S3C Chapter 4: Chaos Incarnate

I'm just sitting here with nothing to do. I tried drawing, but it was awful, so instead I'm going to write a chapter since it's been a few days! I might not like the quality of my writing much better than my drawings, but it helps me relax.


(Y/N) was trying out his new Splattershot Jr. in a Turf War match, doing great even. He was so happy to finally be able to do Turf Wars in Splatsville. He's even been on a 30-match win streak and-

Frye: YOU!

He suddenly woke up from his dream, flailing for a moment as he fell off the couch he slept on.

(Y/N): Huh? What? Where am I?

Frye: You're still at the hideout. Until I splat you into the afterlife!

(Y/N): WHAT DID I DO THIS TI- I mean, WHAT FOR? Sorry, force of habit.

Frye: You went into my room yesterday even though I told you not to, didn't you?

(Y/N): What? No I didn't!

Frye: Then how come my door wasn't fully closed when I came back yesterday?

(Y/N):  . . .

Frye: Well?

(Y/N): Hang on, I'm thinking of an excuse. I'm a little out of practice.


She said as she started shaking him around.

(Y/N): Not-! Technically-!

He managed to get out as she was still shaking him.

Big Man: Ay? (Can you two please keep it down?)

The two heard Big Man ask from the room over, causing Frye to stop shaking him.

Frye: Oh right, Big Man's working on some beats right now.

Frye reminded herself

Frye: Sorry, Big Man!

Big Man: Ay! (It's fine!)

(Y/N) was crawling away for a moment before he realized she was now focused on him.

(Y/N): Okay, look. I did try and go into your room yesterday, but I didn't actually. You three came back before I could even see inside of it.

Frye: So it was just perfect timing to stop you from doing the thing I told you not to?

(Y/N): Yeah, exactly.

He said with a smile.

Frye: Yeaaah- I'm not buying it.

(Y/N): Look, why are you even asking that now? That was last night.

Frye: You were already asleep. I was letting you have one last peaceful night on this planet.

(Y/N): Just for allegedly looking in your room?!

Frye's whole demeanor changed.

Frye: Nah, I'm just messin' with ya. Shiver's at her home today and Big Man is busy working on some sick new beats. So I decided to see what you were up to.

(Y/N) laid his head back on the ground.

Frye: You were seriously rolling with the punches there though, huh?

(Y/N): This sort of thing happens to me a lot. I just accept it at this point.

Frye stopped squatting on the floor and stood up to give him a hand to help him.

Frye: So, any plans today?

(Y/N): I mean, I was looking forward to finally being able to actually see Splatsville and hopefully do some Turf War.

Frye: Ooh, ooh! Let me give you a tour of the place! No one knows the Splatlands better than us.

(Y/N): That... actually sounds really helpful. Thanks.

Frye: No problem, now let's get to explorin'!

She says as she starts doing a march for (Y/N) to follow after her.


(Y/N): Do you really have to keep doing the march-

Frye: Bahbahbahbahbah! We're here! I present to you, the freshest place around!

She motioned for him past her, to which he obliged.

(Y/N): They really like the compact design, huh?

Frye: Yeah, but it means you don't have to walk far to find something else new and cool.

Frye then took her place back in front of him, showing him around. When doing so, she was getting a lot of waves and nods from people, and she would return them all back in kind.

(Y/N): Look at you, Miss Popular.

He teased her to which she gave a little laugh.

Frye: Yeah, you know it. I'm the coolest around here, so you best appreciate the top-of-the-line tour you'll be getting.

She bantered back to him while walking backward before flipping back around.

Frye: First things first, these three shops right here are gonna be your gear shops. That next door is going to be your Ammo Knights store for getting a kick-butt weapon. Obviously, you can't use any of these yet though.

(Y/N): What? Why not?

Frye: You ain't fresh enough yet, kid.

(Y/N): What? I'm plenty fresh! You should've seen me at my old hunting ground!

Frye: Yeah, yeah, I'm sure you were plenty "great" but no one 'round here gonna know how fresh you used to be. You're gonna need to freshen up here first.

She said while giving him a couple of back-to-back playful jabs while (Y/N) grumbled to himself about his reset reputation.

Frye: Almost forgot, this over here is the general store and- oh, look, that's Barry-C now. He's the manager.

Frye: What's poppin', Barry-C?

Barry-C: Oh, nothing much. I'm just about to head out for a while.

Frye: Dang, do you ever stay put long enough to actually run your store?

Barry-C: I always leave it in good hands. That a friend of yours?

Frye: Yeah, this is (Y/N), he's new 'round here so I'm showing him around.

Barry-C: That's wassup. Well, if you need anything, Harmony's inside, and she'll take care of anything you need. Anyway, I've got to get going already, bye.

Frye: See ya!

(Y/N) gave him a wave before going back to talking with Frye.

(Y/N): So, who is Harmony? His daughter or something?

Frye: Nah, she's just a frequent customer. Actually, she plays in a popular band.

(Y/N): Oh yeah?

Frye: For sure, have you ever heard of the Chirpy Chips?

(Y/N): Yes, actually. I heard about them from a friend who was a big fan. And she just accepted to run the shop for Barry-C?

Frye: She's really laid back, you'll see.

The two walk into the store.

Frye: Yo yo yo, what it is, Harmony?

Harmony: Oh, hey.

Frye: Barry told me you're in charge for a while, huh?

Harmony: Sure am.

Frye: I'm just showing my friend here around the place, he's new, but I might stop by later to pick up a few things.

Harmony: Sounds cool.

Frye: Okay, let's go.

(Y/N) gives Harmony a wave then follows Frye out of the store before speaking up.

(Y/N): I see what you meant by "laid back". She's not much of a talker, is she?

Frye: Nah, but she's cool.

Frye then stopped and let them both take a big look at the lobby building.

Frye: There she is. So, do you think you can keep up with me or are you too rusty?

She smirked at him.

(Y/N): Oh puh-lease. I can ink circles around you.

Frye: Then I hope you aren't all talk!

She ran for the lobby, to which (Y/N) then ran after her. When doing so, he did notice the empty news studio right next to the lobby.

(Y/N): [I guess they've got their own pair of idols here too. I'll have to ask Frye about them later.]

The two then stood in the waiting area of the lobby building.

Frye: So, you got everything?

(Y/N): I've got my gear, my Splattershot Jr., yeah, I'd say I've got everything.

Frye: Awesome! Let me grab a snack before we go in.

(Y/N): Huh?

He then noticed the food stand right inside the building with a fish lady running it. He followed after Frye, her giving him a light, playful shove to make sure he didn't cut in front of her.

(Y/N): Are you really going to grab something to eat right before we do some Turf War? 

He asked as she handed over her food ticket and took her snack.

Frye: Something wrong with it?

(Y/N): No, just... you'll be okay going into a match after just eating?

Frye: After? I'll be eating it during the match still.

He just gave her such a confused face.

(Y/N): How-... Why-... Okay.

She got out her Splatanna in one hand while still holding her food in the other. The two then squad-ed up for a match.

~After the match~

The two exited the lobby while Frye was finishing licking the crumbs off her fingers.

Frye: Okay, not bad. Maybe you will be able to do well enough in Turf Wars.

(Y/N): Maybe? The scoreboard put me above you.

He said with a cocky grin.

Frye: That was a fluke! One of the people on the other team nearly shot my snack so I got a bit distracted while nearly dropping it.

(Y/N): Mhm, sure. You're not going to have that snack as an excuse after this match.

Frye: Keep yapping! Now you're gonna get it!

She smirked while shoving him back into the lobby.


Frye and (Y/N) were walking back into Deep Cut's hideout while laughing.

Frye: You sure you weren't trying to sandbag me?

(Y/N): I thought you said you weren't going to make any more excuses.

Frye: Oh shut up!

She said playfully.

Frye: Fine, I admit. You're pretty good at Turf War. Not great, but good.

(Y/N): I'll take it!

Shiver was on the couch.

Shiver: Where were you two?

Frye: Oh, you're back!

Frye ran over and jumped over the couch to land on it beside Shiver.

Frye: We hung out in the city today. We also did plenty of Turf War.

Shiver: Now that part I like to hear.

She turned to look back over at (Y/N) again as he was still walking over.

Shiver: So how much coin you make?

(Y/N) sighed.

(Y/N): Yeah, I made a good amount...

Shiver: Good, don't go spending it all in one place.

(Y/N): Huh? You're not going to-

Shiver: I'll ask for it but here and there. You gotta spend money to make money. Think about it like a monthly bill or something like that.

(Y/N): Thanks. Couldn't have done it without the weapon you found for me. Uh, you as in you three.

Shiver: Sure, just don't expect much kindness from me if it doesn't benefit me.

Frye: Pff, sure.

Frye gave a snarky laugh before Shiver gave her a light smack with her fan before hiding her face that was blushing but she was trying not to show it.

Big Man walked into the room.

Big Man: Ay! (Hey! You're all back!)

Frye: Yo, Big Man, how was the recording sesh?

Big Man: Ay, ay? (Pretty well actually. Do you three want to take a listen to it?)

Shiver: Hit us with it!

Big Man: Aaay!

He proceeded to hit the play button on his recording.

1650 Words

December 23, 2023 - 5:00 A.M.

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