S3C Chapter 54: Emotional Port

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Holidays to all. However, this is not the Squidmas/Frosty Fest chapter, that will be saved for the next chapter as I am waiting to see the news dialogue for the upcoming Frosty Fest first before writing it, so here's this one in the meantime.

I'm almost done writing this chapter now, and the day I'm uploading this, the Frosty Fest news announcement is up, but I've already got most of this done anyway, so sorry but you're still going to have to wait until the next one, but I've already had the idea I wanted to do for it, so I'll try and get it out soon for you all.

Veronica POV

Callie: Okay, Marie! I planned out the perfect day together for us in New Sardine!

Callie happily said to her cousin as Callie pulled out the list she wrote on what they'd do today.

Callie: First, we have- uh...

Callie looked at how unorganized and unreadable the plan she wrote and drew out was before just setting it down on the table.

Callie: We'll eyeball it!

Marie: Settle down with the energy, Cal. I get you're excited to show me around (and I'm actually looking forward to seeing where that old show she was on was filmed), but we have all day to see it. Which includes time to talk about how you didn't tell me you were going on a trip until after you already left.

Callie: Sorry, Marie... but you're here now! And isn't that all that matters?

Callie said while sticking her tongue out with a smile and a wink as she looked away innocently.

(Y/N) whispered to Pearl.

(Y/N): I don't see what's too wrong about her just going on an unexpected trip like that.

Pearl looked up at him.

Pearl: You wouldn't.

Marie: Well, Callie's raring to go, so we'll meet you back here later.

Callie: See ya!

Callie said with a wave as she led Marie out the door that the other three all returned to the two as they left.

(Y/N): I guess that just leaves us then.

Veronica tried to say something but was quickly cut off by Pearl.

Pearl: Actually, I~ wanted to go around town for a while. Just the two of us.

Pearl stated, leaning over a bit and looking up at (Y/N), trying to plead with him a bit before snapping onto Veronica and looking between the two.

Pearl: If that's cool with Eight.

Veronica: Oh! Yes, that is fine. I can just do my own things today.

Veronica said willingly, but slightly nervous.

Pearl: Thanks, Eight! So, how 'bout it, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Sounds like fun.

Pearl: Awesome!

Pearl exclaimed as she instantly wrapped her arm around (Y/N)'s and tried dragging him out of there with more enthusiasm than Callie had.

(Y/N) pulled back a bit to try and not get pulled over and tripped so he could wave bye to Veronica as the two rushed out the door.

Veronica stopped waving bye to him once the two were gone as she was now alone in the room, thinking about what she was to do on her own now.

Veronica: I am okay. I knew this day would come.

Veronica said pumping herself up with her fist in front of her chest for a Veronica solo adventure.

Veronica confidently walked out of the door all on her own, prepared to take on New Sardine alone.



(Y/N) and Pearl walked along side-by-side through the harbor area of the city that was lined with street stands.

(Y/N): Was there anything in particular that made you want to hang out with just me today?

Pearl: 'Cause that's usually how dates are done.

Pearl said so casually before stopping to look what a stand had that it made (Y/N) stop in his tracks from the straightforwardness. (Y/N) snapped out of it after that and continued along with her with a bit of blush on his face.

(Y/N): T-True. That makes sense.

Pearl noticed his micro-reaction and smiled at it.

Pearl: Yo, what're you gettin' embarrassed about all of a sudden?

(Y/N): I'm not.

He lied before he quickly tried to regain his cool.

(Y/N): I was just looking at the cool moves that stand is doing cooking the fresh fish.

(Y/N) said while gesturing toward a stand that was flipping the food in the air, putting on a show for people to watch as the stand operator was making snacks out of the fish to sell to people.

Pearl, luckily, fell for, or at least allowed, (Y/N)'s distraction to captivate her as she went over to check out what the stand owner was doing.

Pearl: Dang, now that's some extra fresh cooking skills. Can I get some of what you're sellin'?

(Y/N) was walking up behind Pearl as she turned back to face him while still standing in front of the stand.

Pearl: (Y/N), get over here! We've gotta try some!

(Y/N) looked at the fish on the stand that the stand operator would cook for them.

Pearl: Look at the li'l fishies. They're so cute... I wanna eat that one!

Pearl said, catching (Y/N) off guard by how quickly she went from looking at the fish like it was adorable to her before one of power over the fish.

(Y/N): You're going to eat the one you thought was cute? I thought you liked the fishies.

Pearl: I like how they taste!

(Y/N) just accepted Pearl's way of choosing which fish to snack on as he chose which one he'd eat while the stand operator grabbed their fish and put on a spectacle as they turned the fish into a quick snack.

Pearl paid the stand operator and complimented their sick moves as she called them before biting right into the side of hers and continued walking with (Y/N).

(Y/N): Does it taste as good as the show made it out to be?

Pearl swallowed the bite she had.

Pearl: Try it for yourself.

(Y/N) shrugged and tasted his own, enjoying the food stall snack.

(Y/N): Mmm.

He mumbled in enjoyment as he chewed the food.

Pearl: Right? It's always better eatin' something you've looked in the face.

(Y/N) swallowed his bite.

(Y/N): Your concerning statement aside, I've got to agree that it tastes great. Probably helps they've got the fish fresh straight to their stand to cook.

Pearl: Well if they didn't want to get cooked, they should've stayed off the hook. I thought Marina and I would've made that clear enough by now, yo.

(Y/N): I don't think the fish get broadcasts under the water.

Pearl: Meh. Their loss if they're not fans.

(Y/N): Isn't New Sardine doing great with its fishing industry because these fish were such fans of your singing though?

Pearl's eyes lit up.

Pearl: Aw snap! You're right! I hope these fishies didn't pull in too many numbers...

(Y/N) chuckled.

(Y/N): I think you're safe in that regard.

Pearl: Phew! I didn't wanna have to explain that to Marina.

Behind the two sharing a laugh, they missed the sight of an Octoling in their octopus form come in at such a fast speed that they went flying through a couple of stands, causing a lot of noise, but when (Y/N) and Pearl turned around to see what caused the noise, the Octoling couldn't be seen, only the big mess of a few stands.

Pearl and (Y/N) looked at each other, confused.

Pearl: We didn't do that, right?

(Y/N): Not this time, I don't think so.

Pearl: Then walk a little faster so we don't catch any blame.

Pearl said, causing (Y/N) and Pearl to both start speed walking out of there at a brisk pace, missing the sight of the familiar Octoling woman popping out of the destroyed mess, dizzy from the crash.


Marie POV

Marie was enjoying the walk with Callie as Callie showed Marie around New Sardine, telling Marie all the stories she had from when she was filming there in New Sardine until Marie put her arm out in front of Callie and stopped her.

Marie: Wait!

Callie was confused at the sudden reaction from Marie before Callie recognized what had caused Marie to do this and Callie's expression changed to a smile with a glare showing she knew what was going on.

Callie: What is it?

Callie asked, sure of what Marie was doing.

Marie: This place... looks familiar.

Callie: Did we walk in a circle or something?

Callie asked, playing dumb.

Marie: No, we haven't walked here yet, but I'm sure I recognize- oh my cod!

Callie: Yeah?

Marie: Callie, this is it, isn't it?

Callie: Maaaybe~.

Callie responded cheerfully.

Marie: This is where they filmed that TV drama you were in, isn't it?

Callie: Full points to super fan Marie!

Callie said cheerfully.

Callie: I'm glad I was so good in that drama that you recognize even the areas from the show.

Marie: Yes, but you were also only a side character.

Callie: Soooo good.

Callie said, ignoring Marie's teasing, not letting Marie's downplaying of Callie's amazingness get to her as she kept her cocky smile.

Callie: But seriously, I'm surprised you remember even this stuff after so long. You really get into the shows you like, huh?

Marie: I wouldn't say I get that into them.

Callie: Yeah right. You've been really liking that Splatlands drama recently too. What was it called again?

Marie: "Love's Tall Wooden Clogs -The Wooden Sandals' Winter Daphne-"

Callie: See?

Marie: Hey, I'm only watching it ironically. It's so bad that I can't look away from it.

Callie: That's always how it starts.

Marie wanted to defend herself, but Callie cut her off before she could.

Callie: So, should we go to the main setting of the show?

Marie: Just hurry up and lead the way already.

Callie giggled.

Callie: Just around the corner a bit, no need to rush.

Marie: You're one to talk. Whenever it's something you're excited about it's always "Marie! Wake up! We have to go line up early!" or "Marie, walk faster!" or "Marie, your shoes are already tied!"

Callie snapped her vision onto Marie playfully with a glare.

Callie: Your shoes were perfectly tied. You just wanted to mess with me. I know your games!

Marie giggled.

Marie: Who's to say?

Callie: Actually, I forgot something at the hotel-

Marie: -All right, I'm sorry.

Marie said with a giggle.

Callie: Sorry for what?

Marie: A lot, I'm sure.

Callie sighed and hugged Marie.

Callie: Good enough. Now let's go already!

Callie said as she happily started leading Marie along at a fast pace.

Marie: You wanted to show this place off to me just as much as I wanted to see it, huh?

Callie: Of course I did. It always made me happy knowing that even though you weren't there with me, I knew you'd be lying down at our apartment and watching me from back home, but now you get to be here with me in person all these years later.

The two both stopped as they reached a crosswalk with a red light. The two looked around and saw no cars and looked at each other.

Callie: Should we just-

Suddenly, an Octoling in octopus form went through the intersection quickly, followed by a large mob of people until they were all past, leaving the intersection empty again.

Marie: Is there something else getting filmed in this area right now?

Callie: I don't know, but we'll worry about cameo fees later, the crosswalk light is green now, let's go!

The two continued to their destination to see the exact place they used for filming Callie's old TV drama.

Marie: Whoa, just like in the show...

Marie whispered to herself, which Callie heard.

Callie: Wanna go inside?

Marie: Are we allowed to?

Callie: Yeah, looks like the school's closed today. I'll show you how we did everything.

Callie and Marie entered the closed school and Marie got to recognize where they shot scenes that took place before Callie led Marie to the main classroom used for the show.

Marie gasped at the sight of it.

Marie: There were so many good scenes here.

Callie: Got any favorites?

Marie thought about it for a moment before choosing one.

Marie: If I had to choose one, it'd be when the male lead and female lead professed their feelings in front of the gorgeous view out the window.

Marie said as she looked out the window herself, cut off by the beautiful sight of the city stunning her into silence as Callie strode up next to her.

Callie: Yeah, doesn't hit quite the same as watching it on TV, does it?

Marie: Not at all.

Marie said smiling along with her cousin.

Callie giggled.

Callie: I knew you'd like it.



(Y/N) and Pearl had entered a diner to sit down and catch a break.

The two squids sat in a booth across from each other.

Pearl ordered a milkshake for the two from the waitress who left to bring their order to them.

Pearl: So, you wish the others were here, or am I doin' a killer job today?

(Y/N): I mean, I always enjoy hanging out with everyone, but sometimes it's nice to just have someone to focus on specifically.

Pearl smirked.

Pearl: Good, I was worried you were going to be all mopey about us leaving Eight by herself.

(Y/N): She can handle herself, I'm not worried.

He said, stating calmly.

(Y/N): You on the other hand, you've been really upfront today, haven't you?

Pearl: Pssh, this is how I always am, yo. I'm bold, I'm cold, and I ain't never doin' what I'm told.

(Y/N): Right.

(Y/N) said with a chuckle at her casually spitting out a bar.

Pearl: Yo, look, I know I didn't exactly confess to you at that time with the intention of you responding then and there, but it's obvious how I feel, and I know you're in a bit of a pickle from your perspective.

(Y/N): Marina told you?

Pearl: Of course.

(Y/N): I figured she would.

(Y/N) said, feeling awkward at Pearl openly talking about the whole situation.

Pearl: Point is, I know you're not just gonna ignore it all, but I know you're not ready to give it back yet 'cause you're worried you'll hurt somebody's feelings, but you know how I feel. I don't care to hide it. Whenever you've got somethin' to say about it, I'm ready to hear it. Whatever it is.

(Y/N) was embarrassed by Pearl putting how he feels on blast like that, but he also felt reassured by her doing so and being understanding too.

(Y/N): Then let me ask you, what do you think I should do?

Pearl: Huh? The shell kinda question is that?

(Y/N) was taken aback by that reaction.

Pearl: Go out with me, duh.

(Y/N) wasn't expecting her to state her feelings on it that obviously, even if it is Pearl.

Pearl: I've got a ton of money, we go way back, and I genuinely love your stupid... everything. Oh, and did I mention I'm incredibly rich? We'd be able to go anywhere, do anything we want, and never have to worry about nothin' but what we want to do together.

Pearl said casually as if it was the most obvious thing, but while she made a good case, it still hurt his chest to think about.

Pearl caught the melancholic expression on his face.

Pearl: I'm not the smartest.

She stated clearly, bringing him back to his senses.

Pearl: So, it's stupid to hope I've got whatever magical solution that makes everyone happy that you're looking for. All I've got to tell you is just what I want to happen. I don't mean to put any more pressure on ya in sayin' this, but it's obviously your issue to figure out. I can't tell ya what you want or should do, only what I want to do.

(Y/N) and Pearl were both now blushing a bit as the waitress came back and placed Pearl's strawberry milkshake in front of her, cheering up Pearl some more.

Pearl: Truth is, I'm sure I've hurt plenty of people around me throughout my life, so why would I know how to make anyone happy? If I was in your shoes, well, first I'd probably be tripping over myself because of how big they'd be on me, but I'd probably just be tryin' to pay everyone off hopin' that that's good enough for them to not be upset.

(Y/N) let out a bit of a snort of laughter as she said the middle part, listening to all she had to say as she put the straw in her milkshake to drink it.

Pearl: But I'm smart enough to know how dumb that is, and that it wouldn't fix anything. I don't know what you can do or what you're going to do. All I can do is enjoy this while it lasts, like how I always do eveythin'. So, just enjoy this for now and let me have this little time together at least, okay?

She said as she moved the milkshake closer to between the two, letting (Y/N) notice the two straws she put in it as she held a little bit of blush on her pale face that she hoped (Y/N) would just ignore.

(Y/N) smiled at Pearl, understanding her well enough to know she was trying to help him but also just enjoying it all for herself at the same time. He really admired her as she sat there blushing over how embarrassed she was in what she said, yet she so confidently said how she felt regardless, not letting herself be held back from saying whatever she wanted to say whenever she wanted to.

(Y/N) happily shared the milkshake with Pearl as she offered it, with neither noticing that out the window next to them was a cardboard box moving down the opposite side of the street with the Octoling underneath it occasionally peeking out from underneath it to make sure the coast was clear before proceeding further down the street.


Pearl and (Y/N) walked into the hotel room and saw Callie and Marie laughing together before the two noticed them entering the room.

Marie: Welcome back.

Callie: Is Veronica not with you two?

Pearl: Nah, we went on a date today, just the two of us.

Pearl said casually, catching Callie off guard with the comment, which (Y/N) was sure was Pearl's plan, wanting to get them to be jealous of the day the two had just had together.

Callie: Huh?!

Callie's mouth was agape as she looked over at (Y/N) who just gave an embarrassed chuckle as he rubbed the back of his head, causing Callie's expression to turn to a pout while glaring at him.

Callie: I see. Having fun, aren't ya?

Marie just rolled her eyes, not getting swept up in jealousy like Callie was, which made Pearl a bit upset, but she seemed happy enough to have gotten at least one of them.

(Y/N) tried to defend himself, but luckily, just then Veronica had walked into the hotel room. The other four in the room all had expressions of a wide-eyed look while looking at her.

Veronica stood there with a big smile, but she was covered in dirt and such with there even being a tiny fire lit on her shoulder.

Veronica: I am back!

Pearl: Yo, Eight, what happened?

Veronica huffed proudly.

Veronica: I had a fun day running around the whole city by myself! I would like to use the bath first if that is fine with you four.

The four all gestured with their arms toward the bathroom for her.

Pearl: Yeah, right, no problem, yo.

Veronica: Thank you!

Veronica exclaimed happily before grabbing her clothes and going off to the bathroom.

Marie turned to Pearl.

Marie: You let her off in a city we're only visiting alone?

Pearl shrugged.

Pearl: Oops?

3139 Words

January 3, 2025 - 3:42 P.M.

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