S3C Chapter 37: Raise the Stakes
(Y/N) was at his and Veronica's home along with Marie and Veronica.
The three had been hanging out and having a relaxing day when suddenly a knock on the door was heard.
(Y/N) got up and left to answer the door while Marie and Veronica continued the thumb war that Marie had taught Veronica before Veronica quickly became better at than Marie.
(Y/N) wasn't sure who was at the door seeing as how no one told him to expect them. Which is why he was shocked for a moment before he stopped being surprised when he saw the three delinquents, known as Deep Cut, were happily smiling at him in the doorway while they held what looked like sleeping bags and other things they brought.
(Y/N): Do I need to ask?
Frye: We didn't steal any of this!
Big Man: Ay. (Most of it.)
Shiver: People leave out the darndest things unattended. But we brought the sleeping bags and some other things. Now let us in!
She said as she merrily led the way into the house for the other two while (Y/N) stood out of the way before closing the door behind them.
Shiver & Frye: Boss Marie!
Big Man: Ay! (Boss Marie!)
Marie looked over despite knowing who it was the moment she heard that name called out to her.
Marie: Oh kraken...
Marie was then snapped out of it as Veronica viciously gripped Marie's thumb with her own.
Marie: Ouch, careful with that, would ya?
She said to Veronica before being stormed by the three newly arrived guests.
Shiver: We didn't know you'd be here.
Frye: Yeah, why didn't you let us know?!
Marie: Because if I knew you three were coming, I would've ran while I had the chance.
Shiver: Ah, our boss is the funniest.
Shiver said while Frye and Big Man nodded their heads.
Marie: So, what are you three doing here?
Big Man: Ay. (We wanted to stay over here for the night.)
Frye: He did the same at our hideout, now time for us to give it a go!
Shiver: See if this place is really all it's cracked up to be or if we need to steal him back in the middle of the night.
Marie: You can't just take him without paying.
(Y/N): You mean asking, right Marie?
Marie: . . .
(Y/N): Right Marie?
Marie: . . .
(Y/N) turned to the other three with a smile.
(Y/N): She means asking.
Veronica: No, you can't leave yet!
(Y/N): I'm not, Veronica.
He said as she latched herself around his waist.
Marie: Well, I'll leave you five here to wreck the place without me needing to be the responsible one.
Shiver & Frye: Whaaaaat?
Big Man: Ayyyy? (Whaaaaat?)
Frye: But we just got here! You can't leave already!
Shiver: Yeah, don't be a stick in the mud.
Marie: No, I've been here long enough. Besides, Callie should be home and wanting dinner by now.
Shiver: Callie can wait a bit longer for some food.
Shiver said dismissively with a hand wave.
Just then, Marie's phone rang causing Marie to take it out, look at the screen, answer the call, and then put it on speakerphone.
Immediately there was sobbing on the other side of the line.
Callie: M-Marie..? I'm hungryyyy.
Marie just kept an eye on the other three with a raised eyebrow before turning off speakerphone and holding the phone back to her ear.
Marie: I'll be there in a bit with something to eat, all right Callie?
She was quiet for a moment before answering again.
Marie: No, you just had that yesterday, you're not having that again. I'll grab something from that place around the block from our place.
She was quiet for another moment.
Marie: Okay, see ya soon, Callie.
Marie ended the phone call and looked back at the three.
Shiver: Okay, maybe you need to leave.
Marie: Thought so.
Frye: Me personally? I wouldn't say food is ever a bad reason to do somethin'.
Shiver: Of course you wouldn't.
Frye: What's that supposed to mean?!
While the two argued with Big Man trying to settle the two down, Marie turned to Veronica.
Marie: Try not to let those three do anything too bad. And if they do get too bad? Hit them on the head with something.
Veronica laughed at Marie's statement which made Marie smile before saying goodbye to (Y/N) and leaving.
(Y/N) turned back to face the rest of them still there.
(Y/N): So, did you two come here just to argue?
Frye and Shiver stopped mid-argument before turning to him with a smile.
Shiver & Frye: Of course not!
(Y/N): That's good. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to enjoy such a nice sleepover, huh?
Shiver and Frye both grumbled a bit with a pout.
Shiver & Frye: Yeah...
(Y/N): Good, just making sure.
Shiver and Frye turned back to each other and brushed off their argument, as they always do since neither ever liked to admit they could be wrong.
(Y/N): So, got anything you three want to do?
Frye: You don't have anything prepared?
Shiver: How irresponsible of a host you are.
(Y/N): You three didn't tell us you were-
Frye: LUCKILY, I have the solution with me!
She looked around in the stuff she brought but couldn't find it as Big Man stood there holding what she was looking for. Upon noticing, Frye showed it off with jazz hands.
(Y/N): What is that? Some retro game console?
Frye: Sure is! Thought we might all be able to play some classics on this baby!
Veronica: That doesn't look like a baby.
(Y/N): That's not what she means, Veronica.
He said before turning back to Frye.
(Y/N): Where'd you get that from anyway? I didn't know you had that.
Frye: Pssh, I got it from my little brother's room.
(Y/N): He let you borrow all of that?
Shiver: Ha! Frye asking permission, yeah right.
Frye: I don't need to ask. He's not even gonna notice it's gone, so no harm, no foul.
(Y/N) questioned that line of thinking with how much she had usually been prone to upsetting her little brother.
(Y/N): (I'll just try and make sure she doesn't break anything out of anger...)
Shiver: Big Man, you set up the console. Frye and I need to talk with (Y/N) about something first.
Big Man: Ay! (Will do!)
He said while he started to hook it all up to (Y/N) and Veronica's TV as Veronica watched with interest at the retro device.
Meanwhile, Frye looked at Shiver confused.
Frye: Talk about what?
Shiver elbowed Frye and raised her eyebrows.
Shiver: That thing?
Frye kept looking at her confused before Shiver sighed and whispered it into Frye's ear which made Frye's ears and eyelids jump up.
Frye: OOOOH! Yeah, I knew that.
She tried to play it off smoothly.
She did not.
Shiver then grabbed (Y/N) and Frye's hands and dragged them off.
(Y/N) went along with it, curious what it was they wanted to tell him.
Once Shiver had led them out of the main room, she stopped and Frye and Shiver both paused in front of him. The two looked at each other for a few moments, not saying a word, just nudging their heads in his direction while looking at the other.
(Y/N) meanwhile had an eyebrow raised while looking at the two who were seemingly communicating with each other in a way he couldn't figure out, wondering if they were ever going to say anything to him.
The two even seemed to be having an argument as they were frequently pointing at each other with upset expressions before pointing over to (Y/N), but just like their verbal fights, neither seemed willing to budge.
However, during the middle of this battle, out of sight of both of the two who were locked in looking at each other, Veronica walked up behind (Y/N).
Veronica: (Y/N)? The video game is set up. Come play.
(Y/N): Okay, I don't think these two are gonna be done any time soon anyway.
He said before she happily dragged him by the hand back to the main room where Big Man was waiting with the console set up and started.
Shiver POV
Shiver: Fine, whatever. I'll tell him.
Frye: That's what you get! I thought we already decided on that before.
Shiver: Noooo, we keep just ignoring that part and not bringing it up.
Frye: Whatever, just tell him.
Shiver: Okay. (Y/N), we want to-
The two turned to see him being dragged off by Veronica.
The two glared at the Octoling girl who was dragging (Y/N) away.
Shiver: Mayhaps this girl will be a tough challenger after all.
Frye: She saw through us like... I don't know. A window?
Shiver: We'll have to get her out of the way before we can talk to him about this.
Frye nodded with a sense of purpose.
Shiver: Let's not let her get too much time with him away from us. Let's go, Frye.
Frye: Right!
The two walked back to the main room where Frye very quickly lost her game face by, ironically, seeing the video game was hooked up and ready to be played.
Shiver sighed and shook her head realizing that she was going to have to do the heavy lifting and be the brains of this operation.
After a gaming session that involved them all learning the pain that is retro gaming and the lack of quality-of-life features (one that nearly caused the destruction of a retro console before three of them held a certain yellow squid back), the five all decided to relax for a bit and take a break from the video games.
Frye was sulking at how they all got sent back so far in the game just for losing a couple of times.
(Y/N) wiped his forehead, happy they had all managed to stop her from breaking her little brother's console.
(Y/N): How about I make you all something to eat for now? So we can all relax a bit.
Frye: Fine. The game's still dumb though.
She said with her arms crossed and pouting.
Big Man: Ayyy? (Would you rather that or some new game with daily login rewards that force you to keep playing despite the game being minimally supported by the developers?)
Shiver: Ooh, thanks for reminding me to grab my dailies on this gacha game I'm playing.
She said as she pulled out her phone and opened up the app.
Big Man: Ay! Ayy! Ayy! (Nooooo! Shiver, you're part of the problem! This is why games keep getting worse!)
Shiver: My only problem is... THAT I DON'T HAVE THE THING I'M LOOKING FOR YET!
She said as she did her daily login bonuses on her game.
Big Man: Ay. Ay? (You don't even enjoy the game. Why do you care to keep playing?)
Shiver: 99% of gamblers quit just before they hit big. And I'm a winner.
Frye: How much money have ya spent on it already?
Shiver: I really don't see why that's relevant.
Big Man sighed, understanding he wasn't going to get her to break her addiction.
Veronica looked at the game Shiver was playing over her shoulders.
Veronica: Ooh, what's this game?
Big Man: Ay. (Don't trust it, it's evil.)
Veronica: EVIL?! How come?
Big Man: Ay, ayy. (Hmm. Well, let me explain from the beginning.)
Veronica was listening to him explain it all when Shiver looked up from her game for a moment to notice Frye walking off.
Shiver looked around and noticed (Y/N) had walked away at some point when she wasn't paying attention either and realized that's where she was going.
Shiver turned her phone off and walked after Frye.
Shiver: Why're you leaving me behind? I thought we were going to do this together.
Frye looked confused and looked back and forth from her over to (Y/N).
Shiver: I've gotta say though, good eye, catching a moment when she was distracted for us to talk to (Y/N) about what's up.
Frye: ... Yes. That's exactly what I was doing.
Frye POV
Frye: (I can still ask about the food after we're done telling him about our idea.)
Frye thought while proudly walking up to (Y/N) with Shiver in tow behind her as if Frye really had thought about this.
Shiver POV
As the two approached (Y/N), Frye tapped on (Y/N)'s shoulder causing him to turn around, and also made way for her to see the food being cooked.
Frye's eyes widened and her mouth started drooling at the sight.
(Y/N): Um, Frye?
She was still distracted as she now realized how hungry she was.
Shiver tapped on Frye's face with her fan which snapped her out of it.
Frye: Huh? Wha? Oh right, yeah. Um... what's up, hot stuff?
(Y/N): Uh, nothing much? Hehe.
He said with a chuckle which brought her attention from the food to him and snapping out of it further.
(Y/N): You want to know when the food will be done?
Frye nodded her head aggressively which caused Shiver to lightly shove her.
Shiver: Frye!
Shiver snarled at her.
Shiver: You're supposed to be telling him about the thing.
Frye: How am I supposed to focus when I'm this hungry and there's that food right there?!
Frye growled back at Shiver.
Shiver: Just get on with it already befo-
Veronica: (Y/N)!
(Y/N): Yeah, Veronica?
Shiver looked over at Veronica with a glare for once again interrupting them before Shiver looked back at Frye who was still eyeing the food, annoyed since Veronica only got the time to interrupt them because of Frye being so distracted by the food.
Veronica: What food are you making?
(Y/N): Why don't you check for yourself?
He said with a smile while moving out of the way enough for her to see.
When she saw it, she stared at it for a moment before smiling and giving (Y/N) a pleading look.
Veronica: Can I help you cook it?
(Y/N): Sure, just grab an apron first.
Veronica: On it.
She said as she rolled over to the apron before walking back with it on.
(Y/N) let Veronica watch the food for a moment before turning back to Shiver and Frye.
(Y/N): So, what did you two want?
Shiver: Uh...
Frye, while slumped over looking at the food, turned to (Y/N).
Frye: When food done?
(Y/N) chuckled.
(Y/N): Not long. Especially when I'm getting help now.
He said which caused Veronica to look back at them and smile.
Shiver glared at the masterful tricks this Octoling had up her sleeves.
Shiver grabbed the distracted Frye and went back to Big Man as they waited for the food to be done.
When they got there, Shiver sat Frye in the chair to wait for the food to be done cooking. Big Man was still explaining the issues of the problematic modern gaming systems that he was explaining to Veronica, not realizing she was gone.
Shiver gave an uncaring look to Big Man before whacking him with her fan.
Shiver: Big Man.
Big Man: Ay! (Ouch!)
Shiver: She left Big Man.
Big Man: Ay? Ay? (What? When?)
Shiver: A while ago. Rant about it online.
Big Man pouted.
Big Man: Ay... (Aw...)
Shiver: Can you believe her, Frye?
Frye: Huh? Who?
Shiver: Her. She has to know what we're up to. She's threatened by us, and clearly, she's trying to foil our plans.
Frye: Do you think she's trying to mess with our food?!
Shiver: Is all you can think about right now food?!
Frye: Y-No.
Shiver glared at Frye.
Shiver: That Octoling is up to something... Mark my words, Frye. She's the big obstacle in our way that's stopping us. And if we want to succeed, she must be dealt with.
Shiver said as she confidently put a fist on the table, declaring war. However, Frye was still in a hunger haze while Big Man was still moping.
Just then, (Y/N) and Veronica walked in with the plates of food and started setting them out for everyone.
Frye looked happily at the plate Veronica was setting in front of her, while Shiver's glare never left Veronica.
Veronica: Bone apple tea!
(Y/N): Veronica, no, it's "bon appétit".
Veronica: No, I don't think so.
She said confidently while sitting down to eat her food. (Y/N) didn't care to correct her again as he shook his head with a smile.
Veronica happily smiled as she saw Frye scarfing down the food and Big Man happily eating his too.
Veronica: How is it?
She asked the three as she wanted to know how her cooking was tasted.
Shiver kept her glare on Veronica even as Shiver was chewing the food.
Shiver: It's delicious.
She said while still chewing and enjoying the food.
The three Deep Cut members were all in their sleeping bags right now with (Y/N) and Veronica on the couch.
Shiver, Frye, and Big Man all brought some manga to read now, with Big Man even lending a couple to Veronica for her to check out while (Y/N) was reading the book he had too.
Veronica: Whoa! This manga is awesome! He just fired off a laser beam from his hands like PTOO-PTOO!
She said, mimicking laser noises as she did hand signs.
Frye: That's not how a laser sounds. A laser sounds more like "PSS-PSS"!
Shiver: Frye, don't be so childish. A laser would obviously sound more like "PEW-PEW"!
Frye: Sure, if you've never heard what a laser sounds like before maybe.
Big Man shook his head as the two always seemingly had to make an argument out of everything, while (Y/N) just shook his head with a smile.
Veronica: (Y/N)! Do you have any manga like these?
(Y/N): I think I've got some like those around somewhere, yeah.
Veronica: Can you show me?
She said while leaning over toward him on the couch.
(Y/N): Sure, let me see if I can go find it.
He said while shutting his book and going off to his room to find the old manga he had lying around that Veronica would be interested in.
Shiver and Frye noticed their chance to move and checked to see that Veronica was properly distracted with her manga before nodding to each other and getting up to go after him.
Veronica POV
Veronica smiled at the detailed illustrations on the pages she was flipping through. The jokes in the middle of the story also made her giggle and want a story that had funny comedy moments to.
She decided she'd let (Y/N) know that before he picked one out for her to read, so she got up and left the room to go after (Y/N). However, when she left the room, she soon bumped into someone.
She rubbed her nose and then checked who she had bumped into to see Shiver and Frye standing there with their arms crossed.
Frye: Where ya goin' in such a hurry, huh?
Veronica: Oh, I was gonna go find (Y/N).
Shiver: I don't think so.
Shiver said while poking Veronica's nose with her fan.
Veronica: Huh?
Shiver: We've got to talk to him privately, and we're not gonna be interrupted by you again.
Veronica: Oh...
Veronica looked down.
Veronica: Okay!
She said while looking up normally and beginning to turn around to walk off.
Shiver: Wait, you're just going to give up that easily?
Frye: No fight?
Shiver: What she said. No fight?
Veronica: Why not? You said you wanted to talk to him in private first.
Shiver: You're not going to stop us? Worried we'll do something bad?
Veronica: No?
Shiver and Frye were quiet for a moment.
Frye: Why not..?
Veronica: You two can be really loud and really mean to each other. And you act all funny.
She said while giggling at the last part.
Veronica: But you all helped (Y/N) so much when he was with you. Showing him a lot of care that none of us had for so long. So, I'm sure you three are actually really... sweet!
She said with a smile before walking away back to the main room with Big Man, leaving Shiver and Frye standing there, watching her leave.
Shiver POV
The two women watched the direction Veronica had left.
Shiver and Frye were surprised at the words Veronica had said before she left, almost unable to grasp what she really said.
Shiver: Nice kid.
The two kept watching after Shiver said that with a pause before Frye also chimed in.
Frye: Baaaad judge of character.
Shiver nodded in agreement with Frye before the two quickly turned around and now seized their opportunity to be alone with (Y/N) finally.
(Y/N) was searching through his stuff.
(Y/N): It's official. They definitely went through my stuff while I was gone.
(Y/N) stood up and turned around to try and think where they might've moved his stuff to after going through it, but found himself face-to-face with Shiver and Frye.
(Y/N): Oh, hey you two, what's up?
The two, without saying a word, pushed him onto the edge of his bed before the two sat next to him on each of his sides.
(Y/N): What's going on?
Frye: We've been wanting to tell you something for a while.
Shiver: We kept trying to but kept being interrupted, but now there are no more interruptions.
(Y/N): What's this about? You two are starting to make me worried.
Frye: It's about that issue.
(Y/N): Oh... In my defense, Big Man was also throwing the ball with me when it happened.
Frye: What?
(Y/N): What?
Frye: What're you talking about?
(Y/N): What are you talking about?
He said while nervously looking at her for a moment before she answered.
Frye: I'm talking about our relationship situation.
(Y/N) went wide-eyed with a face of realization.
(Y/N): OOOoooh.
Frye: So, what were you talking about?
(Y/N): Oh, you knooow, the same.
Shiver and Frye both glared at him, knowing he and Big Man were hiding something they did, but they decided to ignore it, figuring that they'd be able to bully it out of Big Man later.
Frye: Look, we thought a lot about what to do to make us both happy given the situation.
Shiver: You obviously heard some of our... less thought-out ideas.
(Y/N): So, I'm guessing you two came up with another idea?
Frye: We came up with our solution. We're sure this one will work, but it's uh... a little awkward to say...
(Y/N): It can't be worse than the idea of cutting me in half. By the way, which half were you each going to take? I've got a bet with Liz on it.
Shiver: That's not important.
Frye: She would say that when she chose that half.
Frye said which made Shiver blush a bit.
Shiver: That's not important right now!
Shiver recollected herself.
Shiver: So, our way to fix everything...
(Y/N): Yeah?
Shiver: Obviously, we had to also deal with the issue that all those other girls think they are better and stand a chance against us. Which, of course, they don't, hehe.
Shiver said nervously.
Frye: But we thought there was a waaay... to make our superiority over them more appealing than it already is over those Inkopolitans.
(Y/N) was now looking back and forth at the two. They were clearly dragging out what they wanted to say, so he was trying to guess what they were getting at.
Frye and Shiver looked at each other before both nodding at each other.
Frye: We would...
Shiver & Frye: -both be with you.
The three were silent for a minute before (Y/N) finally spoke up.
(Y/N): Did I hear that correctly?
He said while making sure his ears were clear.
Frye: Don't make us say it again.
Frye looked embarrassed. Same as Shiver who was trying to hide herself behind her fan.
(Y/N): Like, an open relationship?
He eyed the two wearily.
Shiver & Frye: No no no no.
Frye: Not an open relationship.
Shiver: It would just be us three.
(Y/N): Wouldn't people find something like that weird?
Frye: Who cares? Inkopolis might be a stuck-up, boring place, but the Splatlands are the land of chaos.
Frye said proudly, letting her feelings of the Splatlands overtake her embarrassment for a moment.
Shiver: It's just us. Yeah, maybe those other girls have some nice traits, but nothing like that could beat the two best choices together.
She said before hiding her face deeper behind her fan at the words coming out of her mouth.
(Y/N): And this was the best solution you two could come up with?
Shiver & Frye: Yes.
Frye: It's the best option for us both to see each other happy. And once the idea came up, we realized we'd both be fine with it.
(Y/N): And neither of you see any issue with it?
Shiver & Frye: No.
Shiver: As long as Frye is fine with it and I'm not imposing myself on you two, I wouldn't mind.
Frye: And as long as it's Shiver, I don't see a problem with it. She's my best bud and I want her to be as happy as I am.
(Y/N) was taking in everything they were saying, trying to make sense of what still didn't seem real in his head.
(Y/N): Okay, so you say the people of the Splatlands don't care, but how about your fans? Wouldn't they all hate me?
The two girls laughed.
Frye: Who cares what our fans think when it comes to our personal lives?
Shiver: Although you are right, plenty would probably want to tear you apart out of jealousy.
(Y/N): And your families?
Fyre: Hmm. I didn't think about that one.
Shiver was smiling and let out a little laugh.
Shiver: I did. My family would be furious. Haha!
(Y/N) gulped nervously.
Shiver: Ahem. Not that it matters what they think. If you say yes, I couldn't care less about how they feel about it.
Frye: Me too!
Shiver: Not that you have to say yes right now at least. This was weird enough for all of us already, so you can take some time to decide how you feel about this setup. Then you can feel the embarrassment we did of having to bring this up with us when you eventually give us your answer.
(Y/N): Right...
The three sat silent for a few seconds.
Frye: So, have you thought of an answer yet-
Shiver smacked Frye with her fan before Frye caught the fan with her teeth.
Shiver: Frye! Ya can't expect him to answer that quickly.
Frye let go of the fan and pouted.
Frye: I know... I just want some loving again...
Shiver: Well, I'm sure we can easily make (Y/N) understand all the benefits that this sort of arrangement would come with as well.
(Y/N) was stuck in his thoughts at the moment, thinking over many things right now before he noticed the two eyeing him up in front of him with smirks on their faces.
(Y/N): What? What's going on?
Veronica POV
Veronica was talking with Big Man about the manga he loaned her, telling her more about the series and how there was so much more of it that she now wanted to check out.
However, Veronica was distracted from Big Man when she noticed Frye and Shiver walking back into the room with smug smiles on their faces, leaving Big Man confused before (Y/N) also walked out afterward with a bunch of marks around his face causing Big Man to look concerned.
Veronica: What happened, (Y/N)? Did you get your suckers stuck to your face?
(Y/N): Something like that.
Frye: N-NO IT'S NOT!
Shiver: Yes it is!
Frye: Nope! No, it's not!
Shiver: Then let me take a look at it to see.
Frye quickly picked it up and held it behind her back.
Shiver: Frye!
Frye: I'm not done reading it yet!
Shiver tried reaching and grabbing the manga out from behind Frye's back, but even with one arm behind her back, she was managing to keep it out of reach of Shiver.
Frye: Just let me finish it first!
Shiver stopped trying to climb over Frye.
Shiver: You have until we leave to go back home to the Splatlands to finish reading it!
Frye pouted.
Shiver: Don't you pout! That's more than enough time to finish that one manga! And I've already given you more than enough time before now!
Frye pouted, sat back down on her sleeping bag, and started reading the manga while mumbling to herself as Shiver went back to her own manga.
Veronica giggled at the two's interaction before turning back to (Y/N) and looking his tired expression over.
Veronica: Hey. Where's the manga you were getting?
She pouted at (Y/N) causing him to sigh.
~The Next Morning~
Shiver, Frye, and Big Man were all packed up with everything they brought. Shiver even got the manga she loaned Frye back too.
Big Man: Ay! Ay. (Thanks for letting us stay over! They didn't tell me they didn't tell you by the way.)
He said, whispering the last part to (Y/N) and Veronica.
(Y/N): It's fine, Big Man. I don't mind if you three ever want to come over.
Big Man looked over at Shiver and Frye before looking back at (Y/N).
Big Man: Ay? (You sure?)
(Y/N) chuckled.
(Y/N): Yes, I'm sure.
Big Man smiled.
Big Man: Ayy! Ay! (Then I'll take you up on that again sometime! See ya later!)
Big Man left out the door as Shiver and Frye also walked over toward the door in front of (Y/N) and Veronica.
Shiver: Welp, see ya later.
Frye: And don't forget to think about that thing we told you!
(Y/N) blushed a bit.
(Y/N): I will, I promise.
Frye: Good!
Shiver nodded with eyes closed in a way that said she was confident in what she believed would happen.
Shiver then looked at Veronica which caused Veronica to stare back and question what was happening.
Shiver: Hey.
Veronica: Huh?
Shiver: You're not so bad.
Veronica sat there for a moment before smiling at Shiver.
Veronica: You too, you two!
Shiver once again looked proud while Frye looked fired up before the two had said everything they wanted to and were ready to leave.
Shiver & Frye: See ya later!
The two turned to leave and as they were walking away, Frye asked Shiver something.
Frye: Shiv, can I borrow that next manga issue by the way?
Shiver: Oh, sure. I'll give it to you when we get back. Only for a week or so though, okay?
Frye: Of course!
(Y/N) shut the door behind the three band members.
Veronica: By the way, (Y/N), how come they got to sleep with you in your bed last night?
(Y/N): Simple. I didn't invite them in there with me.
Veronica pouted a bit.
Veronica: Then why wasn't I allowed?
(Y/N): Veronica, most of the time I wake up with you in my room, you invited yourself in too.
Veronica: Oh, right!
She said with a smile and hugged him before she ran off, leaving (Y/N) behind by himself.
After Veronica ran off, (Y/N)took a second to relax by sitting on the couch by himself as he rubbed his face with his hands, giving himself a moment to rest and think about what happened yesterday.
(Y/N) sighed.
(Y/N): This doesn't make anything easier at all...
4852 Words
July 11, 2024 - 12:12 A.M.
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