S3C Chapter 46: The Real You


(Y/N) looked at the items in his hands as he was sitting on the couch in his living room, waiting for a certain someone to get home.

(Y/N): I'm sure she'll be happy to go, right?

He asked the other person in the room with him.

Eva: Duh. Who wouldn't want to go?

(Y/N): You're just saying that because of the ads around Lemuria Hub, and because I offered you a ticket as well.

Eva: I can be supportive and excited.

She said as she leaned onto the side of the couch, looking at the tickets in his hands.

Eva: You said she likes this sort of stuff, so why wouldn't she?

(Y/N): I know she's not like some different person or whatever, but you've seen how she's been lately. I'm just stressing it a bit is all.

Eva was going to say something to calm him down, but just then, he heard the sound of someone outside the front door turning the handle.

(Y/N) put the tickets in his pocket quickly as he stood up and faced toward the door while Eva just casually shifted herself to look over at the door.

As the door opened, in stepped Veronica with Liz trailing shortly behind her.

Veronica: Oh! Hello, Eva.

Eva: Sup, girl. Captain.

She nodded to Liz who nodded back after greeting Veronica.

(Y/N): I'm glad you two are back! Veronica, I've got a surprise.

Veronica: Ooh, what is it?

She asked calmly as she set down her things before walking over by him.

(Y/N): I was thinking that it had been a while since we had gone out to some fun event together. Soooo...

He hyped it up as he pulled out three tickets from his pocket.

(Y/N): I've got us tickets to go to Goby Arena and watch the game that's going on!

Veronica let a smile appear on her face.

Veronica: That's really cool. I'd be happy to go.

She said calmly to him with an appreciative smile, although he was still disappointed that despite getting a smile out of her, she still kept her calmer demeanor rather than the real, excitable Veronica, but he tried not to show it on his face as he smiled back.

Eva: Good, because I've never been, and I can't wait to go!

Liz stared at the tickets as she counted in her head.

Liz: Wait, I don't get a ticket?

She said, sounding slightly offended.

Liz: I'm the one doing so much work and could use a bre-

She was cut off by him chuckling and pulling out a fourth ticket from his pocket, cutting off her rant.

(Y/N): Just making sure you're still paying attention.

Liz was blushing embarrassedly after her statement, taking the ticket.

Liz: Haha. Thanks.

She said quietly.

Veronica: Is anyone else coming with us?

(Y/N): No, everyone else is apparently super busy with something. They wouldn't say what with though.

Liz: Guess it's just us regular people today then.

Eva: You would call us "regular people"?

Liz smirked.

Liz: Fine. Us "not known to every person around the world" people then.

Eva: That's more like it. Although, I wouldn't mind if we found some way to actually get paid for what we do.

Liz: Not happening.

Eva: All right, all right. Just floating ideas by, don't mind me.

Eva said casually as had her arms wrapped around the back of her head.

Veronica: I'll go make sure I've got everything ready for later today then.

She said as she walked out of the room.

Liz: Who's even playing tonight?

(Y/N): It's going to be the Ohotsuku Uniāzu vs the Tasman Lob-Stars.

Liz: All right. But if you cheer for the other team, I'll hit you.

(Y/N): Which team is the "other" team?

Liz: I guess we'll find out, huh?

She said with a smile as she sat on the couch next to Eva who was giggling.

(Y/N) sighed and nodded.

(Y/N): Yeah, that figures...

He said before sitting beside the two.

(Y/N): So, Liz, can you give me any info on why Veronica's been acting like this?

Liz looked a bit confused.

Liz: Like what?

(Y/N) and Eva both looked at her.

(Y/N): You know. For a while recently, she's just been acting so... not like herself.

Liz: She seems normal to me.

(Y/N): You're telling me you haven't noticed how unresponsive and calm she's been acting instead of her normal gleeful self?

Eva: Yeah, even I've noticed, and you're a lot closer with her than I am.

Liz looked like she realized what they were talking about.

Liz: Of course, I've noticed that. But she's still herself.

(Y/N): Liz, come on, when have you ever seen her not flip out excitedly over something? Last month she jumped for joy just because I bought bubbles for the bath.

Liz: When I first met her, she acted pretty much like this. It's pretty normal. She can just be this way sometimes I guess.

(Y/N) and Eva both pouted at Liz's concise response.

Eva: Come on, Liz. She wouldn't have just changed like this over nothin' though, would she?

(Y/N): Yeah, she's been like this ever since the sleepover you girls had.

Both girls seemed to get a lightbulb over their heads, causing Eva to relax as she thought she knew what brought this on, while Liz just rubbed her arm.

(Y/N): Something did happen there. Marina hinted to me that something happened, but she wouldn't tell me what. What is it?

The two girls looked at each other whispering something before Eva quickly shot a finger onto her nose, followed up slightly after by Liz doing the same thing before Liz realized she was too late and shot her hand back down.

Liz sighed.

Liz: Okay, so you didn't know, so it's not your fault, but Veronica got really upset when she was told something at the sleepover.

(Y/N): What? What was it?

Liz: Now that... you're honestly just going to have to ask her yourself.

(Y/N) sighed and he slouched back into the couch.

(Y/N): Ugh. That's what Marina said too.

Liz: Yeah, well, Marina is smart, so you should obviously listen to what she says... And since I said the same thing as her, that means I'm smart too.

(Y/N): I don't think that's how that-

Eva: Now hang on, she might be onto something.

(Y/N) just shook his head with a smile.

(Y/N): Fine, then can you at least try and help me with asking her?

Liz: Now that I can do. The only thing better than one Agent 3 is two Agent 3's. I'm sure we can arrange something.

Eva: Now you're speaking my language! But seriously, I'm still going to be able to watch and enjoy the game, right?

Liz: Yeah, yeah, don't worry about it... Where did you even get the tickets from anyway?

(Y/N) pointed a finger at Liz in a jovial manner like he wanted someone to ask that question.

(Y/N): It's a very funny story actually-

Veronica: -Okay. I'm done checking my things. I'm ready to go later.

Veronica said while interrupting (Y/N)'s explanation before happily taking the open seat beside the three on the couch.

Veronica: What did I miss?



The crowd cheered, including Eva who was standing up and nearly falling over the railing.

Eva sat back in her seat before turning to the three on her side and seeing them all staring at her.

Eva: It's uh... cool game.

The three smiled and shook their heads.

Liz: It is fun getting to relax and come to one of these games again.

Eva: Have you all been here before?

Veronica nodded.

Veronica: Off the Hook did a half-time performance here once, so I came to watch.

Eva: Did you watch the game too or just their performance?

Veronica: I watched the game. Pearl got me interested and it was fun watching her try to dunk with my help.

Veronica lightly chuckled.

Eva nodded with respect.

Eva: Nice. We'll need to go one-on-one then sometime.

Liz: Ahem.

Liz pretended to clear her throat.

Eva: Oh! Or two-on-two. That works too!

(Y/N): As long as it's not hockey, I'm down.

Eva: Too much of a chicken to do hockey?

(Y/N): Veronica gets really into hockey...

Eva raised her eyebrow, confusedly, looking past him at Veronica.

Veronica: I am a monster on the ice.

Liz nodded to confirm, causing Eva's eyes to widen as she sat back in her seat.

Eva: Noted.

They all shifted their attention back on the game to see another basket get scored, leading to Eva once again cheering with the others, while Veronica was on the opposite side of the noise spectrum of Eva as she happily clapped at it.

Elizabeth POV

The buzzer soon after loudly blared, causing Veronica to quickly cover her ears at the sudden noise signaling half-time.

Veronica retracted her hands from her ears as Eva disappointedly slumped in her chair.

Eva: Ugh, now we have to wait...

(Y/N): Hey, the half-time shows aren't too bad. Gives you some time to calm down a bit.

Eva: I don't need calm, I need entertainment!

Liz: Settle down. The players need the break too. It's just about fifteen minutes.

Eva: I guess that's fair. Still, it's a close game, so they can't just leave me on the edge of my seat like this.

Eva tapped her foot on the ground for a few seconds before standing up with a realization.

Eva: I'm going to go see what they've got around this place. I'll be back before half-time's over.

Liz: Want to see what the arena's all about? Just make sure not to get lost.

Liz said with a smirk.

Eva: Yeah, there's that, but also-

Eva leaned close to whisper to Liz.

Eva: -I've got a plan. I'm gonna get some sick merch from the gift shop, and when she wears them, she won't be able to help herself and she'll go back to her normal cheerful self.

Liz just let out a small snort.

Liz: Good idea. Go have some fun.

Eva: Will do, Cap!

Eva waved behind her as she scampered off to explore the arena.

Liz turned to Veronica who was checking her phone before looking over at (Y/N) who was looking around the arena at everything they could see from their seats. She had the hint of a small smile on her face as she got an idea on what she could do that might actually help.

Liz: Veronica, do you mind going to get me something to drink? You can get yourself some snacks while you're there too.

Veronica turned to Liz.

Veronica: Yes, I can do that.

She nodded assuringly.

Liz: Sweet. (Y/N)? Can you go with her?

(Y/N): Huh? Why do I have to-

He was cut off by Liz's glare as she shifted her head to direct at Veronica.

(Y/N): -Oh! Yeah, of course, I can go with her!

Liz: That's better.

Veronica: Thank you, (Y/N).

Veronica said as she stood up and walked away with (Y/N).

(Y/N) looked back at Liz who gave him a thumbs up.


The two were now walking around the arena to look for a place to get some food and drinks, but (Y/N) was really looking for the courage to have a heart-to-heart with Veronica.

Veronica: I think there's a food stand over here. I saw it on the way in.

(Y/N): Good, good. Um... Veronica?

Veronica turned back to him.

Veronica: Yes?

(Y/N): Do you mind if we talk for a minute? Just the two of us?

Veronica: Okay. What about?

The two went off to the side so they wouldn't be disturbed by the people all walking around.

(Y/N): I've just...

He rubbed the back of his neck.

(Y/N): I've just... I want to know what's been going on with you recently.

Veronica thought about it.

Veronica: Nothing much has been going on. Just the normal stuff such as Liz and I going out for breakfast. Pearl and Marina have been too busy recently to hang out much, so I have just been sticking around home a bit.

(Y/N): No, I mean more specifically. I want to know what could've upset you.

Veronica: I do not get upset by much. I've been just taking it easy.

She spoke calmly.

(Y/N): I mean at the sleepover, Veronica.

He made the situation clear.

(Y/N): You called me so many times that night, and once you got back, you haven't been acting like yourself.

Veronica: Like myself..?

(Y/N): Yes, I want to know what's wrong.

Veronica pouted a bit.

Veronica: I have been acting like myself.

(Y/N): Veronica, the real you is always so peppy and excitable. But since then, you've instead been acting so composed.

Veronica sat silently for a minute before looking into his eyes.

Veronica: Who is the real me?

(Y/N) looked at her confusedly.

Veronica: Is the real you the one you are with your friends? With your family? Or is the real you someone you save for your... special someone?

(Y/N) was lost for words on her pulling out such a tricky question on him out of nowhere.

Veronica: I am not pretending to be someone I am not, I am just... being a different me...

(Y/N): But why?

Veronica looked sad.

Veronica: At the sleepover, everyone pointed out to me that others do not understand me... They told me that I act too innocent and made me realize no one takes me seriously...

(Y/N): Veronica, that's not-

Veronica: -I know, they did not tell me it was wrong or bad, but... it hurt not being understood by people because of it...

(Y/N): We do understand you, Veronica. You're our friend.

Veronica pouted.

Veronica: It happened because they all made me realize you had not realized what I actually meant behind my words when I told them a story...

(Y/N) cringed internally at the past him doing something that is not helping the present (Y/N)'s point.

Veronica: They made it clear there was not anything wrong with the way I am, but it still made me want to be different. I wanted to like how others saw me...

(Y/N): Veronica...

Veronica: Do you not like this me..?

(Y/N) thought for a moment on how to reply to that. He saw that she was in a very pliable state right now and he didn't want to say anything that gave her the wrong idea of what he meant.

(Y/N): Veronica, as long as you are yourself, whichever version of yourself that is, I couldn't ask for anything else. As long as I have you, I'm happy.

Veronica blushed a bit at his words.

(Y/N): I don't think there's anything wrong with you acting differently, but it's just been tough how you inexplicably acted totally differently. I love that cheerful you, but because it's you. Just as this is now.

Veronica smiled a bit.

Veronica: I guess it would be strange for me too if you suddenly started acting like a completely different person with no explanation either... I am sorry for making you worry.

(Y/N): It's fine, Veronica. So, will this be the new you I know and love?

Veronica thought about it for a few seconds. Afterward, she put on a big, classic Veronica smile and hugged him, catching him off guard.

Veronica: It can be a part of her. But I miss showing you just how exactly I feel around you! This is me too, just like you said.

(Y/N) happily hugged her back.

(Y/N): That's relieving. I really didn't have a problem if you wanted to stay the way you've been acting recently, but I'd be lying if I said this cheerful you didn't often give me the strength to get up some days.

Veronica: Even if you don't always understand me perfectly, I promise I will make sure you do.

(Y/N) laughed but then realized something.

(Y/N): That reminds me, what was it that I did that I misinterpreted that the others had to point out to you?

Veronica's face started blushing, embarrassedly.

Veronica: Uh... How about I tell you another time? We have to get Liz's drink before half-time is over! Otherwise, I'm sure she will get cranky!

(Y/N): I'm pretty sure she didn't-

Veronica: Let us hurry!

Veronica grabbed his hand and quickly dragged him along after her, with him deciding to just go along with it and he started laughing at having the usual Veronica back, which made her smile and giggle too as she dragged him around quickly to find a food stand.


Elizabeth POV

Eva: Heeey! Check out what I've got!

Liz heard the return of Eva as she looked over to see Eva wearing an oversized team jersey and a team hat.

Eva: Ya want one?

Liz held back a laugh due to how goofy she looked holding merchandise for the other three as well, looking like a walking merchandise stand.

Liz: I think I'm good this time.

Eva: Aww, come on. Where are the other two at anyway?

Liz was going to explain to Eva as she started looking around for them but suddenly was cut off by Eva pointing over.

Eva: There they are. Hey! You two want some? The game's starting now!

Eva called out to the other two who were walking up with Liz's drink and some nachos.

(Y/N): What do you have there?

Eva: Just some swag I found back there.

Veronica happily took one of the jerseys Eva was offering and slid it on. Before Eva could say anything else, Veronica held onto the railing in front of their seats and cheered out to the team, surprising Eva and Liz, and causing (Y/N) to smile.

Eva turned to Liz.


Once Liz's surprise at Veronica's sudden outburst wore off, she chuckled.

Liz: You know what? Toss me a jersey.

Eva tossed one to Liz who put it on as (Y/N) took the fourth jersey to join the three of them as the four all enjoyed watching the game.

Eva: You can thank me later by the way.

She said to (Y/N) on her side, leaving him confused.

(Y/N): What for?

Eva: Uh, obviously she went back to normal because my "slam her with merch until she can't hold back the excitement" plan worked. Look at her now. That's all thanks to me.

(Y/N) wanted to correct her but just chuckled and rolled with it.

(Y/N): Thank you for your help, Eva.

Eva: Nah, more than just saying thank you.

(Y/N): I brought you to a basketball game at the arena. You want something more?

Eva shrugged with a smile.

Eva: Wouldn't hurt.

(Y/N): What did you have in mind?

Eva shifted her lips to the side as she thought about it.

Eva: Not sure. I'll let you know when I think of something.

(Y/N): Okay, but nothing too big. I'm not made out of money.

Eva: That's fine. I'm sure I'll think of something that's not too hard on ya.

(Y/N): Phew, because it wasn't too easy getting these tickets last minute.

Veronica: (Y/N)! (Y/N)! Look! They are about to score!

Veronica said while happily stamping her feet to the game. He couldn't help but feel the joy emanating from her right beside him.


Pearl POV

Pearl sluggishly walked over to the couch and dropped onto it.

Marina: Pearl, come on, we still have a lot to prepare for.

Pearl: Marina, I just need a little break. It's not like we're running out of time. Can't I just relax for a second?

Marina hummed while she thought about it before holding up her finger.

Marina: One half-hour break and then right back to preparing, okay?

Pearl: Fine, but is it really that important to get it done already? It's not like it's this month.

Marina: Yeah, but we need this part done before it's announced.

Pearl: Yo, why ya gotta be so responsible all the time?

Marina quietly said to herself.

Marina: One of us has to be.

Pearl turned the TV on and flipped through the channels before seeing a basketball game going on.

She stopped and decided she'd watch to see if anyone scored any mad dunks, but it took a short break from the game and cut the camera over to the crowd before changing to the kiss cam.

Pearl: Yo, so weird...

She stopped and thought about it for a second and thought instead how if she and (Y/N) were to go to a game, she'd have an excuse to be able to kiss him.

Marina: Pearl, you've got your scheming face on.

Pearl quickly snapped out of it.

Pearl: Wha-? Yo, that's just my normal, thinking face!

Marina: No, your normal thinking face has your forehead get more scrunched up. Your scheming face has a more evil-intent look to it.

Pearl grumbled over Marina knowing how to read her like a book. But she thought that it didn't matter since Marina wouldn't be able to stop her plan anyway.

Marina: You're doing it again.

Pearl: Grrrr...

Pearl grumbled to herself before shifting her focus back onto the TV, giving her a surprise.

Pearl: HUH?!

On it was Eva, (Y/N), Eight, and Liz sneaking in from the side of the shot at Eight's behest.

However, while Eight getting Liz to look and get in the camera's shot, she didn't notice on her other side as Eva and (Y/N) were kissing for the kiss cam. Shortly after, upon looking at the screen though, Eight and Liz both quickly shot their looks over at the two in shock.

Pearl stood up off of the couch.

Pearl: That was supposed to be me!

Marina: Pearl, what're you-?

Marina was cut off by the sight of what was on the TV, causing her to blush and her eyes to go wide before she donned a defeated look.

Marina: Are you kidding me?

Marina sighed with exasperation while Pearl started walking off.

Marina: Pearl? I thought you were taking a break.

Pearl: Not anymore! I'm finishing this outfit design, and when it's done, it's gonna knock him dead, yo!

Pearl stormed back into the other room, now filled with motivation once again.

Marina looked over at Pearl walking back into the other room and then back at the TV to see it once again before looking after Pearl and gaining a determined look.

Marina: I'm not going to be left behind either!

Marina made her way into the other room after Pearl as she went back to work alongside Pearl.

3494 Words

October 3, 2024 - 9:09 P.M.

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