S3C Chapter 45: Indecision
I hope you all enjoy this. I really was troubled trying to figure out how to write this chapter, that's why it took me so long. I knew the general idea I wanted to do for this chapter, but I just felt that I couldn't figure out how to write it and do it for the life of me. I hope you all like it, but I feel so mixed on this one. I guess that makes the chapter's name very fitting. I might even try and rewrite it if this lack of satisfaction sticks around.
Marina POV
Marina turned the page of the manga she was reading, closing it, having just finished it.
Marina leaned her head back with her eyes closed as she took in the emotions she was feeling.
Acht: You good?
Marina: Yeah, I loved that issue so much.
Acht: Is it goo-
Marina: -It's so good! There's so much emotional turmoil with the main character and side characters handling-
Acht: -Whoa, hold it, Marina. I get it, it's good. I'll have to check it out sometime.
Marina: I can loan you my copies so you can check the series out.
Acht: Sure, saves me from having to get them myself.
Marina: As if you don't have plenty of money now to get them if you did want to?
Acht: I'm frugal, so not my fault.
Marina: It's fine. You put that to good use, buying this place you've got here now.
Marina said, admiring Acht's new home.
Acht: Yeah, well, gotta live somewhere. And I didn't like the idea of living with someone else. I still appreciate your offer though.
Marina giggled.
Marina: It's fine. I understand you prefer your own quiet spaces. I'm just glad I can come see you now. And I always know where to find you.
Acht: I might not always be here.
Marina: Oh really? Where else would you be?
Acht: Actually, the other day I got called out to play a card game with someone.
Marina: Ooh, I love getting challenged to a battle for that!
Acht: It's weird that people will just accept random challenges like that from people they don't even know.
Marina: You say that, but you battled them anyway, didn't you?
Acht: Fair. Doesn't make it any less weird though.
Marina: By the way, which story are you reading there anyway?
Acht looked back down at the manga in her hands.
Acht: I picked this one from the pile you brought. The cover interested me.
Marina looked around at the cover of the manga.
Marina: Oh, that one is a classic! It's got a great love triangle at the center of the story. However, the two fighting for the heroine are both friends.
Acht: Do you just have all of these memorized?
Marina: A lot of them, but it's just because when it's a good story, it sticks in my brain and is hard to forget. And I'm also just a sucker for romcoms.
She said, slightly embarrassed by it.
Acht: Really?
Marina: Yeah, they can be so entertaining, especially as a sort of slice-of-life reality. It's also nice to imagine myself in the heroine's role in the story sometimes.
She said with a blush on her face with her eyes closed as she thought about it.
Acht: Then who are you imagining as the love interest?
Acht asked with a smirk at her friend who was getting lost in her imagination.
Marina: Huh? No, he's not-
Acht: -He?
Marina: I mean, I don't always think about him, it's just-
Marina was stumbling over her words to defend herself while Acht just rested her head, enjoying Marina's embarrassment, while also being intrigued that there was someone her old friend had a crush on.
Acht: Have you told him how you feel yet?
Marina: Ugh, why do you have to be so interested in this topic of all things?
Acht: Not my fault, I can be interested in stuff like this in your life too. So?
Marina: No, I've never said the words to him, but... he might know?
Acht: Why haven't you told him then?
Marina: You're going to tell me that? I would think you would know what it's like to be a bit against talking to someone else, especially about stuff like this.
Acht: Maybe, but you do talk to people in a cheerful way unlike me. And if he makes you even half as giddy as Pearl makes you feel, he must mean a lot to you.
Marina: It's complicated, okay? There are a lot of factors involved with it all.
Acht: Then talk to him about those things?
Marina: Well, it's also hard to get a moment alone with him a lot of the time.
Acht: Busy man?
Marina: He's basically always got someone with him...
Acht thought about it.
Acht: Why don't you just ask Eight to help make sure no one disturbs you two?
Marina: Wha-? I'm not gonna bother Eight with that.
Acht: I'm sure she'd be happy to help you with anything if you asked.
Marina sighed.
Marina: You're not going to drop this, are you?
Acht: If you want me to, I will. But otherwise, I'm positive you could use the encouragement, and it's funny seeing you react like this.
Marina: You know, if you could talk to others like you talk to me, you could probably have more friends to hang out with.
Acht: Maybe, but I don't need much more friends than I have already. As long as I've got even a handful I can rely on when I need it, that's more than enough.
Marina: Aww. Well, you can always count on me!
Acht: Yeah, I know I can.
Acht looked away at something else, as if she had something on her mind, but didn't know how to say it.
Acht: Okay, I wanted to do some mixing today, so unless there's something else you wanted to do today, I'm fine with calling it there.
Marina: I don't have much planned for the rest of the day, but yeah, I'll let you get to it.
Acht: If you don't have much planned, you know what you can always do?
Marina: What?
Marina realized she was bringing the idea up again, and her expression changed from a curious one to a slight smile.
Marina: He's probably busy today anyway.
Acht: Okay, but others won't know what you want to talk to them about unless you bring it up to them.
Marina: Thanks for the words of wisdom, miss social-elite.
Marina said with a smile before she got a random thought.
Marina: Ooh! Remind me to bring you a copy of "IKAN♥TAKO" next time I come over.
Acht: Will do.
Acht said casually as she was grabbing her headphones.
Marina shut the door behind her after a wave. After doing so, she walked away, thinking about what she could do now.
Marina's lips pursed to the side with a thought.
Marina: Maybe a quick call to see if Eight is free to help me with something wouldn't hurt...
Marina said, lying to herself about her reason for calling Eight as she pulled her phone out.
Veronica was putting her shoes on.
(Y/N): Where are you off to?
Veronica: I'm going to go hang out with Pearl today.
(Y/N): Oh, cool. You want me to come with you?
Veronica: No, just me and Pearl today.
(Y/N): That's too bad. Well, have fun.
He said with a smile, to which she responded with a nod before leaving.
(Y/N) sighed, wondering what had been up with Veronica the past few days. She seemed okay, but more like she hadn't been acting like her usual, cheerful self. She still hung out with him, but it felt like it was someone else he was with most of the time.
He thought about how Veronica has been acting like this ever since that sleepover all of the girls had.
Was he overthinking things? He thought maybe he should ask one of the other girls if something had happened while they were all there. Surely something had to have happened when Veronica tried calling him multiple times.
He thought of who he should ask but was interrupted by a knock on the door.
Upon opening the door, he saw it was Marina, surprising him with a visit.
Marina: Hey! Mind if I come in?
(Y/N): Oh, uh, sure. What's up?
Marina: Not much. I just got back from a friend's place and wanted to see what you were up to. Is that a problem?
(Y/N): No, of course not. I wasn't doing much anyway.
He replied while shutting the door behind the two of them.
(Y/N): In fact, I wanted to talk to you about something.
Marina's expression perked up.
Marina: Oh, were you now? There was something I wanted to talk to you about as well.
(Y/N): Yeah, I wanted to ask about the sleepover you girls had.
Marina's expression dimmed a bit, but she was still interested in what he had to ask her about.
(Y/N): Did something happen to Veronica there with you girls?
Marina looked a bit uneasy about the question, not sure how to respond. She remembered well enough the talk they all had with her, but she wasn't sure if it was her place to tell it.
Marina: Uh, you know what? Why don't we talk about something else? Hehe.
Marina said, quickly trying to change the topic.
Marina: Which team are you going to join? Team Bread, Rice, or Pasta?
(Y/N): Marina...
Marina: Okay, I'm not going to say nothing happened, it's just... I think you should really ask her yourself.
(Y/N) looked a little upset, knowing Marina was right, as per usual.
(Y/N): Not even a hint?
Marina: Nope. What made you want to ask though?
(Y/N): She's just not... been herself since she came back.
Marina rubbed her neck, thinking she understood what was up.
Marina: Well, if I see her first, I'll try and speak to her.
(Y/N): Thanks, Marina.
He smiled at her.
(Y/N): So, what was it you wanted to speak to me about?
Marina: Wha-? Oh, hehe, n-nothing. Don't worry about it.
She said nervously trying to play it off.
Marina: Why don't we play a game or something?
(Y/N): You sure?
Marina: Y-Yep!
Marina thought to herself.
Marina: (I can't believe I actually came here to try and openly say how I feel to him... I blame Acht for getting my mind racing with these thoughts... Although I would like to actually do it... one day... but not today. It's just too soon... Yep, too soon...)
(Y/N): So, take your pick. What do you want?
He said while holding up a couple of games, but she was embarrassingly staring at him for his wording.
She smiled with a blush.
Marina: I think I know exactly what I want.
Pearl POV
Pearl opened the door to see Eight standing there.
Pearl: Yo, Eight! There you are! What's up?
Eight: Nothing much.
Pearl: Cool, cool.
Pearl was nodding her head with a smirk as she let Eight inside.
Pearl: So, whatcha wanna do? Didn't expect you to call me out of the blue to hang out.
Eight: Marina told me you might be bored being by yourself today, so I thought I'd play with you today.
Pearl: Ah, Marina worries too much. But I'm still plenty happy to chill wit' ya, yo!
Pearl said with a thumbs up.
Pearl: So, any ideas?
Eight just shook her head.
Eight: I am fine with whatever you want to do.
Pearl: Riiiight.
Pearl responded to Veronica's unusually calm nature.
Pearl: Hmm, then why don't we go play out back in the pool?
Eight nodded once.
Eight: That would be nice. It is pretty warm out today.
Pearl: No better way to cool off either, yo! Let me just go get my swimsuit and blow my floaties up.
Eight: Okay, I will get changed as well.
Pearl happily ran off to her room, but after she turned the corner away from Eight, Pearl slowed down and looked back briefly toward the direction she split up from Eight in.
Pearl: Well, she's acting weird today...
Eight: Are you sure you don't want me to blow them up for you?
Eight asked while leaning on the edge of the pool as Pearl was struggling to blow up her floaties.
Pearl: Y-Yeah... I got... I got it... Just need to catch my breath... It's almost done now anyway.
Pearl said as looked at the mostly full floaties and put them on as is before hopping in with Eight.
Eight was worried for a second, but luckily it was enough for Pearl to float.
Pearl: See? Told ya, yo! I had it in the bag.
Eight: Yes, I was worried for a second, but you did it.
Pearl: Of course I did!
Pearl said smugly.
Veronica nodded plainly again, which caused Pearl to stare at Eight.
Pearl: Okay, I gotta ask. What's up with you, yo?
Veronica: What do you mean?
Pearl: You're acting weird. What's eatin' you up?
Veronica shook her head.
Veronica: I am fine.
Pearl: Then why are you acting like this? You're usually all hyper and happy to mess around, but now you just seem so bored.
Veronica: I am happy to hang out with you. I am just not very energetic today. I am still having fun.
Pearl: Yo, you sure?
Veronica nodded.
Veronica: Yes, it is always very fun to hang out with you.
Pearl still wasn't sure how to feel about it, but she trusted Eight to not lie to her, so she just rolled with it.
Pearl: Okay, then how 'bout I bust out some of the pool floaties and toys?
Veronica: Yes, please.
She said with a slight smile, which sat better with Pearl as she ran over to get the pool supplies.
Marina POV
(Y/N): Wha- How did-
(Y/N) was left bewildered as he stared at the screen.
(Y/N): How did you even do that?
Marina: I just simply memorized all of the tricks you can do.
She said with a smile.
(Y/N): That's cheating.
Marina: Maybe you should just, hm, get good?
She said with a slight laugh, causing (Y/N) to grumble.
(Y/N): I'll have you know, I'm very good at this game.
Marina: Oh, are you?
(Y/N) pouted, realizing he was just going to keep getting his words twisted by her.
(Y/N): Okay, how about we just switch to a different game or do something else now?
Marina: If that's what you want, sure.
(Y/N) saw what time it was.
(Y/N): Actually, how about I make us something to eat?
Marina: Now that you mention it, I could eat.
She said in agreement as she got up and followed him to the kitchen where Marina sat down and watched as (Y/N) got some food out to cook.
Marina admired watching (Y/N) cook.
Marina: You know, I always forget you're actually really talented at plenty of things when you act like such a goofball all the time.
(Y/N): I'll take that as a compliment.
Marina stumbled for a moment.
Marina: I didn't mean- My bad.
(Y/N): It's fine, I know people get the wrong idea about me a lot, but that's just who I am. It doesn't change what I can do.
He said with a smile while cooking.
Marina smiled along with him before she thought about something for a moment as her eyes locked onto him, wrestling with the thought in her head. She was silent for a few moments before she breathed in and breathed out.
Marina: Is that why you pretend to not realize how we all feel..?
(Y/N) fumbled with some of the things he was holding for a moment before steadying himself.
(Y/N): Huh? What do you mean?
He said with a nervous smile on his face.
Marina sat up straight in her chair as she faced directly at him.
Marina: Don't make me say it again. You heard me well enough.
(Y/N) was silent for a moment as he set down his things and sat down in the chair beside Marina, with her turning to keep facing directly at him.
(Y/N): What makes you say all this?
Marina: Well, Shiver and Frye told all of us at the sleepover that you knew more than you were letting on.
(Y/N) pouted a bit.
(Y/N): I wouldn't really say pretending-
Marina: -So, then it's true?!
Marina was embarrassingly putting her hands over her face.
(Y/N): Not necessarily.
Marina: Then what does it mean? Do you know how we all feel or not?
(Y/N) was silent for a few seconds.
(Y/N): Yes, of course I know.
Marina lowered her head in embarrassment once again.
Marina: Then what was all of this pretending for?
(Y/N): What do you mean?
Marina: Were you just leading us on or-
(Y/N): What?! No!
Marina: Then why did you-
(Y/N): -Marina, what was I supposed to do?
Marina was now silent for a few moments, thoughts rushing through her head.
Marina: Do you even like any of us?
(Y/N): Marina, of course I do-
Marina: -You know what I mean.
She said with a blush on her face, but a determined look.
(Y/N): Marina, I care about all of you.
Marina: You're dodging the question. Why did you just pretend not to know?
(Y/N) pursed his lips at thinking of what to say next, not sure what he was supposed to say, but he looked like he was attempting to piece together a plan.
(Y/N): Marina...
Marina: Yes?
(Y/N): I love Pearl.
Marina's eyes went wide at his words. She thought about it and how it all made sense. Those two were so close, and Pearl was the coolest person Marina's ever met. Of course (Y/N) would love her more than anyone else. Her two favorite people in the world together? That made perfect sense to Marina... so then why was her chest hurting so badly? Why were her words caught in her throat? Why were her eyes welling up with tears?
Marina: I-
The tears threatening to start flowing, she attempted to speak before she cut herself off at her inability to speak.
(Y/N): Now look at what would happen if I said something like that.
(Y/N) said, letting Marina realize what he was doing as she looked back up at him. Her chest felt like it was letting go of that pressure as she started to wipe her eyes which were still threatening to spill out with tears.
Marina still couldn't speak yet, but she was thinking about what he meant.
Marina: S-So, you didn't mean what you said..?
(Y/N): Marina, I don't just pretend like none of your feelings matter to any of you. There's more to it. I've tried rationalizing it all before why any of you feel this way, and at some point, I had to realize that sometimes, it just was exactly as it seemed.
Marina: A-Are you trying to say it was obvious?
(Y/N): Marina, how many times have you and I kissed each other? Or how many times have you tried to sneakily get close to me and act all flirty-
Marina: -Okay, okay! Stop, this is embarrassing...
Marina hated hearing all of her painful attempts to woo him.
Marina: So... you just don't want to hurt any of our feelings? Am I getting that right?
She asked after calming a bit down from her embarrassment.
(Y/N): Something like that.
He looked down nervously.
Marina let out a soft chuckle while she looked down.
Marina: So, I never stood a chance in the first place...
(Y/N) shot his head upward at her.
(Y/N): It's not like that, Marina.
Marina: Then what is it like?
(Y/N): I'm not purposefully ignoring any of your feelings, I'm just... not sure how I can do it right yet.
Marina: And you haven't figured out how to after all these years?
(Y/N): I wouldn't say all these years. I didn't know immediately how any of you felt. And then there were... those years...
He tried to defend himself and not seem like as big of a fool as he really was.
(Y/N): Besides, you saw how you reacted when I told you I loved your best friend. Imagine how any of the others would ever react. I doubt it would be that much better. And you were one of the ones I was worried the least about with how you'd react.
He said, trying to help her understand.
(Y/N): I even thought I had finally done something right when Frye and I were together, and everything would be okay.
He said with a nostalgic smile which Marina felt a bit jealous hearing.
(Y/N): But even then, you clearly saw how all of that turned out. After all that, I still ended up right back here, single again, and nearly destroyed those two's friendship...
Marina was going to place her hand on his to comfort him but was worried it'd seem like she was trying to use the moment to get close to him more.
(Y/N): So, tell me, what do you think it is that I'm supposed to do to make everyone happy?
He said, looking back up at her again.
Marina was trying to think of something but kept biting her tongue back when she thought of the issues.
Marina: I... I don't think you can...
She said disappointedly. She wanted to try and help him, to have the answer he wanted, but she didn't think she could think of any simple answer. And she did want to because she knew at the end of the day, there was only around a 10% chance that she'd end up the happy one in the first place.
(Y/N): Yeah...
The two were silent for a minute before Marina finally spoke up.
Marina: Well... did you have to make so many girls interested in you?
She said, lowering her head so she could look up into his face to show him her smile as she tried to make a lighthearted joke that would make him laugh.
He responded with a light chuckle, but nothing more.
Marina: What? No jokey response to that?
(Y/N) had a smile on his face.
(Y/N): I just wasn't sure whether to say it's not my fault I'm so perfect, or to blame you all for having such terrible taste.
Marina: You really only think in extremes, don't you?
(Y/N): I'm not really good when it comes to thinking outside the box. Simple black-and-white answers are the only ones my brain can think of.
Marina: Clearly.
The two lightly laughed with each other.
Marina: Why don't I make you something to eat instead?
(Y/N): You don't have to do that.
Marina: It's fine. I might not be as good of a cook as you are, but I can still handle myself well in a kitchen. So, think of it as a treat. Or as me showing more of my resume even.
She said with a wink.
(Y/N): I'm not sure you can fit any more amazing talents on your resume.
Marina: Can't you let me be selfish this one time?
(Y/N) smiled at her request, reminding him of old lessons that he learned in Splatsville.
(Y/N): Shiver told me before that it's okay for you to be selfish sometimes.
Marina: It's a very Shiver philosophy. Then, do you mind if I ask for something else that's a little selfish?
(Y/N): Sure, what is it?
Marina: May I stay with you tonight?
(Y/N) chuckled.
(Y/N): When I have such a beautiful woman cooking a nice meal for the two of us? How could I say no?
Marina: I'm glad you recognize the skills I can offer.
She said while nearly spilling the bowl she was holding.
Marina: I've got to show you why I deserve a space in your heart.
(Y/N): Marina, you don't need to prove that. Love doesn't divide, it multiplies.
Marina: Then how good is my bonus meter looking?
(Y/N): Not bad. It went down a bit because of you using those glitch spots on the game earlier though.
Marina: Woooow. Still so salty you got your butt kicked at the game, huh?
(Y/N) and Marina laughed.
Marina: Can you do me one last favor then?
(Y/N): Anything you ask.
Marina: Can you... please pretend you don't know how I feel...
(Y/N): How come?
Marina: First, because it's super embarrassing and I'm not sure if I could show my face to you with that knowledge...
She said embarrassingly blushing at the thought while facing away from him to hide her face.
(Y/N): And second?
Marina looked back over at him.
Marina: I want to be able to tell you how I feel myself one day.
(Y/N) smiled.
(Y/N): How do you feel?
Marina: Wouldn't you like to know?
(Y/N): Oh please, I'm so curious.
Marina: Sorry, you'll have to wait. Besides, Pearl got to do it right, so I can't let her be ahead of me. I've got to catch up to her.
(Y/N): I don't knoooow. Pearl really caught me off guard with that. She did it really well.
He said teasingly.
Marina: You do realize I am entirely capable of giving you food poisoning right now, correct?
(Y/N) gulped.
(Y/N): But I'm sure you'll do even better.
Marina smirked.
Marina: Glad you believe in me wholeheartedly.
Pearl: You're sure those are the exact words he said?
Marina sighed after having repeated it many times now.
Marina: Yes, Pearl. He did in fact say the words "I love Pearl", but the context-
Pearl: Context ain't important, yo! What is important is that you didn't record it?! That coulda been my new phone notification sound!
Marina rolled her eyes and went back to the manga she was reading on the couch as Pearl was behind the couch, pacing around while still bragging and being upset that she wasn't around to hear it.
Marina: You would think the other parts of the whole story would be the parts you would focus on.
Pearl: As if you wouldn't be doing the same thing if he had said your name.
Pearl said braggingly with a smirk that tired Marina.
Pearl: Besides, what else am I supposed to say? He's in a tough position. But it's a him problem. Honestly, Shiver and Frye probably got it right with their idea to make him choose them.
Pearl said speaking honestly on the two deviants' plan that did nothing but make all the others think they were crazy for even suggesting it.
Pearl: But I'm sure he's not (too) stupid enough to pick anyone but me.
Pearl said with a prideful look as always.
Marina was just making her hand mimic a mouth yapping as Pearl kept going on and on.
Pearl: Either way, I'm sure I wouldn't be too much help anyway. I'm a girl of action, not a girl of planning like you are, yo.
Marina didn't disagree with that line of thinking from Pearl honestly.
Pearl: Like, yo, this is gonna sound crazy to you, Marina, but do you know money does not solve every problem?
Marina: Noooooo. Really?
Marina responded sarcastically.
Pearl: It's true, yo! It solves almost every problem, but problems like these actually require more than just money... Actually, I wonder if telling him how much money in my bank account would-
Marina: -Pearlie!
Pearl: Eh? Fine. You're the one who asked though.
Pearl said, dropping the idea.
Pearl: But, yo, for real, did you really almost cry when he made you think I loved me?
Pearl said trying to tease Marina.
Marina: I-I would've been happy for you obviously! It's just... it hurt thinking it wasn't me that he loved...
Pearl did ask the question to try and embarrass Marina, which it had worked, but hearing Marina's true feelings at the end made it so Pearl didn't want to laugh at her feelings. She knew she'd probably feel even worse than she did if he had done the same thing to her.
Pearl: I've always got your back, Marina. I'll never let you be sad, and I'll always be there to lift you back up.
Pearl said as she put a hand on Marina's shoulder reassuringly.
Marina: I know, Pearl. You're just amazing like that.
Marina said, smiling back at Pearl and putting her hand atop Pearl's.
Marina: But I don't think you could ever physically lift me.
Pearl was caught off by Marina's light teasing at the end of her compliment.
Pearl: BET!
Pearl then struggled to lift Marina off the ground for fifteen minutes before giving up and making excuses on why she couldn't do it.
4444 Words
September 23, 2024 - 10:26 P.M.
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