S3C Chapter 55: Given Time

Marie POV

Marie stepped in through the entrance of the Deep Cut hideout, making sure to kick off her shoes at the entrance to get any snow on the bottom off. Callie, however, strode in quickly to the bandit hideout, forgetting to even take her shoes off before Marie stopped her, causing Callie to turn around and kick off her snow boots.

Marie shook her head as she walked into the place while Callie was still struggling at trying to take off her boots without doing the work of untying them.

Looking around the room, Marie could spot her and Callie's grandpa who was brought here earlier thanks to Liz so gramps could catch up with Eva, since he was still the one who jumped the metaphorical (and literal when Shiver is taken into account) shark and recruited her to be the new Agent 3 without waiting up for Callie, the Captain, and Marie to get to Splatsville.

Marie was happy gramps had done it though as she was happy to have Eva a part of the N.S.S., even if she was another troublemaker they had to look after, but Marie couldn't complain, she had a knack for handling rowdy squids. It could even be called her talent at this point with how she always attracted such people, from her best friend and cousin, Callie, and the agent she had recruited herself years ago, Agent 4.

Speaking of Agent 4, she looked around the room but couldn't see (Y/N) anywhere in sight, not that he was the only one missing from this lineup for this Squidmas celebration. Most people either weren't here yet or weren't in this room for her to spot, with only Big Man, Gramps, Shiver, and Veronica (or "Agent 8" as Gramps had ordained to give her the codename years ago as well) being immediately visible in the room.

Marie had actually been hoping to get some quality time with her agent at this party, which was part of the reason why she had wanted to show up a bit early for this party, so Marie figured she should talk to Veronica and ask her where (Y/N) was. She was his roommate after all, so she should know where he is, having more than likely showed up together to this party.

With the party in mind, Marie looked around at all the decorations that were hanging up around the place, with the most notable being the ample use of mistletoe. Marie began to imagine who was most likely to be the cause of such garish decorations being used clearly just as a means for someone to get caught under them.

During her stride over to Veronica, Marie had been lost in thought enough that she didn't notice the incoming shark tamer until the two bumped into each other.

Marie felt foolish at having done something that she would've gladly made fun of Callie for if it had been her, but before she could even check if Callie had seen, she first made sure Shiver was fine.

Upon inspection, Marie noticed Shiver had been carrying a box and when she saw inside the box's compartment, she noticed plenty of mistletoe and realized she had accidentally gotten the answer to the question she had been pondering just a second ago.

Shiver: Watch where you're- Oh~! Boss Marie! I didn't even notice you two got here.

Shiver's harsh attitude quickly changed into a happier tone once she realized who she was talking to, realizing that it was Marie, probably the closest person the bandits truly respected/listened to (being very generous with those terms) despite the amount of trouble they gave her.

Marie: Callie and I just arrived a second ago.

Marie figured she might as well take the time to sarcastically comment on Shiver's decorating skills (and obvious plan that Marie can deduce) and ask if Shiver had seen (Y/N) anywhere.

Marie: Plenty of opportunities for someone to get lucky and end up under all this mistletoe with (Y/N), eh?

Without a break after that, Shiver spoke up before Marie could then ask where (Y/N) was.

Shiver: Haha, quite funny, Boss Marie.

Shiver spoke up with a halfhearted, fake laugh before changing her expression to something more serious and getting closer to Marie.

Shiver: But seriously, let me make this clear now, don't ruin this for me tonight. I put a lot of effort into making sure tonight would go exactly how I planned it, and I don't need anyone stepping on any toes, all right? All right! Great talkin' to ya, Boss Marie, enjoy the party!

Shiver spoke brazenly before swapping back to a cheerful tone at the end and walking away with her box of mistletoe.

Marie was left stunned by how seriously Shiver was taking the chance for her to get close to (Y/N) tonight, as there wasn't even any of that usual Deep Cut petty scheming Saturday-morning-cartoon-villain attitude when talking about it, but after blinking a few times, Marie snapped back into it.

Marie didn't care what kind of foolish plans Shiver, and probably Frye, were concocting with (Y/N) tonight, but Marie still had plans of her own. She wanted to use the Squidmas season to make sure (Y/N) knew Marie was still one of his closest friends, you know, like the holiday season typically does. Definitely not because Callie's words about Deep Cut replacing them had been eating away at her, Marie would surely never let something like that get to her.

What was she doing? Oh right, Veronica was still in her view and Marie still had to ask her where (Y/N) was. Marie continued her trek over to the giggling Octoling who hadn't noticed Marie coming up beside her.

Marie: What has you in such a hearty mood?

Veronica responded to Marie without looking over at her.

Veronica: Nothing, it is just a funny-

Veronica cut herself off as she realized who that voice was, shot her head to the side, and stood up cheerfully to greet her.

Veronica: Marie! It is good to see you! Where is Callie?

Veronica looked around the room before spotting Callie, but Marie decided to tease Veronica a bit.

Marie: I walk up to you and you're already looking for Callie instead.

Marie said with a shake of her head.

Veronica: No! I did not mean to- you are messing with me, are you not?

Marie smirked at the Octoling with the now puffed-up cheeks.

Marie: Can't get anything past you. So, you and (Y/N) came here together, didn't you? Where's he at?

Veronica: Now looking to whom is being replaced instantly.

Marie giggled at Veronica's obviously fake pouty face, but clever turning of Marie's joke against herself.

Marie: I'm sorry, Veronica, I didn't mean to-

Veronica's fake pouty face changed to a smiling, giggling one once again.

Veronica: It is okay. I was only joking! However, (Y/N) is not here. He will be showing up to the party later.

Marie: Really? Why is that?



(Y/N) breathed into his cupped hands, seeing the cold air make his breath visible.

He watched the giant icebergs pass by the ship as he enjoyed the cold environment. It made (Y/N) think about how it was probably snowing in Splatsville right now.

The thought of Splatsville encouraged (Y/N) to work hard for the rest of his shift. Soon enough, he'd be back in Splatsville and attending a nice, warm Squidmas party with all of the others.

However, for right now at least, the large ship he was working aboard still had a job to do, and it would be a while before Splatsville, or any large landmass, would even appear on the horizon.

(Y/N) watched the cranes, the drill, and other equipment go over his head as he got back to work, humming a tune that his friends in Deep Cut randomly made up on the fly for the shipping vessel.


Marie POV

Marie: He's what?

Veronica: He has been working part-time at Shipshape Cargo Co. for a couple of weeks.

Marie: Why does he need to do that?

Veronica: He said he needed to make some extra money to get someone special a gift~.

Veronica said with a smile and a giggle.

Marie blushed at the idea that the special someone Veronica was referencing he was working to get something for was Marie herself. She shook her head to get rid of that idea though. That was merely Marie assuming too much, however, she still found her mind drifting to the idea that it was her and that he was working that hard for her.

Marie just did her best to calm down and speak back to Veronica.

Marie: Thank you for letting me know, Veronica.

Veronica: It is fine, but, uh...

Marie was confused as to why Veronica was now clamming up.

Veronica: Since it is Squidmas, I was wondering if you would... sign your autograph... as a gift for a friend...

Marie smiled at Veronica.

Marie: Of course I can.

Veronica quickly fumbled around her and grabbed a CD case out of the pocket of her jacket that she had left on the couch beside her.

Veronica happily held out the CD for Marie to take along with a marker in Veronica's other hand.

Marie happily held the CD case now, signing her own signature on the case.

Marie: Now, what's your friend's name I should be making this out to?

Veronica was happily smiling at the autograph Marie wrote out, but then was looking nervously as she tried to answer Marie.

Veronica: Uh... Veronica.

Marie raised an eyebrow at the Octoling.

Marie: Your friend who also has the name "Veronica"?

Veronica: Mhm.

Veronica said nervously as she couldn't look Marie in the eye.

Marie smiled as she could obviously tell Veronica was lying and was just too embarrassed to ask for the autograph for herself.

Marie: Got it. "To Veronica, my friend".

Marie said aloud as she wrote it out on CD case, causing Veronica's excited look as she was handed it back and hugged it to her chest happily.

Marie: Your friend is going to be happy with that, right?

Veronica: Yes! Definitely!

She exclaimed happily as she picked up the box that had been close to her and thanked Marie three more times as she got back to what she was doing earlier, causing Marie to be happy that she made Veronica's Squidmas happy.



(Y/N) trudged through the snow while doing his best to quickly wrap the gift he had reserved and picked up after the Shipshape Cargo Co. vessel docked in a Splatlandian port close to the shop that sold it.

He was trying to hop on one leg even as he attempted to wrap the present as it rested on his lifted leg, eventually getting a (mostly clean) wrap of the present done before putting a neat bow on the gift and continuing to walk the streets of Splatsville on approach to the Deep Cut hideout where the Squidmas party was being held.

He struggled to fiddle with the door into the hideout at first, not wanting to set down the present on the ground to do it. Luckily, he eventually managed to get into the hideout and was greeted by all of the warmth from inside as he shut the entrance behind him.

(Y/N) looked around the room and saw the decorations and everyone around the room, chatting, laughing, and enjoying the festive air.

(Y/N) locked eyes with Shiver causing her to whisper over to Frye, leading Frye's curious expression to shift to look in (Y/N)'s direction. Frye's face changed to a big smile as she quickly ran over to (Y/N) to greet him at the door.

Frye: Ya finally made it! I was beginnin' to think ya weren't gonna make it in time!

(Y/N) chuckled at her usual boisterous attitude.

(Y/N): Yeah, sorry, but I couldn't speed the ship up, and I had to pick up this gift first.

Frye: Let me get that for ya!

She said, taking the gift from his hand and propping it on her shoulders with ease.

(Y/N) walked with Frye over to the area to set down his gift so he could talk with her.

(Y/N): So, is everyone here now?

Frye: With you here? Yup! Pearl and Marina got here a little while ago before you did.

(Y/N): That's good. I'm glad Veronica made it here with all of our gifts just fine on her own.

Frye: Ya got somethin' for me in that pile o' gifts?

(Y/N): Sure do, but that's for later.

Frye chuckled.

Frye: A little peak wouldn't hurt-

(Y/N): -Too bad. Gotta wait for everyone else. You don't want to leave Shiver and Big Man in the dust, do you?

Frye lowered her shoulders.

Frye: Nah, I guess you're right.

(Y/N) chuckled in convincing her to be a little more patient.

(Y/N): The decorations here are really nice. Did you three do it all?

Frye: Mostly, but the others all pitched in a bit too.

(Y/N): I'm surprised I don't see mistletoe hanging around everywhere.

Frye: There was a ton earlier, but after I ended up under one with Boss Marie, she held me back and ordered the others to take it all down.

(Y/N): Marie doesn't like being on the receiving end of a joke as much as the giving end.

The two laughed together.

Marie POV

Marie watched from the side as (Y/N) and Frye laughed together, chatting like close friends.

Close friends...

Marie once again thought about Callie's words, but then those thoughts also drifted around to reminding Marie that the two used to date, and wondered just how close the two really were. She couldn't hear what the two were saying from where she was at, so could only guess.

Marie shook off her jealousy as she noticed Pearl call out to Frye and pull her away from (Y/N) as she walked away with a wave to (Y/N).

Marie thought about approaching (Y/N) now that he was alone, but she was dissuaded from doing so both by her feelings and by how Liz had approached him soon after to talk with him.

Marie decided she'd have plenty of time to talk to (Y/N) later and decided to for now just continue the conversation she was having with Callie, Eva, and Marina.


Marie, along with everyone else was grabbing food from the Squidmas feast presented to them, everyone grabbing somewhere to sit down.

Marie spotted (Y/N) sitting next to Frye and was once again feeling a pang of jealousy but instead of trying to dodge the feeling, Marie decided she'd instead try to take it head-on and take up the other seat beside (Y/N).

However, as Marie was making her way to the seat beside him, Shiver quickly zoomed by Marie, stealing the seat for herself.

Marie glared at the tricky Octoling, but Shiver just didn't look at Marie, clearly knowing what she just did.

Marie sighed, choosing to ignore Shiver's actions. Marie could obviously tell Shiver and Frye were just trying to monopolize (Y/N) tonight, but Marie would ignore it for now and get her chance to talk with (Y/N) later.

Marie saw a seat by Callie and Liz and quickly took up her spot there.

Callie: Is that all you're going to eat, Marie?

Marie: Unlike you, I don't need to eat an entire buffet of food just for myself. And I also can't maintain a perfect figure like you if I do that.

Callie: Well, it would help if you were more active and outgoing like me.

Marie: If I was as active as you are, Callie, neither of us would ever get anything done. One of us needs to be the more level-headed and calm one in our duo.

The two went back and forth, teasing each other.

Callie: What do you say, Liz? Are you more brain or brawn?

Liz: Don't look at me. I already put in my time to that question back during the Perfect Body vs Perfect Mind Splatfest years ago.

Callie: Then which team did you pick back then?

Liz: You're saying you didn't pay attention back then?

Callie: Oh come on, Liiiz. That was like a million years ago.

Marie: It was only like ten years ago, Callie.

Callie: That's a loooong tiiiiiiime.

Marie just chuckled at her cousin's over-exaggeration of the span of time, though Marie herself did feel herself age in real-time at the mention of those days being almost a decade ago now. Marie could even see the look on Liz's face sour as she mentioned how the times of the Captain's original recruitment had been almost a decade of her life ago.


(Y/N) was chewing a bite of his food when Frye nudged his arm causing him to look over at her.

Frye: Wanna see somethin' funny?

(Y/N) swallowed the food in his mouth and nodded.

(Y/N): Sure, what is it?

Frye grabbed the tablecloth of the table and lifted it to show Frye had her eels underneath the table they were all eating at before she tossed some food down to them that the eels all quickly pounced on.

(Y/N): They're not going to nip any of our feet while fighting for the food, are they?

Frye shrugged.

Frye: Probably not.

(Y/N) chuckled.

(Y/N): You wouldn't hide Master Mega underneath the table as well, would you, Shiver?

He asked while turning to the Octoling on his other side but to no response.

Shiver looked to be stuck in thought and hadn't heard him, causing (Y/N) to nudge Shiver to get her attention.

(Y/N): Shiver?

Shiver: Huh? What do you want?

She asked, confused as to what was happening.

(Y/N): Are you okay, Shiver? You're zoning out over there.

Shiver: Oh, yeah, I'm fine. What did you say?

(Y/N): I was just joking and asking if you were hiding Master Mega under the table like our other friend here is doing with her eels as he lifted the tablecloth to show Shiver.

Shiver gave a light giggle.

Shiver: Master Mega wouldn't fit under this table. He's too awesome, which makes him too big for it.

Frye: Eeeeh? You sayin' my eels ain't as awesome as Master Mega?

Frye said, stepping up to Shiver in defense of her eels.

Shiver: I'm sorry, Frye, but my shark is the master after all.

Shiver said in reference to Master Mega's name.

Shiver seemed to snap out of her competitive spirit though after a moment.

Shiver: My bad. Best not to fight over this tonight and ruin the fun of the evening.

Frye: Huuuh? Is this Shiver backin' down from a fight? Strange, but I'm just lettin' you know, I'm takin' this as a win for Team Eel though.

Frye said cheekily, which caused Shiver's expression to twitch a bit but Shiver chose to just ignore it as a way to both settle down but also not acknowledge Frye's declaration of victory.

(Y/N) gave a slight pout in Shiver's direction as she continued eating.


Marie POV

Everyone was now passing around the gifts they got each other for the holiday.

Callie: So~, (Y/N), did you get me what I asked for?

(Y/N): I guess you're going to have to check for yourself.

Callie gave him a smirk with a special look in her eye she always gave him as he handed her a present which she happily tore into and opened up to see what it was.

Callie: A home karaoke machine! Yaaaas! Thank you so much!

She said before quickly trying to grapple onto him and give him a smooch on the cheek as Marie held Callie back.

Marie: You could've at least paired it up with some soundproof foam... Callie, don't use that while I'm trying to sleep.

Callie: I promise nothing!

Callie said giggling jokingly.

Marie meanwhile was also focusing on that one special present (Y/N) arrived here with that Veronica had admitted to Marie he had worked hard on getting it for someone special. (Y/N) was now picking it up so he could give it over to whom it was for.

Marie felt her hearts skip a beat as she couldn't help but hope it was for her that he had worked on getting it for. It made Marie relax at the thought that he still cared that much for her, but yet also nervous that it might not be for her. She didn't even try to think about it all, it was just her mind racing in a way she couldn't help.

However, (Y/N) instead of bringing the gift over to Marie handed it over to Big Man of all people.

Marie felt disappointed that her brain had gotten her hopes up so much for that.

Big Man happily tore open his present and cheered excitedly before giving (Y/N) a hug and thanking him for it, but the moment was quickly torn apart as Frye's volume overwhelmed Big Man's.

Frye: Big Man!

Big Man: A-Ay? (Y-Yes?)

Frye: This hairpin... is it from where I think it is?!

Big Man's eyes quickly darted around as he realized he had bought her a hairpin from Inkopolis, and it wasn't going over well with her.

Marie really didn't get why Frye hated Inkopolis so much. Especially when Frye often made exceptions, albeit begrudgingly many times, when it came to Inkopolis. She even seemed to be more accepting of Inkopolis after the whole Grand Festival thing they all took part in. Marie wasn't sure how she managed to date a boy from Inkopolis when she gets like this over something small.

Marie looked around the room and saw things such as Shiver opening a gift with a similar hairpin but with a different color, figuring it was probably from Big Man as well, but Shiver didn't seem to mind as much as Frye did as Shiver also tried to hold it up by her hair while looking in her phone's camera to judge how she looked with the gift.

Marie also spotted her gramps who was just smiling at all of the young people around him opening each other's gifts as he wore a Squidmas hat. Gramps wearing the Squidmas hat just served to remind Marie of the time when she and Callie were younger and gramps had dressed as Father Squidmas to make the two young squids happy.

Further across the pile of torn-up wrapping paper would show Eva giving a crudely wrapped gift to her little buddy Smallfry friend as he tore it off the wrapping paper to wield upward a golden spoon. It was clearly just spray-painted gold by Eva, but Smallfry didn't seem to mind as he whacked it on the ground a couple of times before doing a flip and making happy squeaks. Marie was happy to see the little buddy happy as he was also one who helped them all save the world. And whenever Eva came to Inkopolis Plaza, sometimes Smallfry would even come up to their window and visit them like plenty of other fans frequently do.

Looking around the room more showed Liz and Veronica giving each other gifts as well, with Pearl also walking up to the two with a jolly attitude as she plopped down next to the two with gifts for them. Marie thought about how easy it must be for Pearl to get gifts for people with how money was never a question on the matter.

Marie was surprised to see Marina not with Pearl though as Marie now looked around the room, looking for the ex-Octarian Elite soldier, but she didn't see her among the crowd, and upon further investigation, she also noticed (Y/N) was also gone now.

Marie looked around the room and saw Marina and (Y/N) walking off to an area of their own, piquing Marie's interest as to what was happening, and also upset that Marina so easily found an opportunity to talk with (Y/N) alone without Shiver interjecting to stop them like she had been doing with Marie.

Marie got up and walked over to the two, hoping she'd also catch (Y/N) and be able to talk with him a bit too. In the meantime, as she got closer, she was able to catch some of the things the two were saying to each other.

(Y/N): I appreciate it.

Marina: It's fine. I wanted to ask you first after all.

Marina said with a bit of blush on her face.

Marina: So, are you enjoying the party tonight?

Marina asked, trying to fit in some casual conversation with the squid and talk some more between the two.

(Y/N): Yeah, it's been mostly pretty fun.

Marina: Mostly?

(Y/N): Yeah, just been a little tough seeing Shiver not able to enjoy herself too much.

Marina: Is something wrong?

(Y/N): She's kind of just too focused on making tonight perfect is all.

Marina: I didn't take her for that level of a perfectionist.

(Y/N): Well, it's not really about that, it's just... she just really wanted to make tonight perfect for Frye.

Marina: Aww, that's sweet of her to care for her friend that much.

(Y/N): She really cares about her friends, yeah, but she's usually able to still be her usual selfish self. She's just overworking herself tonight because of last year.

Marina: Last year? Oh-.

Marina cut herself off as she realized what (Y/N) was referencing, with Marie putting the pieces together too for why Shiver was acting so territorial tonight.

(Y/N): She still feels bad about feeling like it's her fault for what happened between Frye and me during the holidays last year.

Marina: That would explain why she pushed so hard to throw the party here instead of at Pearl's mansion like Pearl offered.

(Y/N): Yup, so she's been trying to make sure everything would go well tonight so Frye and I would have a nice, interrupted time tonight together. Frye told me about how Shiver was even getting a bit frustrated by Veronica and Eva plastering mistletoe around the whole hideout.

Marina giggled.

Marina: She didn't want to push you two into doing something like that because of it?

(Y/N): Yeah, not that either of us would've cared too much about it all, but in Shiver's mind, she just wanted to do this all to make up for the mistake she made last year.

Marie felt a bit sad listening to the two's words, thinking about how Marie had misunderstood all of Shiver's intentions tonight. She thought Shiver was just doing all of this for herself and what she wanted. She wanted the party here as a form of do-over from the previous year before Frye left to celebrate with her family over the holidays. The mistletoe wasn't her putting it all up, it was her taking it down to not pressure her two friends into anything. And blocking off Marie or any others sitting by (Y/N) wasn't to get him by her side, it was to make sure (Y/N) and Frye would be with each other for it all.

Marie groaned softly as she wiped her hand over her face. She felt like a jerk for just automatically assuming the worst out of Shiver, when in actuality, Shiver was feeling just as disheartened over her previous mistakes as Marie had still been.

Marie was so absorbed in her own self-reflection that she hadn't been paying attention to the two's conversation anymore and had missed its ending with her only realizing once Marina had walked past Marie with (Y/N) trailing shortly behind her, noticing Marie standing there.

(Y/N): Oh, Marie! Just the squid I was looking for.

Marie's face was a bit flushed from embarrassment as he called out to her like that, with him now admitting to her he wanted to speak with her, but Marie kept her cool.

Marie: You were?

(Y/N): Yes, actually, it's about a gift I wanted to give you.

Marie smiled warmly at how simple he was, and how it always served to lighten Marie's mood.

Marie: I already opened the gift over there from you. I really appreciate it, (Y/N)-

(Y/N): No, actually, there's something else, but uh, it's not really something physical I can give you, but it's something I've wanted to give to you, to you and Callie, for a long, long time now.

Marie's face was now flushed with her ink color much brighter than before with how he was being so serious about this, wondering what he was getting at.

(Y/N): I can't really do it right now, but next time when it's just you, me, and Callie, I...

(Y/N) grumbled out the rest of it too quietly for Marie to hear, causing her to smile a bit. She always loved how adorable he was when he was tripping over himself.

Marie: What was that?

(Y/N): I... wanted to... play a song for you two...

Marie's face was still blushing, but she wasn't embarrassed by it this time, she just smiled through it. She was surprised to hear him openly say this of all things though. 

Marie: You want to play a song for us..?

(Y/N): The reason I originally tried to learn music was to play it for you two... Shiver and Pearl especially have been a big help in helping me learn to play again after it's been so long, and I didn't want to tell you two until I thought I was at least halfway decent enough to play for you two...

Before, she had been worried that he had kept the idea that he could play music from Marie and that it was the two's relationship not being as strong as it once was that caused him to not be open about it with her, but now she knows it was the opposite.

Marie: When did you decide you wanted to play music for us?

(Y/N): It was back when were kids...

He said while looking downward, clearly trying to hide his embarrassment.

He had cared about us so much for so long. Why did Marie ever doubt their relationship? Marie did make a mistake before, but nothing could completely break them apart. Marie should've had more faith in (Y/N) and shouldn't have doubted his feelings.

Marie: That sounds lovely, (Y/N).

(Y/N)'s face perked up in happiness for a moment before dipping back down a bit again with embarrassment, but unable to hide his smile.

(Y/N): That's really great to hear... Uh, I would've obviously told you and Callie together, but this was honestly one of the lamest and most embarrassing things I've ever had to admit, so I wanted to do it one-on-one with you two to help a little bit, so if you don't mind, I should probably go tell Callie now.

Marie snickered.

Marie: It wasn't lame at all, (Y/N). It was the perfect thing I needed to hear from you. And thank you for telling me.

(Y/N) still had some blush on his face, but in spite of it, he responded with nothing more than his usual large smile that lit up the room.

Marie: Now, go tell Callie. I'm sure she'll be happy enough that she'll throw herself onto you even once she tells her.

(Y/N): I will, thanks, Marie.

(Y/N) merrily made his way over to Callie to talk to her somewhere privately, while Marie made her way back to all the others who were just about done with opening the presents from each other.

Marie saw Frye showing off the camera (Y/N) had gotten for her to Big Man, telling how (Y/N) had made sure to get her some goods from the Splatlands and not Inkopolis, to which Big Man just defeatedly agreed and apologized again.

Shiver on the other hand was playing with a money gun, enjoying watching her money shoot out and fall all around her.

Marie: Enjoying the gift?

Shiver looked over at Marie, then back at the money she shot out.

Shiver: I typically would prefer to just be given money, but this gift of his is a decent compromise I guess...

Marie smiled at the one who clearly was very happy with the gift, despite her words.

Marie: Shiver?

Shiver looked over to Marie who sat beside her, confused as to what Marie wanted.

Marie: You did a really good job with this party tonight. It was perfect.

Shiver's eyes widened for a moment before she shut her eyes, and tried to reach for her fan to hide behind, but with it not being close to her, she hid her face behind the money gun instead for a moment before building up her confidence again.

Shiver: Hahaaa! Of course it is. I did it, so of course everything would be perfect.

Shiver spoke with her usual, cocky attitude once more.

Shiver: By the way, Boss Marie, I have every bit of this money here counted up, so don't think I won't notice if you swipe any.

Marie snickered a bit before pulling out one of the paper bills and handing it back to Shiver who snatched it from her hand greedily.

Marie: I can't get anything past you.

Marie said calmly while Shiver looked proud of herself, having outplayed the queen of greed herself as the two continued chatting together along with everyone else happily engaging in the festive spirit with one another, enjoying that they all had so many friends to celebrate the holidays together with who cared about each other.

5338 Words

January 16, 2025 - 9:20 P.M.

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