here now anyway, so it's too late to back out anyway.

Shiver said as Frye finally let (Y/N) down off her back and he looked at where they brought him.

(Y/N): This is the place you two were hyping up? Port Mackerel?

Frye: You've heard of it! Great!

(Y/N): Why are we at Port Mackerel?

Shiver: Whaaat? You don't want to have a lovely date at such a...

She looked over the area with a slightly questionable look.

Shiver:  ... classy place?

(Y/N) now looked questionably at Shiver and how she didn't even seem to believe what she said.

Frye: I like the loud noise! I CAN SCREAM AND IT DOESN'T BOTHER PEOPLE!

Shiver and (Y/N) were rubbing their ears that were facing her.

Shiver: It does if people are still right next to you when you do it.

Frye: Oops, my bad.

Shiver: Why don't we find a nice place to sit and relax at first?

Shiver suggested as the three of them found a "comfortable" shipping container to sit on top of.

(Y/N): This what made you two choose Port Mackerel to have a date? You two were in a real shipping container mood?

Shiver: It's got a nice view from on top of these stacked containers, does it not?

Frye: Also, have you seen those videos where someone buys a shipping container and decorates the whole thing so they can live in one?

(Y/N): Yeah, I've seen those videos. Too cramped for my liking. Liz might enjoy it though.

(Y/N) noticed Shiver looking around the port as if there was something specific she was looking for.

(Y/N): Did you lose something?

Shiver: Huh? Oh, no, I'm just... really taking in the beauty of this area. Ya know, to capture the moment or whatever.

(Y/N): Shiver, you're not fooling anyone with that acting. Nor are you going to make me suddenly believe this kind of place is some place you enjoy being.

Shiver: Uh, excuse you. What do you mean my acting isn't good? I'll have you know, I've been practicing. And besides, how would you know I'm not loving the scenery here?

Frye: He does have a point, Shiver. You only hang out in places like this if-

Shiver: -Shush, Frye.

Shiver cut off Frye and her laughing by covering her mouth before she could keep speaking.

Shiver: Maybe, it's you who isn't appreciating this right now? You're on a date with two beautiful women on Valentine's Day, and yet here you are trying to poke holes into it as if we're some kind of criminals under investigation.

Shiver said while tapping him in the chest before leading her hand up his chest.

Shiver: Maybe me and Frye need to put a little more effort into this date of ours to really get the picture across here~.

(Y/N) was leaning back nervously as Shiver continued with this, but bumped into Frye behind him to cut off any escape.

(Y/N): Y-You're right, perhaps I've been too, uh, ungrateful to you two for this. I actually used to love coming here to do Turf War matches, and being able to enjoy it here with you two, you two beautiful ladies, makes it even better now.

He said with a nervous laugh while trying to turn the situation around at the end.

Shiver and Frye both smiled at this.

Shiver: That's more like it. Maybe you deserve a reward for that sweet talking you're doing as well.

Frye: It is nice to be on a date like this after so long too. I've really missed doing things like this.

Shiver and Frye both were encroaching onto (Y/N), but just before they could do anything, the three were interrupted.

???: Hey!

The three all looked down at the ground and saw one of the port workers.

Port Worker: What do you think you're doing up there?

Shiver sighed.

Shiver: We're trying to have a romantic date, obviously!

Frye: What's it look like we're doin'?! Mind ya business!

Port Worker: This is my business! You can't be up there!

Frye: Pfft, why not? You mad that we're having fun while you've gotta work your cringe nine-to-five?

Shiver and Frye both giggled while high-fiving.

Shiver: People do Turf Wars around here! What's wrong with us being here?

Port Worker: What's wrong is that two suspicious-looking individuals who looked a lot like you were spotted here recently attempting to break into these shipping containers!

(Y/N)'s eyebrows dropped as he realized why they had really wanted to come here and why they had been planning it.

Shiver and Frye both attempted to look shocked by the accusation to convince (Y/N) that they had no idea what the port worker was talking about.

Shiver and Frye both dropped down to the lower shipping container to yell at the port worker more closely.

Shiver: How dare you insinuate we could possibly be up to such no-good activities!

Frye: We're pillars of society!

Frye chimed in before her ears twitched at a noise, causing her to look back, but Shiver hadn't noticed.

Shiver: This is disrespectful! Do you just assume everyone around here is trying to steal things?

Port Worker: You were caught on camera...

Shiver was silent for a moment, thinking of her next excuse.

Shiver: So? We did nothing wrong?

Frye: Uh, Shiver?

Shiver: We were actually sent from corporate to make sure that these shipping containers were up to code!

Frye: Shiver?

Shiver: If you had faulty shipping containers that just any old crowbar someone bought at a department store could break into, then that would be money on the company's dime! You do your job, and we'll do our job!

Frye: Shiver.

Shiver: Yes, Frye? What is it?

Shiver turned to look back at Frye before noticing a problem.

Shiver: Where did (Y/N) go? ...And the shipping container he was on?

Frye: That big crane over there took the shipping container with him on it.

Shiver: Are you kidding me..?

Shiver rubbed the bridge of her nose.

The port worker was still below them on the ground and decided to chime in again.

Port Worker: Is that how you lost the big fella with you from the other day too?


(Y/N) was rubbing his arms, feeling sore after Frye tried to hang onto him and nearly tearing his arms off to hold on before he slipped away.

He looked around, admiring the higher view he now had that many probably didn't get the opportunity to see.

(Y/N): I wonder where I'm being taken... actually, have I even been moving?

He looked and noticed that he was sitting still, held up by the crane.

He was confused as to why they would pick up the crane but then not move it anywhere. Had they noticed (Y/N) on top of the shipping container? If so, wouldn't it have been better to set it down then?

He looked for the booth where the person operating the crane would be, eventually finding it, but then being even more confused.

(Y/N) locked eyes with a tall Octoling who was waving to him from inside to try and get his attention.

He had no idea why Marina was there or why she was operating a crane, but he had no way to speak with her since she was inside the booth either way, so he just lightly waved to her.

Marina smiled back at him before looking like she realized the issue finally and then started moving the crane again, causing (Y/N) to hunker down again as it started moving again.

Once the crane put down the shipping container, (Y/N) hopped off the shipping container and watched as Marina climbed down from the crane to meet him.

Marina: Hey, (Y/N)! Crazy bumping into you here.

(Y/N): Yeah, it sure is. Which reminds me, why are you here exactly? Operating a crane?

Marina: Oh, you know how it is... me and big machinery, hehe.

She gave a nervous laugh.

Marina: So, did I catch you in the middle of something?

(Y/N) looked over toward the general direction he was before.

(Y/N): Well, I think you got me out of trouble, so your timing is actually impeccable.

Marina: I'm glad I could be of some help then.

Marina was blushing awkwardly, not making her intentions very clear.

(Y/N): Right, thank y-


Marina quickly blurted out in the middle of his sentence.

(Y/N): Oh!

(Y/N) let out a happy chuckle, embarrassing Marina.

Marina: I'm sorry, I just wasn't sure when I should-

(Y/N): -Marina, it's fine. I just was caught off guard by it. Thank you. Happy Valentine's Day.

Marina seemed to relax a bit more now after he said.

Marina: That's good. I was worried it'd be awkward just to spring it on you, but I was actually hoping I could ask if you wanted to spend some time together today.

(Y/N): I do have plans later, but I've got time for us. But if you wanted to go out together today, why were you messing around with this heavy equipment here at the port? Do you have some sort of tracker on me or something?

He said jokingly with a laugh to which Marina gave a loud, awkward laugh.

Marina: HAHA! Yeah, tracker, that would be hilarious.

She said nervously.

Marina: Let's get out of here then.

(Y/N): Do you have any ideas on where you want to go?

Marina: There's somewhere close I'd like to go to.

(Y/N): Sounds like a plan. Lead the way.

He happily encouraged her as the two walked together and continued talking with each other.


Callie POV

Callie: This must be the place. It's the perfect romantic date spot.

Callie arrived at the loud and busy Port Mackerel, looking around to see if she could see (Y/N) anywhere.

Frye: Callie!

Callie turned to her side to see Shiver and Frye being escorted off of the premises.

Shiver: Callie! Perfect timing. Please tell these people to let us go.

Callie: Oh, hey you two! I was looking for you.

Shiver: You were?

Frye turned to one of the people escorting them out.

Frye: See that? The Callie of the Squid Sisters was looking for us. Now let us go!

Callie: Where's (Y/N) at?

Shiver: Oh, him?

Frye: We lost him. A crane carried him away.

Callie: Like... a bird did?

Frye: No! Like one of the big machines!

Callie: Dang it...

Callie said while rubbing the back of her head.

Shiver: Now, can you please get us out of this?!

Callie stared at the two troublemakers with their pleading faces. Callie sat in silence as she didn't say anything for a few moments before finally speaking up.

Callie: Okay.

Callie said with a smile.

Callie: You can let these two go, I'll take it from here.

Callie said with a hand motion for them to leave it to her.

Guard: Uh, ma'am, we're big fans and all, but we can't just release them to you.

Callie: Oh...

Callie thought about it for a moment.

Callie: I'll pose for a photo if you let them go.

Guards: DEAL!

They all posed for the photo, with even Shiver and Frye photobombing the back of the photo, which would let this photo of the two of them be used to identify them and keep them out of the port in the future.



(Y/N): This is where you wanted to go for Valentine's Day?

Marina: Yes! Is... there something wrong with that?

(Y/N) smiled.

(Y/N): No, it's so you. It's perfect.

Marina held her hands together nervously.

Marina: It's just-

(Y/N): -Don't worry, I remember. It reminds you of your childhood, right?

Marina smiled with a bit of blush.

Marina: I'm glad you remembered.

She said before going to her usual nerdy spiel.

Marina: Sturgeon Shipyard is just so perfect with all this machinery and the noise and the-

Marina stopped herself.

Marina: -Sorry, again.

(Y/N): No no no, it's fine. When Shiver and Frye were talking about Port Mackerel, I could tell they didn't really mean it, but you, it's plain to see how much you love these places. I could listen to you talk about these things all day long.

Marina's face was flushed with ink as he said that, causing her to hold her hands together.

Marina: You should be careful what you say. You've listened to me talk for hours and hours before. If you say the right thing, it'll be hard to get me to stop.

(Y/N): Then it's good that I prefer it when you don't. Which reminds me of something Big Man said to me about this place before. Have you ever imagined all these cranes joining together into a giant robot mech?

Marina snapped her head in his direction as quickly as possible as her eyes lit up.

Marina: OH MY COD! Yes! So many times! Actually-

Marina quickly grabbed her bag and dug out a little notebook of hers.

Marina: Check this out.

She quickly flipped through the book, looking for the right page as she found i,t and showed him the drawings she made of her idea of how it would work, how it would look, which part went where, and the ins and outs of it all.

(Y/N) smiled, ready to sit here amongst all the loud machinery around them as she spouted off the lore of the ideas she had made up in her head, and he couldn't help but enjoy listening to her put it all together, stumbling over her own words adorably, and trying to remember details she said were important.

It might not be what others would call a romantic date, but for the two of them, it was the perfect way to spend time together.


Callie POV

Callie stepped through the door to her apartment.

Marie spotted her.

Marie: Hey, Cal'. How'd your romantic Valentine's Day go?

Callie: Well...

Callie looked defeated.

Callie: Not exactly.

Marie smirked.

Marie: Wanna tell me what you did wrong?

Callie: I didn't do anything wrong!

Callie sounded offended which Marie giggled at.

Marie: All right, then what did he do wrong?

Callie sighed.

Callie: Nothing. I never even saw him today...

Marie sounded interested in how this could've happened now, crossing her legs to face Callie as Callie sat down next to Marie.

Callie: Shiver and Frye already got to him before I could. So, I tried to search for where they could've possibly gone.

Marie: Why didn't you just call or text them to ask where they were?

Callie: I didn't want it to seem like I was trying to crash their date...

Marie: Were you not trying to do that?

Callie: Of course not! They got to him first, fair and square. I just wanted to at least see him and give him this chocolate on the day.

Marie: I'm still so surprised you care to see Valentine's Day as this special when you never care to hold back any other day of the year anyway.

Callie: Maybe if you were on Team Love instead of Team Money-

Marie: -Not gonna happen.

Callie: Thought so. Then don't judge me for what I love.

Marie smirked.

Marie: Fair enough.

Callie: Anyway, I found Frye and Shiver at Port Mackerel-

Marie: -Why were they at Port Mackerel?

Callie: I already told you I searched for the three of them at romantic date locations in the area, Marie, keep up.

Marie: Why would Port Mackerel be a romantic date location?!

Callie: We've been over this before, Marie.

Marie just sighed.

Marie: Just continue.

Callie: Okay. Well, unfortunately, they had already lost (Y/N) by the time I found them getting escorted out by security.

Marie: Why am I not surprised? Also, what do you mean they lost (Y/N)?

Callie shrugged.

Callie: I don't know. There was no sign of him at the port from what I could tell. So, he either wasn't there anymore or he's still lost there now. We'll find out soon enough though.

Marie: Glad to see you care about him.

Callie: Anyway, at least Shiver and Frye made it up to me after I got them out of that mess, and the three of us got some drinks together that they paid for.

Marie: They paid for a drink for you?

Callie: Not exactly. They paid for two-thirds of the drinks.

Marie looked confused.

Callie: Their drinks were the two-thirds they paid for.

Marie just lowered her brows and stared at Callie.

Marie: So, they just paid for their own drinks and made you pay for yours?

Callie's eyes went wide at the realization.

Callie: Oh my cod, that makes so much more sense now. Those little troublemakers.

Callie said with a giggle at their trick while Marie just shook her head.

Marie: How about I make up for the bad day you've had then?

Callie lifted her head up off the back of the couch.

Callie: How are you gonna do that?

Marie: How about I go out and get us some food from your favorite place nearby?

Callie sat forward on the couch with her eyes twinkling.

Callie: You will?!

Marie smiled softly.

Marie: Yeah, I will. Mark it down on my "Marie did something nice" card.

Callie giggled at her cousin's joke as Marie got ready to leave.

Callie: I'm on it! I think the card is almost full. You've almost earned one free Callie Day.

Marie: Can I trade in the prize for something else?

Callie: Hey!

The two cousins giggled as Marie then opened the door to leave, shutting it behind us.

Callie leaned back on the couch, relaxing now.

Callie: I'm glad I have Marie here for me at times like this.

Callie said with a smile and her eyes closed before she was caught off guard shortly after by the door unlocking.

Callie: Huh? Marie?

Marie peeked in through the door.

Callie: Marie, what did you forget?

Marie: Oh, me? Nothing, but I think there's a package out here for you.

Callie: There is? Give it here!

Marie: Sure thing.

Marie said with a smile as she opened the door wider which allowed (Y/N) to walk into the apartment past Marie.

Callie stood up, shocked.

Callie: (Y/N)?! What're you doing here?

Marie: I'll leave you two alone while I go get the food.

Marie said with a smile, shutting the door behind her again.

Callie thought about why (Y/N) could be here and figured it was probably that Veronica told him Callie was looking for him.

Callie sat back down on the couch and tried to act overly flirty again.

Callie: I'm glad to see you aren't lost in some shipping container at Port Mackerel.

(Y/N): You knew I was at Port Mackerel?

Callie was confused.

Callie: Yeah? Didn't Veronica tell you?

(Y/N): Tell me what? I just came right here after I was done with other things today.

Callie: Really? Then... what did you come here for?

Callie tried to hide her confusion a bit by jokingly flirting with him again.

Callie: You couldn't help yourself but want to see me today, could you~?

(Y/N): Yes, actually. I had planned before today to try and spend Valentine's Day with you.

Callie laughed as he went along with her joke before she noticed he wasn't laughing and instead seemed serious.

Callie: Hahahaaa... what?

(Y/N): I wanted to spend Valentine's Day together.

Callie's eyes went wide. She'd heard him twice now. He confirmed it, so she wasn't just hearing it.

Callie: But... I thought you had planned on spending today with Shiver and Frye.

(Y/N): Who told you that?

Callie: Veronica did.

(Y/N) just smiled and shook his head.

(Y/N): I told Veronica I had plans for today, but I didn't plan on Shiver and Frye showing up. I wanted today to be just for us. If you'll have me that is.

He said with a smile that told Callie he was entirely serious.

Callie still couldn't believe it. She didn't do anything, and it wasn't out of obligation. He came to her, wanting to spend this romantic day together.

Callie's ears were lowered a bit as her eyes were beginning to water.

(Y/N): Callie? Are you-

Callie: -I'm fine! I just- ugh, I'm sorry...

She said as she was trying her best to wipe her eyes.

(Y/N): I didn't mean to upset you-

Callie: -Upset me?

She laughed at what he said.

Callie: Why would I be upset?

She asked before hugging him tightly with her arms around his back, pulling him closer to her.

Callie: That's all I want to hear.

(Y/N) was shocked by her reaction but after hearing her, he happily hugged her in return.

Callie: Now for the best part.

(Y/N) looked confusedly at her for what she meant.

Callie: What we do next!

Callie said with a happy giggle as she tried her best to think through her mind as she always planned this out in her head how it would go, and now she was trying to piece together what she would do first.

Whatever it was though, Callie was sure it'd be fun no matter what, because right now she felt on top of the world.

4862 Words

February 12, 2025 - 7:07 A.M.

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