S3C Chapter 43: Summer Celebration
Marina POV
Marina held her narrow-eyed gaze on what was in front of her.
Marina: Is there some reason for this?
Pearl: What're you talkin' about, yo?
Pearl asked from atop (Y/N)'s lap.
Marina: I thought you called this "nerd stuff" and didn't care to be here for this kind of stuff.
Pearl: Yeah, but I was already with (Y/N) when he told me you, him, Eight, and Big Man were going to do this together. So I thought, why not come too?
Pearl said while fist bumping Eight happily who was sitting to her and (Y/N)'s left.
Marina: So, are you going to be joining us?
Big Man: Ay. (I've got extra character sheets here.)
Big Man said, happily taking out the character sheets.
Pearl: Nah, I'm fine with just watching.
She said while leaning back into (Y/N)'s chest, causing Marina's glare to increase.
(Y/N): Are we all ready to start the campaign then?
(Y/N) said looking between Eight and Big Man's smiling faces before looking back to Marina.
Marina sighed, accepting the situation.
Marina: Fine.
She said while looking through her papers.
Marina: Then let's begin with-
Suddenly the door burst open to reveal a strange looking squid.
Callie: There you are!
Marina: Callie?!
They were all agape at her sudden appearance, which let Callie bask in the stares.
Callie: Ah, I see you're all infatuated with my new look. Go on, give me praise!
(Y/N): I wouldn't have recognize you if I didn't recognize you.
Callie: So, do you like it?
(Y/N): It looks stunning as always.
Pearl: Talk about a makeover. What made ya do all this, yo?
Callie only just noticed Pearl sitting in her favorite seat, but decided to ignore that for now.
Callie: It's for the Summer Festival of course!
Marina: Well, I think it looks really nice, Callie. Different, but nice.
Callie's nose seemed to look bigger than usual after getting the praise.
Eight turned to (Y/N).
Eight: Can I do my hair like that?
(Y/N) shrugged with a smile.
(Y/N): If you'd like.
Eight: Would you like it better if I had hair like that?
(Y/N): I'll like you no matter how it looks.
Meanwhile, Big Man was just looking glum by himself on (Y/N) and Pearl's right side.
Big Man: Ay... (I wish I had hair...)
He said while rubbing his fin over imaginary hair.
Pearl: Maybe we can get ya a big puffy headpiece to make up for it.
Pearl said with a snicker, but Big Man seemed to actually think about it.
(Y/N): And we'll get you a big hat to match his.
(Y/N) said with a chuckle, but Pearl seemed to actually think about it.
Marina: Not to be rude, but what did you come here for anyway, Callie?
Callie: Oops! That's right!
Callie walked over to (Y/N) and grabbed his arm and started pulling him along without explaining why.
During this, Pearl was hanging onto (Y/N), which Callie noticed after a few seconds.
Everyone was confused by what was going on.
Callie: My bad, Pearl.
Callie picked up Pearl and set her down with Marina.
Callie: I think this belongs to you.
Pearl was upset with how she was just handled like a kid.
Callie turned back to (Y/N).
Callie: Now let's go, (Y/N)!
She said as she started dragging him out of there while Marina and the rest were too confused by what was going on to stop her quick actions.
Callie: Love what you've done with the place by the way, Marina!
Callie called out from the other room before they were already gone.
Marina: Thank you?
Marina involuntarily accepted the praise from Callie before once again struggling to figure out something to say despite the two already being gone.
Pearl: Yo, what the shell was that?
Eight and Big Man were also completely confused.
Eight: Is he coming back?
Marina: I- uh...
Marina didn't know what to say so she decided to just play along with it since it was too late to stop it anyway.
Marina: Um, your party member, (Y/N), was kidnapped by a succubus, so you two must continue your journey without him.
She said to Big Man and Eight in her game master role.
Eight: Can we save him from the monster..?
Marina: Uh, yeah, sure! Hehe.
Eight nodded her head determinedly, not hesitating with what what she wanted to do.
Big Man: Ay, ay! (Oh boy, a rescue mission!)
Pearl moved off from Marina in a huff before sitting back down over where she and (Y/N) were sitting before.
Pearl: To heck with it. Pass me that character sheet, Big Man.
Big Man: Ay! (Yay!)
He happily brought out a fresh sheet which Pearl immediately started filling out.
Marina: Well, at least I finally found something to motivate Pearlie to give the game a try...
Marina whispered out loud to herself, taking the little victory.
(Y/N) was happily eating his food across from Callie in the restaurant she had dragged him too before he decided to finally speak up.
(Y/N): Now, Callie, I'm enjoying myself, but what's the important thing you dragged me out here to do?
Callie finished the bite of food she had in front of her before responding to his question.
Callie: What? Can't I enjoy a nice date that you've happily taken me out on?
(Y/N): But you brought me-
Callie: -Besides, think about it! For this little short while, we can do whatever we want together today with no one recognizing that it's me! It'll be just you and I.
She said as she rested her head on top of her hands as she stared at (Y/N) dreamily across from her.
(Y/N): I guess that does sound nice, not having to worry about anyone interrupting us for once in public.
Callie: Exactly. For just today, it's just you and me~.
She said with a smile before her nose sniffed the food beneath her face again and she dug in once more to the meal.
(Y/N): So, then can I assume you planned other things for us to do with your temporary freedom from the public's eye?
Callie: I don't want to spoil anything, buuuuuut... maybe.
She giggled.
Callie: But the real question is do you think I look better with this hairstyle or my normal one?
(Y/N): I can't answer that. I'm biased because I like how you look no matter what.
Callie: Ding ding ding! Correct answer. That's what I was looking for.
She said proudly having received the praise she was fishing for.
(Y/N): So, did Marie also get a haircut to match yours?
Callie: Of course she did. It'd be weird if only one of us got a great makeover for this Summer Festival.
(Y/N): And where's she in all of this? Resting in preparation for the Splatfest?
Callie: Yeah, something like that. Hehe.
She said with a nervous laugh which (Y/N) found a bit confusing, but decided not to question it.
Callie: Just finish with your food, slowpoke.
(Y/N): Who you calling a slowpoke?
Callie responded to his question while pointing at him, but her words couldn't be understood due to all the food in her mouth.
(Y/N) was walking with his arms out due to Callie walking behind him with her hands over his eyes.
(Y/N): Are we almost there yet?
Callie: Almost! So impatient.
(Y/N): You're going to call me impatient?
He tried asking to roast her, but unfortunately, just then, his hands out in front of him missed the pole that he walked right into.
(Y/N): You could've warned me about the pole...
Callie: Not my fault. You distracted me.
(Y/N) was rubbing his face but then he looked over to notice he recognized the area they were in.
(Y/N): Is this where we were going?
Callie: Yep! Inkblot Art Academy!
(Y/N) tilted his head in confusion.
(Y/N): Are we going to battle?
Callie held back a laugh.
Callie: No~. I signed us up for a fun little art class!
(Y/N): Oh... That does sound nice actually. What made you decide this?
Callie: I just love painting pictures and junk, but I'm no world class artist or anything like that (yet), and this isn't usually something I can do casually. So, when I saw a flier for the class, I thought it'd be a great idea!
(Y/N): Did the flier say where they were doing the class?
Callie: Yeah, it's an outdoor class, so we just have to get in first.
She said as she proceeded to point over toward the entrance to the entrance to the outdoor courtyard for the academy before leading the way for the two.
Upon entering, the two walked further into the courtyard area, looking around at all the people around.
Callie seemed to be especially enjoying how nobody seemed to be recognizing her either, so she was blending in so casually.
(Y/N): Are you excited about the painting we'll be doing or just the lack of attention?
Callie: Both, obviously!
She said while happily wrapping her arms around his, getting to be so close to (Y/N) in public without worry for once.
(Y/N): I would've thought you enjoyed all that attention you get.
Callie: Of course I enjoy my fairly earned praise and fans. But it does get a little tiring sometimes, especially when it comes to keeping my private life actually private.
She said as she hugged herself against his arm closer.
Callie: Like how I can't just casually accept your advances of going out on dates like this without worrying about the press prying.
(Y/N): If I remember correctly, you invited me-
Callie: -Enough of that!
She said while holding a finger to his lips.
Callie: I already accepted your invitation after all the begging you did.
She said with a smile that held nothing but delusion.
???: Excuse me, ma'am!
Callie suddenly jumped at the sound of her getting called out by someone.
(Y/N) and Callie turned to the jellyfish who suddenly was peering at Callie specifically.
???: Wait... do I know you from somewhere?
Callie: Uh... Nope! Never been here before in my life! And I wouldn't be known to people for any other reason! Haha.
She stood there nervously with the drawing of Callie from the Squid Sisters that was on the wall right beside her in clear view to compare the two of them.
The jellyfish peered at her for a few more seconds.
???: Oh, my mistake then. Sorry for bothering you about that.
Callie: It's fine, it happens. Is that the only reason you approached us?
???: No, actually, you two seemed like you were just wandering around a bit aimlessly, so I was wondering if you might be some of the people showing up to my art class today.
Callie: Oh! We are actually!
She said motioning between herself and (Y/N).
Callie: Are you the instructor?
Instructor: Yes, yes! Everyone's gathering over in the side garden. Feel free to go wait over there, while I wait around a little longer for anymore people who will be joining us.
Callie: Will do! Thanks for the help!
She said as she waved to the jellyfish instructor and she and (Y/N) went to where the instructor told them that the lesson would be being held.
The two arrived in the side garden where the others were chatting and waiting.
(Y/N) and Callie socialized and talked with the others while they waited. However, it was mostly Callie doing the talking, not (Y/N).
After a few minutes, the jellyfish instructor showed up in the side garden, and all of them found their own stools to sit on that the instructor had set up for everyone in the class.
Instructor: Okay, let's get artsy!
Callie pumped a fist in the air with a small cheer that got a laugh out of some of the other people in the class.
Callie and (Y/N) were walking down the street, happily chatting with their canvases under their arms.
(Y/N): I'd say my painting turned out better than I thought it would.
Callie: I like all the vibrant colors I used in mine. It's very introspective of who I am.
She said while trying to both talk and act fancy with how she put her hand her chest.
(Y/N): Oh, you sound like an art snob already.
Callie: Of course! I did win a Splatfest for Team Art back in the day, I'll have you know. They should put me in charge of an art gallery! I could sell every piece in the place.
(Y/N): Like how they put you in charge for announcing construction on Hammerhead Bridge?
Callie: Ha ha. Mock me all you want, but I killed it and looked great doing it. Tons of fans were saying how beautiful I looked during it. You should be so thankful I said yes to going out with you today even.
(Y/N): I-
Callie: -Aww, it's fine. I can't stay mad at you when you act all cute like that.
She said while holding her hands to her cheeks with her eyes closed.
(Y/N) shook his head, letting Callie live in the fantasy world she loved so much.
Callie returned to normal as they kept walking as Callie proceeded to stop talking and instead was thinking about something.
(Y/N): Are you okay?
Callie: Hm? Why do you ask?
(Y/N): You got quiet. You tend not to do that.
Callie smirked at his cheekiness.
Callie: You like listening to me that much?
She said with a small chuckle before getting a more normal, relaxed expression once again.
Callie: Thank you for going out with me today.
(Y/N): Why wouldn't I?
Callie: Well, I did practically snatch you away from what looked like a fun day you had planned with those four.
(Y/N): Yeah, I do look forward to our game nights, but you seemed like you had something you really wanted to do today, so how could I say no?
Callie smiled looking over at him.
Callie: You know I like you just the way you are, but it's okay to tell me us no sometimes.
(Y/N) smiled, knowing Callie was looking out for him, even when she does any selfish antics of hers.
(Y/N): I know. But I didn't want to. We had a great day, and I hope we can have another one sometime soon.
Callie looked down for a moment to find a spot to rest her painting. (Y/N) looked over at her, confused on what she was doing. However, once she had set down her painting carefully, she hugged (Y/N).
Not even her usual high energy of latching herself around him, but she just walked up to him and held him, which (Y/N) casually returned.
(Y/N): What's this for?
Callie: Does there have to be a reason?
(Y/N) was surprised by her answer, but he smiled warmly as he tightened his hug on her.
(Y/N): I guess not.
The two stood there for a while, embracing each other in the moment that Callie had spontaneously brought on. (Y/N) felt almost as if his internal batteries were being charged with how happy it made him, and Callie herself similarly didn't want to let go for a while.
It did need to eventually end though as the two broke the hug apart and smiled warmly looking into the other's eyes.
Marie: Well, I'm glad you two are finally done with that.
The two snapped their view over to their side to see Callie's dear cousin, Marie, standing there with her arms crossed with an expressionless look on her face.
Callie: O-Oh, uh, hey Marie! Fancy seeing you here!
Marie: Mhm.
Callie: I-I can explain, Marie!
Marie: Go on.
Callie was stammering her words trying to make an excuse to Marie, who clearly wasn't going to accept whatever answer Callie gave her, but Callie still tried to excuse herself, no matter how futile.
Callie: W-When you told me about your idea yesterday to use your new look to hang out with (Y/N) without having to deal with fans, I thought "That's an awesome idea!" But I had to make sure it would work! For your sake!
Callie tried to put on a convincing smile, but it didn't affect Marie.
Marie: Right.
Marie looked over at (Y/N) who was staring at her, taking in Marie's new haircut.
Marie: Well?
(Y/N): Ten out of ten.
Marie smirked.
Marie: Good. You can see more of it whenever you and I get our day to be together. But for now...
Marie pinched Callie's cheek.
Marie: I have to teach this little nuisance a lesson about ruining other people's plans, and leaving them to go around asking others where did they go.
Callie: Ah! Showwy, Mawie!
She tried to get out while Marie was still pinching her cheek.
Marie: I'll talk to you later, (Y/N).
Marie said as she started walking off with Callie in tow.
Callie: Goo-bye, (Y/N)!
Callie tried calling back to (Y/N).
Callie: Wai-! My painting!
She said while squirming her arms backward to where she had left it down.
Marie turned her Callie around and walked over to it and picked it up before handing it to Callie as they continued walking away.
Callie: Sank yu, Mawie.
Marie: Yeah, you're welcome, you little troublemaker.
(Y/N) smiled at the two's antics before walking off on his own way now.
(Y/N) walked in through his front door to almost immediately be greeted by Veronica running up to give him a hug.
(Y/N): Whoa, hey, Veronica. Did something happen?
Veronica let him go and nodded her head.
Veronica: I was so worried about you!
(Y/N): What? Why?
Veronica: You were taken away by a monster!
(Y/N) thought that that wasn't the word he'd use to describe Callie.
Veronica: And us three adventurers had to go and try to save you from the monster!
(Y/N) thought about why they needed to come rescue him from Callie when they were right there when Callie took him away.
Veronica: And then- And then Pearl got eaten by a dragon at one point!
(Y/N): (What?! Where did they go- Oh... Right. The game.)
(Y/N) shook his head upon finally realizing what she meant exactly.
(Y/N): Well, was it at least a fun adventure?
Veronica: Y-Yes! It was a bit weird and confusing at first, but Marina and Big Man helped me understand how it worked when I was confused. Pearl took longer to understand any of it though.
(Y/N): Then I'm glad you had a good time.
Veronica: I really did.
She said with a smile.
Veronica: I can cross that one off my bucket list now. And I can join you all whenever you want to play it now too!
(Y/N): That's good. It did feel like we could use one or two more people with how small it was before.
Veronica happily nodded before thinking about something else.
(Y/N): Well, I'm going to go-
He was interrupted as he started to walk away.
Veronica: -Wait! Uh...
(Y/N) turned back to Veronica to see she was on her knee. He looked at her confused at what she was doing a first as she struggled to think about what to say exactly.
Veronica: Next time... I want to be able to protect you when anything bad happens... And- And... And not just next time. Every time! I want... to always be there with you. Forever!
She said while staring at him with a determined look.
(Y/N) was surprised by how serious she was taking the adventure from the game they went on. He figured that for her who could often even seem like she had a more casual mode and a more serious mode, she must've relied more on her serious side to immerse herself in the game.
(Y/N) smiled at her with a little tilt of his head.
(Y/N): Of course. I hope from now on I can always be there for you too.
Her determined glare now instead shifted to a happy smile as she proceeded to stand back up and clap her hands a few times. Her smile was probably at least top four brightest smiles he's ever seen from her. She followed that up by almost immediately latching her arms around (Y/N), and he could even feel two of her tentacles latch onto him in the hug as well.
(Y/N) gladly hugged her back for the moment before the two ended the hug.
(Y/N): So, what say I make you a nice meal to celebrate?
Veronica nodded her head happily while pumping her fists in front of herself.
Veronica: Yes! Yes! Yes!
(Y/N): Okay then. Do you want to watch me cook it too?
Veronica: Yes! Yes! Yes!
(Y/N) chuckled.
(Y/N): Just one yes is fine, Veronica.
Veronica: Yes!
(Y/N) walked to the kitchen with her happily doing a lap around him before she started getting out the utensils needed for him. He wanted to cook something for her, but she still wanted to help him in some way, which he simply enjoyed the happy nature of the cheerful Octoling.
3262 Words
September 5, 2024 - 3:16 A.M.
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