S3C Chapter 39: Home Turf
Shiver POV
Frye, Shiver, Big Man, and (Y/N) were walking the streets of the Splatlands after having finished a Turf War match.
Shiver was walking pompously at the front while Frye was walking on top of guard rails lining the road. Big Man was just calmly enjoying the smoothie he grabbed after the match.
(Y/N) trailed alongside them as they all talked to each other as they approached the train station that would take (Y/N) home to Inkopolis and the other three home to Splatsville.
Shiver: Do you really have to go home today? Why not stay the night in Splatsville?
Frye hopped down off of a nearby bench at the sound of the idea.
Frye: Ooh! That's a great idea! Why let this awesome night end here?
(Y/N): Sorry, but I do have to head home tonight.
Shiver: Oh come on. She's not going to be upset if you don't come home tonight.
(Y/N): I'm... pretty sure that would worry most people if that happened to someone they expected to come home.
Shiver: Fine, then just let her know first. Problem solved!
(Y/N): Thanks for the idea, but it's not a big deal. I'll stay the night some other day. Besides, I'll be in the Splatlands tomorrow anyway.
Frye: Can't go one day without missing us, huh? We understand.
(Y/N): Well, yeah, seeing you three is cool, but I'll actually be coming for Off the Hook's show.
Big Man suddenly spit out a bit of his drink at (Y/N) saying that.
Shiver: Off the Hook's... what?
Big Man was trying to shake his head and fins "no" behind Shiver and Frye to get (Y/N)'s attention, failing to do so.
(Y/N): Off the Hook's Splatlands show? They'll be in the Splatlands to give a performance. It's been announced for a little while now? They invited me since I missed most of their world tour. You really haven't heard about it?
Frye looking angry, but was trying to stop herself from blowing up. Shiver as well stood there with a glare as she retreated behind her fan.
Shiver: No. Frye and I definitely haven't.
She said while glaring back at Big Man for a moment, worrying him, before she looked back forward at (Y/N).
(Y/N): Well, shoot, my bad. If I have any free time after the show, I'll try and stop by and hang out with you three, but I was also planning on hanging out with them after the show for a while too.
Shiver held herself together while Frye was angrily typing on her phone in the background.
Shiver: That's fine. Well, we can't win 'em all, I guess. Then we'll see ya for tonight, and enjoy the show.
(Y/N) smiled, thinking that they were taking it surprisingly well, especially Frye with how she usually would get very angry at anything that involves Inkopolis overshadowing the Splatlands.
(Y/N): Thanks! Well, this is my train. I'll catch you three later.
He said while waving back at them as he boarded the train.
Shiver waved him off with her fan and a smile with her eyes closed for her happy face.
After a moment, the train sped away in the direction of Inkopolis, leaving the trio in the train station waiting for their train to Splatsville.
Shiver's eyes opened to tiny slits as the train left, turning her happy expression into the upset glare once again that she really felt.
Shiver: Frye?
She asked as she turned over to Frye who had been typing on her phone.
Frye: I just looked up the Off the Hook Splatlands show he was talking about. That's true. That's like a hundred percent, every-everything he said was true. They're gonna be here tomorrow.
Shiver and Frye just both stared off in awe that they could've missed this before Frye snapped herself out of it first.
Frye: Big Man!
Big Man: A-Ay?! (Y-Yes?!)
Frye: Did you know about this?!
Big Man: A-Ay! Ay... ay, ay- (N-No! Well... yes actually, but-)
Frye: I knew it!
Shiver: Big Maaaan!
Big Man: Ay, ay. (I knew you two would get like this, so I thought it'd be better to not say anything.)
Shiver: Get like what?
Big Man: Ay... ay. (You know... angry.)
Frye said angrily.
Big Man: Ayy. Ay. (It wasn't like it was something I was hiding from you two. You just didn't pay attention to local Splatlands news.)
Shiver: Big Man... are you trying to tell us this is our fault?
Big Man: A-Ay. (N-No.)
Shiver: That's good, Big Man. Because otherwise, you'd be in trouble.
Big Man looked worried after hearing that.
The three's train had arrived.
Shiver: Let's just get on the train and go home for now.
Frye: Wha- But-!
Shiver: We'll discuss this later.
Big Man breathed a sigh of relief as the three boarded the train.
The three were walking the streets of Splatsville, with Big Man in the front of the group, happily drinking a second smoothie.
Frye was staring at Shiver, not saying anything, which eventually caused Shiver to stop and turn to her.
Shiver: What? What is it, Frye?
Frye: What do you mean "What is it"? We've gotta do something about this, don't we?
Shiver: What would you have me do, Frye?
Frye: I don't know.
She mumbled out.
Frye: Think of an idea?
Shiver: Why don't you do it?
Frye: You're the leader! I'm the muscle. That's not my department.
Shiver sighed.
Shiver: Frye, you can't just say "Shiver, make an idea" and expect me to come up with something. At least give me something to work with.
Frye: What about... Ooh! How did that movie we watched the other day end?
Shiver: A rap battle?
Frye: A rap battle!
Shiver sighed once again.
Shiver: Frye, that's...
She started to think about it.
Shiver: Not terrible...
Frye: Really?!
Frye said with a smile.
Shiver: Yeah, it is. I mean, it'd only be fair, wouldn't it? They barged into our show, so what's wrong with us doing the same thing?
Frye: Yeah! That's more like it, leader!
Shiver: But we're gonna need to prepare a bit more than this...
Frye: What's the plan?
Shiver: If we're gonna go on the offensive here this time, we've got time to prepare and look the part.
Frye: Ooh, so we look like gangstas?
Shiver smirked.
Shiver: Yes, Frye.
Frye: Heck yeah! Show 'em who the real OG's of the Splatlands are!
Shiver: There should be a store around here, follow me.
Frye: What about Big Man?
Shiver: What about him?
The two looked in the direction Big Man was last seen in front of them to see no one there.
Shiver: He zoned out and kept walking back. He'll be fine. Come on!
Shiver grabbed Frye's shoulders and pushed her along to the nearby clothing store in the area.
Frye: Do we have to buy new clothes for this? We probably got some back at the hideout we can throw on.
Shiver: Rule number one, Frye, never miss an opportunity to go buy a new outfit.
Shiver said while happily pushing Frye and herself into the store, upsetting the store clerk for a moment at how late they were getting customers.
The door to their hideout kicked open thanks to the polite efforts of Frye's foot kicking it open.
Frye and Shiver strode in with proud looks on their faces.
Shiver: This is nice and all, Frye, but it feels like we need something more-
Shiver and Frye stopped to stare at Big Man in the main room of the hide out standing there with a giant hair stylist chair and tools.
The three silently stared at each other.
Shiver: Uh... Whatcha got there, Big Man..?
Big Man: Ay. (A smoothie.)
He said while waving his third smoothie he bought on the way home.
Frye: I think she means why you've got all that stuff in here turning this place into a salon.
Big Man: Ayy. Ay. (Oh, someone was selling this stuff on my way home. They were very persuasive.)
Shiver: You couldn't tell them no?
Big Man: Ay... (Yeah...)
Frye's eyes then lit up.
Frye: Shiver! This is perfect actually!
Shiver: Hm?
Frye: I've always wanted to try styling my hair this one way!
She turned to Big Man.
Frye: Big Man, how are your stylist skills?!
Big Man: Ay... Ay? (Uh... I think there's a booklet in here with this stuff somewhere?)
Frye: Perfect! Time for you to learn fast!
Big Man got nervous.
Big Man: A-Ay? (A-Are you serious?)
Shiver: Think about it like this. You clearly got pressured into buying something you were never gonna use. Now we at least made it so it'll get some use. Really you should be thanking us.
Big Man: Ay... Ay. (I guess... Alright, let's get stylin'!)
Frye: That's the spirit, Big Man!
She said as she hopped into the chair as she started looking up the hairstyle she wanted while Big Man carefully was reading the book on how to do this. Shiver merely waited for her turn to get her hair done and help Frye with her hair.
(Y/N) and Veronica showed up to Pearl's mansion in the morning, passing the bus they would be taking to the Splatlands where Off the Hook's show would be taking place.
Upon entering Pearl's mansion, (Y/N) and Veronica noted the special outfits Pearl and Marina were wearing.
Pearl: Yo, how do we look?
Veronica: I always like when Pearl wears big hoodies.
(Y/N), respectfully, admired the two.
(Y/N): Looks nice. Hopefully nothing in these outfits make me feint from seeing the price tag though this time.
Pearl: Price is nothing.
(Y/N): It's also nice to see Marina without a pair of headphones like she usually rocks.
Marina blushed.
Veronica: Yeah, I like seeing Marina's funny ears!
Marina smiled at Veronica's comment, but looked a bit worried too.
Marina: D-Do they really look that weird?
(Y/N): No, they look cute. Not sure how you can be so nervous over just your ears when I almost never see you in a full-sized shirt outside of winter.
Marina: I-I just like my style of clothes...
Pearl: Yo, Marina looks awesome, don't you disrespect!
(Y/N): No no, that's not what I meant, it looks fine I was just-
Pearl laughed.
Pearl: I know, I'm just messin' with ya.
She said as she gave him a thumbsup which let (Y/N) calm down again.
Pearl: So, should we head outta here already or what?
Marina: I'm all set.
Veronica: I triple checked to make sure I had everything. I'm so excited!
Marina: Eight, you went on a whole world tour with us just recently. You're still not tired of our shows?
Veronica: Never! I am always ready for more Off the Hook.
Marina smiled warmly at Veronica's words.
(Y/N): Now there's an idea I can get behind. For me it has been a while, so the sooner the better!
Pearl: Noice! (Y/N), come with me, there's also something I wanted to show you.
She said while smacking him on the back and leading him after her.
Marina watched after the two leaving toward the bus.
Marina: Hey, Eight?
Marina called to Veronica who was trying to happily walk after the other two.
Veronica: Yes, Marina?
Marina: Do those two seem... closer to you?
Veronica: They had that whole happy reunion where they learned they were basically childhood friends. Why wouldn't they be closer?
Marina: No, I get that, it's just... does anything seem off to you in a weird way?
Veronica stared at Marina for a moment, blankly thinking before shrugging.
Veronica: I don't think so. Why?
Marina: Nothing, it's just a weird gut feeling. Pearl also wouldn't really tell me about what happened at the end of it all. She just mumbled a bit and didn't explain it before shifting topics.
Veronica: Maybe she's just embarrassed because she did something funny?
Veronica said while looking up at Marina, smiling and hoping to help answer Marina's questions.
Marina: Maybe... Eh, whatever. It was just a weird feeling I was getting. I'm sure it's nothing.
They suddenly heard a loud honk causing the two Octolings to look over to the source of the honking and seeing Pearl at the driver's seat of the bus honking its horn.
Pearl stuck her head out the window.
Marina and Veronica both giggled.
Marina ushered Veronica to come along after her as they went to the bus.
After the four arrived at the show, they hung out backstage as they waited for the time for the show to start, and when the time came, (Y/N) decided to enjoy it down in the crowd rather than from backstage, to which Veronica happily joined in with him.
(Y/N) always so often has the ability to go backstage for these shows, he forgot that the performance is made to be directed out toward the audience where you can see the whole thing, making it more enjoyable.
Eventually, Pearl spotted where the two were out in the crowd and shot a wink at him during the performance.
At some point while (Y/N) and Veronica were waving around their glowsticks, someone bumped into (Y/N) causing him to turn and he and the person locked eyes for a moment.
(Y/N): Eva? What are you doing here?
Eva: Wha- I, uh, I'm not!
(Y/N): You're right here-
Eva: I mean- I just had nothing better to do, and I just so happened to hear about this show. Not like I'm into this sort of stuff or anything like that.
(Y/N): You know this show has been sold out for a couple weeks already, right?
Eva: . . .
She couldn't think of a response fast enough.
(Y/N): You also know that we already know you're a fan of Off the Hook, right?
She looked a bit embarrassed as she facepalmed herself.
(Y/N): You want me to bring you backstage after the show is over?
Eva: REALLY- I mean, uh, yeah, that sounds cool, sure I guess.
(Y/N) laughed at how Eva was failing to try and keep her cool, forgetting she also was currently wearing an Off the Hook shirt from the gift shop and had three glowsticks in-between her fingers of each hand that she was waving around a moment ago.
He turned back to Veronica who noticed the new third person who was joining in with them, which she happily greeted for a moment underneath the sound of the cheering crowd before the three all started enjoying the show together.
(Y/N) noticed at some point even that Veronica was singing along to the music at some point, shaking his head with a chuckle before he noticed Eva was also on his left side doing the same thing before she noticed he spotted her doing it. He laughed before he started singing along with Veronica, encouraging Eva to start doing it again as well.
After some time, (Y/N) noticed two people moving through the crowd. What confused him was that he thought he recognized the two and decided to call out to them to see if it was.
And when he did call out their names, the two turned to him, proving him right before the two came over toward them.
Shiver and Frye walked up to the three. Shiver was wearing some tube top and a fluffy, blue short coat. She even had her hair flattened out more and had her second eye exposed. Frye had her hair up in five hoops along with wearing what looked like a tank top that left her midriff exposed, along with a pair of shiny, reflective, silver pants.
(Y/N): Whoa, you two look fresh!
Veronica: How did you do your hair like that?
Veronica asked in awe while going to touch Frye's hair before Frye smacked her hand away causing Veronica to jump back.
Shiver: And you three look-
Shiver looked the three over and then stopped her eyes on Eva who was embarrassedly trying to cover up how she looked like a walking Off the Hook merch stand.
Shiver: Mm.
Frye: What're you three doing down here?
Veronica: (Y/N) wanted to watch the performance from down here, and I joined him!
(Y/N): We bumped into Eva down here randomly.
He said, exposing Eva.
Frye: So, how do you like these new looks~?
Frye said while waving her eyebrows up and down at him flirtaciously.
(Y/N): It's definitely a good look for you two. Mixing things up. You two look like the kind of people parents would warn their kids not to go near or end up like.
Frye: Perfect!
(Y/N): But where's Big Man? You didn't bring him here with you?
Shiver: Oh, we did bring him.
(Y/N): Then where is he?
Frye: He's where he needs to be. Honestly, I'm still surprised security didn't grab him when we snuck in.
(Y/N) was confused over their statement, and decided to question the second bit first.
(Y/N): You three didn't pay for tickets? Well, it has been sold out, so not too surprising, I guess. So, what brought you three to sneak in here anyway? You two wanted to see the show that badly?
Frye, who was latching herself around (Y/N) until now with Shiver on the other side of him, broke off from him and realized they had gotten distracted.
Frye: Oh, right! The plan!
(Y/N) was even more confused now as Shiver also then let go of him and stood in front of the three.
Frye: We'll talk to you after the show!
Shiver: If we don't get caught by security!
(Y/N), Eva, and Veronica: Huh?
The two then continued their push through the crowd, heading toward the stage, confusing the three as (Y/N) and Eva seemed to finally realize what they were doing, just not sure if they really were going to do something like that.
(Y/N): You don't think they're going to do what I think they're going to do, right?
The two quickly got around the security, much to the guards protests before the two hopped on the stage, surprising Pearl, Marina, and the whole crowd.
Eva: They are that dumb.
Pearl and Marina looked at each other for a moment then back to the two.
Pearl: Yo, what's going on here?
Marina: Shiver, Frye, what are you doing here?
Shiver: We're not Shiver and Frye, we're-
Frye: -Fire!
Shiver: And Ice!
Fire & Ice: And we're here to call you two out!
Pearl waved away the security guards who were trying to stop this.
Pearl: Call us out? Whaddya thinkin'?
Fire: Oh, you know exactly what I'm thinkin', shortie!
Ice: Hit it!
Suddenly, music started up upon Ice's command. (Y/N) now beginning to understand where Big Man was now.
Pearl: Oh okay, I see ya, Fire & Ice. You two came to play. Props to you. But you're goin' down now!
Pearl said with a big smile.
Marina was still confused about what was happening, but with the music and it all starting.
Marina: Ooh! Are we freestyling? I love freestyling!
She said happily as she hyped herself up.
(Y/N) and Eva looked on in shock that Shiver, Frye, and Big Man really did plan this whole hijacking of the show.
Veronica looked on in awe at the whole spectacle before cheering, which the crowd started to do as well.
~one "Suffer No Fools" callout later~
After the show, (Y/N), Veronica, and Eva went backstage to hang out with Pearl, Marina, Shiver, and Frye.
Pearl and Frye were laughing it up and talking with each other. Marina was happy at how fun the show was, while Shiver looked disappointed that none of her witty remarks toward Marina in the song were making any sense and being understood by her.
Veronica sat with Marina and gushed to her about how awesome and unexpected this show turned out, which Marina happily talked about it with afterward as well.
Shiver decided turn her mood around by seeing the empty seat that was (Y/N)'s lap, and moved over to sit on it as she looked at Marina with a mischievous smile as a form of revenge for the performance, which did seem to cross Marina a bit actually, which made Shiver smile more as she turned away and latch herself around him and talk to him and Eva about other things.
Shiver: You know, this is great and all, but I feel like I forgot something.
Frye: If you forgot, then it wasn't important.
Shiver smiled and brushed it off.
Shiver: Yeah, you're right.
Big Man POV
Big Man: Ayy! Ay! (I didn't mean to do anything wrong! They told me they asked and I was allowed to!)
Security Guard: Heard that one before.
Big Man: Ay! (Please, I'll never last in prison!)
Security Guard: Relax, buddy, you're not going to prison.
Big Man's tears slowed down for a moment.
Big Man: Ay? (You're not?)
Security Guard: We're just gonna call your parents to come pick you up.
Big Man's eyes went wide.
Big Man: Ay! Ay! Ay! (No, not Big Dad! I'm innocent! I was framed!)
3285 Words
July 30, 2024 - 6:02 P.M.
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