S3C Chapter 56: Those Important
Veronica: (Y/N)!
(Y/N) looked over to see Veronica entering the main room of their home.
(Y/N): Veronica!
He chirped back to her from his seat on the couch.
Veronica: Can we go to Arowana Mall? They are having a Squidmas Eve special event for the day.
(Y/N) thought about it, thinking of how they could get some food there and also pick up some last-minute items on sale.
(Y/N) shrugged his shoulders.
(Y/N): Sure, I don't mind.
Veronica: Yay!
Veronica expressed happily as she grabbed her jacket and shoes.
Veronica: Is Shiver coming with us?
Shiver, who had been lying across the couch, including over (Y/N)'s lap, the entire time looked up from her phone.
Shiver: Huh? Why's my name being spoken?
(Y/N): We're going to head to the mall for their Squidmas Eve celebration and grab some things while we're out.
Shiver: Eeeh...
Shiver had one side of her mouth kick up, looking out the window and seeing the snow around while thinking it over.
Shiver: Ugh. I guess so.
Shiver said, dragging herself up off of the couch as she started putting on her winter kimono.
Veronica: Is that going to be enough to stay warm out there?
Shiver: I'll be fine, I'm naturally cold-blooded.
Veronica was confused but (Y/N) just shook his head at her comment.
(Y/N): Sure you are.
Shiver: You doubt me?
(Y/N): No, of course, I don't. You are by far the cruelest creature I've ever come across.
Shiver smiled.
Shiver: That's more like it.
Veronica: Shiver is not cruel, she is kind though.
Shiver blushed a bit embarrassedly by Veronica's comments.
Shiver turned around to face Veronica and pointed her fan at her.
Shiver: Do not be so sure. I would cause mass chaos in an instant given the chance for nothing more than my own amusement.
Veronica looked confused once more.
Veronica: Are you going to when we go out?
Shiver thought about it before smiling.
Shiver: I haven't decided yet.
Veronica gasped.
(Y/N): She's not going to, Veronica. Isn't that right, Shiver?
Shiver shut her eyes and bobbed her head to the side with a smile.
Shiver: Oh, if you beg so much, I guess I won't.
Veronica relaxed a bit even though (Y/N) was sure Shiver was (mostly) just all talk with what she was saying. He didn't put the idea of her actually doing something to get them thrown out of the mall being possible, but he was sure she probably wouldn't without Frye here with her.
Veronica: Well, if you do get cold, I promise I will help you.
Shiver: That won't be necessary.
Shiver said, sure Veronica would probably try and hug her until she was warm, which Shiver didn't think she would be able to stand the sweetness of the thought.
The three walked down the sidewalk along the beachside with Veronica and (Y/N) listening to Shiver talking, mostly to keep herself occupied.
Shiver: If I had to bet even, I'd say Frye is teasing her siblings right this second.
Veronica giggled at the notion.
Veronica: Do Frye's siblings look like her?
(Y/N): Pretty much, yeah.
Veronica: Do they act like her too?
(Y/N): Not exactly.
Shiver: Thankfully.
(Y/N): Which is why she enjoys teasing them even more, but she also treats them well most of the time.
Veronica: Do you have any siblings, Shiver?
Shiver: Nope! I was already perfect. There was no need for any do-overs.
Shiver said as she proudly swished her over her shoulder.
Veronica nodded, understanding Shiver at face value.
Veronica: How come you are staying with us for Squidmas instead of being home with your family?
Shiver: Well, I guess I was just too nice to deny (Y/N)'s begging for me to spend the holidays with you two.
(Y/N): Shiver just prefers spending the holidays with friends.
Veronica nodded again, understanding (Y/N)'s explanation as Shiver whacked him lightly with her fan for contradicting her.
(Y/N): I did invite her to spend it with us though.
Shiver: Some people just prefer the good company of friends over being stuck at home exactly. Big Man mostly spends his holidays relaxing by himself even.
(Y/N): Yeah, and I choose to spend the holidays here at our home together instead of back with my family too.
Shiver nodded in agreement before snapping out of it with a bit of confusion.
Shiver: Yes- wait, you have a family?
(Y/N): Yes? Why wouldn't I?
Shiver: No~o reason...
Shiver mumbled behind her fan.
(Y/N): What was that?
Shiver: Nothing, I just assumed you were raised in the wild.
(Y/N) was taken aback by her casual statement while Veronica giggled a bit.
(Y/N): Why would you think that?!
Shiver: It's just- hey, is that the place?
(Y/N): Don't change the subject.
Veronica: Ooh! Look at all the people!
Veronica exclaimed in excitement, ignoring (Y/N)'s plight.
Shiver: The place looks so shiny with all the lights, but is it seriously an outdoor mall on the beach? During winter? What weird choices to be made here in Inkopolis.
Veronica: Arowana Mall is a fresh place, and you can see all the frozen water thanks to it being winter.
Shiver: I guess. This mall is kinda dinky though. I wouldn't even need an entire afternoon to shop the whole thing.
(Y/N): You could also more easily spend your money wisely in a smaller mall like this.
Veronica: Do you prefer the very big malls, Shiver?
Shiver: Of course. The bigger the mall, the more things that'll catch your eye. Like at Barnacle & Dime!
Shiver said, sounding like an advertisement.
Shiver: Use code "DEEP CUT" at checkout next time you go.
Shiver whispered to Veronica.
(Y/N): Let's just get inside already. Lead the way, Veronica.
Shiver POV
The three were walking around the mall, Shiver already having two bags filled with things she bought, but it was (Y/N) carrying the bags for her.
Veronica: (Y/N)! They are selling hot cocoa! Can we have some?
(Y/N): I sure would like some. My hands are cold, especially due to the fact that I can't put them in my pockets while holding these bags.
He said, looking at Shiver while doing so.
Shiver looked at him, confused with what he was getting at.
Shiver: Thank you?
(Y/N): That's not- you know what, I'm surprised I even got that. It's fine.
The three got in line, which led to Shiver whining about having to wait so long. However, in her boredom, Shiver watched a couple ahead of them get their hot cocoas, taking a sip before sitting together.
Shiver hated watching something so disgusting, but her face was red from embarrassment upon thinking about herself acting the same with (Y/N). She wondered if everyone else would be just as grossed out. She wondered if she'd look as happy as they did.
(Y/N) snapped her back out of it as the line moved up.
Shiver looked at (Y/N)'s happy face. She saw the snow. She saw all the holiday decorations. Just like that, she saw it all over again.
(Y/N): Shiver?
He shook her shoulder gently to get her attention as she was spacing out again.
Shiver: Y-Yeah?
(Y/N): We've got our hot cocoa. Are you okay? You're spacing out a lot.
Shiver had a slight pout on her face.
Shiver: Yeah, I'm fine. I was just looking at those weirdos over there. How can they bring themselves to be so shameless in public?
She said, attempting to return to her usual snootiness.
(Y/N): Shiver, 'tis the season. You're going to see a lot of couples enjoying themselves together.
Shiver: Yeah, well... it's dumb.
Shiver said while taking her hot cocoa and leading the way for them to find somewhere to sit down and heat up and enjoy their drinks.
Veronica whispered to (Y/N) as the two followed behind her.
Veronica: What has made Shiver so upset?
(Y/N) shifted his mouth as he thought of how to answer that, thinking of how he was sure he knew what was upsetting Shiver.
(Y/N): Bad memories from last year.
Veronica: Oh, well then that is not so bad.
(Y/N) turned to Veronica, not expecting that from her.
(Y/N): How so?
Veronica: Because we can just help make good memories for her to make up for the bad ones.
(Y/N) smiled. He should've expected such a sweet answer from Veronica.
(Y/N) ruffled Veronica's hair, happy to have her beside him.
Shiver POV
Shiver: Ugh, will you two stop with all the mushy stuff? This hot cocoa isn't getting any hotter.
Callie: That makes one of us then.
Shiver turned back forward, having been turned around to face (Y/N) and Veronica before. Upon doing so, she found herself in front of an approaching Callie and Marie.
Shiver: What're you two doing here?
Marie: We saw the mall was holding a special Squidmas Eve celebration.
Callie: I love the blimps here!
Marie: And Callie loves the blimps here.
Veronica: Is Liz with you?
Marie: Nah, we decided to check this place out before she showed up at our place so we could pick something up to surprise her with.
Callie: Gramps is home if she shows up early though, so it's no worries.
Callie clarified so it would be understood Liz wasn't going to be stuck freezing outside if it did happen.
Callie: Anyways, what're you three up to?
(Y/N): Veronica wanted to come and experience the Squidmas vibes here, and Shiver is doing her best to make sure my hands are full.
Shiver: Shush, you love it.
Callie decided to strike up a conversation with Veronica to ask where the best things to check out were while Shiver, Marie, and (Y/N) talked together for a minute.
Marie: Well, I'm glad to see you're enjoying the holidays, Shiver.
Shiver raised an eyebrow.
Marie: What?
Shiver: What are you up to?
Marie: What're you talking about?
Shiver: You're acting awfully kind, boss Marie. Do you have some awful work planned for us after the holidays?
Marie just lowered her brows, seeing how Shiver saw Marie.
Marie: No. I was just worried you'd be just shutting yourself out and spending the holidays bored alone.
Shiver: Not like I had much of a say in that either way.
Marie smirked.
Marie: True, Frye was pretty loud at the party about making sure you'd go with (Y/N).
Shiver: Ugh, you heard that? That explains why you're trying to mess with me then...
Marie: I'm not trying to mess with you.
Shiver: That would be a first.
Marie: Yes, but it's still true.
Marie said with a cheeky smile.
Marie: I just wanted to remind you that Frye wanted you to have fun. So, you should be your normal, selfish self and not be stuck in your own head so much.
Shiver: Who said I was?!
Shiver questioned with a faulty confidence.
Marie just kept her smug smile.
Marie: Just wanted to remind you, that's all. Callie? We should be getting a move on now.
Callie turned away from Veronica.
Callie: Already? Aw. Okay. Let me just grab something first!
Callie went from glum right back to excited in her usual Callie way as she quickly made her way over to (Y/N) where she wrapped her hands around the other side of his face so she could plant a kiss on his cheek.
Shiver was annoyed seeing Callie do so while Veronica was just a bit surprised to watch as Marie quickly pried off Callie.
Marie: All right, enough of that, Callie.
Callie: It's enough for me! I left my mark.
She said happily as Shiver noticed she left a bit of lipstick on (Y/N)'s blushing cheek.
Veronica: Have a merry Squidmas you two! And tell Liz I said so too!
Callie: We will!
Callie said, still smiling as Marie dragged her along.
Marie: You three enjoy yourselves as well.
Marie said back to the three while looking at Shiver as she said it, calling back to what she said previously.
Marie: Seriously, Callie, do you always have to-
Marie could be heard softly muttering to Callie as the two left.
Shiver was frustrated at how boss Marie always seemed to know what was going on with how she would read people.
Though Boss Marie's words did help Shiver reflect on it all, thinking about Frye. Shiver knows Frye has forgiven her for what happened last year but it had just felt wrong to once again be spending the holidays with (Y/N) as she did last year which hurt her best friend so much.
Shiver remembered Frye making it clear she didn't mind if Shiver even tried to get close to (Y/N) over the holidays this year, but it irked Shiver to think of her doing it on purpose.
Then there was boss Marie's words about how Shiver should just be herself, which Shiver was so proud of, which caused her to feel conflicted even more about how she should feel and what she should do.
There was one thing Shiver was certain of though. She didn't like seeing someone else like Callie take advantage of the situation to get closer to him right in front of her while she refused to fight back.
Seeing the kiss mark on his cheek fueled her desire to want to come out on top and get what she wanted. Besides, Frye was with Shiver on this. They were a team, so this is for Frye too.
Shiver sighed behind her fan as she took out a napkin and wiped the lipstick off of (Y/N)'s cheek, pushing him a bit while doing so because it ticked Shiver off to see how happy he looked about it.
Shiver: I can't look away for three seconds without some other woman trying to encroach on what's mine.
Shiver said as she wrapped one of her arms around his, standing close to him with a soft smile hidden behind both her fan and her fake tone of annoyance.
Shiver: Let's carry on with our shopping spree already.
Shiver called out to the other two while leading (Y/N) by the arm.
Veronica happily ran up to (Y/N)'s other side before Shiver noticed and shooed her off with her fan.
Shiver: Hey! Who said you get to have his other side? Walk three feet to the side of us.
Veronica giggled at Shiver's statement as Veronica kept trying to get closer to (Y/N) in order to get Shiver to swat her off repeatedly.
Marie POV
Callie made sure her lipstick was all right after smudging it a bit on (Y/N)'s cheek.
Callie: Not that I'm complaining, Marie, but why exactly did you want me to kiss (Y/N) there? I mean, I probably would've done it anyway, but why did you want me to do it?
Marie: I didn't want you to do it, but I did need you to do it to give a little motivation to put Shiver on the right path.
Callie pushed her hands to her cheeks.
Callie: Awww~, Marie really cares about all of her subordinates and making sure they're all right. Maybe I should go recruit an agent to train.
Marie: The N.S.S. doesn't have the funds to pay for all of the damages that would come from that.
Callie: Hey!
Callie said, shoving into Marie playfully as the two cousins giggled their way through the mall.
Veronica: Are you sure?
(Y/N): Yes.
Shiver: Double sure?
(Y/N): Yes.
He turned his face to look at the two.
(Y/N): We'll be home in just a second. You two managed to survive the whole way here without eating the food, you can wait a tiny bit longer.
Veronica: I was not starving before though.
(Y/N): Veronica, just think about how much better it'll be once we get inside the warm home, get all comfortable, and then enjoy such a fine Squidmas Eve dinner.
Shiver: Or think about how good it would be to eat such a nice warm meal to warm you up here in this cold outdoors.
(Y/N): Shiver, you're not helping.
Shiver: Am I supposed to be?
(Y/N): It wouldn't hurt to try something new.
Veronica: (Y/N)?
(Y/N): No, Veronica, you still can't-
Veronica: -There is someone outside our home.
Veronica cut him off to bring the stranger figure's presence to (Y/N)'s attention.
Shiver: Don't worry, I know what to do in these circumstances.
Shiver said after cutting (Y/N) off by holding her fan in front of him.
Shiver: Does this look like a park bench?! Find somewhere else to sleep!
Shiver loudly spoke as she started walking toward the figure before (Y/N) quickly ran up and blocked Shiver from approaching further as he had recognized the figure.
(Y/N): Shiver, wait wait wait! It's just Eva.
Shiver looked past him and at the figure for a few moments to see it was Eva with a shocked expression.
Shiver: Get out of here, ya bum!
Shiver continued her onslaught before (Y/N) further held her back.
Eva just stared with an uncaring expression at it.
(Y/N): Shiver.
Shiver: Fine. But you're taking care of it.
Shiver said casually with a toss of her hand over her shoulder, taking the food and bags from (Y/N), and walking by Eva into the home.
Eva: Shiver, it's not too cold for you and me to have another rematch.
Eva called after Shiver who just kept walking away.
Veronica instead walked up to Eva, glad to see her.
Veronica: It makes me happy to see you, Eva, but what are you doing here?
Eva: Y'know, little buddy and I were just... in the neighborhood. I thought "I wonder what they're up to"...
Veronica: How long have you been standing outside our home then?
Eva: Not, uh... too long... just a little while...
Veronica: And you did not leave when you saw we weren't home?
Eva: I just- y'know it's- er...
Eva was stumbling over her words as she was trying to think of what to say, clearly trying to make up an excuse, which (Y/N) recognized.
(Y/N): It's a little cold out here. We actually bought more food than the three of us would eat. Would you like to get out of this cold and eat with us?
Eva: Since you're offering, who am I to say no?
Eva confidently said with a smile as she walked toward the door, letting Smallfry hop out of her coat and into the warm home.
Veronica: Is Eva staying with us for Squidmas as well?
(Y/N): Probably. Shouldn't you be inside getting your food? I'm pretty sure Shiver's picking all the best stuff for herself right now.
Veronica: Huh?!
Veronica rushed inside as (Y/N) chuckled, walking in after her, and shutting the door behind him.
The four sat around the living room, watching Squidmas movies and talking.
Eva: So, is the Captain not celebrating with y'all?
Veronica: No, Liz is celebrating the holidays with Callie, Marie, and Cuttlefish.
Eva: Shame. But at least that means I can relax without having to be on my best behavior here.
Eva said while resting back with her arms behind her head.
(Y/N): I'd appreciate it if you were anyway.
Eva: Yeah, I'm sure you would.
Eva said with a laugh.
Shiver: Hmph. Some people have no consideration.
Shiver said while lying back in the same pose as Eva, also doing whatever she wanted.
(Y/N) didn't even say anything, he just stared at the two with an exhausted expression before smiling and just going back to the movie as the two bickered with each other over Shiver's statement.
As the movie came to a close, Veronica got up and stretched.
Veronica: We should be going to bed soon. It is getting late, and we do not want to be awake when Father Squidmas gets here.
Veronica said happily to the others.
Eva: Huh? You don't actually still believe in Father Squidmas, do ya?
Veronica: But how else would the presents get delivered?
Eva: Father Squidmas is just for little squiddies. What kind of adult would believe in something like that?
(Y/N): Liz believes in Father Squidmas.
Eva was surprised by (Y/N) speaking up and saying such a thing.
Veronica: You could always try and stay up and watch for him. That's what I did before and how I caught Father Squidmas.
Eva and Shiver both looked shocked at Veronica.
Eva: What? You're just yankin' my chain. You did not catch Father Squidmas.
Shiver: If you caught him, why didn't you tie him up?! We could've had all of the presents for ourselves!
Eva looked at Shiver incredulously.
Veronica giggled again.
Veronica: It was just a suggestion. You should make sure you get enough sleep.
Veronica stated as she went to the kitchen and took out the cookies and milk to leave out for Father Squidmas before she went to bed in her room.
Eva: Hmph.
Eva said with her arms crossed, not willing to believe so easily in such a fantastical idea as Father Squidmas, but also thinking about the idea that Veronica offered up.
Eva: Shiver, you up for staying up tonight?
Shiver: Uh, are you joking? Clearly, you don't care for yourself, but some of us need our beauty sleep to look as perfect as I.
Shiver said as she swept her hair back before walking out of the room.
Eva: A simple "No, I'm good" would've done just fine.
Eva said annoyed by the Octoling's witty remarks.
(Y/N) stood smiling at Eva.
(Y/N): Make sure you don't stay up too late.
Eva: Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna prove Veronica wrong this time. Father Squidmas? Yeah, right. As if.
Eva said, feeling annoyed at such an idea getting portrayed as if it were real.
Eva: Besides, at least I've got one little buddy willing to stay up with me, tonight.
Eva said looking over at Smallfry who was already sleeping on the couch by her.
Eva: Or not...
(Y/N) chuckled as he made his way out of the room.
(Y/N): Goodnight, Eva.
Eva: Mhm, goodnight.
She said as she was not left the only one willing to go through with the idea of staying up all night.
Eva: This is fine. I can do this easily. I stay up all night all the time without even meaning to. And when Father Squidmas doesn't show up, I'll know I was right. I mean, of course, I'm right already. Who would believe in something like Father Squidmas? But I'll have proved it.
Veronica: Eva? Evaaaa. Evaaa!
Eva was being nudged awake by Veronica, causing Eva to snap upward as she realized the sun was up and she had fallen asleep.
Eva: Dang it!
Veronica giggled.
Veronica: We're opening up presents now.
Eva was still rubbing her eyes after being woken up but was agitated that she had fallen asleep and failed to see her plan through.
Eva: The presents you bought for each other?
Veronica: No~, the ones Father Squidmas brought. Look at them!
Eva saw the boxes of presents.
Eva: Sure it was...
Veronica: It is true! Look, he even ate the cookies and drank the milk.
Shiver: Are we really sure about that? I would suspect the little salmonid as a first suspect.
Shiver said, pointing out Smallfry who was bouncing happily next to Eva.
Eva and Veronica looked at Smallfry, causing him to happily squeak.
Eva: Yeah, that makes more sense.
Eva said, looking at all the presents. She's happy enough to just be here and not alone on Squidmas Day, but it did suck to not have any presents to open on Squidmas morning. She didn't blame (Y/N) and Veronica for not having any presents for her though, they had each given her a present at the Squidmas party they held before with everyone, but it's not the same feeling as having something to open on Squidmas morning for real.
Veronica: Oh yeah? Then I guess neither of you are interested in the video footage I recorded last night?
Eva and Shiver both looked at Veronica, shocked at the notion.
Shiver: Clever girl.
Eva: Well? If you want us to look at the recording, I guess we can.
Eva spoke disingenuously as to how she truly did feel. Eva wanted to watch the footage and see whether or not it was real.
Veronica was playing the footage with the other three all behind her, watching as she fast-forwarded through the night, seeing when Eva had slumped over asleep on the couch, seeing Eva twist and turn throughout the night.
Shiver: Geez, can you not sit still even in your sleep?
Eva was too focused on the footage to snap back as Veronica kept fast-forwarding the footage quickly through the night as they all saw-
Eva: Wait! Right there! Go back!
Veronica rewound to show the footage of a figure walking in the living room, setting down the presents under the Squidmas tree before eating a couple of cookies and taking a sip of the milk, even giving a cookie to Smallfry before making their exit.
Shiver's eyes were sparkling at the footage, probably wondering how much they could sell the footage for, or wondering if it was better to keep secret so Deep Cut could capture Father Squidmas themselves.
Eva wasn't sure how to feel about the footage, still not willing to believe this footage before she noticed the smile on (Y/N)'s face.
Eva: All right, you had me going for a minute there, but I know this is you dressed up in the footage, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Me?
Eva: Yeah, you obviously dressed up as Father Squidmas and did this all yourself.
Shiver: Not possible.
Eva was confused by Shiver suddenly speaking up.
Eva: Why not?
Shiver: I slept in his bed with him all night. He didn't leave once throughout the night.
(Y/N): Shiver clings on with her nails when she sleeps too. I've got the claw marks to prove it.
Shiver embarrassedly smacked him.
Shiver: Don't call them "claw marks" like I'm some animal.
Shiver complained to the giggling of (Y/N).
Eva looked back at the footage, shocked at the revelation that this was real footage, proving Father Squidmas really did exist.
Eva: But if that's really- then- then-...
Eva was a bit lost in thought, not sure how to process this all.
Veronica: Eva?
Eva: Huh?
Eva looked over to Veronica who was around all the presents by the tree.
Veronica: I see a few presents here with your name on them.
Eva was shocked, going over to the tree and seeing that Veronica was telling the truth. Eva's name really was on some of the presents here.
Eva's face couldn't take it much as she was smiling happily, looking from the presents to Veronica who nodded as she held her hand out as if to give the go-ahead for Eva to open up her presents. Eva didn't hesitate as she happily tore into her presents to see what the real Father Squidmas had brought for her.
Veronica POV
Veronica happily smiled, watching Eva enjoy Squidmas Day, just as everyone was meant to.
(Y/N) walked up alongside Veronica, smiling at her.
Veronica: What is it?
(Y/N): Nothing. I just didn't realize you looked so good in a Father Squidmas outfit.
Veronica was surprised for only a moment before being happy that (Y/N) could still tell it was her even then.
Veronica: I am just happy you did not get rid of the outfit.
(Y/N): Yeah, but now you might have to be careful next time you play dress-up. Shiver and them might be on the lookout for you next time with traps set up.
Veronica: I will be fine. It is worth it to see them this happy.
Veronica said as (Y/N) put an arm around her, watching Eva and Shiver happily enjoying the special day.
Cuttlefish POV
Cuttlefish happily watched as the three girls, Callie, Marie, and Liz opened their presents in turns. Callie was the most excited one to do so, while Liz was also just as excited but tried to hide it, and even Marie was happy to see her presents.
Cuttlefish smiled, always happy every year to see the looks on the three of their faces on a bright, Squidmas morning.
Callie: Gramps!
Cuttlefish: Huh? Sorry, squiddos, this old man got lost in his thoughts for a moment.
Callie: Gramps, you open your presents now!
Marie: It's no fun if you don't do it too.
Liz: Mine's the one in the middle. If you want to know.
Cuttlefish smiled at how the three cared for him.
Cuttlefish: Of course, just give me a second to get it open with these old man arms.
He said as the three watched earnestly, enjoying their breakfast while opening presents together.
Frye POV
Frye: Say "ink"!
Frye's sisters: Iiiiiiiiiink!
Frye's two younger twin sisters said, smiling at Frye's camera while Frye took the photo of the two with the presents they just opened up.
Frye then looked over at her younger brother opening his presents quietly.
She seized the opportunity by wrapping an arm around his neck, pulling him in as she smiled at the camera she was holding, snapping a picture of the two.
Frye: There ya go! Stop trying to act all cool.
She said as she picked up one of the presents and tossed it into his lap.
Frye: Now open up my present next, you'll like it.
She said cheerfully as she moved over to her grandfather who was happily wearing a Squidmas hat.
Frye: And this ooooone-
She charged up as she waved the present on her way to her grandfather, placing the present down on his lap.
Frye's Grandfather: Aw, thanks for the gift, sweetie. Ya didn't have ta, but it makes me happy.
Frye: Of course, you get a present too. Seeing all of you happy and smiling is the best present I could ask for! Even if a little brother of mine thinks he's too cool for Squidmas anymore.
She said, looking over toward him with a giggle.
Frye: I've gotta go call Shiver and Big Man now to wish them a Merry Squidmas though, ya mind?
Frye's Grandfather: Of course not, you've already made this a great morning, go wish your friends a Merry Squidmas.
Frye: Thanks, grandpa! I'll get to talk to (Y/N) too while I'm at it.
Her grandfather grumbled after that bit but didn't stop her as she walked to the other room to call them.
Pearl POV
Pearl was happily sitting around her family eating their Squidmas feast.
Pearl was texting Eight, Marina, and (Y/N) right now.
Pearl's Dad: Everything all right?
Pearl: Hm? Yeah, it's fine, I was just texting my friends, making sure they're all cool.
Pearl said with a smile.
Pearl's Dad: You could've spent Squidmas with them, y'know. I'd be fine with it.
Pearl put her phone away.
Pearl: Nah, I spend most of my time with them anyway, and I can spend more time with them after the holidays. I like coming home to spend time with you during the holidays though.
Pearl's dad looked like he was going to cry.
Pearl's Dad: My precious daughter is so thoughtful and adorable. I love you so much, sweetie.
Pearl: Daaad, don't get all embarrassin' at the table.
Pearl's Dad: Fine. But just tell me one thing. Are any of these friends you're close with boys?
Pearl started coughing from the sudden tone shift her father gave, asking such a question.
Acht POV
Marina: Merry Squidmas~!
Marina cheerfully said, waking up the drowsy Octoling.
Acht: Ugh, Marina, it's so early. Go back to sleep...
Acht spoke groggily to Marina.
Marina: That's what you're supposed to do on a Squidmas Morning!
Marina said cheerfully, flipping the blanket off of Acht.
Acht: I'm not sure if this holiday is for me then.
Marina: Don't be like that. I told you staying up all night is bad for you anyway. You'll love Squidmas.
Marina got up and walked toward the kitchen.
Marina: I even waited to wake you up until after I was done cooking. Come get some breakfast and then you can open the presents I got you.
Marina said excitedly while leaving the room.
Acht groaned a bit at having to wake up so early in the day but did so anyway as she got up and left her room to see Marina setting down the healthy, but tasty, breakfast Marina had made for Acht, which Acht instantly started biting into.
Acht: So, what exactly do we do today?
Marina: Well, we get up early, see the presents, open them up, and from there, we kind of wing it? Some people play in the snow a bit, play with whatever gifts they got, or just enjoy Squidmas movies which play on TV the entire day. Good luck finding a channel that isn't playing something Squidmas-related.
Acht: At least the rest of the day seems pretty relaxing compared to having to wake up this early. All right, show me what we're working with here.
Marina walked over to the presents she bought and wrapped for Acht before stopping, reaching out, and then pulling her hands back repeatedly as she thought about which present to give Acht first.
Acht: Marina, you're overthinking it.
Marina: Right! Sorry, I just want to make sure you enjoyed your first Squidmas.
She quickly explained herself before picking up a present and sitting next to Acht.
Acht set her food down before taking the present Marina handed to her and opening it.
Inside was the record Acht had been eyeing up at the store. She hadn't told Marina she was looking to get it, but Marina somehow knew, which confused Acht how she could've guessed at that.
Marina: Surprised? Do you like it?
Acht: Yeah, it's just... how-
Marina: How did I know? I've been checking your collection every time I came over to your house so I knew what you already had. From there? That was easy. I just listened to the other records at the store and got the one that I knew would suit your tastes the best once I listened to them. Did I get it right?
Acht was speechless. Marina knew her so well, she didn't even have to ask which one, she just knew which one was for her.
Acht: Yeah, it's the exact one I had been thinking of getting.
Marina: I knew it! Haha, I'm glad my efforts didn't go to waste. I didn't want to keep a list of the ones you had, you might've seen me writing them down and gotten suspicious, so I just memorized them all instead.
Acht: You really went the extra mile, huh? No wonder your boyfriend likes you so much.
Marina was shocked by Acht calling him that.
Marina: He is not my boyfriend... ⁿᵒᵗ ʸᵉᵗ ᵃᵗ ˡᵉᵃˢᵗ... Stop calling him that, it's embarrassing.
Acht: Nope. That's what you get. "What are the odds you'll ever see that person again anyway?"
Marina: How was I supposed to know you'd just so happen to pick someone we know?!
Acht smirked and chuckled a bit at how effective teasing Marina was.
Acht: I just still can't believe you went through this much effort just for me...
Marina realized Acht seemed to be feeling a bit guilty.
Marina: It's nothing really! I don't mind if you didn't get me anything, Acht, I just wanted to make sure you enjoyed your first Squidmas.
Acht: Really?
Marina: Yes, 100%!
Acht: That's a shame...
Acht got up and went to a closet and took out a wrapped present.
Acht: Then I don't know what I should do with this.
Marina was shocked to see Acht had gotten her a gift after all.
Acht: I mean, you told me on Squidmas, people would exchange gifts with one another, so it would've been a jerk move to not show up with anything. Although I clearly didn't understand the wrapping part so well, it's kind of a mess.
Marina got up and hugged Acht.
Marina: It's perfect! It's so... you!
Acht smiled.
Acht: Not sure if that's supposed to be a compliment or-
Marina: A compliment! Definitely a compliment!
The two chuckled before sitting back down and opening presents with each other.
Acht: Are you sure you're okay with just spending the holiday with me?
Marina: Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be? My friends are all enjoying the holidays how they want with the people close to them already, except you, so of course I'd like to be here for you. I know you don't enjoy big groups of people though, so I figured it'd be better if it was just us two. Though I did consider inviting Paul. It has been a long time since you've seen him, hasn't it?
Acht: Huh, I guess it has.
Marina: I thought so. He's not some kid anymore either, he's old enough to be able to switch between swim form and Octoling form whenever he wants now, even.
Acht: Good for the little sucker.
Acht said casually, not that Marina was surprised. Acht and Paul were both alike in how they basically only cared about DJ-ing and almost nothing else.
Acht: I don't care one way or the other. He's not too rowdy, so it's whatever. I probably should check in on him and see how he's doing.
Marina: That's great to hear!
Acht: Yeah. Some other day though. We can just enjoy the time here like you said today.
Marina: That's fine by me too. We can call Eight sometime later too if you want. Ask how Squidmas is going over there.
Acht: Yeah, I don't mind, but you sure do worry about everyone, don't you?
Marina: When it comes to my friends, of course I do. I prefer to be in the know with them and know if anything is wrong.
Acht snickered a bit.
Acht: Yeah, you're always such a worrywart.
Marina: Maybe, but I can still relax and enjoy myself when I want to as well.
Marina said as she turned on the TV and started searching for something to watch.
Acht smiled as Marina did so. If this is how nice Squidmas is just at the start of the day, she wondered how nice the rest of the day would be.
Acht was sure she didn't mind celebrating Squidmas with Marina in the future. It was right up her alley, and she liked the vibes of it all. It even is a good excuse to give back to Marina and do something for her when it's usually the other way around. Acht could easily tell why Marina had gotten attached to the holiday so well after she had come to the surface.
Marina: Oh! I almost forgot. We haven't even put on any Squidmas music yet!
Acht: Hm? Squidmas music? Now this, I'll have to hear. Maybe we can even make a Squidmas track ourselves later.
Marina: Ooh! Can we?! There's this one track I've always wanted to-
Marina continued going on about Squidmas songs for a while as Acht happily listened while trying to pay attention to the movie Marina had turned on at the same time. Acht was sure Marina wasn't going to be done talking about it for a while anyway, but that's fine, Acht preferred to just listen anyway. Which is probably why Acht enjoyed hanging out with Marina so well in the first place.
Acht simply smiled listening to Marina going on and on and on.
6136 Words
January 29, 2025 - 10:51 P.M.
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