S3C Chapter 38: Affirmation
How about that Splatoon 3 Final Fest announcement, huh? I've got to say, this is definitely the hardest choice of any of the Final Fests for me so far. That said, I'm pretty sure I've already decided on Team Future. But that announcement was still so exciting looking with how it looks like they actually put a lot of effort into this part of Splatoon 3. AND THOSE FOUR NEW AMIIBOS? I'm so excited, while my wallet proceeds to cry even harder.
I know the Final Fest symbolizes the real end of the game (even if they do some Splatfest re-runs after it) but I can't help but be excited for the Final Fest itself rather than what comes after. So many questions going unanswered for now, but that uncertainty is what's so exciting. Okay, enough of me rambling about this stuff and onto the new chapter.
Veronica POV
(Y/N) and Veronica were walking back home on their own, Veronica refusing to let go of (Y/N)'s hand.
(Y/N): Not that it bothers me, but is it really necessary for you to hold my hand the entire way back home?
Veronica: Liz told me, "Make sure he gets home safely and doesn't get into any trouble," which is exactly what I plan on doing. Captain's orders.
She said while saluting using the hand that held his hand.
(Y/N) chuckled.
(Y/N): Can't argue with Captain's orders.
He was quickly cut off by Veronica holding him back as she stopped him just before the light stoplight turned red.
(Y/N): It was still yellow for a few seconds, we could've made it.
Veronica shook her head.
Veronica: No. Too risky.
(Y/N): You really take your protection duty seriously, huh?
Veronica nodded.
Veronica: Danger could be lurking around any corner.
She said as suddenly a loud noise appeared next to them causing Veronica to instinctively jump in front of (Y/N) protectively before the two saw the motorcycle stopped in front of them.
Veronica relaxed a bit as she and (Y/N) both recognized the figure as the woman on the motorcycle popped up the visor on her helmet.
Marina: Hey, I was just on my way to your house.
Veronica: The surprise is on the other tentacle now.
(Y/N): What were you on your way to our place for?
Marina: Well, I wanted to see how you two were doing. And, specifically, I was going to see if you were free.
She said "you" while pointing her finger over at (Y/N), causing Veronica to look at him and back to Marina again.
(Y/N): Me? What for?
Marina: Well... it's been a while since you and I have had some one-on-one time, so I wanted to make the first move.
She said while embarrassingly looking away a bit as Veronica thought she caught a slight glimpse of the ink rushing to her cheeks.
(Y/N): I'd love to, but...
He looked over to Veronica who turned to face him.
(Y/N): I'd have to get permission from this one here.
He said with a smile as he raised the hand up that she held onto his hand.
Veronica pouted a bit.
Veronica: But Liz told me to make sure you get home... safely. And motorcycles can be dangerous...
Marina: Motorcycles can be dangerous, but that's why I'm very careful with it. You trust me with a motorcycle, don't you, Eight?
Veronica gave a shifty expression as she didn't say anything.
Marina smiled as she reached behind her in her bag and pulled out a second helmet.
Marina: I brought a second helmet just for him so he'd be safe on it.
She said while lightly shaking the helmet back and forth to tempt her with the idea.
Veronica: O- kay...
Marina: Thanks, Eight!
Marina said as she hugged Veronica and handed the helmet to (Y/N).
(Y/N) took the helmet and Veronica hesitated for a moment to let go of his hand before she reluctantly did so, allowing him to put the helmet on himself and putting his leg over the other side of the bike to sit on the back.
Veronica: Make sure he gets home safely though.
She said in a slightly concerned tone.
Marina smiled.
Marina: Of course!
She said as she flipped her visor down on her helmet.
She turned back to (Y/N).
Marina: Ready?
(Y/N): Let's ride.
She turned back forward as she drove off on her bike with (Y/N) hanging onto her, leaving Veronica behind without them.
Veronica pouted a bit more as she continued on to her home a little farther away.
Upon getting to her home, she sadly opened the door and walked into her house to be greeted by the sudden speaking of the person who approached her.
Marie: Veronica?! Where's (Y/N)? Why do you look so sad? Is he okay?
Callie: Marie, take a chill pill.
Marie looked over at Callie before looking back at the Octoling girl she was shaking and let go of her, leaving her a bit wobbly.
Marie: S-Sorry.
Veronica: What's going on?
Marie: We got here and you two weren't here, and I got so worried, and-
Callie: Marie's overreacting and worried about (Y/N) not being here.
Marie: Callie!
Callie: Well you are! Marie, you don't see him one day and you're instantly freaking out.
Marie: I'm not freaking out, I just- Where is he?
She cut herself off, turning back to Veronica.
Veronica: We were helping Liz out and she told me to make sure he got home safely, but Marina picked him up on the way home...
Callie: See, Marie?
Marie: O-Oh. Okay, yeah, that's fine. Hehe.
Callie had an eyebrow raised as she stared at Marie, not certain of Marie's calm attitude she was now giving off.
Callie: Yeah, I'm not buying it. Marie, what's up with you?
Veronica was also confused after the whole scene that happened in front of her upon entering her home. Veronica was also curious now what was going on.
Marie: I'm fine. Nothing's wrong with me, it's just-
She was quiet for a moment, mulling over an idea in her head.
Marie: The other day when (Y/N) and Pearl were having that whole issue, he refused to tell any of us about it. Why would he do that? What if it was so bad that he left again? What if-
Marie rubbed the bridge of her nose and sighed.
Marie: I don't know...
Callie just shook her head before patting Marie on the back.
Callie then turned to Veronica.
Callie: You got any tea or something like that?
Veronica: I think so, let me go check.
Callie: Thanks. You don't mind if we hang out with you today, do you?
Veronica: That's fine with me.
She said with a tiny smile.
Marie: Thanks.
Veronica nodded before walking off to look for what they asked for.
(Y/N) tried to look around at the areas around them as they drove by, trying to guess where she might be taking him, but he didn't really recognize the area.
(Y/N): So, may I ask what special plans you have set up for us?
He asked trying to be loud enough over the rushing winds and through the helmets for her to hear him.
Marina: I'm not going to ruin the surprise, but I looked up some places for a great date online.
(Y/N): For a- what?
Marina: GREAT DAY! I said I looked up places to go for a great day online!
(Y/N): Oh, okay. Well, if it's someplace you chose off the list, that might help a bit to guess.
Marina: No need to guess, we're almost there now.
She said as the motorcycle started slowing down and she entered the parking lot to find a place to park her bike.
Upon stopping the bike, (Y/N) took off his helmet and handed it to Marina as he looked around and saw it was some kind of a museum.
He turned back to Marina.
(Y/N): I should've known you would like to go to a museum.
He said with a smile causing her to blush a bit with a nervous smile back.
Marina: I just like how informative and interesting museums are. Plus, Museum d'Alfonsino is an art museum, which I just find a little interesting is all...
(Y/N): No, that's fine. It is cool.
Marina: That's good to hear. Have you ever been here before?
(Y/N): Can't say I have, I don't think.
Marina: Good!
She said as she latched her arm around his.
Marina: Then we can experience it for the first time together. I hear they even have a Greater Inkopolis and Splatlands exhibit we can check out.
He chuckled.
(Y/N): Don't let Frye find out about that. She'd find a way to use it to explain why the Splatlands are better than Inkopolis again.
Marina: You don't think she's seen or heard about it yet with her being an announcer on the Anarchy Splatcast? Or even from coming here to play a Turf War match?
(Y/N): She probably wouldn't have paid attention if she did. She's more likely to hear about it from Big Man more than anything.
Marina: Big Man likes this kind of stuff?
(Y/N): Yup, he's a real artsy guy, which is why he's like the best out there when it comes to writing music- uh, not that he's better than you. I didn't mean-
Marina giggled at his stammering which caused him to stop and look over at her.
Marina: No no, it's fine. He is really good with music. That's why I'm such a big fan of Deep Cut. I don't know how he can do all that work so quickly and so well.
(Y/N): Says the Octoling who needs to be convinced to take a break to get enough sleep sometimes.
Marina: Then can I convince you to tell me how Big Man does it with a good sleep schedule?
(Y/N): Easy. He doesn't. Shiver and Frye basically push him to work extra hard.
Marina: Well, that's some motivation then I guess.
(Y/N) and Marina were looking at the paintings and sculptures around them. Marina was often pointing at them as she read the description next to them before she talked about them with (Y/N) to get his opinions on them.
A few times, Marina rambled on a bunch about a painting's composition causing her to stop herself embarrassedly while (Y/N) chuckled.
Marina: You don't have to laugh you know.
(Y/N): But it's nice seeing you nerd out over all the art. Do you still do those drawings in your notebook?
Marina: Of course, but they're not as good as any of these.
(Y/N): I like your drawings though.
Marina: Well, I do too obviously, but... they look more like the manga I like, not a piece of art like these.
(Y/N): Art is art. And you're good at it. Whether that be drawing, music, or any of the other many things you're great at.
Marina blushed at his compliments.
(Y/N): Even the fanfiction you write is art.
Marina: You read that?!
(Y/N): I didn't know it existed. But now I do.
He said with a smile after tricking her into revealing a secret of hers. Marina hid her face in embarrassment.
Marina: What made you even guess that that was real?
(Y/N): You just seemed like the type. I didn't mean to expose you like that.
Marina: That's exactly what you did though.
(Y/N): Oh... true. Oops.
Marina sighed.
(Y/N): So, can I read it?
Marina: No! Never. Forget about that. Why don't we look at these over here instead?
She said while dragging him to look at something else.
(Y/N): I'll accept your distraction.
He said as the two walked up to a big statue, marveling at its size.
Marina: So, what's been going on for you recently?
(Y/N): Nothing much really.
Marina: That doesn't sound right.
(Y/N): What kind of life do you girls think I live?
Marina: I know you've done something of interest recently. Don't you have something you want to talk to me about?
(Y/N) tried thinking of anything big.
(Y/N): Well...
Marina: Yeah?
(Y/N): Veronica, Eva, and I did get called in by Liz to help her with something today. That's actually where Veronica and I were coming from when you stopped us.
Marina: Oh...
Marina looked down a bit like it wasn't the answer she was looking for before she shook herself.
Marina: Eva?
(Y/N): Yeah. Remember? She's that girl who was there with Liz when I came back? She asked for your and Pearl's autographs?
Marina: Oh right! Sorry, it was just... obviously a bit overshadowed by the whole big emotional reunion, you know?
(Y/N): I get it.
Marina: She didn't stay for too long either. I feel bad we kinda just ignored her like that.
(Y/N): Eh, she got the autographs. I'm sure she's more than content.
Marina: So, what's she like then?
(Y/N): She's pretty strong and awesome, but don't tell her I said that. She's actually the new Agent 3 since Liz became the Captain.
Marina: She is?!
(Y/N): Yeah, didn't you already know that?
Marina: Uh, no?!
(Y/N): Hm. Maybe it was Pearl we told. I doubt Pearl remembers either though.
He snapped himself out of the thinking out loud.
(Y/N): Anyway, she helped save the entire world with Callie, Marie, Liz, and Deep Cut's help.
Marina: Oh cod, what happened now?
(Y/N): I wasn't there, but from what I know, basically: you know Mr. Grizz?
Marina: CEO of Grizzco Industries, yeah?
(Y/N): Yeah, turns out he wasn't actually that little wooden statue thing but an actual immortal telepathic bear who wanted to throw a bunch of goop on the world to transform everyone into mammals or something like that. I'm not sure. It wasn't really explained very well.
Marina: Wait wait wait, go back to that last part.
(Y/N): The part of him using the goop to take over the world? Yeah, apparently that's why he was collecting those eggs from Grizzco jobs.
Marina: No, the first part. Did you actually think Mr. Grizz was the literal wooden statue?
(Y/N) stood there silently for a moment before nervously laughing a bit.
(Y/N): Hehe... noooo. That- That would be stupid. Like, a living wooden statue? Pfff, could you imagine someone thinking that?
Marina: Right...
Marina thought about it.
Marina: What happened after that though?
(Y/N): Well, apparently Eva kicked his big, furry butt out in space with the help of Octavio and her pet Smallfry who transformed into a giant fish I think they said?
Marina: Wha- like a kaiju?! That's so coo- Wait, Octavio helped?
(Y/N): That's what they told me. Didn't think he had it in him.
Marina: Hmm. I wonder if he did it to save his own heinie or something else.
(Y/N): Who knows, but at least it means no one's gotta sit around and watch after him I guess.
(Y/N) chuckled.
Marina: Well anyway, Eva sounds pretty impressive. Would you say you or her is better?
(Y/N): I don't mean to brag-
Marina: -Yes you do.
(Y/N): -BUUUUT... I'm still the uncontested champ.
Marina giggled.
Marina: Okay, hot shot. Maybe I'll have to check her out for myself when Pearl and I have more free time.
(Y/N): Don't tell Callie that you're off hanging out with others when you've got the time. I hear she misses your four's little tea party thing.
Marina: I do too of course, but Pearl and I just haven't really had the time for that again yet since the world tour ended. You can tell Callie as soon as we have some spare time, we'll try and set up a time that's good for all four of us. But even now, Pearl and I have a show in the Splatlands coming up soon we're busy with.
(Y/N): I hear Frye, Shiver, and Big Man have been hanging out with you two plenty though.
Marina: It's all about time for all four of us though.
She said embarrassedly.
Marina: Besides, those three like to just show up uninvited, not that I hate having them around, they're awesome and I'm a big fan, but it's not something we plan either a lot of the time.
(Y/N) chuckled.
(Y/N): I know, you get used to it eventually.
Marina: You do?
(Y/N): No, not really. But you learn to roll with it.
Marina: Must've made date nights a surprise, huh?
She said before realizing what she just said.
(Y/N): Yeah, actually. One moment, I was sitting talking with Big Man or Shiver, and the next second, I'd realize my entire body was horizontal as I had been lifted up by her carrying me over her shoulder to go someplace.
Marina: I-Is that the kind of girl you like..?
(Y/N) just shrugged, not noticing the blushing sad face Marina had on.
(Y/N): I'm not really someone with much of a specific type. If I like someone, I like them.
Marina looked a bit more relieved now, but still some worry on her face (more than how her eyebrows usually made her naturally look).
Marina: What're you going to do now that you two aren't together anymore then?
(Y/N) sounded unsure with the noise he made before he pointed over to something a bit away from them.
(Y/N): Check that one out.
Marina wasn't falling for his deflection, but she thought she wouldn't push it any further and instead just enjoy their time together right now.
Marina and (Y/N) had wandered around the art museum long enough and had seen and gushed over all the art pieces that were there, so the two took their leave.
(Y/N) was sure Marina had more planned, which she proved him right as they stopped somewhere else.
Marina walked up with two ice creams, handing one to (Y/N).
Marina: Make sure you eat it before it melts. It's a little hot out today, so it won't take long.
(Y/N): Okay, mom. But it being hot is what makes the ice cream so delicious to have right now.
He said the "mom" part sarcastically as he proceeded to count out loud the three licks he took to savor his ice cream before he ended up biting straight into the top of the ice cream.
Marina: Did you just bite into the ice cream directly?
(Y/N) only answered with a light scream as his face contorted.
Marina: You're supposed to bite using your lips. Ice cream isn't hard, but it's really cold.
(Y/N): I know that!
Marina: Then why didn't you do it?
(Y/N): I didn't think about it!
Marina laughed as he covered his mouth, waiting for the feeling to go back to normal as he glared at her.
Marina: Don't look at me. That was all you.
(Y/N): I know, but it's easier to shift the blame to someone else...
Marina: Well, keep looking then. I'm not your mom and responsible for you.
She said, rounding back on that sarcastic "mom" comment of his before.
(Y/N) pouted a bit before realizing he had ice cream in his hands and went happily back to eating it along with Marina.
(Y/N)'s eyes suddenly went wide.
(Y/N): Marina, wait! Let me see that ice cream real quick!
Marina was confused at what the big deal was, but he sounded worried like it was an emergency, so she held it out for him to see it.
However, she wasn't ready for him to lick her ice cream instead with a happy smile on his face before leaning back in his seat.
(Y/N): Just as I thought. Your ice cream was as delicious as it looked.
Marina: You can't just lick my ice cream like that.
She sounded jokingly angry through her little laughs.
(Y/N): I can't? But I already did it.
Marina: Let me see yours then real quick.
(Y/N): Hm, weirdly enough, I don't trust letting you see it.
He said with a smile.
Marina: I paid for the ice cream, so let me see it already.
(Y/N) glared as she smirked knowing that her reminding him of that would guilt him into doing it.
(Y/N): Fine, have at it...
Marina: Thank you.
She said with a happy smile before licking his ice cream just as he knew she would, but then he realized she was taking a couple of licks, causing him to yank it back.
(Y/N): Hey! That was more than I got!
Marina: It sure was. And it was tastier than what you got too.
She said while happily licking her lips and giggling.
(Y/N) grumbled to himself a bit before going back to his own ice cream before she could steal any more of his sweet ice cream.
The two went back to happily eating their ice creams and chatting with each other, eventually even getting up to walk while eating the rest of their ice cream when suddenly Marina shifted the topic.
Marina: So, hey... about what ha- Oh my cod!
(Y/N): Huh? What? What?
Marina: Look!
She said while pointing past him, causing him to look and see she was pointing at an Inkling painted all silver as an Inkling Statue.
Marina: It's one of those people who dress up as a statue and don't move at all!
(Y/N): You really like those performers, huh?
Marina: It's just so funny. Who doesn't like it?
She said before making her way ahead of (Y/N) a little bit to stand among the children in front of the performer before she put a coin in the hat he had in front of him.
At first, the performer's eyes were a bit wide as he tried to maintain character, along with many of the kids looking at Marina as well upon realizing who she was. But once Marina put the coin in, the performer started their little dance and the kids all went back to looking at the performer along with Marina.
(Y/N) just shook his head with a smile on his face at how Marina could always get so lost in little things. However, he enjoyed that a lot about her. Maybe he'd tease her about it after she was done watching the show with the rest of the children whose parents were standing nearby.
Marina and (Y/N) continued walking around for a while, eventually finding a nice, quiet place to rest with no one around.
The two enjoyed the quiet view of the area, not talking, but Marina did reach for his hand nervously before deciding not to grab it.
(Y/N): So... out with it already.
Marina: Huh? Out with what?
(Y/N): There's clearly something you've been wanting to ask me all day. You tried asking me about it earlier before cutting yourself off, and it's clear from the talk at the museum, you want to ask about something specific from recently. What is it?
Marina was silent for a moment before thinking about how to word what she wanted to say.
Marina: Don't think this is all I wanted to ask you out today for. I really wanted to ask you about it, but I did really want to spend the day with you too.
(Y/N): It's fine, Marina. What do you want to know?
Marina: Well... I know you two made up, but what exactly happened between you and Pearl?
(Y/N): Why don't you ask Pearl?
Marina: Because Pearl wouldn't actually talk to me about it before... and then she never brought it up after you two made up. I guess... I just felt a bit upset that she wouldn't confide in me what was wrong. And then you didn't tell me either, and I was so worried for a while there, trying to get Pearl to make up with you, just for her to do it without my help...
(Y/N): It wasn't that I didn't want to tell you about what happened between her and I, I just didn't want to talk about it right then.
Marina: Why not?
(Y/N): Eh... it's not important.
Marina: Then can you tell me now?
(Y/N): Now?... No.
Marina: Huh? Why not?
(Y/N): Because it's not my position to tell you. You should ask Pearl about it.
Marina: But she wasn't even willing to tell me about it before, so why would she do it now?
(Y/N): Because you're her friend, aren't you? I think she wants to tell you about it now, but she's too afraid to do it without you asking first. Sometimes a person could use a little helpful push, so think of this as my helpful push to you.
Marina was silent for a moment, thinking about what he said.
Marina: Was it you two dating?
(Y/N): H-HUH?! What? N-No! What would give you that idea?!
Marina: It's just... you know. You two knew each other when you were younger, you two both seemed to have bad memories about it, all that stuff. I thought maybe you two dated when you were younger.
(Y/N): Oh, back then. No. No, we didn't date when we were younger.
Marina: Well, it was worth a shot. I guess I will have to just take your advice and ask her about it directly.
She smiled.
Marina: Thank you, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Anytime, Marina.
Marina: Good. Then to make it up to me for refusing to tell me what happened before AND now, you owe me another da-AAAAY like this one together.
She tripped on the word "day", clearly cutting off the word she was going to say and trying to play it cool.
Marina: All right?
(Y/N): Oh noooo. Are you sure? I guess I can make time for you then.
He said sarcastically as he was more than happy to hang out with her without her making up this excuse of him "owing" it to her, but he was also happy to play along.
Marina: That's good. Now I don't have to tie you up and capture you to do it next time.
She replied jokingly.
Marina: So, should we get out of here then? I'll drop you back off at your place.
(Y/N): I can walk if you wa-
Marina: Nope! I promised Eight that I'd make sure you get home safely. I wouldn't want her angry at me if something did happen to you.
(Y/N) chuckled.
(Y/N): You make a fair point. Okay, let's get going.
He said, standing back up as they headed back to Marina's motorcycle.
(Y/N): I thought you said safely!
He was holding around Marina's waist tightly due to the fast speed they were going. Marina obviously accomplished what she wanted with that.
Marina: You don't trust that this is safe?
(Y/N): I trust that you always do this on purpose!
Marina smiled under her helmet upon hearing him act worried on the back while also holding her closely as the motorcycle proceeded forward to (Y/N)'s home.
(Y/N) handed Marina back the helmet as he stood off her motorcycle.
(Y/N): Thanks for the ride, Marina.
Marina: Yeah, it seems like you really enjoyed it.
She said with a giggle that left him rolling his eyes but still smiling.
Marina honked the horn on her motorcycle for Veronica to know they were outside.
(Y/N): Good luck with Pearl.
Marina: Thanks, and um...
Marina quickly reached over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Marina: Thanks for everything.
Marina saw Veronica walking up, with Marina embarrassed that Veronica saw that.
Marina quickly put her helmet back on.
Marina: Bye!
She said quickly as she took off, lightly hitting the front of her helmet, embarrassed at having done that.
(Y/N) just stared off after her with a smile on his face, not noticing Veronica who was standing beside him with a slightly annoyed face, pouting.
Veronica: How come she gets to do it?
She said with her cheeks puffed up.
(Y/N): Didn't see you there. Haha.
Veronica: Just come inside already.
(Y/N): Okay, you don't have to drag me inside, Veronica.
He said with a chuckle.
Veronica: Yes I do. You don't count as being "home" until you're inside.
(Y/N): Then we better hurry inside before something happens.
He joked.
Upon entering the house, Veronica seemed to relax more finally, having accomplished her goal of getting (Y/N) home safely as Liz asked her to.
However, he was surprised to see Callie and Marie were also there.
Marie smiled warmly at him before Callie walked up to him and started whispering to him.
Callie: Hey, (Y/N)? I think we seriously need to talk with Marie already.
(Y/N): Why? What happened?
Callie: Well, you weren't here when we got here, and Marie basically started to panic more or less. I know you said we'd have to deal with her later, but I think the time is now.
(Y/N): You sure?
Callie: I know Marie. I'm positive.
Marie: You know just because you two are whispering doesn't mean I can't tell you two are obviously talking about me.
Callie: Oopsie!
(Y/N): Uh, sorry, Marie.
Marie: Just spit whatever you two have to say out.
(Y/N) and Callie looked in-between each other.
Callie: Marie, we have to talk about how you've been ever since (Y/N) came back.
Marie: Which is? I've been the same as always.
(Y/N) sighed.
(Y/N): No, Marie. You're practically around me every single day now.
Marie: What's wrong with that? We're just hanging out, the same as before.
Callie: No, Marie, you're clinging to him because you're afraid he'll leave again.
Marie: Wha-? I am not. I'm just... hanging out with him just like I always did.
Callie: Marie, you're not even fooling yourself with that one.
Marie pouted a little upset at her cousin's words.
Marie: Only because he and Pearl were having their big issue the other day. Of course I was worried when there was something actually going on that could do it.
Callie: You're just using that as an excuse. You were already doing this before that happened.
Marie turned to (Y/N).
Marie: Then why did you refuse to even tell Marina and me what was wrong? You were acting just like you did back then when you tried pretending like everything was fine. Am I wrong to think you were doing that all over again?
(Y/N): Marie, I was fine. I only didn't want to talk about what happened because I didn't want you to hear it.
Marie: Wha-? Why not..?
(Y/N): Because I didn't want you to feel guilty because of it.
Marie: What? Why would I-
(Y/N): Because the whole reason what happened to Pearl and me in the past happened is because I didn't bother to treat her like a friend because I kept thinking you two would come back for me one day.
Upon hearing that, Marie's face was one of concern, and even Callie looked a bit sad at hearing those words.
Marie: I... wouldn't have thought that.
(Y/N): I can tell you still even feel it right now. It wasn't your fault. But you've been so afraid and worried over it all, you didn't need it piled on top of what you were already going through, so I didn't want you to be worried.
Marie: Then why are you telling me now?
(Y/N): Because we can't pretend like what you're doing is healthy for yourself. None of what happened is your fault and you need to know that.
Marie: But- before you left because we abandoned you.
(Y/N): Marie, I already told you before. It's okay for people to drift apart. It's normal even if it's sad. What happened wasn't because of that, it was because I couldn't just walk away like you all did.
Marie looked sad, not even because of his words, but because she was sad that she still kept dragging on this issue because she couldn't just put it behind them.
(Y/N): I'm not telling you this so you feel sad. I'm telling you all this now so you can understand and we can actually go back to how we were before and you can act normal. You can be that sassy girl that I- that is so much fun for us all to be around. Can you do that?
Callie: If not for him, then at least for me? You're starting to make me jealous with how you're always with him instead of me...
Callie said with puffed-up cheeks beside Marie.
Marie frowned a bit more at how she still couldn't help but feel bad for this all, but she could at least try and forgive herself so they could actually go back to how they were before. Not because they needed to be the way they were before for them all to be happy, but because she wanted to be happy with them now.
Marie: Okay... Okay, Callie.
Marie said with a soft smirk.
(Y/N): Good. Let's finally nip this in the bud and get this all out of the way behind us one last time. Does anyone have any more questions?
Marie: Yeah, actually, you said what happened when we were kids caused you issues, but I thought you didn't remember that stuff from when we were kids.
(Y/N): Well, yeah, I didn't remember it now so long after and I had tried to put it behind me, but of course that was a big thing for me, so when I was reminded of it, I was obviously able to remember bits and pieces of it when I actually thought of it. And as for back then, it wasn't something I had forgotten yet. It wasn't until... after that whole situation with Pearl that I stopped waiting for you two, and I stopped hoping for it.
Marie: Then, before when you said "you always-"
(Y/N) cut her off.
(Y/N): Yes, I was talking about before you all left me here and when we were kids. Both times you... you just left without saying anything to me. You didn't say anything, you didn't look at me, nothing. You made me think everything was going to be okay because you didn't act like anything was wrong, and by the time I figured out that wasn't the truth, either time, you were always already gone to not have to deal with the aftermath...
Marie: I'm sorry, (Y/N). When we were kids, I... I just didn't want to say goodbye because then it would really feel like I would never see you again...
(Y/N) wanted to stop this sad mood, since this was supposed to wrap it all up for good, not milk this forward when everything's already said and done.
(Y/N): Then I guess you got your wish at least. Sorry.
He said with a smile that caused Marie to let out a little snort.
They both heard a sniffle and turned to see Callie with a stream of tears going down her face, concerning both of them.
Marie: Whoa, Callie, what's wro-
Callie: I'm sorry too!
She said while plopping her face in (Y/N)'s chest.
Callie: I argued with Marie that we should've told you we were leaving, but Marie didn't want to say it, but even then I still couldn't bring myself to tell you either!
(Y/N) reached his arms around and patted her on the back along with Marie.
Marie: Callie, are you only acting this over the top so you can rest your face in his chest?
Callie sniffled.
Callie: Only a little bit, that's the sad part...
She sniffled again.
Callie: I kept on trying to act happy and hopeful after I found you because that's what you needed. But the whole time I wanted to cry my eyes out and just hug you and never let you gooo...
(Y/N) and Marie both smiled, with Marie giving a shake of her head as she understood how big her cousin's hearts were.
Callie: I thought I lost you. Marie didn't tell me anything and I was so mad at her, so I felt like I lost her too. And even worse, I didn't even see any sign of it, before we left or after we came back. You were hurting so much and I didn't notice it. I thought we were besties, but I couldn't even tell at all that you were in trouble...
Callie proceeded to soak up his shirt.
Callie: You kept making up with everyone else while I had to just keep pretending we were fine because you needed someone to lean on, but I wanted to tell you so badly how I felt and how much I missed you like everyone else was and hope you weren't secretly mad at me for acting like I did nothing wrong...
(Y/N) just kept rocking Callie in the hug until she got everything she needed to say out. They were already fine, but Callie deserved her chance to let everything out like everyone else does. (Y/N) was just upset with himself that he got so caught up in everyone else's issues, that he forgot to see if his heroine Callie also needed help.
She kept crying for a little while longer after she was done talking until she was mostly just hugging him still out of comfort and to very slightly make Marie jealous.
(Y/N): So, anything else anyone wants to ask or say?
Veronica: Me!
Marie, Callie, and (Y/N) all looked over at her having, embarrassedly so, nearly forgotten she was there the entire time.
(Y/N): Uh, yeah, sure, Veronica. What is it?
Veronica held up her hair to show off what she was talking about.
Veronica: Do you think I looked cuter with how my hair looked before or do I look cuter now with how my tentacles are a bit longer?
None of them were expecting that line of questioning, so (Y/N) hesitated to respond at first before snapping out of it.
(Y/N): Yeah. Yes, you look cute with both, so whatever you prefer is fine.
Veronica smiled with a satisfied look on her face.
(Y/N) merely let out a light chuckle at how happy Veronica always was with everything.
Callie looked over from Veronica back to (Y/N).
Callie: I changed my mind about what to ask. Do I still look cute even when I'm crying?
Callie looked up at him with pleading eyes as she looked like a bit of a mess with how much she had let out earlier.
(Y/N): Uh...
He looked over to Marie who was holding in a laugh before (Y/N) looked back down at Callie.
(Y/N): Of course you do.
Callie rested the side of her head back on his chest causing her ear to fold back.
Callie: That's good...
(Y/N) and Marie both lightly giggled at Callie's need of praise, while Veronica happily played with her long hair.
Marina POV
Marina found herself standing over Pearl who was sitting on a lawn chair on her back porch.
Pearl: Yo, you're blocking the sun.
Pearl said before taking off the sunglasses and seeing Marina.
Marina: Pearl, what are you doing out here?
Pearl: Letting the sun do its magic. This is the year I finally get a tan!
Marina: Pearl, winter isn't even over yet. Why are you trying to get a tan already?
Pearl: It's kinda warm out. I'm getting started early so I'm ready by the time summer comes around, yo.
Marina just put her hands together and sighed.
Marina: Okay. Anyway. I need to talk to you.
Pearl put the sunglasses back on her face.
Pearl: Shoot.
Marina: I want to talk to you about what happened between you and (Y/N) the other day.
Pearl lifted the sunglasses back up to look at the worried expression Marina had on her face before Pearl took a breath in and let it out.
Pearl: Okay.
Marina: Really? That's all it took?
Pearl: Yup, you asked. Let's do this.
Pearl sat up off the side of the chair as Marina sat down on the chair right next to her.
Pearl: Whatd'ya wanna start with first? About how he and I met? How we broke up?- Not like that Marina, get that face off. How I became the greatest musician ever?
Marina: Why didn't you talk to me about any of it?
Pearl sat silently for a moment before looking a little worried and rubbing the back of her neck.
Pearl: Of course you start with the hardest question first...
Marina: I'm sorry, you don't-
Pearl: Nah, it's fine, yo. It's just...
Pearl shook her arms around a bit.
Pearl: Here we go. Marina, I may not... have always been the best person in the world ever...
Marina: Mhm.
Marina said casually causing Pearl to hesitate a moment before Pearl continued but with a downward expression.
Pearl: Which is probably why I never had any friends my whole life... Until you came along.
Marina's eyebrows kicked up at this.
Pearl: Marina, you're like the coolest person ever, and you finally gave me the one thing I could never have before: a best friend I could rely on to always be there for me.
Marina: Pearlie...
Marina said with a smile while she held her hands over her hearts.
Pearl cut the mushy thing short as she got a bit embarrassed by saying this all.
Pearl: I had tried to have friends before, but I always messed it up. No one could stand to be around me because of how bad I was. Even (Y/N)... I pushed him away just like all the others... but you never did. You were the first one who actually became my friend and stayed by my side through all of the gunk and issues. And I...
Pearl stopped for a second. She didn't hesitate because she was afraid to say it, but she needed to take a second for herself.
Pearl: I didn't want how you look at me to change or even for you to leave me too when you found out how horrible of a person I was before...
Marina: Pearl. Yes, you can sometimes be loud, mean, obnoxious even sometimes, rude, bad-mannered-
Pearl: -I'm not hearing a "but" anywhere, Marina.
Marina: The point is, I know who you are. You're a good person through it all, Pearl. I look up to you and hope that I can be even half as great as you are because you're the best person I know, and I know I can always rely on you. That's why I was sad to see you couldn't do that for me the other day. I felt like I had let you down somehow.
Pearl: But you didn't-
Marina: -I know, it's clear I didn't, but you're my hero, Pearlie. I was worried no matter how irrational it was.
The two sat quietly for a moment between them.
Pearl: Yo, it was actually Eight who made me realize I was being kinda stupid about not being able to trust you on this.
Marina: Did she now?
Pearl: Yeah. She was the one who convinced me to not be afraid to tell you, but I still couldn't bring myself to make that first move... but I am happy I did get to tell you all of this.
Marina: You are?
Marina asked with a smile.
Pearl: For sure, because we're Off the Hook. We've got each other's backs no matter what. When the going gets tough, we can take on the world! But only when I got my main girl, Marina, backin' me up, yo.
Marina: If I've got you by my side, even the impossible feels possible, Pearlie. So, let's face every problem we come across together. Head on.
Pearl and Marina smiled at each other.
Pearl: Don't get cooked..?
Pearl & Marina: Stay off the hook.
6819 Words
July 21, 2024 - 12:55 A.M.
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