S3C Chapter 53: Port Town Troubles
It's a few days past at this point, but it's now been one year since I've returned to writing this story. It's strange to imagine, but I'm happy to celebrate all I've managed to write for this in the past year. It's strange to think of how much I've done in such a short amount of time, but it also feels like it's been so much longer since I've come back. Thank you all for reading, and here's to everything I write after this as well in the hopes that I can keep writing something for you all to enjoy.
Veronica POV
Veronica was peering out the large windows at what was outside while Pearl and (Y/N) were talking behind her.
Callie: Okay! We're all checked in and the plane hasn't taken off without us!
Callie said walking up to Pearl and (Y/N).
Pearl: That's good. Those bozos knew what time we had to get here but still made all those stops anyway.
(Y/N): When Frye's hungry, she's hungry.
Callie nodded.
Pearl: Yo, you're only in agreement because you wanted some food too.
Pearl said to Callie which caused Callie to embarassedly defend herself.
Callie: The small plane food isn't enough...
Pearl turned to (Y/N).
Pearl: And don't get all soft on Frye. Shiver herself even mentioned Frye making her miss a connection too.
(Y/N): Come on, Shiver just likes to hold grudges is all. At least the three offered to drop us off.
He said innocently.
Pearl: Why do you make it sound like her holding grudges is a good thing?
(Y/N) just shrugged as Pearl noticed Veronica.
Pearl: And what're you lookin' at, Eight? They doin' a Turf War out there?
Veronica: No.
Pearl was confused.
Pearl: Then is it the big planes that you're looking at? Marina loves lookin' at them too. Planes are pretty cool, yo.
Callie: Especially when your face is on the side of one?
Callie said with her arms crossed.
Pearl: Yo, you jealous?
Pearl said smugly.
Callie: Considering the fact that you could've flown us on a private plane, I'm almost positive we're only taking one here because you wanted us to ride in one with your face on it.
Pearl just smiled with her hands wrapping the back of her head.
Pearl: Gotta make sure the brand ain't bein' dragged, yo.
Callie scoffed with a light smile and giggle as she shook her head.
(Y/N) was over by Veronica at the window, looking out where she was looking.
(Y/N): I don't think it's the planes Veronica's interested in either.
Pearl and Callie both looked over questionably.
Pearl: Then what is it?
She asked as the two walked over.
(Y/N): Probably Shiver, Frye, and Big Man down there attempting to steal one of the baggage tractors.
The four were all looking on in interest now as Frye noticed them looking down and started waving happily with both of her arms.
The trio of bandits though suddenly were all caught off guard and looked in a direction before Frye and Big Man both hopped onto the baggage tractor that Shiver was hotwiring, taking off as airport security tried chasing after them.
Pearl: Yo, just look away and pretend we don't know them.
Callie: Do you think this will delay our flight?
Callie asked before the announcement over the airport's intercom announced their plane's boarding.
(Y/N): Evidently not.
Callie: Let's hurry up then!
Callie took off first with (Y/N) and Pearl following after before (Y/N) and Pearl both doubled back and got Veronica to stop looking out the window and run with them.
The four were now running to make their flight.
Veronica looked to her side and noticed Pearl was keeping up with the rest of them pretty well despite her smaller size.
Veronica: (She can run fast.)
Veronica then noticed that Pearl's feet were not running on the ground as (Y/N) had picked her up a bit and was running with her while Pearl was just running in the air.
Veronica: (That makes more sense.)
Veronica said with her eyes closed at the realization before continuing to run for their plane.
The four made it to their plane's boarding section where they were allowed onto the plane and found their seating, which was all together in the first-class section. A whole row for the four of them.
(Y/N) saw Pearl struggling to reach up and put her oversized bag in the storage above their heads, so (Y/N) gave her a hand.
Callie was going to try and get (Y/N) to sit in the seat next to hers, but unfortunately for her, Pearl already used (Y/N) assistance to get him to sit next to her on the flight.
Pearl: Yo, you excited?
(Y/N): About the plane ride or the trip?
Pearl: Both.
(Y/N): Then yes to both.
He said with a smile.
Veronica: I never asked. Why are we going to New Sardine?
Callie: I figured it was just one of her rich girl whims.
Pearl: A lot like your "whim" to join us on the trip?
Callie: It's not my fault. I love New Sardine! They love me there, and I really got to know the place when filming for the TV drama.
Pearl looked at Veronica.
Pearl: Yo, basically, remember during the world tour when we played in New Sardine?
Veronica nodded.
Veronica: Yes.
Pearl: Turns out, they weren't doing so hot with their whole fishing industry.
Veronica: Oh no.
Pearl: I know. But I performed so well that it made all the fishies there get hyped up to our music and want to come check out the show too, so now the city is doing gangbusters because of it. The mayor of New Sardine himself even visited me to thank me for it.
Veronica: Is that where you got that hat you have been wearing?
Veronica asked, referring to the hat Pearl wore that said "women fear me, fish want me".
Pearl: In fact, it is!
Pearl said smugly as if she had been waiting for someone to ask about the hat.
Pearl: They also gave me a cool sash in my bag here.
She said, reaching into her bag and pulling it out for Veronica to see.
Veronica admired the sash with an "Ooooh" as she read the sash's words of "Queen Sardine".
Pearl: I prefer "Princess" but "Queen Sardine" gots a nice ring to it.
Pearl said as she stuffed the sash back into her bag.
Pearl: (Y/N) here mentioned he's never been to New Sardine when I told him about it, so I said to heck with it, let's go visit the place. Since I'm basically like the city's hero or whatever now.
Pearl said, making sure to sell it to Veronica who was buying every word, falling for Pearl's want of praise from her.
(Y/N): If it's a fishing problem they were having, they could've just asked me, the salmonid scourge to help them out with it.
Callie: I don't think Salmon Run equates to fishing skills.
(Y/N) crossed his arms.
(Y/N): Not with that attitude.
Callie giggled.
Callie: I'm just happy I get to come along. It's been a while since the last time I visited New Sardine, but I can show you all the best shops around there that I learned about when I was filming there. Trust me, you have to know which shops to avoid and which ones you have to see.
Veronica: I enjoyed the shop inside the airport. Look what I bought.
Veronica said, holding up the fridge magnet of Marlie, the Marlin Airport mascot.
Callie smiled.
Callie: That's awesome.
Veronica smiled at Callie's praise.
One of the flight attendants was asking passengers if they'd like any drinks, but when they got to their row, the flight attendant was shocked to see Callie and Pearl.
The flight attendant tried her best to stay professional even though they could all tell she was so excited to meet them.
The four got their drinks and talked more before the pilot announced their departure and takeoff.
Callie brought out her neck pillow and eye mask.
Callie: I'm going to get some shut-eye then.
Veronica: Wait! Callie, look!
Veronica said, urging Callie toward the window.
Callie looked out the window and saw all the glistening lights of Splatsville, shining through the dark skies.
Callie smiled at the sight along with Veronica.
Callie: It's so sparkly down there!
Veronica: Yeah, it is so pretty!
Callie: Are you two seeing this?
Callie said, calling out to (Y/N) and Pearl who were both looking out their window too.
(Y/N): Probably not the same sight you are, but yes.
Pearl: I've seen it before, but this city does have a killer view.
They all enjoyed the view of the city's lights as the city shrank in their view and they stopped looking. All except Veronica who tried her best to look back at the city even as it crossed the horizon and out of her view.
Once it was gone, Veronica sat back forward in her seat to see Callie now trying to take a nap while (Y/N) and Pearl were talking about the city and what he could expect when he got there.
Veronica smiled before remembering something important.
Veronica: (Y/N)!
She whispered across to him to not disturb Callie.
(Y/N): Yeah, Veronica?
He said, turning toward her.
Veronica: I actually got two refrigerator magnets. Do you want the red one or the blue one?
(Y/N): Veronica, you and I have the same fridge... but the blue one.
Veronica smiled and handed the blue one over to him which he happily accepted.
Callie POV
The four exited the airport with Callie in the lead, prepared to show off the city as their pseudo-tour guide.
However, Callie looked a bit perplexed.
(Y/N): Everything all right, Callie?
Callie: Hm? Yeah, yeah, it's just... the place looks a bit different than I remember.
Veronica: When was the last time you were here?
Callie: Uh... not that long ago? Doesn't matter. The look of the buildings may change, but these streets and shops stay the same!
Pearl: Good. Can you take us somewhere to get some food? I'm hungrier than Chum seeing Glowflies.
Callie: Of course! What food are we hankerin' for?
Pearl: Yo, just point me in the direction of the nearest burger joint. Better if it's got a shake machine.
Pearl answered before turning to (Y/N) and Veronica.
Pearl: That cool with y'all?
The two just nodded their heads, both feeling hungry after Pearl started talking about food.
Callie: Then hop aboard the Callie train! We are now leaving the station. Next stop? The best burger shop in town!
The four stood in the entrance of the shop, Callie looking around flustered. (Y/N) and Veronica looked confused while Pearl looked displeased.
Pearl: Yo. Why are we in a mattress store?
Veronica: Is it like those videos that make the cakes look like real things? Is this mattress a hamburger?
Veronica asked while touching the mattress.
Pearl: No, Eight. Callie got confused.
(Y/N) had his mouth open, ready to try biting the mattress in front of him before hearing Pearl say that and backing up.
(Y/N): Right. Obviously.
Callie: I didn't get confused, this was the right place! I'm sure of it.
Callie pleaded embarrassingly in front of the other three before seeing a store worker walking nearby them.
Callie: Excuse me!
Worker: Yes, how can I hel- wait, are you Callie from the Squid Sisters?
Callie: Yes. What happened to the burger shop that used to be here?
Worker: Oh, that place closed down a while ago.
Callie: Closed down?! But they had the best burgers in town!
Worker: I-I'm sorry, ma'am. But if it's burgers you're looking for, there's a great place just down the street.
Callie: Down the street? That place-
Pearl: Yo, now that service is more like it.
Pearl said while smacking a couple of coins into the worker's hand, surprising them at the sight of now Pearl from Off the Hook before Pearl started walking toward the front door and leaving.
Pearl: Come on. Let's get the heck out this place!
(Y/N) and Pearl happily followed after her with Callie nervously rushing after them, leaving the worker just standing there, confused if that really just happened.
Pearl led the other three, walking down the street in the direction the mattress store worker had told them.
Callie: Wait, hold up, Pearl. I know the place they were talking about. Trust me, the place is not that good.
Pearl: Yeah, well, the place you told us doesn't exist, and this joint is right down the street. Who wants to try this place?
Pearl raised her hand confidently while (Y/N) and Veronica nervously raised their hands as well.
Veronica: Sorry, Callie, but I am hungry...
Callie pouted a bit.
(Y/N): It's fine, Callie. If it's bad, we can just go try another place you recommend after.
Callie smiled at him trying to make her feel better and continued in a chipper motion.
Once the four arrived at the place, they each ordered their food, Callie a little begrudgingly as they found a table to sit and eat at.
She watched as the others dug into their food happily and seemed to enjoy it, so she stared at her own food and bit into it hesitantly, only to be surprised at how good it tasted.
Callie's eyes lit up as she ate the rest of her food happily, to the notice of the others.
(Y/N): Is it like how you remember?
He asked rhetorically.
Callie: It's so much better than it used to be here! This is totally delish!
She said, still surprised by how much better it was than it was when she was in New Sardine before.
Pearl: Guess we know why this place is still in business and that other place isn't, haha.
Pearl said as she drank her strawberry shake before going to take a bite of her cheeseburger and spitting out the bite.
The other three looked on.
(Y/N): What's wrong?
Pearl was wiping off her tongue as she checked under the bun and saw the pickles on her cheeseburger.
Pearl: Yo, I told them not to put pickles on this thing!
(Y/N) stood up.
(Y/N): Okay, let's go have them fix this.
(Y/N) said, leading the way, holding Pearl's food as she followed behind grumpily.
Callie giggled watching the interaction as (Y/N) had the workers fix Pearl's order before turning to Veronica who was watching as well.
Veronica: I do not enjoy pickles either.
Callie smiled at Veronica wanting to add her own input on the situation.
Pearl POV
The four were now wandering the busy ports of this port town.
Callie: This place is a lot busier than I remember.
Eight: It was not this busy when we were here on the Off the Hook world tour either.
Pearl: I think we all know who's to thank for that!
Pearl said smugly.
(Y/N): The hardworking fishermen of this city.
(Y/N) said to mess with Pearl.
Pearl: What? No! Me!
Pearl said poking (Y/N) until he got it as he chuckled at her jabs.
???: Look who it is! I'm glad to see you here, Queen Sardine.
Pearl turned back around to see it was the mayor who had previously thanked her.
Mayor: I see you're enjoying the hat.
Pearl: Yo, you know it!
Pearl said while cheerfully gripping the brim of the hat.
Mayor: And I see you brought some friends too! I welcome you to our city.
Pearl: Yup, I brought Callie who loves this place, my bestie, Eight, and right here, King Sardine.
She said while wrapping an arm around (Y/N).
(Y/N) just stared at Pearl, knowing what she was joking about, but still earned the ire of Callie behind them at it.
The mayor took a second but realized what she was implying.
Mayor: O-Oh my, well, uh, nice to meet you all. If there's anything I can do to make your stay better, I'd be happy to help!
Pearl: No need, we've just been enjoyin' goin' 'round the town on our own.
Eight whispered in Pearl's ear.
Pearl: Eight would like to know where she can get a cool hat like mine.
Eight stood behind Pearl happily as the mayor explained where they could find the cool hat shop before the mayor left and the four continued walking by the ports for now.
(Y/N): King Sardine, huh?
Pearl: If you don't like the title, take it up with management.
(Y/N): Who's the mana-? It's you, isn't it?
He cut himself off as he saw her smiling.
Pearl shrugged.
Pearl: Might be.
(Y/N): Then-
Pearl: -Management's busy. Yo, Eight! Whatcha lookin' at?
Pearl said, walking beside Eight now.
Eight: All the big ships are so cool looking. The city has a lot more going on here than it did before.
Callie: And you two were just here this year. Think about what it's like for me.
(Y/N): I can't tell a difference.
Pearl: Yeah, no dip. You haven't been here before, yo!
(Y/N) chuckled at the reaction he got from her.
Pearl: We'll have to come back in a year or two to see how much it changes again.
Callie: I do miss how it was before. The buildings and the streets are the same, yet so much has changed. More reason for us to see everything this place has to offer while we've still got the chance to see them as they are now!
(Y/N): Look at you with such pretty words. Are you trying out your lyric writing on us?
Callie: Maybe~. But I can't help it. It's been so fun trying out lyric writing.
Eight: You are writing songs of your own?
Eight said, looking excited as the Squid Sisters fan she is.
Callie: For now, I've just been writing some lyrics for other artists, but maybe one day I can write songs for me and Marie to perform. Marie's been learning more about song composition herself, so maybe we can make a song together.
Pearl: You been gettin' jealous of Off the Hook and Deep Cut's in-house writing talent?
Callie: A little honestly, yeah!
Eight: But Pearl, isn't it Marina who writes Off the Hook's music-
Pearl: Shhshhshhhhh.
Callie: Aw man! I should've brought Marie with us here...
Callie let out a sudden outburst.
(Y/N): Missing being apart from her already?
Callie: Yeah, but... last time I was doing all the filming here, Marie and I had been drifting apart a lot, so it made staying in New Sardine without her such a drag on me... Which is why I decided next time I came here, I wanted to bring Marie with me to show it all to her.
Pearl: Then it's good we came here without her.
Callie was confused by Pearl's words.
Pearl: If you had brought her here with your old know-how of the city, ya might've embarrassed yourself in front of her.
Callie: Y-Yeah, I guess, but I still-
Pearl: So, we can get you up to date now and she can come and meet us here.
Callie: Huh? But we're already-
Pearl: If it means that much to you, I'll have Marie flown out here. But I ain't invitin' her, so go give her a call already.
Callie: I- I'm-
Callie teared up a bit and gave Pearl such a big hug it lifted Pearl off the ground a bit, catching Pearl off guard.
Pearl: Yeah- yeah no problem!
Pearl said, patting Callie on the back, partially to try and let Callie know she could stop choking her out.
Callie let go and brought her phone out.
Callie: I'll invite her here right now!
Callie exclaimed as she walked away from the other three to make the call.
Pearl saw Eight smiling at her in that way which would make Pearl feel awesome for doing the right thing.
(Y/N): Look at you, being so nice.
(Y/N) said while standing behind Pearl, causing Pearl to grab his hands and hold them around her.
Pearl: Yo, you know it. I'm the nicest, awesomest squid around.
(Y/N): Such a humble queen.
Pearl: Yeah, well I surround myself with sappy suckers. Including a sappy king.
Pearl said, not able to look up at him as she said the last part which embarrassed her after she said it, but (Y/N) just smiled, enjoying that he knew the face she was making right now without the need to see it.
Callie ran back over to the group cheerfully having successfully invited and convinced Marie to get on a plane and come meet them there, while the four of them simply continued their exploration of the town to prepare Callie for her cousin's arrival.
3223 Words
December 21, 2024 - 5:55 P.M.
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