S3C Chapter 40: Belated Ballad
Hey, just a quick thing. I've been for a while now tempted to go back and freshen up the older bits of this story, specifically the Splatoon 2 chapters. No, I'm not deleting or completely rewriting whole chapters or anything like that. What's in this book right now is what will stay here forever. Specifically what I've been wanting to do is go back and revise them and fix both any mistakes, improve the writing quality, and for a very rare amount of small things, changing. I don't plan on re-writing whole events and making different things happen though, it'll be the same story for the most part, and I'd upload it as a separate story of its own. I wanted to run the idea by you dear viewers and get your take on it. Not sure when I would do it, but it's been something I've been wanting to do for a while now and something I would like to try and do whenever I've got free time to do it more than anything else, not taking away from new chapters of the story here to do it.
Anyway, thanks for hearing me out on that and giving me your opinions if you do. Onto the chapter!
Frye POV
Frye was plugging in multiple wires and turning the knobs as far as they would go.
Big Man watched with nervous anticipation while Shiver was just making sure to get out of the blast radius before it all went off.
Big Man: A-Ay? (A-Are you sure this is safe?)
Frye: Big Man...
She said warmly with a smile to her friend.
Frye: Probably not!
She exclaimed excitedly as she raised her arm above her as she stood there in front of all of the speakers with her guitar in hand, ready to strum it.
Big Man quickly got behind something for cover and covered his ears.
Suddenly, (Y/N) walked in through the front door of the hideout.
(Y/N): Rev up those Fryers!
Shiver's eyes went wide with excitement at the sudden twist of events as (Y/N), like Frye, was now right in front of where all the speakers were aiming.
Frye struck the chords on her guitar, instantly creating a noise so loud, it blew her away, ramming into (Y/N), causing the two to go flying out the doorway.
Frye's big ears were ringing as she slowly lifted her head up, dizzy from the sensation. She noticed she had landed on something squishy and saw (Y/N) underneath her.
Frye: Oh, hey! What're you doing here?
Her voice sounded muffled as she felt a fin on her shoulder, turning to see Big Man saying something with a really worried expression, but she couldn't hear him.
Frye also saw Shiver approaching from behind Big Man letting out what looked like hearty laughs, but she didn't hear anything.
Frye: WHAT?
She said loudly to try and call out to the two, as she couldn't hear a word they were saying, which seemed to only cause Shiver to laugh harder and point her fan at Frye and (Y/N).
Big Man turned to Shiver with an upset face and said something that caused Shiver's face to turn from one of joy to an annoyed one as she appeared to respond back to Big Man.
Slowly, the ringing sound in Frye's ears started to go away as she could hear other noises slowly start reaching her.
Shiver: -ally think something like that is enough to hurt Frye? If it was, she'd have been splatted long ago.
Big Man: Ay? (What about (Y/N) then?)
Shiver: That was pretty funny.
Big Man: Ay! (Shiver!)
Shiver sighed.
Shiver: You worry too much, Big Man.
Shiver started walking over to Frye and bending down in front of Frye's face to check on her, letting Frye notice the sounds of multiple car alarms in the area going off.
Shiver: Frye, you with us still?
She said snapping, causing to Frye annoyedly push Shiver's hands away.
She said making sure to mouth the words clearly.
Frye: I can hear just fine, ugh. That was a little loud.
She said while standing up off of (Y/N), accidentally stepping on his gut for a moment, waking him back up.
He looked shocked, probably noticing what was wrong with his ears.
He was saying to try and make his ears functional again.
Shiver: You're fine too, right?
Shiver: Yeah, he's alright.
Big Man helped (Y/N) up as (Y/N) waited for his hearing to return as well.
After a few moments, he seemed to mostly be fine now.
(Y/N): What the heck was that?!
Shiver: Frye was trying to learn to play the guitar.
(Y/N): Why that loud though?!
Frye: What's the point if it ain't loud?
(Y/N): Let's just get inside before people start coming out to look for someone to blame for that.
The four walked into the hideout. Upon entering, Frye ran up to her wall of speakers that they were now all broken, falling to her hands and knees.
Frye: I have failed you...
Shiver: Oh nooo, our poor working ears. What will they do now?
Frye: Shiver, lend me some cash-
Shiver: No.
Frye: Why not?!
Shiver: The whole watching you two going flying and disturbing the neighborhood was fun and all, but seems like it'll get old quickly. No more wall of speakers.
Frye: Wha- Big Man?
Frye turned to Big Man who was shaking his head.
Big Man: Ayy. (I was already against the idea, and now I'm definitely against it.)
Frye: (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Sorry, Frye. If you're going to just instantly break a bunch of expensive equipment, you should at least be like Pearl and make sure you have the money for that to not matter.
Frye: You're right... Pearl will definitely help me out-!
(Y/N): No, Frye, that wasn't my point. You can annoy tons of people perfectly fine with only one speaker.
Frye: Do... Do you really think so?
(Y/N): Frye, I know so.
Frye put a smile back on her face.
Frye: Alright, fine! One speaker is enough for me! At least until I've got some more spending money...
Frye: So, you want to try out my guitar here before helping Team Guitar win this next Splatfest?
She said while holding out her guitar happily for him to grab.
(Y/N) approached her to take the guitar.
(Y/N): Actually, I'm not on Team Guitar, but maybe-
Frye yanked back her guitar.
Frye: You're what..?
Shiver walked up snarkily, placing her arm on (Y/N)'s shoulders proudly.
Shiver: No reason to be upset, Frye. You can't blame him for just knowing which answer is better.
She teased Frye with a cocky smirk.
(Y/N): I'm not on Team Drums either.
Shiver: You what?
She said while taking a step back from him and giving him a death glare.
Shiver: Then which team-
Shiver and Frye both turned their heads to glare over at Big Man.
Big Man: Ay! :D (Hurray! :D )
Frye: How could you do this to us?!
Shiver: Traitor!
The two got in (Y/N)'s face.
(Y/N): I-I just really like keyboards. I think all three are cool though, I just had to make a choice is all! Hehe...
He laughed nervously, understanding the two's tribalism.
Eva: Oh cool, you all are here.
Eva walked into the hideout casually with her hands in her pockets.
(Y/N): O-Oh hey, Eva!
(Y/N) called out to the perfect distraction- I mean, friend, who just walked in.
(Y/N): We were just talking Splatfest teams. Which one are you going?
Eva: Guitar. They're awesome.
Frye: Right?!
Frye happily backed off and went over to Eva, accepting the member to her team.
Eva: Yeah, I got a guitar from Hotlantis a little while ago too. Been meaning to try and learn how to play it, but just too distracted.
Frye was happily talking guitars with Eva now, but Shiver wasn't backing down from (Y/N).
Shiver: Don't think you're slick. No one else is walking through that door to save you now.
(Y/N) knew she was right and tried to think of something else.
(Y/N): You know, Veronica actually-
Shiver: What? Went Team Keyboard with you? That girl will just follow whatever you choose-
(Y/N): She went Team Drums.
Shiver: Y'know, I always liked her. She's got a smart head on her shoulders, that one.
Shiver instantly switched to praising Veronica instead of smack-talking.
(Y/N): Phew...
He said, realizing he had gotten himself out of the tricky situation.
Big Man walked up to (Y/N).
Big Man: Ay! Ay? (So, welcome to Team Keyboard! Want to give my keyboard a go?)
(Y/N): Uh, no thanks, Big Man.
Big Man: Ay? Ay. (You sure? It's no big deal, really.)
(Y/N): I'm sure, Big Man.
Big Man: Ayy. (I can get an old one if you're worried about breaking anything.)
(Y/N): Big Man. I don't want to play any instrument you three have here.
(Y/N) said sternly trying not to sound annoyed, but Big Man felt a bit down at it though, catching Shiver's eye.
Shiver went up to Big Man.
Shiver: It's okay, Big Man. I'm sure I can persuade him to give it a try later.
She said confidently while patting him on his back.
Big Man smiled at Shiver at her offering to do such.
Shiver: Hey, (Y/N), check this out.
She said turning her head around to him as she walked over to a drum kit she had set up on the side earlier.
(Y/N): Was that there the entire time?
Shiver: Just watch.
Shiver sat down at the drums and grabbed the two drumsticks.
She breathed in for a moment, collecting herself before she started whaling on the drums. She clearly had no rhyme or reason with any of the strikes but was simply hitting them all and trying to make as much noise as possible.
Frye was pumped up listening to it while Big Man and (Y/N) just looked on in a confused manner.
After a minute, Shiver seemed to be slowing down as she was now winded. Eventually, she ended it off with one big blast left.
Shiver was panting as she dropped the drumsticks.
Shiver: Well...? How's... How's that?
(Y/N): It certainly was loud and hectic.
Shiver: Perfect. That was... exactly what I was going for... Believe it or not, I still... still don't know how to play them yet.
She said with a laugh at the obviousness of it.
Frye: Nah, Shiver, that was perfect as is! It's all about the energy and the volume above all else! The feeling is the important part.
Big Man: Ay. (Yes, but knowing notes and a song helps too.)
Big Man said in a logical tone.
Eva: That might be the second loudest thing I heard today.
(Y/N): Was the first a loud boom?
Eva: You guys heard it too?! It went off not long before I got here!
Shiver shook her while Frye looked proud.
(Y/N) pointed over his shoulder at the wall of broken speakers.
Eva: Have those been there the whole time?
Shiver: Is Frye's loud noise what made you come here?
Eva: Oh, nah, I was bored and wanted to see if you three were up to something maybe.
(Y/N): Hiro, Anemone, and them all busy today?
Eva: Meh. Hiro's working his cringe nine-to-five, meanwhile I'm here learning guitar. Who's the real winner?
(Y/N): Which one of you two has more money?
Eva: I'm in a decent financial situation...
(Y/N): Mhm. And do you wear that shirt because you don't have any others or is it for style?
Eva looked down at her shirt.
Eva: What's wrong with my shirt..?
Shiver: It looks like it's ready to blow away in the wind.
Frye: There are holes throughout it.
Big Man: Ay. Ay. (I didn't know it was a shirt. I thought it was just some piece of cloth.)
Eva pouted angrily.
Eva: I thought it looked pretty rad...
Shiver: Well, if we're all just trying out these instruments today, no sense in being the only one left out, is there, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): I'm fine with just listening to you all. I can give you some pointers if you want.
Shiver glared at him and pulled out her fan annoyedly at his response.
Big Man: Ay? (Oh, do you know how to play all three?)
(Y/N): I've got a fair understanding of each of them, yes. Bit rusty though, but I should be able to help.
Frye: Ooh, then come over here and teach me your fingering skills!
She said while holding up the guitar.
Shiver cut off anyone who was about to speak up
Shiver: Scratch that. I've actually got some a little bit of errands I need to run today. (Y/N)? Wanna come with me?
(Y/N) looked worried, while Eva looked at him confusedly.
(Y/N): What kind of errands..?
Shiver: Same ole same ol.
She said with a trickster's smile.
(Y/N): H-Hey, Eva do you want to come too?
Eva: Do I have to? I'm actually really down for learning some guitar lessons.
(Y/N) turned toward Big Man's direction.
(Y/N): Big Ma-?
Big Man was already halfway out of the room.
Big Man: Ayy! (Oops, can't, gotta help these two with guitar lessons, good luck!)
(Y/N) turned back to Shiver and she was in front of his face, smiling, fan away from herself.
Shiver: Let's just get going already.
She said as she started dragging him along with him resigning himself to his fate.
(Y/N) looked around at all of the people who were walking around the Hagglefish Market.
(Y/N): What did we come here for?
Shiver: It's a market. Take a guess, genius.
She said sarcastically.
(Y/N): I mean what specifically are we buying here?
Shiver: Only important stuff that I need.
(Y/N): Would it hurt you to just ever give me a non-sarcastic answer to any questions I ask you?
Shiver: Yes, because you're so cute when you're frustrated.
She said in a mocking tone.
(Y/N) rolled his eyes.
Shiver: Now, get over here and help me. I'm gonna need you to carry the stuff I'm getting.
She walked up to a stall.
Shiver: Watch this, I'm going to get a great deal on all of this stuff.
(Y/N) was curious at how good her bargaining skills were so he watched as she haggled the seller, making absurd demands that no reasonable person would make.
(Y/N) figured she was just lowballing the seller, hoping that they'd reduce the price a bit more, but, instead, she was deadset on the ridiculous prices she was naming.
(Y/N) was questioning her whole strategy as they then proceeded to sit there for a while longer with this back and forth with the seller getting more and more annoyed until finally the seller snapped and just let her have them for the prices she was asking for just to get her to leave.
Shiver confidently smiled back at (Y/N).
Shiver: What did I tell you? Master negotiator. Go on, praise me.
(Y/N): That wasn't negotiating, that was being a nuisance.
Shiver: Ooh, Mr. Fancy Words over here.
She rolled her eyes at how he couldn't see her masterful skills.
Shiver: Just help me carry this stuff.
(Y/N) looked at the multiple musical instruments she had just bought and then looked at her as she caught him staring at her while she was paying for them.
Shiver: What? Don't look at me like that. It's not gonna burn you to touch them.
(Y/N) shook his head as he proceeded to carry as much as he could before she got done paying and picked the rest up.
(Y/N) and Shiver walked out of the Hagglefish Market with all of the instruments and they proceeded to walk to their next destination.
(Y/N): So, where are we taking these? Back to the hideout?
Shiver: So many questions from you all the time. You gotta know everything, huh? Has anyone ever told you you talk too much?
(Y/N): Once or twice.
Shiver: Then maybe you should listen as well as you talk. Just follow me.
She said as she led the way for the two of them.
(Y/N) and Shiver approached the dingy building. Upon entering, Shiver took off her shoes, to which (Y/N) assumed to do the same for himself, causing him to notice all the tiny shoes all around.
Before he could question it, the loud noise of many kids running over and making noise as they swarmed the two.
(Y/N) was worried he'd knock the kids over while Shiver was just smiling and gently making a way through the children.
Suddenly, the adult in charge here came out.
Caretaker: Oh, Miss Hohojiro! Welcome.
The children's caretaker greeted Shiver before noticing (Y/N) worriedly getting swarmed by the kids.
Caretaker: Children, make way.
The kids listened and got out of the way and went back to the other room.
Caretaker: Sorry, I haven't met you before Mister...
Shiver: Mister Hohojiro.
Shiver answered with a mischievous tone before (Y/N) could answer.
The caretaker looked between Shiver and (Y/N) for a moment before blushing.
Caretaker: Oh my.
(Y/N): My name's just (Y/N), don't mind her.
The caretaker giggled before she turned back to Shiver.
Caretaker: Well, come in you two.
(Y/N) followed after Shiver and the Caretaker to see the room all the kids were playing in before they expectantly walked over to the three adults.
Caretaker: I'm guessing you brought all those instruments for the children to try out?
The caretaker said with a smile, causing all the children to look up excitedly.
Shiver: Sure did. They can keep them too if they're good.
The kids all had sparkling looks in their eyes and cheered.
The caretaker looked even happier at Shiver, not sure how to thank Shiver, but Shiver just waved it off.
Shiver: Now, unfortunately, I don't know much about instruments myself kids, so you'll have to learn from your teacher.
One of the kids spoke up.
Kid 1: But aren't you a super famous musician?
Shiver: Super duper famous, kid. But I'm just a singer and dancer, Big Man does all of our music. However...
Shiver made way as she pointed her fan toward (Y/N), worrying him what she was doing.
Shiver: I did bring this lug who can help teach you kids and me some of the basics.
Shiver turned to face (Y/N) with a smirk on her face.
Shiver: Isn't that right, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Uh...
The kids looked up at him expectantly, wanting to learn how to play their new instruments immediately.
(Y/N): Yeeaaaah?
The kids cheered.
(Y/N) looked to Shiver.
(Y/N): What did you just do to me?
Shiver: You'll do great, don't worry. Just show them the basics. I'm not making you their permanent daily teacher or anything. You wouldn't say no to the children, would you?
Shiver put on a fake sad face.
(Y/N): No...
Shiver: Great! I'm going to stick close to you though so I can make sure you're not messing up these kids' future as great musicians or anything like that.
(Y/N): You can just say you want to know some of the basics too.
(Y/N) and Shiver went around with the caretaker and helped each of the kids try and understand the basics of the instruments for a while.
Shiver: I don't know, (Y/N). These kids are pretty talented. Maybe you'll run out of things to teach them already.
(Y/N): Hardy har har. You're so funny.
Shiver: What can I say? You won't show me any of your great playing, so am I to know?
(Y/N) peered over at Shiver, but one of the kids cut him off.
Kid 1: You haven't played music for Shiver before?
Kid 2: Why not?
Kid 3: Who wouldn't play music for their girlfriend?
Shiver smirked at (Y/N).
(Y/N): Well, hold on-
Kid 4: You should play something right now!
Kid 2: Yeah! Play something!
Kids: Play! Play! Play! Play-
(Y/N) was nervous on how to go about these children pressuring him to do this. He was sure this was exactly what Shiver planned too, hoping to push him into playing the instrument in front of her and the rest of them.
The caretaker was trying to settle down the children, but it was Shiver who ended up getting the children to listen.
Shiver: Now hang on. You can't expect him to just play the music for you when you little twerps can't even do the same yet. So, how about this? If you kids make sure to listen to your teacher and do well in your lessons and learn to play your music well enough, then he and I will both perform together for you kids too. Hm?
The kids all seemingly agreed. Some were upset that they had to do so but realized it was fair, and others were excited by the prospect of getting a performance from Shiver herself.
(Y/N) looked over to Shiver, surprised at how she handled the situation.
Shiver checked her phone.
Shiver: And with that said, it's time for us to leave. Remember what I said though.
The kids were upset that they were leaving but didn't put up much of a fuss, still happy that they now had all these new instruments to play with.
Shiver and (Y/N) said goodbye to the caretaker and kids and left after getting their shoes back on.
After a few minutes, (Y/N) finally spoke up to Shiver.
(Y/N): Didn't expect you to do that back there.
Shiver: What? Care about those kids? You already knew tha-
(Y/N): No, I mean... I thought you were doing all that specifically to force me into playing some music in front of all of those kids and you.
Shiver stopped and turned to face (Y/N) with a smile.
Shiver: Don't get it twisted, I did know I could do that, and part of me did want to in order to see you squirm, but I also didn't want to force you to do that.
She said casually.
Shiver: I would actually like to hear your musical skills, but I want you to choose to share that with me when you do.
She said in an actually caring manner, catching (Y/N) off guard.
Shiver: And I promise when you do, I'm not going to judge you from the perspective of a super famous musician who is used to someone on Big Man's level.
(Y/N): I didn't think about that part before...
He gulped in a nervous way.
Shiver: The point is, I want you to be open with me.
She said as she put her arms around his neck, causing him to get nervous at how close she was to his face.
Shiver: Oh? Why so nervous? I already told you before how I felt about you and what I want out of you, didn't I~? Frye got almost a whole year up on me, so it's fair for me to make up for lost time, isn't it~?
She said seductively to mess with him before she backed off, letting him cool down from her cool attitude.
Shiver: So, promise me then?
(Y/N): Huh?
Shiver rolled her eyes but still had a smile on her face.
Shiver: Is it that easy for me to turn your brain off? I guess I am quite a bombshell.
She giggled.
Shiver: Promise me that you'll show me what I was missing out on, huh? And in exchange-
She got close, making him nervous again as she was close in front of his face.
She smiled at the reactions he was making to her before she quickly backed up a bit.
Shiver: I'll let you have this.
She said while taking out an instrument.
(Y/N): Huh?
Shiver: I got one extra for you. Consider it a gift from me to you. That way you do have some instrument you can practice on and hopefully use to show me all those rusty music skills, hm?
She said while holding it out for him.
Shiver: I wasn't sure what instrument you might prefer, so I took a guess (and used a bit of my personal preference) and got you this one. I'm not sure why you don't want to play any instruments despite knowing how to, but how about you give this one a try on your own sometime?
(Y/N) was speechless, not sure what to say to all of this, however, his arms didn't hesitate to grab the instrument that Shiver had gifted to him, accepting the gift readily.
Shiver didn't wait for him to speak a response, seemingly being happy with just that.
Shiver: Now come on. You get to teach me drums now when we get back.
She said as she proudly proclaimed such without waiting for him to agree before she walked off ahead of him.
He merely smiled and quickly jogged after her to catch up to her as the two made their way back, happily chatting on the way there about many things. Whether Frye had broken something while they were gone, or if Big Man got in trouble, or just if anything had been going on with each other lately, enjoying the journey back home.
The night loomed overhead as (Y/N) felt the cool breeze blow over him.
He was sitting down, enjoying the atmosphere before finally looking at the instrument Shiver had gifted him.
He smiled as he stared at it, enjoying the fresh start it represented for him to enjoy music again thanks to Shiver's ability to read him like a book. Something he hated but enjoyed at the same time. She surely uses that skill to mess with him plenty, but she also knows when he could use a push.
(Y/N) began to play the music, starting off slowly. It was nothing special what he played, merely just some old musical piece he enjoyed when he was a kid and the memories it brought back to when he first heard it.
The cold wind of the night seemed to play alongside him even as he went on, joining in as a symphony with him.
As he played the music, he almost couldn't believe why he ever gave up something that made him so happy as he just let the music wash over him.
However, he was cut off as he played a note incorrectly. He tried a couple more times, starting the line over but he couldn't remember how the song went.
(Y/N) sighed.
(Y/N): Ugh. I guess years of not practicing will do that...
Pearl: It was nice up to that point though.
Pearl commented as she stood up from the chair she was sitting at.
Pearl: How come you never wanted to play any of the music yourself when we were kids? Only handle the equipment.
(Y/N) chuckled.
(Y/N): Because you wouldn't have wanted me to cramp your style or take any attention away from you on a stage.
Pearl opened her mouth to say something but then she thought about it for a moment, not sure if he was right or wrong.
(Y/N): Besides, I never really wanted to be some big famous musician myself back then. I just wanted to try and get to know the music world to try and get back what I lost. But... I did enjoy getting good at something I put a lot of work into.
Pearl: That sounds hard though.
(Y/N): Maybe, but you were a genius, so of course you would think that. Buuuut, yeah can't say not having to spend all that time learning that stuff wouldn't have been welcome if I had that kind of talent.
Pearl: So, what about now then?
(Y/N): Hm?
Pearl sat down next to him, partially so that she wasn't so cold standing out here.
Pearl: Do you want to try and do something big with music now? I know Liz did as much with her DJ stuff. And you're already super fresh. What's stopping you?
(Y/N) smiled at her praising him.
(Y/N): Maybe... but I'm not sure if that's the kind of life for me. For now... I just enjoy playing with you again.
He said as he looked over at her, causing her to blush.
(Y/N): You're blushing~.
Pearl: N-No I'm not. It's just cold out here, yo...
She said trying to hide her face and make excuses before she stood up.
Pearl: Let's just go inside already where it's warmer.
She said while making her way to the door while he watched after her as she tried so hard to hide her embarrassment.
She turned around in the doorway, still blushing a bit.
Pearl: Well? You comin' in or what?
(Y/N) smiled as he stood up and walked over to her to go back inside.
(Y/N): Yeah, I'm right behind you, Pearl.
4488 Words
August 8, 2024 - 4:11 A.M.
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