S3C Chapter 44: Girls Night

This chapter will take place after the interview with all the idols, so if you're curious and/or haven't read it yet, I'll leave the link to it here (and in the comments on it for mobile readers.


With that done, I hope you all have a happy Grand Festival, and go Team Future!

Pearl POV

Pearl and (Y/N) were going toward the door to leave Pearl's mansion.

(Y/N): Once again, always great to hang out with you, Pearl.

Pearl: Yo, ya know I can never say no to you. Like if you were to ask if we could chill together sometime this weekend?

She said while looking a bit away from him, hoping he would understand what she was hinting at.

(Y/N): Are you asking me to go out with you again this weekend?

Pearl: I didn't say that... I'm just saying if you were to ask me something like that, I might accept.

(Y/N) smiled and chuckled a bit.

(Y/N): Would you like to-

Pearl: Geez, after we just got done today, you already want more? I guess I can squeeze that in for ya.

(Y/N): Great, sounds like a plan. Well then, I'll see you-

He said as he opened the door to leave but then was surprised as some workers walked in.

(Y/N): Whoa, what's going on here?

He said eyeing the stuff they were carrying in.

(Y/N): Are these all sweets? Don't mind if I-

He said as he started reaching for some before Pearl smacked his hand away.

(Y/N): Ay, what was that for?

Pearl: They ain't for you, that's fo' sure.

(Y/N): Who is it for then?

Pearl: What? Ya jealous I've got other people I need to entertain?

(Y/N): When there's all this food? Kinda...

Pearl smirked.

Pearl: I'm hosting a little private party for the Now or Never Seven, yo!

(Y/N): Now o- Oh, right. I saw that interview between Off the Hook, Deep Cut, and the Squid Sisters. So, you seven are all hanging out with all this food and without me?

Pearl: Sure are!

She said with a cocky attitude.

Pearl: My life be shining so bright, I gotta keep these sunglasses of mine on at all times.

(Y/N): Well, don't let me hold you back, princess.

Pearl: Sorry. Maybe I'll throw you a party like this whenever you drop a hit song.

(Y/N): I'll get right on that.

He chuckled with her.

(Y/N): Okay, I'll see you this weekend.

He said as he and Pearl clasped hands before pulling each other into a hug and patting the other on the back. Afterward, he finally left, passing Marina as she was coming in.

Marina: Is (Y/N) not going to stay for the party?

Pearl: Nah, this is a party for the Now or Never Seven. That way, we can talk about the future of what we're all going to do next.

Marina: Well, okay... But were you hanging out with (Y/N) alone again?

Pearl nodded smugly.

Pearl: Something wrong with that, yo?

Marina: Nope, no, it's fine... You two have just been spending a lot of time alone together.

Pearl: Ya jealous?

Marina: Oh, you already got all of the sweets here? Are you sure we can eat all of this?

Pearl fell for Marina's misdirection.

Pearl: Why wouldn't we? I did buy it so we could do that, didn't it?

Marina: Let me rephrase that. Are you sure we are able to eat all of the sweets you've bought?

Pearl: Frye and Callie might. Yo, those two are bottomless stomachs.

Marina: Then I guess it is good (Y/N) won't be here for the party. It might not have been enough with those three then...

Pearl smacked her hands together.

Pearl: Yo, when are the others supposed to get here now?

Marina: They won't be long. Those three have to come from the Splatlands though, so they might get here after Callie and Marie.

Marie: Ding ding ding.

Marie said plainly.

Callie: We're here!

Marina: Oh my! How did you two get in here?

Marie: Someone left the door wide open.

Marina was embarrassed at the statement and Pearl's stare, knowing Marina was responsible for leaving the door open behind her.

Marina: A-Anyway! It's great to see you two!

Marina said as she went to shake Marie's hand.

Marina: It's been so long since the last time the four of us have been able to get together!

Callie: I know! You two were on your world tour for so loooong, and then you've been so busy with other things in the meantime.

Marie: I've missed the fun chats over teatime. I'm glad we can start to make up for lost time so that the four of us can sit down and have a nice quiet chat agai-


Shiver: Everyone relax, the stars have arrived!

Big Man: Ay... (You two don't have to scream as soon as you get here...)

Frye: Then how would we be able to enjoy this place's ECHO-ᴇᴄʜᴏ-ᵉᶜʰᵒ?

Marie: So much for quiet...

Pearl: Wait, how did you three get in here?

Pearl and Marina turned to Callie and Marie.

Marie: Don't look at me. I locked it behind us.

Shiver: Weirdly, the door wasn't opening when I tried turning the handle, so I just fiddled with the lock until it was working again. No need to thank me.

Pearl was glaring at Shiver, but Marina broke up the atmosphere.

Marina: Okay! We're all here! Why don't we just enjoy ourselves now?

Frye made her way over to Pearl.

Frye: Did you get it? Did you get it?

Pearl: Yeah, the sweets are over-

Pearl was pointing her thumb over her shoulder, but before she could even finish, Frye booked it for the Inkopolis sweets Pearl had paid for and had delivered.

Pearl: Don't stuff your face too much, yo! We're still doing karaoke later!

Frye: Mhm! Gotcha! Karaoke!

She said in between bites.

Shiver: Food we don't have to pay for? Say less.

Shiver said as she walked over to where Frye was.

Big Man: Ay. (You can at least try to word it less rudely.)

Big Man bowed his head to Pearl and Marina.

Big Man: Ay. (I'm sorry about them.)

Marina: No, it's fine.

Marina said reassuringly to Big Man.

Pearl: I did buy them so we could eat them after all. It's whatevs, yo.

Big Man relaxed at their words.

Marie: So, got anything a little less sugary?

Marina: We should have the kind of tea you love around here.

Marie: Thanks. And I'm sure Callie is enjoying herself over there at the sweet fiends table just fine.

She said referring to Callie who was now right beside Frye and Shiver.

Big Man: Ay? (Can I have some tea too?)

Marina: We should have plenty. I'll throw a kettle on.

Marie: Great. Now this party is really starting.

Marie said with a smile.


Marina POV

The seven of them were walking out of Pearl's karaoke storage room fiddling with their ears, all except Pearl.

Pearl: Okay... maybe I let myself get a bit too carried away for a moment there at the end-

Marina: -You broke another speaker, Pearlie.

Pearl: BUT, I think we can also all agree that I won, yeah?

Everyone else just eyed Pearl, including Frye, who was the one battling her at karaoke, while Marina just held a false smile while still fiddling with one of her ears.

Marina: It definitely was... loud.

Pearl looked proud of herself.

Pearl: It's not like I can't just buy another speaker anyway. It's no different than when guitarists smash their guitars at the end of a show, yo.

Marie was going to comment on Pearl's statement in a snarky manner, but then she saw out a window.

Marie: What time is it?

Marie asked out loud, checking her phone for the time.

Marie: Y'know, it's getting a little late. Maybe we should call it here for tonight.

Callie: Nooooo, the night is so young, Marie (unlike you with your gray hair).

Callie whined in protest.

Pearl: Yeah, come on, Marie. Yo, you gonna end a party this early?

Shiver: I hate to be the party pooper here, but if we want to get back to the Splatlands before it's super late, we should probably get out of here too.

Marina was now also pouting at how everyone was talking about leaving now.

Frye: Ooh! Why don't we just stay the night here and go back tomorrow?

Big Man: Ayyy. (Frye, you shouldn't invite yourself to stay at someone else's house without asking them first.)

Pearl: Yo, I'm cool wit' it! I got plenty of rooms for us to stay in.

Callie: Ooh! Are we having a girl's night slumber party?!

Big Man: A-Ay. (B-But I'm not a girl.)

The others eyed Big Man.

Shiver: You heard them, Big Man. Girls only.

Big Man pouted.

Big Man: Ay... Ay. (Well, I guess that's fair... Then I'll see you all later.)

He said with a cheerful wave before taking out his phone and making a call while walking away, only overhearing something about a "Boy's Night".

Marina: We can even invite Eight and the others over too!

Pearl: Fine with me, yo. Give 'em a call already.

Marina was getting excited over the sleepover that was forming before her eyes with all of her friends and favorite musicians.


Shiver: Okay, what's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?

Shiver asked across the table.

Marie: Nothing. I'm perfect.

Pearl: Oh puh-lease.

Marie: It's true. I'm afraid I'm flawless.

Marie said with a smirk.

Pearl: Yeah, whatevs. Then what about the snarkiest thing out of that mouth of yours?

Marie: Probably anything I've said to Callie on the old news segments.

Callie retracted her hand from the chips around the table.

Callie: Definitely! You were brutal with that stuff! As for the most embarrassing? Well this one time, Marie-

Marie: -Ah ah ah, Callie. That's not the question being asked anymore.

Callie: Okay, but when it's my turn, I'm not holding anything back if they ask about your secrets.

Callie said with a mischievous smile that looked like a face Judd would make.

Marie: Now, hmmm... Marina.

Marina: M-Me?

Marie nodded.

Marie: What's the most tiring thing about dealing with fans to you?

Marina relaxed a bit, happy it wasn't a more spicy question.

Marina: Hmm, well there's- nah, that's not too bad...

Pearl: Yo, 'Rina, what about that?

Marina: That? What- Oh right!

Marina remembered what Pearl was getting at.

Marina: For some reason, a lot of our fans have the misconception that Pearl and I are in a relationship.

Marie snickered.

Callie: Really?

Pearl: No joke, they've even made fake screenshots about us living together and sleeping in the same bed.

Shiver: The internet is a scary place. A few people have done the same to Frye and I, but luckily most people just focus on Big Man.

Frye: That dang teenage heartthrob gets all the attention and the best players during Splatfests because of it...

Shiver: Not true, you get plenty of attention yourself.

Shiver said with a smile causing Frye to look up happy for a moment before realizing what she was referencing and turning to a more upset look.

Frye: We're not bringin' up the funny forehead pictures.

Pearl: Word! I feel dat!

Frye: Enough of that. Marina! Your turn!

Marina: Oh, right! M-My bad! Haha.

She said with a nervous laugh.

Marina looked at each of the people in front of her with a slight smirk.

Marina: Hmmmmmmm, Shiver!

Shiver: I wonder what this could be?

She asked sarcastically, thinking Marina couldn't think of anything hard-hitting because of her timid attitude.

Marina: Since you say there's no way Marie was truthful, how about you tell us your most embarrassing moment?

Shiver was caught off guard by Marina's question, which Marina only followed up with her usual happy smile, but it had a more menacing glare to it now.

Shiver knew she couldn't pull the same thing that Marie did or else she'd look fake for it, so she decided she'd try to own up to whatever it was and play it cool.

So, now Shiver was thinking about what her options were when thinking about moments in her amazing life that embarrassed her.

Shiver: Let's see... There's the time I dropped a whole bag of loot down a ravine... Nah, that's not too bad. The time I lost a Splatfest for the first time? Meh, I don't mind that really...

She was contemplating it until her eyes went a bit wide before shirking to the side.

Shiver: Well, there was the time I decided to leave a guy in the desert, thinking he was a total idiot...

Frye realized what she was talking about and nodded her head.

Frye: Yep, that'd be the one!

Marie: So, what's the embarrassing part? That you were willing to let the guy shrivel up and dry out in the desert?

Shiver looked to be getting more embarrassed as she retreated behind her fan.

Frye: Nope! She's embarrassed because she fell for "that idiot". Haha-

Shiver: -FRYE!

Shiver called out to Frye in an annoyed and embarrassed tone.

Frye: Well it's true!

The others looked like they understood now.

Shiver: That doesn't mean you have to laugh...

Pearl: Yo, wait a minute... Is that idiot who I think it is?

Shiver was silent while Frye rocked herself back and forth while hanging onto her shins, nodding to signify that Pearl was correct.

Pearl: YO! How many times did he nearly die under your watch?

The rest finally started to catch up on what was being talked about.

Frye: Tons-

Shiver: -Uh, no, like two!

Shiver started counting on her fingers.

Shiver: Three, fo- just a few times!

Marie: The fact that you think that's a normal amount is scary enough already.

Callie: I took care of my digital pets better than that.

Callie chimed in on the two Splatlandians' carelessness.

Pearl: I think I replaced my robot pets fewer times than you two would've needed to replace him.

She said before laughing at the two.

Frye didn't seem to mind it too much, but Shiver looked upset by both Pearl's comments and Pearl's laughter.

Shiver: It's so funny, huh? Well, then let me think of something for you then...

She was grumbling to herself trying to come up with a question that would get Pearl, but nothing was hitting her.

When Shiver first said the statement, Pearl looked worried for a second, but now that Shiver was struggling to come up with anything, Pearl was acting high and mighty again.

Marina saw this and realized while the topic was on all of this, she had the perfect idea.

Marina went over and started whispering something to Shiver which confused Pearl.

After a bit of whispering, Shiver seemed to think over whatever Marina told her before smirking.

Shiver: Well? Why don't you share with us what happened between you and (Y/N) recently that you don't seem to want to talk about?

Pearl: Wh-Huh? I didn't- I don't know what you're talkin' about, yo.

Marina: Really? You two have been acting extra close for a while now, and there's clearly something you kept to yourself and won't tell me.

Pearl: Marina?! I thought we were a team, what the heck?!

Marina just kept her eyebrow raised waiting for Pearl to answer the question.

Callie, Marie, Shiver, and Frye were all leaning in close for the gossip at this point, interested in what Pearl's secret was.

Pearl: N-Nothin' happened, yo! I told you this before. Hehe...

She said with a nervous laugh.

Marina pouted while keeping her stare on Pearl.

Just then, they were interrupted by the front door opening to reveal Eight, Liz, and Eva walking in.

Pearl: Yo! Perfect timing! What's up, Eight?

Pearl said while hopping up to deflect the question.

Eight: I am doing well! Thank you for asking. What have we missed?

Marina: Pearl's trying to get out of telling us if she and (Y/N) are together or not.

At those words, Callie, Marie, Shiver, and Frye's stares shifted drastically, not realizing that was the extent of what was going on.

Liz: Oooooh- yeah, we chose a bad time to get here...

Liz said as she quickly spun around to try and leave before Eva stopped her and spun her back around.

Pearl was blushing, trying to say something, but was caught off by everyone's prying eyes on her. The exception being Eight, who just had a confused look on her face.

Eight: Together?

Marina: You know, in a relationship with each other.

Eight: Oh... They are not together then!

Now, everyone's shifted to Eight before back to Pearl, who was now extra embarrassed with a pinker blush on her face.

Marina: Pearlie?

Pearl: Of course we're not together, yo... Marina, how deep were you reading into things?

Marina: I-I'm sorry, Pearlie. It's just... you were clearly hiding something from me, and you two have been so close recently, I couldn't-

Pearl sighed, finally relaxing a bit before walking back over to the area they were all sitting around, followed up by Eight, Liz, and Eva who also found their spots to sit down.

Pearl: It's fine, 'Rina. It's just... I told (Y/N) how I feel... how I really feel...

Marina gasped.

Marina: Why didn't you tell me?!

Pearl was blushing slightly again.

Pearl: 'Cause that stuff's mad embarrassing, yo!

Frye: How come?

Pearl: Ugh...

Pearl turned toward Frye.

Pearl: Because we're not all ready to just make it clear to him how we feel like you are, duh!

Frye: But he already knows how you all feel about him.

Frye said with an eyebrow raised out of confusion.

Suddenly, Callie, Marie, Pearl, Marina, and Liz all looked over at Frye with shocked looks.

Callie: Wait, wait, wait, what do you mean he knows?

Marie: Callie, why are you questioning this? You've been anything but subtle.

Callie: Oh, like you've been subtle about it?

Marie and Callie were glaring at each other.

Pearl: I thought he was just as dense as a brick.

Shiver: Well, he told us about what happened between all of you, and it sounds like he understood it pretty well.

Pearl: So, what? He's just been pretending to be a moron?

Shiver waved her hand.

Shiver: Fifty-fifty? Why don't you ask him then?

Marina snapped out of the shock of the embarrassment of all the things she's done with (Y/N) flashing by in her mind.

Marina: Wait, so did he reject you, Pearl?

Pearl: What? Yo, you're still on that? N-No, it was nothing like that, it was just-... I didn't tell him for that, so I wasn't looking for any answer...

She said with her arms crossed and looking away from Marina.

Frye: I still don't get what any of you are embarrassed about. No wonder none of you ever got with him.

Frye said while leaning back on her arms. However, that final statement got her plenty of angry stares.

Frye: What?

Callie: That's not fair! We weren't even around when you asked him out!

Pearl: What she said! You did it when you were the only option!

Marina: Pearlie, that's rude.

Shiver smirked and let out a tiny chuckle from behind her fan before snapping it down.

Shiver: It's not just Frye either though.

The others looked at her.

Marie: Are you talking about when you nearly ruined his and Frye's relationship?

Shiver: Ye- What? No! Not that!

Shiver was caught off guard by Marie bringing up that whole fiasco.

Shiver: Frye and I already asked him out together.

She said with a smirk as if she was looking down on all the rest, but they were all just confused.

Marina: So, he chose Frye over you?

Shiver: No!

Frye chuckled.

Frye: I do believe none of you realize just how cooked you really are.

Frye said smugly.

Frye: Shiver and I both asked him out to go out with both of us.

Suddenly the rest of their eyes widened.

Callie was looking back and forth between those two and Marie.

Callie: Is- Is that allowed?

Liz: What kind of freakshow is the Splatlands?

Eva: Hey, don't even look at me. That's all them.

Marina: So, then... you two would...-

Shiver: -Share him, yes. You all may have your charms that could maybe match up to one of us a tiny bit, but do any of you think you can beat us as a duo?

Shiver and Frye posed up.

Marie: Maybe I should've kept a better watch over these two. I need to stop more of your bad ideas.

Shiver: What's such a bad idea about it?!

Frye: Yeah, boss Marie! Why you judge us so harshly?!

Callie: Of course... Clam... It's genius. Why didn't I think of that?

Marie: Callie, no.

Callie: I'm just kidding, but in all seriousness, I don't see the problem with them doing that.

Pearl: Yo, really?

Callie: If they're all fine with it, what's the issue? Well, other than the fans who would probably try and tear him apart limb from limb if they found out?

Marina: I'm surprised you're taking this so well.

Callie: Well, I don't plan on losing, duh. Besides, they say they asked him out, but I didn't hear them say that he said yes.

Callie said as she leaned back and kicked her feet up with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

The others suddenly were reminded that Callie did have a brain, and she just ran a lap around them all by catching what the rest of them missed.

Shiver: Y-Yeah, well, he didn't say no either!

Callie: So, yeah, I like my odds. I know my love won't be beat.

Marie let out a mischievous chuckle, causing Callie's cool demeanor to suddenly shift as Callie felt a chill.

Marie: So confident, but I'm only hearing a couple of you say that you asked him out. But I must be confused...

Marie smirked and held a hand to her chin.

Marie: Have none of you been asked out by him?

This statement garnered a reaction out of almost everyone there now. Even Liz who was trying to remain casual couldn't help but react to this one.

It was as if a piece of stone was being dragged across the ground as they all looked at her.

Callie: Ha, are you trying to say that he did ask you out? I think I'd know-

Marina: -It's true.

Pearl: Huh?! Marina?!

Marina: He told me about it a long time ago. It happened on that camping trip we all went on.

Marie was a little surprised that Marina knew about what happened, but her face went back to a confident look.

Marie: The one good part that came from going out to the middle of the woods, ugh.

Callie: Then- Why- How-

Marina smiled at Marie innocently.

Marina: From what I was told, Marie shot him down.

Callie: YOU WHAT?!

Callie exclaimed.

Marie had a slight blush and a tinge of regret on her face as she remembered it.

Pearl: FUMBLE! Well, at least I know Marie isn't anything to worry about.

Marie: Do you really believe that?

Pearl: Uh, duh? You told him no. Why would he want to try something he knows wouldn't work again, yo?

Frye: Yeah, even I'm not that dumb to say no to something like that.

Marie: Ha. It's fine, I can still do this...

She said, but the more she thought of it now, she seemed less confident about the whole thing, and she actually looked like she was starting to worry.

The rest of them were all arguing with each other now, but Marina turned to Eight who had been surprisingly quiet this whole time.

Marina: By the way, Eight, how did you know Pearl and (Y/N) weren't together anyway?

Eight smiled with a bit of a blush at the thought before happily answering Marina.

Eight: Because (Y/N) and I are married!

They all laughed at her answer before the laugh slowly grew quiet at the realization that Eight wasn't joking.


(Y/N): Brrr!

(Y/N) said as he felt a shiver go over his body.

Big Man: Ay? (You good?)

(Y/N): Yeah, I just felt a sense of danger wash over me just now.

Big Man: Ay, ay. Ay -AY! (Oh, well that's fine. It's probably just- THAT GIANT BOAT COMING RIGHT FOR US!)

(Y/N) and Big Man quickly grabbed onto each other as they screamed.

Marina POV


Liz stopped her screaming as she was grabbing Eight's arms and she looked around to notice she had accidentally reacted so loudly in front of everyone, including Eva.

Liz let go of Eight and brushed herself off.

Liz: Y'know... I was just worried for Eight's sake...

No one believed her.

Pearl: Yo, Eight, you do know what marriage is, right?

Eight: Mhm.

She nodded.

Marina: And (Y/N) has to agree with it, right?

Eight: Mhm. He agreed.

She said with another nod.

Pearl and Marina were even more confused.


Eight: Well, it started when I was making my bucket list. Frye told me to put things that I felt I needed to do in my life. And one was to marry (Y/N)!

Shiver: FRYE!


Eight: So, I did the thing. I got on one knee and told him I wanted to always be with him, forever. And he said the same thing back to me! We even celebrated after!

Everyone's drained, shocked faces were now shifting to more skeptical looks.

Marina: Wait, so... is that how you worded it? Is that all that happened?

Eight: Mhm.

She nodded a third time with the smile still plastering her face along with the blush that she got when she thought about it all.

Eight: It was the day we played that board game together-

Marina: -Tabletop RPG, but go on.

Eight: When I saw him later that day, I felt like I had to do it. I got on one knee like in the movies, I told him "I always want to be able to protect him" and "I always want to be there with you, forever", and then he told me "I want to always be there for you too"!

The rest of them all cringed at the realization that what she thought happened might not have been how (Y/N) saw it all.

Eight: And every day since then has been great! We're very happy!

Shiver and Frye let out a breath of relief and smiled at each other. Callie and Marie looked like they dodged a bullet. Liz looked relieved, but also sad for Eight, but glad she wasn't going to be the one that told her. Eva looked like she just watched someone fall really hard trying to do a skateboard trick. Pearl and Marina looked at each other with a pitiful, worried expression before looking back at Eight.

Eight: What? Why's everyone looking at me like that?

Marina: Um... how do I say this, Eight... Oh boy...

Marina was rubbing the back of her neck trying to figure it out.

Pearl: Yo, Eight, you know you can always trust me to keep it real with you, right?

Eight happily nodded.

Eight: Yes, I enjoy how honest you are with me.

Pearl: Cool. Well, uh... you and (Y/N) aren't married.

Eight's expression didn't change from a smile, but she found what Pearl said to be a bit silly.

Eight: What do you mean?

Pearl: First, that's not how marriage works. It needs to be officiated and junk. So, at most, you two would've just been engaged to be married. You two wouldn't be married.

Eight: Oh! Well that's-

Pearl: -Second, I don't think he knew that you were even proposing to him.

Eight: What do you mean?

Pearl: He can be dense, or maybe not, we're gonna have to figure that you later, but when you propose to someone, you have to specifically ask someone something like "Will you marry me?" so that they know that's what you mean.

Eight: But you don't have to do that if the person knows what you mean, right?

Pearl: No, but... I don't think he realized that's what you meant.

Eight: Why wouldn't he?

Marina: It's just... we all like you the way you are, Eight, right?

Marina said asking around to everyone, with all of the others nodding, except Shiver who gave a "fifty-fifty" hand wave.

Marina: But, you can come off as... very naive.

Eight: What? But I'm very smart-

Marina: -YOU ARE! You are, it's just... with how you're from the underground, the way you learn and do things can give you a sort of childlike wonder. The same goes for me too! And I'm still smart, right?

Eight: Yeah, but... why are you and I different?

Marina: Because we're different people, you and I. You're much braver than I am for instance. You're just so pure with your joy, that often people think you have the most innocent intentions.

Eight looked around at the others who were all nodding in agreement, causing her to look down, a bit disappointed in everything.

Marina: Like we said though! We love that about you. No one thinks there's anything wrong with that.

Eva: Yeah, I mean, remember what happened at Um'ami Ruins? I had to see past your exterior and realize you were actually a lot more than just some innocent, happy person. And when I did, I saw how smart and cool you were.

Eva was a bit embarrassed saying that stuff out loud, but Liz reassured her by patting her on the back to let her know she did well.

Eight: Yeah. I get it...

Her face was expressionless, not letting any emotion through, which, despite how happy she could be, she probably had the best poker face out of all of them.

Marina: Hey! But forget about all that! This is supposed to be a fun girls' night, right?

Marina turned to Pearl.

Marina: Pearl, go grab a movie we all like!

Marina said with a smile but was shifting her head to point at Eight so that Pearl understood she was trying to cheer her up.

Pearl nodded and ran off, falling over in the attempt, but hopping back up and running off again with her arms behind her back.

Marina: Let's have some fun, Eight!

Eight: Yeah!

She answered back cheerfully a few moments later.


Elizabeth POV

Liz woke up and rubbed her eyes, seeing that it was still the middle of the night.

She decided she'd get something to drink since her throat was dry, so she went to the kitchen and had a glass of water before returning back to the living room where they were all sleeping.

However, Liz noticed there was someone missing.

Liz: Where did she...?

Liz saw out the back patio windows someone sitting alone outside.

Liz knew this probably wasn't anything good, so she decided to go see what was up.

She opened the back door and upon getting outside, on one of the lounge chairs facing away from Liz and the door, she saw Veronica sitting there with her legs curled up to her chest and a phone up to her ear.

Liz could hear the sound of ringing.

Veronica: Please answer... pretty please...

The ringing sound stopped and she hung up before quickly typing in the phone number again and holding the phone up to her ear again and her head lowered.

Veronica: You did understand me... You do...

Liz: Veronica?

Liz asked as she was walking up beside Veronica.

Veronica shot her face over at Liz for a brief moment to see who it was, long enough to let Liz see that she had been crying before she snapped her face away and rested her head the other way.

Liz sat on the lounge chair beside her and faced her.

Liz: Veronica, look at me.

Veronica refused to.

Liz: Veronica? Can you please look at me?

Veronica shifted her head slightly until it was face down but she slightly tilted her head to barely be able to look at her.

Liz sighed at this.

Liz: Come on. Talk to me.

Veronica: I do not want to...

Liz: I'm sorry we said all that to you in there earlier.

Veronica turned to face Liz more.

Veronica: Do you think (Y/N) understood what I meant..?

Liz scrunched her lips together as she bobbed her head up and down a few times, figuring out what to say.

Liz: Honestly? I don't think he realized you meant for you two to be married.

Veronica rested her face on her forearms once again as she sobbed a bit more.

Liz: Veronica-

Veronica: -I'm glad I got to be happy for even a little while with him, even if it was just for me...

Liz: Veronica, I'm sorry about all of this-

Veronica: -But I'm really just sad more than anything that everyone just sees me like a dumb little kid... I'm a grown woman. Why am I treated like I do not understand things going on?

Liz: That's not really fair to yourself, or others even. Veronica, there's a difference between stupidity and ignorance.

Veronica: I do not see a difference when everyone treats it like it is the same... I may not know how everything works because of how I was raised or because my first language was different. But I can learn and figure it all out. I have been here for years now. I have traveled the world with Pearl and Marina. And I've been with all of you for years. You all should be able to understand me, right?

Liz felt bad, understanding how they had all unknowingly been hurting her by not changing how they viewed her.

Veronica: I know it is unfair to put the blame on you all... I know I still make mistakes... but it just makes me sad still...

Liz: Your feelings are all right, Veronica. No one can tell you how to feel. I'm sorry.

Veronica: It is okay... I just... needed someone to understand me right now... Thank you.

Liz: Hey, I'll try to be better, but how about if you ever think I'm treating you wrong, I give you permission to hit me upside the head?

Veronica giggled.

Veronica: I do not want to hit you.

Liz: You sure? It might make you feel better.

Veronica: Yes. I am just sad now because I thought I was happily married.

Liz: Well, you never know what could happen in the future. He's stupid, so you actually can blame him if it'll make you feel any better. But let me tell you one thing.

Veronica looked over to Liz with a smile, but still resting the side of her head on her forearms.

Liz: You have the opportunity to still get him to say yes for real all over again now. And you've got the bonus that, unlike any of them, you live with him.

Veronica giggled.

Veronica: I guess that does make me feel a bit happier... I can feel that excitement all over again.

Liz: But seriously, you knew about all of that, but didn't know about wedding ceremonies?

Veronica: Well... I knew the sit-on-one-knee thing and knew that married people were often seen in a suit and dress. I thought married people just liked wearing clothes like that. If I had known, I would have invited you to come.

She said with a smile, which got a laugh out of Liz.

Liz was blushing at the thought of saying what she was going to say next but still felt like doing it.

Liz: And look, I'm only going to say this once, to you, and if you tell anyone else, I'll deny it, but you also shouldn't assume you will be the one that ends up with him.

Veronica: You mean the others? I wish them good luck. I want them all to be happy as well.

Liz: Yeah, them, or... someone else... closer to you right now...

Veronica was trying to think of what she was getting at.

Liz: I could still steal him from you if you're not careful...

She said, and upon doing so, her whole face was covered in blush from saying it.

Veronica gasped.

Veronica: I thought you did not like (Y/N)!

Liz: Of course I don't- err, do... Again, I'm only saying this once, but I do! I really do! I never said any of this, got it?

Veronica nodded at Liz's insistence.

Veronica: Then why do you always say you do not?

Liz: Because it's embarrassing. And I get all lame like this if I try and say how I really feel.

Veronica: Why? Is saying what you really mean not just easier?

Liz: Maybe for some happy people like you, but for many different reasons, Veronica, people will not always mean exactly what they say. Try to remember that.

Veronica: Then how am I supposed to know what someone means if they do not make it clear?

Liz: It's a lot of different things. People can tell what they really mean in many different ways. Body language, tone, all of that.

Veronica: That sounds confusing.

Liz: It can be sometimes. That's why many people can often be misunderstood. Like how you didn't know what I really meant just because of the way I am.

Veronica's expression lit up after a few seconds and realizing what she was telling her.

Veronica: I think I get it now! Or at least, a little bit.

Liz: Good. I can understand how it feels to be misunderstood, but there will be people who actually care about you for the way you are anyway. Flaws and all.

Veronica smiled a bit before reaching over and hugging Liz.

Veronica: Thank you, Liz.

Liz: Any time.

Veronica: I hope you get to be happy in the future as well, and get to come to my wedding.

Liz was surprised that Veronica managed to act a bit snarky with that ending comment, catching her off guard.

Liz: And I hope you'll be fine even after your marriage has ended.

Liz snapped back, allowing the two to both laugh with each other happily.

Liz: Now, come back inside already. It's late, and I am seriously freezing out here. How are you not?

Veronica: I enjoy the cool breeze. It lets me feel free.

She said with a smile before she hopped up with Liz and hugged her again.

Liz: Careful! Your hands are so cold!

Veronica giggled mischievously as she kept prodding Liz with her hands, making her jump away, chasing Liz back inside.



The sun was rising up, and (Y/N) and Big Man looked like a mess as they walked into the front door.

(Y/N): Woohoo! That was awesome!

Big Man: Ay, ay! (It was scary and dangerous, but awesome, yes!)

(Y/N): Boys Night rules!

Big Man: Ay! Ay. (I've never had more fun in my life! I hope that wasn't just like a one-time thing.)

(Y/N): Of course it wasn't, Big Man. These will become our regular adventures! It doesn't get any more entertaining than this! It could even be like a series people read or whatever.

Big Man: Ay! Ay! Ayy! (People would love to read every detail of our adventures! There was so much suspense! Thrilling action! It's so unbelievable, it's hard to even imagine!)

(Y/N): People will be begging for more! They won't be able to help themselves!

(Y/N) was happily taking out his phone before seeing all the notifications he missed last night.

(Y/N): Aw dangit... Something big went down last night.

6175 Words

September 12, 2024 - 7:00 P.M.

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