S3C Chapter 48: Don't Believe The Hype

Sorry if this chapter feels a bit short. The next chapter should be the Grand Festival chapter. Hope you enjoy!


(Y/N) was smiling as he was lying on his stomach atop his bed. He held his phone in front of his face as the other person on the other side of the video call got ready.

Shiver: Okay, now, how do I look?

Shiver asked as she stood back in front of the phone camera she set up before doing a little spin so he could see all around the outfit she was wearing.

Her outfit had a professional jacket over a simple white shirt underneath. Along with them were a special Grand Festival card hanging around her neck and a Grand Festival armband on her left arm. To top it all off was a pair of thin, red glasses.

(Y/N): You look really great. Real professional. I'd say you even look like someone who might not tell me fake news.

Shiver: Perfection! Because I can't sprinkle any fake news in, this is important for the Grand Festival.

(Y/N): It's also rare that I get to see both of your eyes.

Shiver: Yes, yes, I keep both eyes reserved for only the most special of occasions that require my full focus. Or if there's something really valuable that catches my eye.

She says as she glares at him with a smirk through the video call.

(Y/N) let out a giggle before asking another question.

(Y/N): But what's with the glasses?

Shiver: Oh these?

Shiver asks as she grabs the glasses and flashes them a bit before putting the glasses back on her face.

Shiver: All three of us are wearing them. They make us look smarter.

(Y/N) shook his head with a pitiful smile.

(Y/N): Of course, that's the reason.

He really should've expected that from them by now, but the three idols of the Splatlands always surprised him regardless.

(Y/N): Any insider leaks you can give me?

Shiver: Depends on how well you behave yourself, doesn't it? What do I get out of letting a bit of info slip from my lips?

Shiver spoke like she was a cat playing with its food as she sat down on the edge of her bed and scooched closer to the camera.

(Y/N): What do you want?

He asked, sure that she would want something ridiculous she could extort from him.

Shiver: Now that you mention it~... I've been-

Shiver was cut off as her door flung open to reveal Frye, along with Big Man in the hall behind her.

Frye: -Shiver! What's taking so long? Let's go alreadyyyy!

Shiver blushed embarrassedly as she turned around to see the other two had barged in on her and (Y/N)'s call.

Frye: Wait, have you been video chatting with (Y/N) in here on your own?!

Shiver quickly turned back to her phone as she got closer to it.

Shiver: Gotta go! Talk to ya later!

Frye: Hey! Wai-!

Shiver ended the video call, cutting off Frye mid-sentence, leaving (Y/N) alone by himself on his bed, laughing at how Shiver's nefarious ideas were foiled by the others.

(Y/N) set his phone down as he rolled over onto his back now, wondering what there was for him to do today.

(Y/N) has been hyped for the Grand Festival, but the wait for it was boring, and he found himself with a lot of free time now that was hard to fill in anticipation of the big event.

His lonely, bored thoughts were cut off by the sound of someone knocking on the front door. He wasn't expecting anyone, so he was confused as to who it was.

So, he got up and when he unlocked and opened the front door, he smiled at the smirking face.

(Y/N): What're you doing here?

Marie: You know, just in the neighborhood. Thought I might make sure you're doing all right.

(Y/N): I'm doing good, and you?

Marie: Same.

The two stood there awkwardly for a moment before Marie cleared her throat as she motioned toward inside his place, letting (Y/N) catch on to what she was getting at.

(Y/N): Oh! W-Would you like to come in?

Marie: How thoughtful.

She said jokingly as she walked in, set down her things, and took off her shoes.

(Y/N): No Callie today?

Marie: Not today. She's over at her friend's place at Flounder Heights. Just you and me today then?

(Y/N): Looks like it, yeah. Veronica is out today.

Marie nodded.

Marie: Excited for the Grand Festival?

(Y/N) got pumped up at the question.

(Y/N): Of course I am. I still remember the Chaos vs Order Final Fest, and this looks bigger and better than any previous Splatfest.

Marie: Yeah, they've got a big production for this one. I'm glad Callie and I get to be a part of this one. It truly is the end of an era.

Marie sounded happy at being able to represent a team again.

Marie: Speaking of which, have you chosen a team yet?

(Y/N) shook his head.

(Y/N): No, not yet. The others keep asking me too, but it's just a little hard to decide.

Marie: If it's that hard to choose a team, you can always just choose your favorite idol.

Marie said with a cocky smile on her face.

(Y/N): Nice try. Veronica hasn't chosen a team yet either.

Marie: She's also welcome to join Team Past.

Marie said as she crossed her legs and leaned back into the couch the two were sitting on.

(Y/N): I'm sure she'd be happy to hear that.

Marie nodded.

Marie: Are you sure no one else is coming over today?

(Y/N): Veronica's not going to be home until later, but other than that? Not that I know of, but you know how it is, people like to just show up unannounced all the time, so-

He shrugged his shoulders.

Marie: How do you ever get any privacy? You just let everyone show up unannounced like that?

(Y/N): May I remind you that you just showed up unannounced here?

Marie: No you may not. It's charming when I do it.

(Y/N): How is it any different?

Marie smirked to herself.

Marie: I do everything with grace.

(Y/N): Mhm. So, are you staying long? I can order some takeout if you're going to be here for a while.

Marie: If that's all right with you, go ahead.

(Y/N) nodded with a smile.

(Y/N): You'll hear no complaints from me.

He said as he got his phone out to place an order.


Marie: And do you know what she said next?

Marie asked before taking a bite of her food.

(Y/N): What did she say?

Marie: "Oh, I thought that was a period, not a comma."

Marie said while doing her best Shiver impression.

Marie: She knew perfectly well how much what she was buying cost.

Marie said as she laid back on the couch, with (Y/N) placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

(Y/N): Trust me, I get it. I was happy when they mostly went to you to look over their expenses.

Marie turned toward him with a jokingly outraged face.

Marie: Oh yeah? Maybe I should see for myself and hand the duty to look after them over to you.

(Y/N): Let's not rush into any major decisions right now.

Marie: Now that I remember, I did hire you, and they also work under me.

(Y/N): Marie, no.

Marie: They do say a good boss knows how to delegate work to someone else.

(Y/N): I'll be good, please.

Marie sat there with her fingers to her chin, thinking for a moment before laughing.

Marie: Fine. I guess I can be kind and spare you... for now.

(Y/N): Phew...

(Y/N) relaxed as he could never be too careful whether Marie's threats were just jokes or if she was actually considering her evil ideas.

The two both relaxed back as they ate the rest of their takeout food.

(Y/N): So, you don't want to go out anywhere today?

Marie: Mmm... Nah. I don't have as much energy as Callie to always want to go running around places. I prefer to just do things indoors most of the time. Besides...

Marie rested her head on his shoulder.

Marie: This isn't so bad, right?

(Y/N) blushed happily.

(Y/N): Yep. Not bad at all.


(Y/N) was giggling under his breath before getting smacked in the face with a pillow. However, after the pillow fell, he kept giggling.

Marie: Ugh, you're as bad as Callie.

(Y/N): It's an intended game mechanic. What's the problem?

Marie: Intended, sure.

(Y/N): You're better than me at this game anyway. I need whatever advantage I can get. Especially since you don't hold back.

Marie: Why would I hold back?

(Y/N): Because you're a good friend and care about me?

Marie sat silently, not responding in any way to what he said.

(Y/N): Please?

Marie was silent for another moment.

Marie: Let's just see how the next match goes.

(Y/N) looked defeated, already knowing Marie's answer before the next match even started.

However, he was caught off guard by --no, it wasn't Marie actually being nice and going easy on him-- the front door of (Y/N)'s house opening, revealing Veronica as she walked inside, setting down her weapon and taking off her shoes.

Veronica: Oh, hello!

(Y/N): Hi, Veronica. Is it already that late?

Veronica: It is not dark out yet, but yes, it is late. What are you two doing?

Marie: Winning. Well, I am at least.

Marie snickered to herself.

(Y/N): Just been keeping ourselves busy at home today.

Veronica: What are we having for dinner tonight?

(Y/N) facepalmed.

(Y/N): I'm sorry, Veronica. I didn't get anything out to prepare tonight. Do you mind taking my place while I go out to get you something?

Veronica: Okay!

Marie: You just want her to take your place because of how hard you're getting schooled, don't you?

(Y/N): Can't hear you, Marie! I'm too busy walking out the front door!

He said as he quickly shut the door behind him, ignoring the eye-roll coming from Marie as he pretended to not hear her.


(Y/N) happily walked out of the store with the bag of Veronica's food.

(Y/N) was cheerfully whistling a song to himself as he was walking back to the bus stop he took to get there.

However, (Y/N) couldn't shake the feeling that someone was following him.

He tried to ignore it and kept whistling his tune but the feeling kept creeping up his back. So, he decided to take a look over his shoulder and he saw someone walking a bit behind him.

(Y/N) was spooked by the figure, but he quickly figured that he was just being paranoid and this person just happened to be walking behind him, not following him.

He carried on with his whistling tune, turning a couple of corners, but when he looked over his shoulder, the person was still there, following a slight distance behind him.

His whistling was tripping over itself now as he was nervously walking on, trying to ignore the person, hoping he could just get to the bus stop.

When the bus stop entered his vision, he relaxed a bit as he quickly sat inside the bus shelter, happily whistling as he leaned his head back with his eyes closed, sitting there.

However, even here, the uneasiness didn't leave him.

(Y/N) looked back in the direction he came from and saw the figure outside the bus shelter, leaning against it, facing away from him.

(Y/N) was worried as the person was still here, but once again, calmed down at the epiphany he just had. The person was here just because they were also waiting for the bus, weren't they?

His whistling continued with its correct, unshaky tune thanks to the nervousness being gone again.

The bus eventually showed up and (Y/N) and the figure both got on the bus. (Y/N) sat toward the middle of the bus while the figure sat toward the back of the bus, to which (Y/N)'s side-facing seat gave him a view out of the corner of his eye.

To not annoy anyone due to the closeness of being inside the bus, (Y/N) stopped whistling and instead hummed the tune that was stuck in his head.

He was happy that soon he'd be back home where Marie was with Veronica, happily waiting for the food that (Y/N) was bringing home to her.

With each stop, (Y/N) noticed the person who got on behind him wasn't getting off. (Y/N) was worried that the person was waiting to follow (Y/N) off the bus.

(Y/N) thought he might still be acting paranoid, but (Y/N) could swear out of the corner of his eye that he could see the person kept taking glances at (Y/N) before quickly looking away if (Y/N) turned his head even slightly in the person's direction.

Would this person follow (Y/N) all the way home? He was worried about leading some bad person home where Marie and Veronica were. Then he quickly thought that if they were a bad person, Veronica alone would probably clobber them.

All this worry caused his humming to falter here and there as his throat was dry due to worrying about the situation.

But as the bus stopped next, the figure stood up.

After a few seconds, (Y/N) was happy to realize that it wasn't some creepy stalker who was following him, just some normal person taking the bus, which is usually only half that creepy.

(Y/N) was happily humming again with his eyes closed now that he could relax. Or at least he was until the weird feeling persisted.

(Y/N) opened his eyes and noticed the person standing in front of him, as if they were walking to the door past (Y/N) but stopped right in front of him, but not facing (Y/N).

He didn't know how to feel or if he should say something, but before he could figure out what to do, the person turned to him.

(Y/N) saw the face of the person finally and saw a woman with a creepy, crooked smile looking down at him with a glare in her eyes.

???: That's a nice song you've been doing...

(Y/N) was so concerned as to why she was speaking to him. He realized then that he probably wasn't wrong about the person watching him now, but didn't know how to respond to this situation.

(Y/N): Th-Thank you..?

The woman stood in front of him with that creepy expression still for a few more seconds without moving or saying anything.

???: Have a good night...

She said and before (Y/N) could even respond, she was already quickly walking off the bus as she got off and the bus continued on its route.

(Y/N) was left completely bewildered as to what that whole interaction with the woman was. He felt he could relax more now that she was gone, but he couldn't get the feeling out of his head that worried him about what the woman was even up to with all of that.

(Y/N) tried to just ignore it as he went back to lowly humming his song again as he held onto the bag of Veronica's food that sat on his lap, hoping he'd get home safely without any other incidents.


(Y/N) walked back into his home.

(Y/N): Food's here!

Veronica: Hurray! I am hungry.

Marie: I thought you were Veronica.

Veronica laughed at Marie's pun.

Veronica: Marie is hilarious, (Y/N).

Marie proudly took the compliment, even if it was just a very simple pun.

(Y/N): Yes, quite. Now, do you want to eat in the living room or at the table?

Veronica: I want to eat in here with you two!

She said happily as (Y/N) held out the bag for Veronica to take and open for herself.

(Y/N) turned to Marie who was still just enjoying herself here.

(Y/N): You don't have to go home and feed Callie?

Marie: She's getting herself something while she's out.

(Y/N): I'm starting to think you were the bored one, coming here because you didn't have Callie around.

Marie: Of course not. I can handle not having Callie around.

Marie said, turning away in denial, but (Y/N) was sure he knew how Marie was just used to always having someone as energetic as Callie around.

(Y/N): So, what happened here while I was gone? Because while I was out, I-

His recollection of events was cut off by the television's breaking news story.

The three all looked over to the television to see that there was a Grizzco announcement of another Big Run.

Veronica: Another one? I thought the last one was the last BIG Big Run.

What shocked the three even more was where this Big Run was happening: The Grand Splatlands Bowl.

Veronica: Oh no!

Marie: I'm usually not one to freak out, but this actually is a big deal. This Grand Run could mess up the Grand Festival.

(Y/N) sighed as he started walking out of the room.

(Y/N): I'll get our Gloopsuits ready...


??? POV

She silently walked down the empty street. Eventually, she found herself outside of a building she knew well enough by now.

She made her way to the door where she pulled out a key, unlocked the door, and stepped inside.

She stood in the doorway as she shut the door behind her, leaving herself just standing idly there for a minute before she eventually she let out a loud whine as she leaned her back against the door, sliding down it until her face was in her hands atop her knees.

A figure popped out from the back and walked up to her, confused as to the loud whining noise.

Marina: What's wrong, Acht?

Acht was silent for a moment.

Acht: I am never listening to you ever again...

Marina: Don't be like that. You've got to learn how to interact with people, even if just a little more. All I asked you to do was talk to one person while you were out, now, did you do it or not?

Acht: Yes. I did... And I never want to think of how horrible that interaction went ever again...

Marina was a little sad at how dispirited Acht was acting over it. It must've gone really badly.

Marina placed her arm on Acht's shoulder to comfort her.

Marina: It's okay, Acht. You did really well. You tried, and that's all that matters. What are the odds you'll ever see that person again anyway?

Acht lifted her head from her hands, calming down a bit more.

Acht: At least that's some consolation...

Marina: That's more like it. Now get up. You're sitting right in front of the door.

Marina said as she held her hands out for Acht to grab onto, which she did as Marina helped her back up.

Marina: Let's go sit down in the other room now. And maybe once you've calmed down more, you can tell me what happened exactly, okay?

Acht: Okay...

Acht replied as Marina led Acht to an actual place to sit down and talk about it all.

3003 Words

October 25, 2024 - 12:00 A.M.

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